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Chapter 265: Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda

 After a while, Ding Yi slowly calmed down his chaotic thoughts and started talking about his own affairs.

In fact, Ding Yi's story is not complicated. His experience is somewhat similar to Qiao Yingzi's, but the pressure he endures is more serious than Qiao Yingzi's.

Qiao Yingzi was only forced by her mother, and her father Qiao Weidong was a qualified harbor, so she was able to maintain a cheerful personality after all these years.

That is to say, I have been under a lot of pressure and had too many things in the past few months, so I have been forced to a bit severe, and I have developed mental problems.

But Ding Yi is different. His parents have always been strict with him. They will not let him get anything he likes if they think it is not good.

What really made him collapse was his senior year in high school. He didn't do very well in last year's college entrance examination. He originally wanted to apply for a major he liked, but in the end he was forced by his parents to apply for one of his majors.

A major I don’t like.

When he went to college, although he was no longer forced by his parents all the time, his condition completely broke out when faced with an environment and a major he didn't like.

The constant insomnia made it difficult for Ding Yi to take care of himself in college, and he had more and more problems, and finally had to drop out of school.

Ding Yi is definitely a rare person who dropped out of college after just a few months.

"I'm really in pain and uncomfortable right now. Only death can free me."

The delicate Ding Yi grabbed his hair in pain. The more he thought about it, the more disordered his mind became and his mood became more and more irritable.

"Ding Yi, you must not think like that."

Seeing Ding Yi's excitement, Zhou Chen quickly tried to persuade him: "Have you ever thought about it, you are less than twenty years old and you still have decades to live. If you just jump like this, you will really have nothing."

"Death cannot solve the problem, only living can solve the problem."

"Living will only be more painful."

Ding Yi's eyes were bloodshot and he retorted to Zhou Chen.

Zhou Chen: "Living is indeed painful, but pain is also a human experience. You say you are in pain, but do you understand why you are in so much pain?"


Ding Yi didn't fully understand why he was in so much pain. He only knew that he thought too much, and the more he thought about it, the more painful he became.

"Because you have never resisted, everything for you has been arranged by your parents, and you live like a walking zombie. Maybe it is because you are very filial, so you don't want to resist your parents, but because of this, you have lost yourself.

Putting your spiritual world into chaos, you..."

Zhou Chen talked a lot, some of which he had said to Qiao Yingzi before, and some of which he had improvised based on Ding Yi's situation.

At this moment, Zhou Chen felt as if he had learned how to escape with his mouth, and his mind was blessed with all kinds of words and sentences coming easily.

Ding Yi was immediately stunned by what Zhou Chen said. Not only him, but also Qiao Yingzi also opened his eyes wide and looked at Zhou Chen in shock.

In Qiao Yingzi's impression, Zhou Chen was not the kind of person who could talk. That is to say, when he was with a few of them, he would talk more, but when he was with other classmates, he couldn't say much at all.

I didn't expect that today, in order to save Ding Yi, who wanted to commit suicide by jumping off a building, he could say so many words in one breath.


Zhou Chen said so much that he felt his mouth was dry, so he stopped.

"Ding Yi, I have said so much, do you understand?"

Ding Yi had a dull expression and scratched his head, looking quite cute.

"I kind of understand it, but I don't understand it yet."


Zhou Chen didn't know what to say, so he said everything he could. If Ding Yi still didn't understand, then he would have to use brute force.

But Qiao Yingzi spoke at this time.

"Ding Yi, I really understand you because I am experiencing everything you have experienced."

"Qiao Yingzi, you also..."

Ding Yi looked at Qiao Yingzi in shock. He knew that he was sick and what kind of disease he had, but he never expected that Qiao Yingzi was like him and said it without any scruples.

"Yes, I am the same, that's why I understand you. I know that kind of feeling, that kind of pain. People who have not experienced it personally will not understand."

"Well, well, Qiao Yingzi, you are so right, that feeling is too painful, that's why I want to end it all."

When Ding Yi talked to Qiao Yingzi again and again, his attitude was obviously much better. Even though Zhou Chen said so much, Qiao Yingzi's words were not as meaningful to him.

Zhou Chen's expression was helpless, and all the emotions he had just brewed up were in vain.

The two 'patients' Qiao Yingzi and Ding Yi began to communicate. Ding Yi obviously listened to Qiao Yingzi's words.

Under Qiao Yingzi's persuasion, Ding Yi slowly left the edge of the roof. His expression was not as crazy as before, and he seemed to have calmed down a lot.

Just when Qiao Yingzi and Ding Yi were chatting in full swing, suddenly Qiao Yingzi's cell phone rang.

When Qiao Yingzi saw the caller ID on her phone, her expression suddenly changed: "It's my dad."

Zhou Chen said: "They probably woke up in the middle of the night and found you weren't there. They were worried that something might happen to you, so they called you. Please answer it quickly."

Qiao Yingzi no longer hesitated, immediately answered the phone and told her mother about her situation, but she did not dare to leave because Ding Yi was still on the roof. What if she left and Ding Yi couldn't think about it again?

Zhou Chen also has the same concerns. Even today's society has not conquered the disease of depression. No one can guarantee what kind of behavior a depressed patient will have.

However, Qiao Yingzi's house was in chaos at this time.

"What? Yingzi went to the roof?"

Song Qian shouted in shock, the expression on her face was even more horrified.

Qiao Weidong just got up to go to the bathroom and wanted to see how his daughter was sleeping. But when he opened his daughter's door, he found that his daughter was not lying on the bed or staying in his room.

Because Qiao Yingzi was diagnosed with mild depression, Qiao Weidong was frightened when he found out that Yingzi was not there, and his mind suddenly became very clear.

After searching the room again, he still couldn't find his daughter. Qiao Weidong suddenly became confused, rushed to the bedroom, and woke up Song Qian who was sleeping.

After Song Qian woke up and learned that her daughter was missing, she was even more excited than Qiao Weidong, and tears flowed down her face.

"What to do, what to do? If Yingzi is gone, I won't be able to live either."

Qiao Weidong was already irritable, but when Song Qian cried like this, he became even more irritable.

"Stop crying. Can crying solve the problem? It's all my fault. Even though I knew Yingzi was sick, I still slept like that. If I hadn't slept so deeply, I would have heard the sound."

Qiao Weidong was extremely regretful. The main reason he came to live here was for his daughter. Now that his daughter had disappeared in the middle of the night, he was just as anxious as Song Qian.

"By the way, make a call. I didn't see Yingzi's cell phone just now. She must have brought it with her."

Then the two called Qiao Yingzi's cell phone and learned that when Qiao Yingzi was on the rooftop, Song Qian was so frightened that she fell to the ground and almost fainted.

In fact, Qiao Weidong is not much better than Song Qian, but he is a man after all and has a better ability to withstand pressure.

After hanging up the phone, he took Song Qian and ran towards the roof of the building without even taking the elevator.

But when they came to the rooftop and saw two other people besides their daughter, they were immediately stunned.

"Yingzi, what's going on with you guys?"

Qiao Yingzi struggled to explain it to her parents. Qiao Weidong and Song Qian finally breathed a sigh of relief when they learned that it was not their daughter who wanted to jump off the building.

However, they soon became concerned again, because someone really wanted to jump off the building, and he was Song Qian's former student. This matter was quite troublesome.

In the end, Song Qian called Ding Yi's parents and waited for nearly an hour before Ding Yi's parents came to take Ding Yi back.

At this point, this matter can be considered to have come to an end.

Although there were no casualties today, it was definitely a great fear for Qiao Weidong and Song Qian.

They already know what happened to Ding Yi and why he committed suicide. This incident touched them so much that they couldn't help but think of their daughter Qiao Yingzi.

Fortunately, Qiao Yingzi's condition was discovered relatively early. If it really developed like Ding Yi, the consequences would be unimaginable.

That is to say, Ding Yi was lucky today and met Zhou Chen and Qiao Yingzi. Otherwise, if he jumped from the top floor, he would most likely not survive.

Qiao Weidong and Song Qian didn't fall asleep in the middle of the night. They kept discussing in low voices how to treat their daughter in the future and how to cure their daughter's illness as soon as possible.

Also unable to sleep was Qiao Yingzi. Although she saved Ding Yi today, Ding Yi's incident also deeply touched her.

Although she realized that she was sick before, she did not fully understand the disease, but Ding Yi's reaction and actions today made her realize the horror of this disease, which made her fear herself.

If one day, she becomes like Ding Yi, then life will really be worse than death.

As she thought about it, time passed slowly, but she became increasingly unable to sleep.

If anyone among these people can sleep well tonight, it is undoubtedly Zhou Chen.

For him, he did a great thing today and saved a living life.

As the saying goes, saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda.

With this thought in mind, he quickly fell asleep.

As the winter vacation approaches, several major events have happened during this period.

The first is the Fang family. Fangyuan got a job after getting help from Zhou Chen. After more than two months, she has done pretty well.

However, he did well here, but there was a problem with Tong Wenjie. Because she was harassed by her boss, she finally quit her job in anger and became unemployed.

The Fang family, which had just seen a slight improvement, lost another profitable labor force, and the pressure suddenly became greater.

To make matters worse, Fang Yifan's grandparents were defrauded of a large sum of money, which plunged the Fang family into a huge crisis.

Fang Yifan was troubled by this incident and asked everyone to help him come up with ideas.

The money that the Fang family lacked was just a drop in the bucket for Zhou Chen, but he didn't go to help. He wasn't a money-splitting boy. People didn't even ask him. Is it possible that he rushed to borrow money?

Someone else has their own way of handling things, so as an outsider it is best not to interfere.

In addition to the Fang family, there was also a problem with the Ji family, and that was Ji Yangyang's mother. The fact that Liu Jing had cancer was known to other families.

In the end, Liu Jing agreed to undergo a mastectomy and is now waiting for the surgery.

Ji Yangyang has been very silent during this period, and rarely bubbles up in the group. At most, he only responds when faced with the comfort of others.

The winter vacation is coming, and students have the rare opportunity to usher in the most relaxing time of the year, waiting for the arrival of the Spring Festival.

In the final exam, Zhou Chen used his super strength to go from fourth place in the mid-term exam to second place, second only to the genius child Lin Lei'er, and became the biggest figure in the third grade of high school.

In just one semester, I went from being a low-level student to a top student with a score of over 700.

This magnificent turn can be called the biggest miracle of the 2018 class of Chunfeng Middle School.

Entering the winter vacation does not mean that all students have entered a state of relaxation. On the contrary, there are many senior high school students who are no less busy than when they were in school.

Tutorial classes from morning to afternoon and afternoon to evening have become the norm.

In addition, many outstanding senior high school students from Chunfeng Middle School have participated in famous and efficient winter camps and traveled to different cities to participate in winter camps.

Just like Lin Lei'er and Huang Zhitao, they both participated in the winter camp of Shuimu University and have already gone to class.

Zhou Chen is relatively free. Apart from staying at home, he also supervises work at the mask factory, and his life is quite fulfilling.

During the winter vacation, the prestige group belonging to Zhou Chen and the others would never have a peaceful day. There were hundreds of messages every day. Every time, Fang Yifan started the topic, and several others followed suit,

There are literally hundreds of them.

When Zhou Chen has nothing to do, he often hangs out in groups.

The Fang family is holding a family meeting at the moment.

Not long ago, the Fang family lost a huge sum of money, forcing Fangyuan and Tong Wenjie to sell their original big house to make up for the hole.

Just when the hole was repaired, another more serious thing happened.

That is, Tong Wenjie, who is already over 40 years old, unexpectedly found out that she was pregnant again.

Unlike in the TV series where there was no job, now I have a good job and I really want this child so that Tong Wenjie can keep it.

But Tong Wenjie, who has lost her job, doesn't really want this child because of her family's financial problems. It's not that she doesn't want it, but she's afraid that after the child is born, he will suffer hardships with them.

Also, my son Fang Yifan and nephew Lin Lei'er will take the college entrance examination in a few months.

If she chooses to have this child, given her advanced age, most of her energy will be focused on ensuring the pregnancy, and she will not have much time to ask about her son and nephew's college entrance examination.

Therefore, Tong Wenjie is not as free and easy as Fangyuan. She thinks too much and has too many worries.

But before the couple could make a decision, Fang Yifan and Lin Leier happened upon something that shocked and angered them.

After these two guys learned about their family problems, they actually chose to become tutors. Lin Leier even resigned from the winter camp at Shuimu University for this reason.

Tong Wenjie, who accidentally learned the news, immediately went into a rage. When she caught Fang Yifan, she beat him up.

This made Fang Yifan very aggrieved. It was his idea, but he didn't ask his cousin to leave the winter camp, but his mother didn't listen to his explanation at all and beat him up.

Lin Lei'er stood aside, begging for mercy and explaining to Fang Yifan, but the more he spoke, the angrier Tong Wenjie became, so she hit him two more times.

Even if it weren't for the fact that she was pregnant, I'm afraid she would have beaten her even more severely.

This chapter has been completed!
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