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Chapter 352: Invite Gu Jia

 "Xiaoqin, is what you said true?"

At Gu Jia's home in Junyue Mansion, Gu Jia asked Zhong Xiaoqin in surprise.

Zhong Xiaoqin nodded while eating an orange and said: "Well, what our Chen Yu said, he said that you are very suitable for the conditions proposed by Zhou Chen. He thinks you are very suitable to be the principal, but he is embarrassed to speak.

, so let me ask for your opinion."

Gu Jia frowned. Now it seems that Zhou Chen is indeed in some trouble. Logically speaking, she owes Zhou Chen a favor and should help.

But the problem is that the rehabilitation center has just started, so it goes without saying that it will be very busy, especially as the general manager, he is destined to be even busier.

Once she gets busy, she may not be able to take care of her family. This is where she struggles.

"Xiaoqin, what do you think?"

After Zhong Xiaoqin finished eating a whole ugly orange, she said: "I think you can give it a try. Chen Yu said that Zhou Chen's conditions are very good. An annual salary of one million is just the basis. Gu Gu, your ability is so outstanding, I think you can do a good job."

"I know you are thinking about Ziyan, but now that Ziyan has gone to kindergarten, you don't need to follow him all the time during the day, you still have time to do what you want to do."

"Furthermore, our family Chen Yu said that this is a true charity with immeasurable merits. He also said that he would do it even if he didn't get paid, just as praying for our children."

Gu Jia smiled and said: "Before, you complained that your teacher Chen didn't like children and didn't want children. But now, she is more nervous than you."

Zhong Xiaoqin also smiled and said: "Yeah, I didn't expect him to have such a side. It seems that it is indeed a good thing for him to resign from the TV station and work under Zhou Chen."

Before, her family did not agree with Chen Yu's job-hopping, but now, she feels that Chen Yu's choice is the right one.

"Gu Gu, please think about it carefully. Anyway, I just think that it would be too humiliating for an outstanding female hero like you to stay at home and be a housewife. You should go and see the wider world."

Gu Jia is really excited. The experience during this period has made her ambition even greater. She knows that it is difficult to have much room for development just relying on her husband's fireworks company, because this industry is too dangerous.

, once a problem occurs, the consequences will be very serious.

If Xu Huanshan hadn't insisted on making fireworks, she would definitely not have supported it. Now that she has seen a broader world, she is no longer satisfied with the status quo.

In addition, her son Xu Ziyan has already entered kindergarten, so she can spare time and energy. She really wants to do something, but she has never thought of doing anything.

The news that Zhong Xiaoqin brought to her today made her already ready heart become even more restless.

"Xiaoqin, I need to discuss this with Huanshan."

"What about your own thoughts?" Zhong Xiaoqin asked.

Gu Jiadao: "To be honest, I want to give it a try. As your Chen Yu said, it can make money and do charity at the same time. I'm afraid Xu Huanshan won't agree."

Zhong Xiaoqin said, "Why should he disagree? You are more capable than him. You have been a housewife for several years. You should go out and do something you want to do."

"Don't say that. Husband and wife should understand each other. If he really doesn't agree, I will definitely not go. I will ask when he comes back."

"Then you should think about it carefully. Chen Yu and I both think you can do it."

Zhong Xiaoqin really hopes that Gu Jia can go to the rehabilitation center to be the principal, because Chen Yu is working there now, and if her immediate boss is Gu Jia, she can rest assured.

However, she also understands that as her best friend, if it may cause family conflicts, she may not do it.

"If you make a decision, just tell me and I'll ask Chen Yu to bring it up with Zhou Chen."

That night, Gu Jia told Xu Huanshan about this matter. Originally, Xu Huanshan was leaving for Yanjing tomorrow and wanted to have an early rest, but when he heard his wife talking about this matter, he suddenly lost his sleepiness.

"Do you want to work in Zhou Chen's rehabilitation center, or be the principal?"

Xu Huanshan was frightened by what Gu Jia said. He asked, "Didn't you say you wanted to take care of Ziyan at home? Why did you remember to go to work again, and to work with Zhou Chen?"

Gu Jiadao: "Isn't it true that Ziyan is in kindergarten now? I don't need to keep an eye on him every day. Besides, you have also seen the situation in the company during this period. If there were no orders for the park, it would be difficult for the company to continue operating, so

I don’t think we can put all our energy on the fireworks company. We should have other industries or businesses. I think this opportunity is very good.”

Xu Huanshan asked: "We were friends with Zhou Chen before, but if you go to his place, you will become his subordinate. I don't think it's okay."

"What's the relationship between friends and subordinates? Besides, we still owe him a big favor. This time he's in trouble. I think we should help."

It was indeed Gu Jia's idea to help Zhou Chen. In addition, the conditions of this job were really good, and she really didn't want to be a housewife for the rest of her life.

Xu Huanshan said: "I think you still need to think carefully. This is not just a matter of talk. That rehabilitation center must have been very busy at the beginning. If you go there, you will definitely not be able to take care of your family. If both of us are busy, then...

What should I do?"

Gu Jiadao: "Sister Chen can help pick her up and drop her off. Normally, she can also ask my dad to come and take care of her. It just so happens that my dad is also free."

Seeing that Gu Jia had already thought about how to arrange it, Xu Huanshan frowned even more.

"Honey, we agreed at the beginning that we would go home and be a housewife because of Ziyan. Now that Ziyan has just entered kindergarten, you have to go to work. I don't think it's appropriate."

Hearing what Xu Huanshan said, Gu Jia was a little angry. It was agreed between the two of them that she was willing to be a housewife, and she said she would only do it for a few years. But now that Xu Ziyan is in kindergarten, she just offered to go out to work.

Xu Huanshan was so opposed to it.

Moreover, Xu Huanshan has been complaining more and more recently. She asked for help for her family business, but in the end, instead of getting help, she was complained by Xu Huanshan.

Now he has to go to work, but Xu Huanshan disagrees and wants to let her stay at home as a housewife.

She can compromise for her son and be a housewife, but she cannot remain a housewife for the rest of her life.

But Gu Jia still had patience and said: "Husband, I also want to share the burden for my family. The fireworks company is still full of risks. I go out to work and can avoid risks. In this way, even if there is a problem with the fireworks company, our family will not be in trouble."


Xu Huanshan said impatiently: "Why do you always think that something will happen to our company? All the safety precautions in the company's factory are handled by you, how can it be so easy to go wrong?"

"Don't be afraid of 10,000, just be afraid of the worst. You can't put all your eggs in one basket. Husband, Ziyan has grown up now, has a teacher in the kindergarten, and has Sister Chen and my dad at home. Even if I'm not here, there will be no problem."

"Okay, anyway, if it's your decision, I can't change it. I don't think I can make the decision even if I have dinner. This kind of thing is even more impossible. You can make the decision yourself."

Xu Huanshan was angry, but he didn't dare to vent it loudly. He just muttered a few words, then covered his head and fell asleep.

Looking at Xu Huanshan, who was acting like a child again, Gu Jia sighed. Her husband was good at everything, but he would act like a child, and when he was dissatisfied, he was like this.

But Gu Jia is also a woman with a distinctive personality. She feels that she has done the right thing, so even if Xu Huanshan loses her temper, she still does not think about giving up.

When Xu Huanshan woke up, Gu Jia had prepared all the necessary items for him to go to Yanjing. This moved him but also made him feel pressured.

Because he thought of what Gu Jia said yesterday. In his opinion, the reason why Gu Jia wanted to go out to work was because she didn't believe that he could support a family.

This is definitely a great shame for a man.

He objected to Gu Jia going out to work, not only because he wanted Gu Jia to be a housewife, but also because he wanted to establish his own status in the family.

Although he listens to Gu Jia's advice on many things, he is still somewhat chauvinistic in his heart, but he just doesn't show it out at ordinary times.

Xu Huanshan and Gu Jia didn't say much goodbye, and soon left for Yanjing alone.

When Xu Huanshan went to Yanjing, Zhou Chen also got the news, and then booked a flight to Yanjing.

After arriving in Yanjing, Zhou Chen quickly locked onto Lin Youyou.

The character Lin Youyou was very exposed on the Internet in the real world, but when Zhou Chen saw this woman, he had to sigh.

Although this woman is not very beautiful, she is indeed youthful and beautiful. She is in her twenties, and her youthful and lively characteristics are indeed easy for some married men to find novel.

After meeting Lin Youyou, Zhou Chen did not hesitate and immediately used the god-level Yuelao's skills to connect Lin Youyou and Xu Huanshan.

Zhou Chen is well aware of the power of this skill, so he firmly believes that after using this skill, Xu Huanshan will never be able to control his heart and will definitely get together with Lin Youyou.

After using this skill, Zhou Chen had no intention of paying attention to the development of these two people and flew back to the Magic City again.

Although it is not the same world, the Yanjing in this world is not much different from the Yanjing he lived in before.

He has lived in Yanjing for countless years and has become very familiar with Yanjing. He has been to every place he can go, so there is nothing here that can attract him.

Not long after returning to the Magic City, Chen Yu came to visit.

"Dr. Jay, have you found the person in charge of the rehabilitation center?"

Chen Yu saw Zhou Chen and after saying hello, he immediately asked about the person in charge of the rehabilitation center.

Zhou Chen pretended to be confused and asked: "No, why, do you have anyone to recommend?"

Upon hearing that Zhou Chen had not found anyone, Chen Yu immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Dr. Jay, if you don't find a suitable candidate, I have someone to recommend."

"Oh, tell me about it."

"Gu Jia."

"Gu Jia?"

Zhou Chen pretended to be surprised and asked: "I have seen Gu Jia's ability, but isn't she taking care of her children at home? And her family also has a fireworks company, would she be willing to come to my place?"

Chen Yu said: "Dr. Zhou, I think you can give it a try. I asked Xiaoqin to ask her in a subtle way. She seems to be interested in working, but she needs to be reviewed by you personally to determine whether she is qualified to be the person in charge of our rehabilitation center.


Zhou Chen thought for a while and then said: "I still believe in your judgment. I also know Gu Jia. Well, in this case, I will find a time to ask her out to ask."

Chen Yu did not disappoint him and took the initiative to mention Gu Jia. In this way, he could invite Gu Jia naturally and not appear too sudden.

Not long after Zhou Chen finished chatting with Chen Yu, he took the initiative to call Gu Jia and asked her to sit in the coffee shop downstairs.

Gu Jia received Zhou Chen's phone invitation and immediately guessed Zhou Chen's intention, so after dressing up, she went to the coffee shop Zhou Chen mentioned.

"Gu Jia, here."

Zhou Chen saw Gu Jia, who was wearing a white shirt on the upper body and a light green mid-length skirt on the lower body, so he stood up and greeted her.

Gu Jia came over calmly, and the two sat opposite each other.

"Isn't Mr. Xu here?"

Gu Jiadao: "He went to Yanjing to inspect the topography and environment of the park. He is a more rigorous person. He wants to see the actual situation before coming back to design fireworks."

Zhou Chen said: "It is a good thing to be rigorous in your work."

The two chatted for a while, and Zhou Chen took the initiative and said: "Gu Jia, I called you here today because I actually want to ask you for help with something."

Gu Jia knew what Zhou Chen wanted to say, but she still asked: "If you have anything to do, just say it. As long as I can do it, I will never refuse."

"You also know that I recently opened a rehabilitation center with the purpose of helping those slightly special children in the society. All preparations for the rehabilitation center are almost complete. The only thing missing now is a person in charge who can control the overall situation.

You are the principal of the rehabilitation center school. I still very much agree with your abilities, so I want to see if you have the time and energy to be the principal of my rehabilitation center."

"Of course, whether you agree or not, it will not affect our friendship. I also know that you have a son to take care of, so you may not be able to spare the time."

Gu Jia pondered for a while, and then said: "To tell you the truth, I heard Xiaoqin mention this matter. To be honest, I am very interested in it personally, but as you said, once I get busy, I may

I can’t take care of my family, so I can’t give you an answer yet. You need to think about it seriously.”

Zhou Chen's eyes suddenly lit up, and he didn't refuse, which meant that there was still room for relaxation.

"It's right to consider it. After all, people's energy is limited, and it's impossible to take care of everything. Although we haven't known each other for a long time, I can see that your ability is very outstanding. Being a housewife is

For the sake of the family, that's right, but if you continue like this, I think it's a waste of your talent."

"When I say this, I don't mean that I have to let you work here, but I feel that your talents should not be buried. Although I am a man, I never think that women are accessories to men, whether they are men or women.

Women, it’s better to have their own careers.”

"And as a friend, I have to be honest. I don't know how profitable your fireworks company is, but this thing is really risky. Once something goes wrong, the consequences will be disastrous."

Zhou Chen completely followed Gu Jia's direction in persuading him. He had lived for so many years and it was natural that he could speak eloquently. Practice makes perfect when he talks to anyone.

He knew that Gu Jia was unwilling to settle for the ordinary and be a housewife, so he began to analyze and persuade her from this aspect.

After saying this, Zhou Chen expressed his idea of ​​setting up a rehabilitation center, emphasizing that it was for charity.

Gu Jia listened patiently to Zhou Chen's persuasion, especially when she heard Zhou Chen talk about the rehabilitation center, she felt it was very meaningful.

This chapter has been completed!
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