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Chapter 356: Neptune’s retribution, Zhou Chen and Gu Jia’s gossip

 Wang Manni left. Although she didn't want to leave, she finally retained a trace of dignity for herself and didn't stay.

Such a decision finally made Zhou Chengao appreciate it.

At least Wang Manni is still a step above Linda and has more or less self-esteem.

If it were Linda, and Zhou Chen said he would give her a house, she would probably do whatever Zhou Chen asked her to do. There is no bottom line at all.

It doesn't matter if he breaks up with Wang Manni, this woman is destined to not be stable. His main energy is on Gu Jia now. She and Gu Jia know each other and are still best friends. If the two still maintain that kind of relationship, it will affect her to some extent.

to his plan.

Liang Zhengxian finally returned to Hong Kong Island. After returning, before he could go to find Zhao Jingyu, his father called him back.

After returning to the Liang family, he was scolded by the old man, saying that he had embarrassed the Liang family and asked him to settle the matter as soon as possible.

Then he returned home and found that nothing had changed at home. Although Zhao Jingyu was gone, the things he had bought for Zhao Jingyu were still there.

I just heard from the servant that Zhao Jingyu had not come back for a long time, so Liang Zhengxian began to search frantically for Zhao Jingyu, and finally found Zhao Jingyu's whereabouts after a few days.

What he didn't expect was that Zhao Jingyu actually lived in a well-known villa area on Hong Kong Island. He had already checked his card and knew that Zhao Jingyu had not spent a large amount of money, but Zhao Jingyu would never have the money to buy a villa.


Now that he has slowly calmed down, his first reaction was that Zhao Jingyu betrayed him and was with another man, otherwise she would not be able to live in the villa.

Then he began to investigate the situation of the villa where Zhao Jingyu lived, and soon he discovered something that shocked him.

The owner of this villa is actually named Zhou Chen.

The moment he heard this name, a figure appeared in Liang Zhengxian's mind, a man who had embarrassed him in the devil's capital.

Liang Zhengxian is also a smart man. Based on this information, he immediately guessed the reason why Zhao Jingyu betrayed him.

"This damn woman, I'm going to kill her."

Liang Zhengxian had a blue vein on his forehead. He wanted to pursue Wang Manni before, which angered Zhou Chen. However, Zhou Chen never made any move, and Wang Manni rejected him, so he didn't take it to heart.

But now he understood that it was not that Zhou Chen had not taken revenge, but that he had already taken revenge, but he was still kept in the dark.

The attempt to pry Zhou Chen off was unsuccessful. Instead, his fiancée was pried away, and it was published in the newspapers, making him famous in Hong Kong Island and losing all face.

If he wants revenge, he will never let Zhao Jingyu and Zhou Chen go, and he must make this pair of losers punished.

After finding Zhao Jingyu's residence, it was naturally easy to contact Zhao Jingyu. But when he went to find Zhao Jingyu angrily, he encountered trouble.

When Zhao Jingyu went out, he was followed by two strong men. As soon as he came into contact with Zhao Jingyu, he was blocked by these two big bodyguards.

Although Zhao Jingyu was very panicked when she saw him at first, she quickly calmed down.

Facing Liang Zhengxian's angry questioning and scolding, Zhao Jingyu seemed very calm and did not say anything harsh. She just said that they had broken up and not to come to her again, otherwise she would have no choice but to call the police and take legal action to sue him for harassment.

Of course Liang Zhengxian would not be frightened by her. Although the police in Hong Kong Island had great power, he was not afraid at all. What he was afraid of was only Zhao Jingyu's two bodyguards, so he could only turn around and leave unwillingly.

Although Zhao Jingyu was not afraid when facing Liang Zhengxian, she was still a little worried when she thought about the power of the Liang family in Hong Kong Island, so she called Zhou Chen that night.

"Did he find you?"

Zhou Chen was also very surprised when he received a call from Zhao Jingyu, especially when he learned that Zhao Jingyu had announced their breakup in the newspaper.

This woman really has a lot of tricks up her sleeve. She even made a name for herself after breaking up. Isn't she afraid that Liang Zhengxian will deal with her regardless of anything? Or is she too confident in him?

Originally, he came to Zhao Jingyu just to disgust Liang Zhengxian, but Zhao Jingyu was really capable, and she actually used such a ruthless method to deal with Liang Zhengxian.

Zhou Chen estimated that Zhao Jingyu did this to express her feelings and please him.

Another possibility is that she has also been full of resentment towards Liang Zhengxian over the years, so she took this opportunity to vent it out together.

But no matter what, Zhou Chen only has one comment on her behavior, and that is...


Don’t you, Liang Zhengxian, want to poach me?

Unexpectedly, you didn't succeed, but I succeeded in breaking your corner, making your woman follow me sincerely, and even letting her hit you hard in the face.

Just asking you, does your face hurt?

He was happy, but Zhou Chen knew that Hong Kong Island was too far away, and his forces were all on the mainland. He had little influence on Hong Kong Island and could not take Zhao Jingyu into consideration at any time.


"Then you fly to Magic City first and stay there for a while, just in time to accompany me."

Thinking of the days of lingering with Zhao Jingyu, he really missed it. Now that he had broken up with Wang Manni and had no interest in Linda, he just lacked a woman who could be contacted at any time. It was really suitable for Zhao Jingyu to come to the Magic City at this time.


As for whether Zhao Jingyu will do anything bad, he is not worried at all. When she was with Liang Zhengxian, she could tolerate it. Now that she is with him, and she is not prepared to take the position of the main palace, she will definitely obey him and will not harm his affairs.

"Okay, then wait for me in the Magic City, my dear."

Of course Zhao Jingyu would not have any objection. Although Hong Kong Island is her home, Liang Zhengxian must be going crazy to deal with her now. There is no need for her to stay here and confront Liang Zhengxian head-on.

If you go to the Magic City, not only can you see Zhou Chen at any time and be with him, but you can also see Zhou Chen's power in the Magic City and see how rich and powerful he is.

"I'll book a flight now and you can see me tonight."

"Okay, give me a call when you leave, and I'll ask Lao Cao to pick you up."

"OK, dear."

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Chen burst into laughter. Zhao Jingyu was really efficient and decisive, but he just wanted to live a good life too much, so he relied too much on men.

But that's fine, because such women are more obedient.

He is good at talking, knows how to advance and retreat, is beautiful, and has a good figure. It is definitely a good choice to keep such an outsider by your side.

Zhou Chen walked into the classroom. Today he came to the rehabilitation center building with Gu Jia because the tables, chairs and TVs he ordered arrived today, and they were arranging for people to unload and install them.

Gu Jia was instructing the workers to install the TV at this time. He was stepping back to see if the TV was installed correctly. He didn't see Zhou Chen coming, so he bumped into Zhou Chen.


Gu Jia was startled, her body fell back uncontrollably, and fell directly on Zhou Chen. Her hands unconsciously grabbed Zhou Chen's arms and waist, and Zhou Chen promptly

Supported Gu Jia's body.

The two people's bodies suddenly came into close contact. Zhou Chen's head was down, Gu Jia's head was up, and their eyes were facing each other.

Seeing Zhou Chen's bright eyes and the strong muscles that his hands touched, a masculine flavor different from that of Xu Huanshan came to mind, making Gu Jia panic.

Gu Jia hurriedly broke away from Zhou Chen, and straightened her clothes with a blushing face.

Zhou Chen secretly smiled in his heart. He had already seen that in this contact, Gu Jia was no longer as indifferent as before. Something was obviously wrong.

This is a good beginning.

Zhou Chen asked with concern: "Gu Jia, are you okay?"

Gu Jia's face turned red and she said sheepishly: "Sorry, I didn't pay attention to the back just now and stepped on you."

Zhou Chen: "It's me who should apologize, I didn't remind you."

Gu Jia sorted out her chaotic emotions and said, "Today and tomorrow, the tables, chairs and TV will be installed. We need to hire someone to clean them the day after tomorrow. When will we start interviewing teachers?"

Zhou Chen said: "We don't have much time. We will arrange an interview after cleaning. Then you can interview with me."

Gu Jiadao: "I'm not very familiar with this industry yet. I will be there to assist you when the time comes, and I can also learn more from you."

She has been staying with Zhou Chen these past few days, and she found that Zhou Chen's depth of knowledge was something she had never seen before, especially in the rehabilitation center.

Whether it is design, tutorials, decoration, or children's rehabilitation, Zhou Chen is very proficient. No matter what questions she has, Zhou Chen can answer her.

Before this, she had never seen a man as powerful as Zhou Chen. The ability she was so proud of was like a child in front of Zhou Chen.

This made Gu Jia feel an unprecedented sense of frustration. It turned out that Zhou Chen was not only richer than his family, but also not only because of his good background, he was so rich and powerful.

Putting aside the family, Zhou Chen is much better than them in every aspect. Even if they start from scratch, they can't compare to Zhou Chen.

This is reality. Even Gu Jia is confused. Why can Zhou Chen understand so much even though he is about the same age as her.

But the smart Gu Jia soon realized that this was a very good opportunity. She could learn a lot by staying with Zhou Chen.

So she has been staying next to Zhou Chen these past few days, and if she doesn't understand something, she immediately asks him.

In the past few days, because I commuted to and from get off work with Zhou Chen, at Zhou Chen's invitation, I always took Zhou Chen's car, setting off together and coming back together.

Today, the two of them returned to Grand Hyatt Mansion together. After they took the elevator upstairs, the property staff on the first floor started talking about it.

"Have you noticed that Mr. Xu on the twelfth floor seems not to have gone home these days. Instead, his wife Gu Jia always walks back with Mr. Zhou. Do you think there is something wrong with the two of them?"

"I also discovered that it happens every day. It's really strange."

"No way, Mr. Zhou is a super diamond king and Laowu, and Gu Jia is already the mother of a child, how could they do that?"

"It's hard to say. Maybe Mr. Zhou likes this tune."


While these staff members were discussing, their manager came over with a stern look on his face.

"Shut up, you guys. You have really become emboldened. You dare to gossip about the owner? You still dare to talk about Mr. Zhou. Do you want to pack up and get out?"


The few people who were laughing and discussing just now stood in panic, not daring to say a word.

The female manager shouted angrily: "This is the first time, and it will also be the last time. If any gossip spreads, you won't be able to live well."

She was really angry. This was Junyue Mansion, a high-end community. Being able to work here, the salary was not low.

The owners choose this place because they want safety and privacy. If their staff dare to talk about the owners casually, who would dare to live here?

The several staff members lowered their heads after being scolded, and the female manager warned them a few more words before leaving.

After the female manager left, they didn't dare to discuss it anymore. They were just curious for a moment, but now looking back on Zhou Chen's power, if Zhou Chen really heard about it, no matter whether it was true or not, they would definitely not have an easy time.

This chapter has been completed!
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