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Chapter 400: Tears running, saying mother, top scorer in the college entrance examination

 More than ten days passed in a flash.

The first day of December is just an ordinary day for others, but for the three members of the Zhou family, it is destined to be an extraordinary day.

Zhou Chen's household registration was finally reviewed, approved, and added to the Zhou family's household registration book.

To celebrate this event, Sun Yi cooked a table full of dishes, and even Zhou Guofu cooked himself and cooked a pot of soup.

Sun Yi put the household registration book in front of Zhou Chen and said happily: "Xiao Chen, look at this, from today on, your household registration is at home. From now on, we are real relatives and you are our son.

, we are your parents."

Zhou Chen looked at the household registration book and saw that it was not much different from that of later generations. Everyone's household registration page was just a piece of paper.

The name on the household register is Zhou Chen, he is six years old, his birthday is what Zhou Chen himself said, which is his birthday in the real world, and his relationship with the head of the household is that of his son.


Zhou Chen didn't know what to say, so he could only say thank you.

Although there was a record of being in a welfare institution before, to be honest, it was just a little better than a black household. Now I finally have my own household registration. It is still an urban household registration in this era, which is definitely what many people dream of.

He was sincerely grateful to the Zhou family and his wife. In the past half month or so, they had been very kind to him, eating and drinking well, and not letting him do anything. He felt extremely distressed.

Because the two of them had to go to work and were worried about him being at home alone, Sun Yi specially took him to her school and let him play at school.

After school, I took him to buy groceries and cook, and in the evening I told him stories to coax him to sleep.

Even in the real world, Zhou Chen has never experienced this kind of thing.

Because parents in the real world don't have such conditions when they are young. They are too busy just working and taking care of the family every day. How can they have time to tell him a bedtime story at night?

"After the household registration is completed, you can go to school. Xiaochen, you are already six years old and can enter the first grade. Do you want to go to kindergarten first or go directly to the first grade?"

Zhou Guofu was worried that Zhou Chen had never gone to school, so he asked his opinion. Anyway, he was only six years old, so it didn't matter even if he went to kindergarten for more than half a year.

But Zhou Chen didn't want to waste time, so he said directly: "First grade."

Why go to kindergarten when you can go to first grade?

"Okay, then we will go directly to the first grade. I have already found someone who will go to the first grade in the elementary school of our school."

Sun Yi's school is a public school, ranging from elementary school to high school. The teaching level is not bad. The most important thing is that it is convenient for transportation.


After Sun Yi finished telling a story, she said softly to Zhou Chen: "Xiao Chen, it's time to go to bed, go to bed early."

Zhou Chen nodded and closed his eyes.

Sun Yi smiled lovingly, and after more than half a month of getting along with him, she had completely fallen in love with Zhou Chen.

Even their colleagues at school praised Zhou Chen for being sensible and smart, because when he was at school, even if Sun Yi went to class, Zhou Chen could stay quietly in the office reading alone, which made those colleagues secretly say that they were surprised.

Sun Yi walked to the door and was about to open the door and leave, but then she heard Zhou Chen say: "Good night."

Sun Yi smiled slightly, but Zhou Chen's next words made her instantly stunned.


Anyone who opened the door paused instantly. Sun Yi couldn't believe her ears. She turned her head suddenly and saw Zhou Chen looking at her.

She asked with a trembling voice: "Xiaochen, you, what did you just call me?"

"Good night, Mom."

After calling once, Zhou Chen became more fluent the second time.

Sun Yi covered her mouth, tears bursting out uncontrollably, but out of thousands of words, she only said one sentence in the end.

"Good night, son."

After saying that, she was afraid that she would have an emotional breakdown, so she quickly turned off the lights and closed the door, then rushed into the master bedroom, slammed the door, and cried against it.

Zhou Guofu, who was lying on the bed reading, was startled. He quickly got out of bed and walked to Sun Yi.

"Wife, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

Sun Yi even swallowed: "I'm happy, so happy."

Zhou Guofu looked confused. Why did he cry when he was happy? And he was crying and laughing at the same time. What was going on?

"Old Zhou, do you know what Xiaochen called me just now? He said to me, 'Good night, mom', he called me mom, he called me mom."

As he said this, he couldn't help but cry with joy.

Zhou Guofu's eyes widened and he asked in disbelief: "Really? He really called you mom?"

"Well, I heard it, he called me twice, twice, Lao Zhou, he called me mom twice, woo woo."

When Zhou Guofu saw his emotional wife, he reached out to hug her and comforted her softly.

"He is willing to call you mom. This is a happy thing. Don't cry. It's not good if Xiaochen hears it."

After hearing this, Sun Yi became much more restrained, but still looked very excited.

Zhou Chen has been at home for more than half a month. Although he has been living with them, his relationship with them is still relatively unfamiliar. Zhou Chen has never called them mom and dad. He has always called them uncle and aunt.

Although they didn't blame him, they still felt disappointed in their hearts. They had always been longing for Zhou Chen to call them mom and dad and let them become real parents.

They were very happy when Zhou Chen entered the house today, but Zhou Chen's two calls of "mama" just now made Sun Yi break through.

"I'm so happy, Lao Zhou, I'm really so happy. If Xiao Chen is willing to call me mom, does that mean he recognizes me?"

Zhou Guofu said sourly: "Yes, he recognizes you and is willing to call you mom, you must be happy."

Although Sun Yi had been in a state of agitation and excitement, she still recognized her husband's sour tone immediately.

So she asked in a funny way: "Is it because Xiaochen called me mom instead of your dad, and felt a little uncomfortable and jealous?"

Zhou Guofu argued: "How is it possible? If he can call you mom, he can definitely call me dad. I won't be jealous."

Even so, he was still a little depressed. He was obviously the one who met Zhou Chen first and wanted to adopt Zhou Chen. Why did he call him mom first instead of dad?

Sun Yi slowly recovered from her excitement. She wiped the tears on her face, but her eyes were still excited.

"Lao Zhou, let's take Xiaochen to the amusement park in two days' weekend."

"Okay, this kid is still a little too bored. I need to take him out to play more. Wife, do you think he will call me daddy tomorrow?"

If Zhou Chen hadn't called Sun Yi's mother, he wouldn't have been anxious. But now that Zhou Chen had started calling her mother, but not him, he immediately became anxious.

Sun Yi smiled and said: "I said you're not jealous, but you can't rush this matter, you have to take your time."

"Of course you're not in a hurry. You've already started calling your mother."

Zhou Guofu rolled his eyes. He always felt that his wife was showing off to him.

A good start is with the sentence "Mom".


Summer is hot.

Sun Yi walked to the office with a smile on her face.

Ten years later, she is already close to fifty, but because she takes good care of herself, she looks about forty.

As she grows older, Sun Yi becomes more and more charitable. At the same time, she has also changed from a high school teacher to the current director of the third grade of high school.

As soon as I walked into the office, I was greeted by congratulations and praises from my colleagues in the office.

"Director Sun, congratulations."

"Congratulations, Director Sun, your family is worthy of being a scholarly family, and your son is so impressive."

"Our school actually produced a top scorer in the college entrance examination, Director Sun. This is all due to you."

"Director Sun, is your Zhou Chen going to apply to Huaqing University or Peking University?"

"You don't even need to fill out your application form. Famous universities across the country are definitely rushing to apply."


Sun Yi said with a bright face: "Thank you, thank you, everyone. I also have to thank you, Teacher Huang and Teacher Zheng. If it weren't for your good teaching, how could our Xiaochen have done so well in the exam?"

Teacher Huang and Teacher Zheng are Zhou Chen's teachers on duty.

"We dare not take the credit for this. Zhou Chen was able to pass the No. 1 Scholar examination because of his own cleverness and the credit of Director Sun and your family."

"Yes, I have been teaching for more than 20 years, and I have never seen a child as smart as Zhou Chen. Not only is he smart, he is also very self-disciplined. Director Sun is the best tutor."

"That's right, Director Sun, the sixteen-year-old top scorer in the college entrance examination, just wait and enjoy the blessings of your son from now on."

Everyone's praise made Sun Yi even more happy. She had been the director of the third grade of high school for several years, but today she definitely reached her peak.

Her son Zhou Chen, at the age of sixteen, became the top science scholar in Zhejiang Province.

If others praise her, she won't be so happy, but when others praise her son, she feels proud and proud.

For her, Zhou Chen is now her lifeblood and her dearest son.

After ten years of getting along, Zhou Chen and the couple have long since become a close family. There is no longer any barrier. They are just like a normal family, and they even cherish each other more.

Zhou Chen entered the first grade at the age of six and skipped two grades, so he was able to take the college entrance examination at the age of sixteen and became the top scorer in the college entrance examination that year.

Ever since he was young, Zhou Chen has been what others call his child, and he is also Sun Yi's biggest pride.

I remember when I first adopted Zhou Chen and met my relatives, many people were dissatisfied with their approach.

They felt that they had to adopt an unrelated child instead of adopting one of their own relatives' children. The discussion behind it put a lot of pressure on the Zhou family.

But fortunately, Zhou Chen's persistence and obedience made them feel the mood of being parents, and they also believed that their choice was right.

Now ten years have passed, and the family is getting along so harmoniously that they are no different from real relatives before.

Zhou Chen was also a little excited about becoming the top scholar in the college entrance examination. As a Chinese, becoming the top scholar in the college entrance examination was similar to being the top scholar in the imperial examination in the past. Even after living for so many years, this was the first time he became the top scholar in the college entrance examination.

In order to celebrate Zhou Chen becoming the top scorer in the college entrance examination, Zhou Guofu and Sun Yi took Zhou Chen to a very good restaurant in the city that night.

"Xiaochen, are you going to Huaqing University or Peking University?"

Zhou Guofu put down his chopsticks and asked Zhou Chen.

Compared with ten years ago, Zhou Guofu is a little older. After all, he is already fifty years old. In this era, he has gradually entered middle and old age.

After Sun Yi heard this, she also looked at Zhou Chen.

Both of them knew that Zhou Chen was a man of his own opinions, so they did not let Zhou Chen make the decision, but let Zhou Chen make his own choice.

Zhou Chen said: "I am not planning to go to Huaqing University, nor is I planning to go to Beijing University. I am planning to go to Jiaotong University in the magic city."


Zhou Guofu and Sun Yi both looked puzzled.

Huaqing University and Peking University are undoubtedly the leaders of domestic universities. Zhou Chen is the top scorer in the college entrance examination. As long as he wants to go there, it is naturally a piece of cake.

But Zhou Chen just wanted to go to Shanghai. Although Jiaotong University is good, there is still a certain gap compared to these two universities.

"Because it's close to home."

Zhou Chen's answer stunned both Zhou Guofu and Sun Yi, especially the emotional Sun Yi, whose eyes suddenly felt hot.

"Good boy."

Although they all wanted Zhou Chen to have a better future, their son was willing to go to a magical city close to home, which made the couple feel a strong sense of dependence, which meant that their son did not want to leave them.

"Magic City is also very good. It is also the economic center of the country. It is very good to go to Magic City."

Zhou Guofu was also very happy and drank a drink immediately. Compared with Yanjing, the magic city is only four or five hours away from home, which is very close.

"Come, Xiaochen, eat some vegetables, and mom will peel the shrimps for you."


Zhou Chen did not refuse Sun Yi's kindness.

For ten years, not only did the Zhou family regard him as his biological son, he also regarded these parents as his own biological parents.

Because they are really very kind to me. They will buy him everything he wants, such as delicious food, good drinks, and fun things.

Sometimes, seeing how cautious they were, Zhou Chen felt uncomfortable and would deliberately do something wrong.

It's just that they really couldn't bear to reprimand him. They treated him lightly every time, as if they had no temper.

Especially in the past few years, but in the past two years, maybe because of their age, both of them started to chatter a little, but this made Zhou Chen feel friendly.

Because they had always gotten along well and no one came to see Zhou Chen, the Zhou family and his wife slowly let go of their worries and poured all their love into Zhou Chen.

Zhou Chen has also traveled through several worlds. Apart from his own parents, Zhou Guofu and Sun Yi are undoubtedly the best parents to him.

He had been able to live so easily in the past ten years, all because of them, so he didn't say it, but he always remembered it in his heart.


Zhou Chen was playing the game World of Warcraft in the room.

Playing this game again made Zhou Chen feel very novel. He has been playing it since the server was launched in China, and he usually plays online games for fun.

In the other room, Zhou Guofu and Sun Yi were not asleep either, but were leaning on the bedside talking.

Sun Yi told Zhou Guofu what happened in school today, with a happy face.

Zhou Guofu: "Xiaochen is really smart and very filial to us. Our original decision was right."

Sun Yi agreed: "Well, I used to worry that it would be difficult for adopted children to integrate into the family, but we were lucky enough to meet Xiaochen. I think most adoptive families would not be like ours.

Is the family so harmonious?"

"Lao Zhou, I have an idea."

"what idea?"

Sun Yi sat up straight and said seriously: "Didn't Xiaochen say that he is going to school in Shanghai? I feel very uncomfortable when I think of him going to school and not being able to see him for a long time, so I think we are

Isn’t it possible to buy a house in Shanghai?”

Zhou Guofu's eyes lit up and he asked: "Why do you have this idea?"

Sun Yi: "That's what I think. Xiaochen went to school in Magic City. He will definitely be promising in the future and will most likely stay in Magic City. I don't want to be separated from my son. Besides, I will retire in a few years. If I buy it now

I will buy a house, and when Xiaochen graduates, I will almost retire, and then I can go directly to Shanghai to take care of him."

Zhou Guofu: "The idea is a good one, and with the current housing prices, if you can buy a house in Magic City, you will definitely not lose money. However, I have ten years to retire. If you all go to Magic City, just take me

Stay here alone?"

"You can also find a way to transfer to Shanghai. Didn't you say that there is an old classmate who is the vice president of a university in Shanghai? You can contact him. If you can transfer to Shanghai, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds?


Zhou Guofu wondered: "It can't be that easy. This is not a trivial matter. Furthermore, Magic City and Ningbo are not cities of the same level."

Sun Yi said: "Let's give it a try. Anyway, I have decided that if Xiaochen doesn't come back in the future, I will follow him to the Magic City. Even if we don't live together, as long as I can be in the same city with him, I will be satisfied."

The decision to adopt a child was firstly so that the Zhou family would have descendants, and secondly so that they would have someone to support themselves in old age so that they would not be left alone in the end.

That's why Sun Yi thought about living in the same city as her son, even if they didn't live together.

"And when Xiaochen gets married, I can still help him take care of his children. Yes, I will find a way for him to have two more children in the future. Having more children will make things more exciting."

Seeing his wife's resolute attitude and talking about taking care of children, Zhou Guofu's heart was moved. Zhou Chen was not only Sun Yi's pride, but also his pride.

"But houses in Shanghai are not cheap. Although we have some savings over the years, they are definitely not enough."

"That's why we have to buy it early. It's best to buy it before we retire. That way it's easier to get a loan. I read in the news that if your job can be transferred to the Magic City and you are rated as a talent introduction, you can buy it.

The house is at a discount.”

"Then I have to study it carefully."

Zhou Chen didn't know that just because of his decision, his parents were already planning to buy a house in Shanghai.

He went to study in Shanghai because it was close to home and his adoptive parents were very good to him, so he didn't want to leave them.

In addition, there is another reason, that is, he has determined that he is traveling through the world of Ode to Joy, and the plot of Ode to Joy revolves around the Magic City, so for future plots, he feels that starting from the Magic City

it's the best.

This chapter has been completed!
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