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Chapter 478: ‘Menacing’ Qiao Zuwang

 Qiao Sanli was moved when she saw her eldest brother and second brother venting their anger on her and beating Li Heman.

But at this moment, she had come to her senses a little. Looking at Li Heman, who was so weak that even his screams were weakened by the beating, she knew that she could not continue the beating.

So she quickly ran behind Qiao Yicheng and Qiao Erqiang and pulled them hard.

"Brother, second brother, we can't fight anymore, otherwise someone will die."

Qiao Erqiang still kicked him hard with his feet regardless, but Qiao Yicheng was a little older and calmed down a little when he heard his sister yelling and stopped beating her.

Looking down and seeing the miserable state of Li and Man, Qiao Yicheng grabbed Qiao Erqiang and shouted: "Stop fighting, Erqiang."

Although the strength of the two of them was far inferior to Zhou Chen's, they still made Li Heman scream and scream, and there was pain everywhere on his body. Until the Qiao brothers stopped, he didn't have the strength to stand up and was still lying on the ground wailing.


Qiao Yicheng turned to look at Zhou Chen and said, "Thank you for saving my sister. I will remember this kindness."

Zhou Chen said: "You're welcome. I happened to be passing by and heard your sister's cry, so I rushed in to see what was going on."

Qiao Yicheng was clear about his grudges, but he still insisted: "I still want to thank you. I see that you look familiar. You should be from our Shamao Lane, right?"

"Yes, my name is Zhou Chen, and I live at No. 66."

Qiao Sanli was also grateful to Zhou Chen at this time: "Thank you, Zhou Chen, if it weren't for you just now, I would..."

Zhou Chen waved his hands and said: "This is what I should do. This kind of scum does not deserve to live. What are you going to do with him?"

Qiao Erqiang shouted: "Call the police and ask the police to catch him and shoot him."

The laws of this era were still quite strict, and shootings still existed. Those who committed serious crimes as women would be executed by shooting depending on the circumstances.

Qiao Yicheng also loved his sister very much. After hearing Qiao Erqiang's suggestion, he also agreed: "Yes, give him to the police uncle. Even if he can't be shot, he will be put in jail."

Hearing that the Qiao brothers were about to hand themselves over to the police, Li Heman fell to the ground and was frightened to death.

Even though he was extremely brave when he committed crimes, when he really had to face law enforcement officers, he would be like a mouse that would be scared out of his wits when seeing a cat.

It was this kind of fear that caused Li Heman's aching body to suddenly feel a surge of strength. While Zhou Chen and the others were not paying attention, they quickly got up from the ground and rushed towards the door.

The Qiao brothers didn't expect that Li and Mandu were already like this and could still have such speed, and there was no time to stop them.

But Zhou Chen reacted very quickly. He saw Li Heman running past him and kicked out, hitting the target. Li Heman screamed and fell towards the door like a dog eating shit.

Coincidentally, Qiao Simei, who was sent out to buy things by Li Heman, happened to come back at this time. As soon as she entered the main room, she saw Li Heman who had fallen to the ground, and she was immediately stunned.

"what's the situation?"

Qiao Simei didn't understand what was going on, but Li Heman realized that this was a good opportunity to escape. He staggered up from the ground, pulled Qiao Simei over, and pushed Zhou Chen as he walked over.

And he himself broke out of the door and fled in confusion.


Qiao Simei, who was holding waterlogged tofu in her hand, was pulled and pushed by Li Heman. Naturally, she couldn't keep the pot in her hand. It hit Zhou Chen and poured water all over Zhou Chen.


The waterlogged tofu was put in a pot to keep it warm. The temperature was still good all the way. When it was poured on Zhou Chen's body, the burning pain made Zhou Chen cry out in pain. He couldn't care less about Li and Man.

Most of the tofu fell on Zhou Chen, but some of it fell on Qiao Simei, who also screamed.

The other three people in the Qiao family were all shocked. They didn't care about Li and Man who were running away, and hurried to see Zhou Chen and Qiao Simei.

"Simei, Zhou Chen, how are you doing?"

Qiao Yicheng pulled the two of them away. When he saw Zhou Chen's wet body, he immediately exclaimed: "Second Qiang, go get a basin of cold water quickly."

Zhou Chen didn't care about anything else and quickly took off the only piece of clothing he had on. His arms and the lower part of his chest were all burned red.

Fortunately, I was wearing clothes, otherwise my skin might have been burned.

Qiao Erqiang quickly brought the cold water over, picked up the towel and was about to wipe it with Zhou Chen. Zhou Chen took the towel and said, "Thank you, I'd better do it myself."

The skin was red, and Zhou Chen felt a burning pain, but this pain was nothing to him. He simply wiped it for a few times and stopped, but he could no longer wear his clothes.

Qiao Simei was in tears. She was only burned a little, but she was a little girl after all. She couldn't help but cry at the slightest pain.

After a while, Qiao Simei asked: "Eldest brother, second brother, what happened just now? The person who ran away was Uncle Li, right? Who is this little brother?"

Twelve-year-old Zhou Chen is quite pretty, which makes Qiao Simei quite fond of her. She is the kind of person whose appearance is everything. Although Zhou Chen is not particularly handsome, compared to his eldest and second brothers, he is

Much more handsome.

Qiao Yicheng said angrily: "Bullshit Uncle Li, Simei, where did you go just now? What happened to this spilled tofu?"

Qiao Simei replied: "Uncle Li said he would treat us to bean curd and gave me money to buy it."

Qiao Erqiang angrily scolded: "That Li Heman, he is a scumbag. Just now he wanted to bully Sanli, but you still took his money to make a fool of yourself?"


Qiao Simei was confused. She was younger than Qiao Sanli, but she knew better, so she naturally understood what her second brother meant.

"What? Uncle Li, no, that bastard actually wants to bully my sister."

Qiao Yicheng finally understood. It seemed that Li Heman had a plan to deliberately send Qiao Simei away and then attack Sanli.

Fortunately, Zhou Chen arrived in time. If Zhou Chen hadn't been there, we still don't know how Sanli would have been bullied when they came back.

Thinking of this, he was frightened for a while and looked at Zhou Chen gratefully.

"Qiao Simei, you idiot, you only know how to be greedy and greedy."

Qiao Yicheng was furious with Qiao Simei. Although he knew that this incident could not be completely blamed on Qiao Simei, he was still angry and wanted to take action.

If Qiao Simei was not deceived and the two sisters were at home, Li Heman would never have the courage to take action.

Although Qiao Sanli was very frightened, she still protected her sister at this time.

"Brother, don't blame Simei."

Zhou Chen felt a lot more relaxed when he looked at Qiao Sanli. In the original novel, it was because of this paragraph that Qiao Sanli had a psychological shadow. She, who had always been gentle and kind, once became grumpy and hated men.

Although things still happened today, luckily he showed up early enough that Li and Man didn't have time to take action.

Qiao Sanli's condition is not bad now, but she doesn't know if she will still have psychological shadow. He wants to persuade her, but the two parties are not familiar with each other after all, so his words may not be as useful as Qiao Yicheng and others.

Qiao Yicheng looked at his sister distressedly and asked, "Sanli, are you okay?"

Qiao Sanli took a breath and said, "Brother, I'm fine. Fortunately, brother Zhou Chen is here. Brother Zhou Chen, thank you."

Because Zhou Chen saved her when she was most frightened and frightened, she couldn't help but develop a great affection for Zhou Chen. She, who was usually not very willing to interact with strangers, actually directly called Zhou Chen brother.

"You're welcome. No one would stand by and watch this kind of thing happen."

Zhou Chen had no intention of repaying the favor, and then asked the Qiao brothers and sisters: "What are you going to do with that man? People like him should call the police and arrest him."

What he wants now is to deal with Li Heman quickly, otherwise, with Qiao Zuwang's character, there is a high probability that he will do something like selling his daughter.

He remembered that in the TV plot, after Qiao Zuwang learned about this incident, he went to Li Heman aggressively with a knife, but in the end, Li Heman gave him a few hundred yuan to solve the problem.

What's even more disgusting is that after receiving the money, Qiao Zuwang actually just took Qiao Sanli to eat Xiao Long Bao, hoping that she would forget about this incident.

When he first saw this paragraph, he really almost lost his temper.

Is this something a father can do?

As a father, it’s fine if you don’t protect your daughter. Your daughter was bullied, and in the end, you sold your daughter for money. This kind of person really doesn’t deserve to be a father.

In the end, Qiao Yicheng became so angry that he called the police and Li Heman was arrested, but it seems that he was only sentenced to a few years in the end.

So what he wants to do most now is to deal with Li Heman quickly to prevent long nights and nightmares.

"Yes, call the police and arrest him." Qiao Erqiang said in agreement.

Qiao Simei also said loudly: "Brother, the second brother is right. If he dares to bully the third sister, he should be shot."

Qiao Yicheng agreed just now, but now he calmed down and showed hesitation. Of course he didn't want his sister to be bullied for nothing, but he thought more about it. If he called the police, it would have an impact on Sanli's reputation.

But when he saw Sanli looking at him, he was heartbroken and said firmly: "Okay, we will call the police. We will never take advantage of that bastard."

At this moment, a person suddenly walked into the courtyard. As soon as the person walked in, a voice came in.

"Why are you calling the police? Yi Cheng, what are you brothers and sisters doing?"

I saw a middle-aged man walking in, staggering, holding a bottle of wine and a paper bag in his hand.

The Qiao brothers and sisters looked up and saw this man. Qiao Yicheng didn't say a word, but Qiao Erqiang, Qiao Sanli and Qiao Simei all shouted.


After hearing their names, Zhou Chen took a serious look at this dangling man.

He is about forty years old, with short hair, medium build, and ordinary appearance, but he looks arrogant. He is wearing work clothes, as if he just came back from work.

Obviously, this man is the father of the Qiao family and the creator of the tragedy for several children of the Qiao family.

It can be said that the reason why the children of the Qiao family will live in such embarrassment and misery in the future is directly related to this father.

As long as this father can take on more responsibilities, care more about his children, even if he only gives a little bit of fatherly love, so that they can have a normal family, their ending will definitely not be as unlucky as in the plot.

Qiao Zuwang walked into the main room and saw his four children. He was about to speak when he saw Zhou Chen with his upper body naked, and his face suddenly showed shock.

"Which family are you a brat from? Why did you come to my house without any clothes on? What are you talking about? One-tenth, two-strong, who is he?"

Qiao Yicheng said: "He is Zhou Chen, he was the one who saved Sanli just now."

"I saved Sanli, what happened to Sanli?"

Qiao Zuwang looked at Qiao Sanli in confusion and asked, "Sanli, you know him, how did he save you?"

Qiao Sanli lowered her head and said nothing. It was Qiao Yicheng who said, "Dad, your friend Li Heman just now wanted to bully Sanli while there was no one at home."

"Li Heman, bullying Sanli? What nonsense?" Qiao Zuwang didn't understand what he meant.

Qiao Yicheng said anxiously: "Li Heman wants to bully Sanli, we saw it with our own eyes."

Qiao Zuwang's expression froze, and Qiao Yicheng asked: "Your friend is bullying your daughter, what are you going to do?"

Qiao Zuwang put the wine and food on the table angrily, glanced at Sanli, and then said: "Second Qiang, take the sisters into the house."

After Qiao Sanli and the others entered the back room, he asked Qiao Yicheng again: "Did he succeed?"

"No, when he first started, Zhou Chen discovered him, and then Zhou Chen beat him. We happened to see it when we came back, so we also beat him, and he ran away just now."

Qiao Zuwang glanced at Zhou Chen, said nothing, turned around and walked out of the main room, ready to go out.

Qiao Yicheng hurriedly ran over to hold Qiao Zuwang, stared into his eyes, and said, "Dad, you can't let him be licked cleaner than a dog, and you absolutely can't let him run away."

Qiao Zu stared blankly for a moment, then walked into the kitchen, picked up the kitchen knife, sharpened it twice on the water tank, and walked out aggressively.

"I killed him."

When Qiao Yicheng saw Qiao Zuwang going out with a knife, he frowned and reminded, "Dad, don't use the knife."

Zhou Chen witnessed all this. Not to mention, if he didn't know the plot, Qiao Zuwang's posture with the knife just now would have been quite impressive.

But he understood that Qiao Zuwang was just pretending, and expecting him to stand up for his daughter might as well expect a sow to climb a tree.

Seeing Qiao Yicheng in a daze, Zhou Chen walked over and asked, "Aren't you afraid of something happening?"

Qiao Yicheng said calmly: "If he really dares to use the knife on Li Heman, then he will be a qualified father, and I will admire him in the future."

Zhou Chen knew clearly in his heart that it was Qiao Yicheng. Although he was still young, he knew his father better than anyone else. The reason why he didn't stop him was probably because he felt that Qiao Zuwang didn't have the courage, but at the same time he expected Qiao Zuwang to be able to

Act like a father.

Unfortunately, he knew that Qiao Yicheng was going to be disappointed. After all, Qiao Zuwang couldn't hold himself up against the wall.

"I think the best way is to call the police." Zhou Chen suggested again.

Qiao Yicheng turned to look at him and said: "Zhou Chen, thank you very much today. We will remember your kindness, but this matter is our family's matter. How to deal with it will be decided by ourselves.

There’s a way.”

Qiao Yicheng's lively tone did not make Zhou Chen angry. He had lived for so many years, how could he be angry because of the words of a young man.

"Well, I understand. I hope you can properly advise your sister. If this matter is not handled well, it is likely to leave a lifelong psychological shadow on her."


Qiao Yicheng nodded. He knew that Zhou Chen meant well, but his experiences in the past few years made him not very good at communicating with strangers.

Seeing that Qiao Yicheng took it seriously, Zhou Chen didn't say anything more. After all, they were not even friends now, and talking too much would arouse unnecessary suspicion.

This chapter has been completed!
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