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Chapter 504: With the bricks in hand, I own the world

 The injury on his back did not affect Zhou Chen's actions. He ran very fast, crossing the road in the blink of an eye and rushing into the community opposite the university.

"Chase, don't let him get away."

Shao Yang shouted loudly. Now that he had taken action, he had no intention of making Zhou Chen feel better. He had to say this.

The reason why he knew that Zhou Chen would be at the Normal University was because he learned from Qiao Simei that Qiao Sanli was a student at the Normal University. He also knew that Zhou Chen would often come to the school to find Qiao Sanli, so he led his people to block the situation here this afternoon.

It’s on.

He originally thought he would be stuck in traffic for a few days, but he didn't expect that he would meet Zhou Chen on the first day. He was so confused that he immediately led his men to kill him.

Zhou Chen observed the terrain while running. With his fighting ability, if it were five unarmed people, he would definitely not back down and just go up and do it.

But what he had just seen clearly was that of these five people, two had iron bars in their hands, two had bench legs, and one actually held a knife.

That's right, it's the kind of machete that those gangsters in movies have. Although this kind of knife is not long, it is extremely sharp. With one slash, flesh and blood will definitely not be able to withstand it.

It was precisely because of this that Zhou Chen did not confront them rashly at the university gate, but ran away quickly.

After all, he is a person who has lived for so many years. Under normal circumstances, he will definitely not stand under a dangerous wall. Even if it is a fight, he must use his brain first and then take action.

It is also because he lived in the 21st century in most cases for more than a hundred years before. The social security at that time could be said to be very sound. Except for a few backward areas, normal cities basically did not see that kind of security.

The incident of gangsters killing people on the street happened.

Who would have thought that he would actually encounter something like this today, and these guys would be so audacious and chase him with a knife under the cover of night.

Looking back now, I feel a little scared and lucky. Fortunately, what just hit him was an iron bar. If it had been a machete, he would have been seriously injured and the consequences would have been unimaginable.

When passing by an alley, his eyes suddenly lit up, he rushed in, picked up two bricks in the alley, and after shaking them, they found they were solid bricks.

"Just make do with it."

Then he hid by the wall of the alley, preparing to trick someone.

Shaoyang and his group of five people ran all the way after Zhou Chen. His speed was much slower than Zhou Chen. They only saw Zhou Chen running into the community and then disappeared. Now they are looking everywhere.

They walked to an alley, but before they could go in to search, the person walking at the front suddenly saw a black shadow coming toward them.


This man felt his vision go dark, and then severe pain hit him. He was stunned, and then he fell backwards.


The four people from Shaoyang who were following behind were shocked when they saw their companion 'Dayong' being attacked by a sneak attack to the end.

But before they could get angry, Zhou Chen rushed out from behind the wall and hit another person with a brick again.

A hard and fast blow, the stunned man couldn't react in time, and was slapped directly on the head by Zhou Chen.

The brick-breaking thing on TV didn't happen, but the other party's head was covered in blood, and his body staggered and fell to the ground in an irregular posture.

"Xiao Fei."

Another person was knocked down, and the remaining three people were furious and swung their weapons at Zhou Chen.

However, Zhou Chen no longer had any worries at this time, because the 'Xiao Fei' he had just knocked down was the man with the machete. The biggest threat was gone, so he just went up and did it.

The brick in his hand seemed to have been replaced by the most powerful weapon in the world. It was smashed when he swung it. In an instant, the four people were fighting in a melee, with sticks alternating, accompanied by bursts of roars.

Two minutes later, the battle ended. Zhou Chen wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked at the five people lying on the ground with a cold face.

Because he was the first to knock down two people, although the remaining three were all holding weapons, they were no match for him. After a chaotic fight, he took a few hits and knocked them all down.

In addition to the two people who were knocked unconscious at the beginning, one of the remaining three people was also knocked unconscious, and the other two fell to the ground wailing in pain.

Although it was night, the noise of the fight was very loud, which alarmed the surrounding residents. At this time, groups of three or five were standing around, pointing, but not daring to come forward.

Zhou Chen didn't pay attention to the people watching the excitement around him. He slowly walked towards one of them who was still awake and squatted down next to him.

Looking at the young man with blood on his face, Zhou Chen didn't have the slightest sympathy, his eyes were cold.

"Why did you attack me?"

He really couldn't figure it out. He hadn't offended anyone in this life. If he didn't have deep hatred, he wouldn't have brought a knife to chop him.

"What the hell..."

The man opened his mouth to curse, but Zhou Chen slapped him with his backhand and said in a cold tone: "Do you know what legitimate defense is? If you bring a knife to attack me, I will not be held legally responsible even if I kill you. Guess I dare

Don't you dare to 'accidentally' kill you?"

He has lived for so many years, and although he has never killed anyone, he has a broad vision and a lot of knowledge. At this moment, the aura exuding from him is really terrifying.

The other party was obviously frightened by Zhou Chen's momentum, and there was fear in his eyes.

If they were the ones who hit someone, they might not be so afraid as the ones who hurt them.

But now, they were the ones who were defeated, especially the severe pain on his body, which made him suffer so much that he did not have the courage to face death at all.

After the threat, Zhou Chen's tone became much softer: "We don't know each other, and we don't have any deep hatred, right? There is no need for you to lose your life for this matter. It depends on your age. Not only is it young, but it is high.

There must be parents and elderly people. Think about it, how sad and sad your family members would be if you were gone."

After hearing these words, the other person's eyes visibly flickered a few times, and he glanced at the other person unconsciously.

"It's Shao Yang. He said that you caused him to lose his job and he wanted to destroy both of your legs."


This name instantly reminded Zhou Chen of Qiao Simei. He remembered that Qiao Simei's scumbag boyfriend seemed to be named Shao Yang. Could it really be him?

He remembered that he had Shaoyang fired just today, but he was attacked in the evening. Is Shaoyang so awesome?

Revenge doesn’t last overnight? People are ruthless and don’t talk much?

Zhou Chen felt a chill in his heart unconsciously. He was really careless and underestimated the viciousness of people's hearts. That is, if Shao Yang brought people to find him today, if Shao Yang brought people to find Qiao Sanli or his parents,

He simply couldn't imagine what the outcome would be.

"What you are doing is illegal. Aren't you afraid of being caught and jailed?"

"Shao Yang said that when he takes action and destroys your legs, he will run away. Hey~, we are brothers, of course we will help him."

Zhou Chen was speechless: "You are such a loyal girl."

He was scolded, but he did not doubt it, because in this era, this kind of thing would really happen. Many young people are righteous and fearless. They are willing to kill and set fire for the so-called "brothers".


"Who is Shaoyang?"

"It's him."

The young man pointed with difficulty at one of the people who had fainted.

Zhou Chen nodded and said no more. He had already sentenced Shao Yang to death. This kind of person was definitely a lunatic. He must be beaten to death with a stick, otherwise there will definitely be more trouble in the future.

"In that case, let's sit in jail."

A cold light flashed in Zhou Chen's eyes. No matter what, he could not let Shao Yang go. The best way was to put him in a cell and never be able to come out.

After getting the answer he wanted to know, Zhou Chen did not ask any more questions, but sat beside him and waited quietly.

Ten minutes later, two police cars drove over quickly. They received a call from the police, saying that a group fight had occurred and that a knife had been used, so they rushed over as quickly as possible.

After arriving at the scene, they were also shocked by the situation here. The five people who fell to the ground were all covered in blood. The only one who was sitting had a lot of blood on his body and looked very embarrassed.

Without saying a word, the law enforcement officers immediately cleared the scene and left with Zhou Chen and Shaoyang.

Zhou Chen did not resist and followed the law enforcement officers away obediently. Only after arriving at the police station did he identify himself to the law enforcement officers.

The matter is actually not complicated. Zhou Chen was the one who was attacked, but his combat power was beyond the limit. He killed five people by himself.

Zhou Chen's statement made the law enforcement officers stunned. They each judged others by themselves, feeling that if it were them, it would be difficult for them to attack five people with weapons like Zhou Chen with their bare hands.

Although they were somewhat unconvinced, the identity and the origin of the incident told by Zhou Chen made the law enforcement officers feel that he was not lying. Then they immediately went to find the witness Qiao Sanli and notified Zhou Chen's parents.

As for Qiao Sanli, after she ran to the school, she immediately asked the security guards for help, but by the time they arrived at the scene, Zhou Chen and the others had already run away.

Qiao Sanli searched everywhere anxiously, and even contacted her elder brother Qiao Yicheng through a pager.

When Qiao Sanli heard the comments from passers-by and learned about the accident scene, when she arrived, she was taken to the police station by the law enforcement officers who stayed behind.

Because of Zhou Chen's accident, this night was destined to be unstable. Zhou Chen's parents hurried to the police station and said they wanted to see Zhou Chen, but were rejected. In the end, they could only get together with Qiao Sanli and Qiao Yicheng.

Together, waiting anxiously.

"Sanli, what's going on? How could Xiaochen offend people in society?"

When she learned that her son was being chased by gangsters, Han Huifang almost fainted from fright and hurriedly followed her husband to the police station.

Qiao Sanli's face was also full of tears, and she was also full of doubts.

"Auntie, I don't know what happened. When we were at the entrance of the normal school, those people suddenly rushed over and gave Zhou Chen a stick. Zhou Chen asked me to call someone, but when I called someone, he

He has disappeared. I was also brought here by people from the police station. I wonder how Zhou Chen is doing now?"

Zhou Jianguo calmed down a little. He frowned and asked Qiao Sanli: "Sanli, Yicheng, you are often with Xiaochen. Have you ever heard him say who he offended?"

Qiao Yicheng looked confused. He really didn't know. Until now, he was still a little confused. He only knew that Zhou Chen was beaten by a group of gangsters. He didn't know the details yet.

Qiao Sanli said: "No, I have never heard Zhou Chen say such a thing. He is usually in school and will not provoke people in society at all."

Zhou Jianguo's frown deepened. He hesitated for a while, and then said: "Huifang, you are here. I will go out and call Director Hu to see if I can see Xiaochen first."

Chenxing is now the largest private enterprise in Jinling City. As the boss of Chenxing, Zhou Jianguo naturally knows many official people.

After making the call, it took a while before someone came out to explain the situation to them.

"Mr. Zhou, Ms. Han, please relax. Mr. Zhou Chen is now cooperating with our investigation. He was slightly injured, but not seriously injured. We have helped him take care of it. After we complete the investigation, we have confirmed that it is not Mr. Zhou Chen.

If the problem arises, Mr. Zhou Chen will be released."

The director of the branch called Duo, but the director of the police station could only come forward to explain. In fact, he had already made a conclusion in his mind, but the procedure still had to go.

The director was also frightened when he thought that Zhou Chen, a college student, single-handedly brought down five gangsters with weapons, and that he was only slightly injured.

Although the current law enforcement agencies are not as technologically advanced as later, after such a long time, they have also mastered some of Zhou Chen's information.

Judging from Zhou Chen's resume, he was the top scorer in the college entrance examination and an outstanding college student. In comparison, the resumes of the five defeated gangsters were not good. His heart was somewhat biased towards Zhou Chen.

"Can you tell us what happened? Why did those people beat our Xiaochen?" Han Huifang asked eagerly.

She was full of fear and worry now. Zhou Chen was her only son. She had lost one son before, and she couldn't bear to lose another son, so she was full of hatred for the gangsters who beat Zhou Chen.

The director coughed dryly: "Originally, I shouldn't reveal the facts of the case until the matter is investigated clearly, but as family members, you also have the right to know."

"According to what Mr. Zhou Chen and the suspect said, one of the people who beat him up was Shao Yang, who was the person he summoned. The reason was that Zhou Chen had lost his job, so he felt revenge and committed the crime.

Such a big mistake was made.”


Zhou Jianguo and Han replied at a loss, but Qiao Sanli and Qiao Yicheng both changed their expressions.

Qiao Sanli even exclaimed: "How is it possible? It's actually him?"

When Han Huifang heard that Qiao Sanli seemed to know about it, she quickly asked: "Sanli, do you know this Shaoyang?"

Qiao Sanli smiled bitterly, and then slowly told the details.

When the Zhou couple heard that it was just such a thing, they were very angry. It turned out to be someone from their factory.

Zhou Jianguo and Han Huifang certainly knew that Zhou Chen helped Qiao Erqiang and Qiao Simei arrange their work.

They didn't think there was anything wrong with this, after all, Chenxing and the others would also be handed over to their son in the future.

But they never expected that it would lead to such a disaster.

They were quite open-minded and did not blame Qiao Sanli for this, but in their hearts they were very dissatisfied with Qiao Simei, one of the culprits.

Qiao Yicheng's face turned livid with anger. He thought further than Qiao Sanli. Shaoyang had never met Zhou Chen before. How could he suddenly block Zhou Chen at the entrance of Normal University? He must have been prepared for this.

There is only one person who can provide Shao Yang with this information, and that is his good sister, Qiao Simei.

Thinking of this, he was filled with regret. Everything Zhou Chen suffered was all because of his sister, which made him feel ashamed and shameless to face the Zhou family and his wife.

That night, the Zhou couple, Qiao Sanli and Qiao Yicheng did not leave the police station. They were all here waiting for Zhou Chen to come out.

This chapter has been completed!
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