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Chapter 527: Qiaoqiao’s ownership, Zhou Chen is infected with the virus?

 Qiao Sanli was a little shaken by the repeated persuasion from her eldest brother and her second brother.

It's not that she's afraid of trouble or that she can't afford to support her, it's mainly that she really doesn't have time, and she's even more afraid that the nanny and her family won't be able to take good care of Qi Qiaoqiao.

After all, no matter what, Qi Qiaoqiao is not her biological child. It is impossible to expect her parents-in-law to treat Qi Qiaoqiao like their own grandchildren.

Unable to make up her mind, she asked Zhou Chen: "Husband, what do you think?"

What Zhou Chen could say was, "I listen to you."

Qiao Sanli hesitated even more. She was not afraid that Zhou Chen would oppose her, but just wanted to ask Zhou Chen's opinion. Zhou Chen's answer showed that he really didn't care.

Seeing Qiao Sanli's hesitation, Qiao Erqiang said with a pleading face: "Sanli, just beg you once as my second brother, Qiaoqiao, let me take her back, Suqin and I will treat her like our own daughter, you

You also know the character of the second sister-in-law very well, she will definitely like Qiaoqiao very much."

Qiao Yicheng actually agreed to hand over Qi Qiaoqiao to Qiao Erqiang. He knew that Qiao Erqiang and his wife would definitely not treat Qi Qiaoqiao badly, but the problem was that Simei entrusted the child to Qiao Sanli, and they had to convince

Only Qiao Sanli can do it.

"Sanli, I have an idea. Since you don't have time to take care of Qiaoqiao, then give Qiaoqiao to the second strongman. You can give Qiaoqiao living expenses regularly, so that even if Simei comes back, you can account for it."

When Zhou Chen heard this, he was quite speechless. He had no objection to paying to take care of Qiaoqiao, but at the end, he actually said that the money was to give Qiao Simei an explanation. This was simply nonsense.

She entrusted her children to them without giving them any money, and now she actually wants them to give them some money.

She knew that Qiao Sanli was kind-hearted and could not ignore her daughter, so she dared to leave unscrupulously.

Qiao Simei is definitely a cheater, cheating her sister and brother.

If it weren't for the fact that Qi Qiaoqiao was too young and pitiful, he wouldn't want to ask about this nonsense at all.

But Qiao Sanli's eyes lit up, "Second brother, is this okay?"

Qiao Erqiang waved his hands repeatedly: "No, Sanli, your second sister-in-law and I have no pressure at all to support Qiaoqiao, and we don't need you to provide living expenses."

Qiao Yicheng stopped him: "Erqiang, this is Sanli's wish, and it's also for Qiaoqiao. Not only will she give it, but I will also give a part, so you can accept it with peace of mind. It's actually the easiest for the two of us to contribute the money.

On the contrary, it is not easy for you to raise a child now."

Under the persuasion of Qiao Yicheng and Qiao Sanli, Qiao Erqiang finally agreed.

Therefore, the custody rights of Qi Qiaoqiao were temporarily handed over to Qiao Erqiang, and Qiao Zuwang was no longer angry after knowing that Qiao Erqiang was going to take Qi Qiaoqiao away.

As far as he was concerned, it was fine as long as he didn't need him to support her and he didn't need to pay for her. Once Qiao Simei and the others left, he felt at ease.

However, he still cursed, but the target of the curse became Qi Chenggang and Qi Chenggang's parents.

Qi Chenggang's parents are really cold-blooded. They have hardly asked Qiao Qiao since she was born. Now that something like this happened, they have not given any help to Qiao Simei or the others.

At the end of 2002, a major event occurred in China, a huge infectious disease outbreak, which caused extremely serious damage in just a few months.

This epidemic has caused huge changes in the domestic situation, and the people are even more panic-stricken, especially the capital, which has become the hardest-hit area.

Because of the seriousness of the epidemic, Zhou Chen, a well-known domestic scholar and doctor, also took the initiative to apply to travel to the capital.

Others are afraid of the pneumonia virus, but Zhou Chen is not afraid. He has the magical ability of immunity, and this virus will definitely not be able to hurt him.

The transfer order has been issued. Not only Zhou Chen is going to Jinling Medical College, but there are many people traveling with him.

"Husband, can you not go?"

Knowing that Zhou Chen was going to the capital for support, Qiao Sanli almost said to Zhou Chen in a pleading tone.

Zhou Chen gently stroked Qiao Sanli's face and said softly: "Sanli, don't worry, I'm here to support you. My husband, I'm in good health and won't be infected with that virus, and the country is in crisis." I can't sit back and ignore the current situation. With great power comes great responsibility, and you will definitely understand."

"But we don't want you to go there. It's really too dangerous there. It's been broadcast on TV and in the news and newspapers. If you go to the front line for support, the risk is too great."

"We support the country. We can donate money, materials, anything, but can you not go?"

Listening to his wife's plea, Zhou Chen felt very sad. He knew that he was not afraid of infection, but Qiao Sanli didn't know that. It was normal for him to be worried.

"There are some things that you can't hide from even if you want to. Your husband and I are both dignified men. How can we back down at a time like this?"

"Then I'll go with you."

"What nonsense are you talking about? How can you go with me? You have to stay and take care of your parents, little Apple and little glutinous rice balls. Be obedient, Sanli. I promise you that I will return safely in a short time. "

"I don't, I don't want you to go..."

Although Qiao Sanli begged again and again, she still didn't change Zhou Chen's decision. He had studied this virus, and going to support at this time would definitely play a vital role, so he had to go.

Although this is cruel to Qiao Sanli and his family, the reality is this. If no one wants to go and no one is willing to sacrifice, can the epidemic be saved?

After Zhou Chen left Jinling, Qiao Sanli told her relatives and friends about this matter, which made many people worried.

Zhou Chen, on the other hand, had already followed the large army to the capital. Because of his special status, he received great treatment and was quickly allowed to participate in experiments and rescues.


Zhou family villa.

At this time, Qiao Sanli and Mr. Zhou were sitting on the sofa with worried faces. Qiao Sanli stood up and walked back and forth from time to time.

The reason for this is that Zhou Chen has not contacted them for several days.

Since Zhou Chen went to the capital to provide support, he would often call them to report that he was safe and calm their worries, and it would not take more than two days at the latest.

But this time, they haven't called them for four consecutive days, which made Qiao Sanli and the old couple very anxious.

"Lao Zhou, don't you have any information about the person you are looking for?"

Han Huifang was nearly seventy years old at this time, but because she took good care of herself, she still had black hair and was in good spirits. But at this time, she asked her husband anxiously.

Zhou Jianguo said in a deep voice: "I have found a lot of people, but the situation in the capital is very complicated now, and the hospital where Xiaochen is located is very special, and people from outside cannot get in touch with it. I also asked people from the medical school, but

They all said they didn’t know the situation.”

As a winner of two Nobel Prizes in medicine, Zhou Chen received immediate attention after arriving in the capital and joined a research group studying viruses. His main job was to study viruses and clinical experiments, and was not accessible to outsiders.

Han Huifang asked anxiously: "What should we do? Nothing will happen to Xiaochen, right?"

Although Zhou Jianguo was equally anxious, he was still calm. When he heard his wife's words, he immediately said dissatisfiedly: "Don't talk nonsense, Xiaochen will be fine. Maybe he was delayed by something. Sanli, what's going on with your brother?"


Qiao Yicheng is the leader of the TV station and is an expert in news information. He might have some news, so they have asked Qiao Yicheng to inquire.

Qiao Sanli said: "Dad, Mom, my eldest brother is on his way over. I think he should have news."

"God bless me, I hope nothing happens to this kid. I told him not to go. The capital is so dangerous now, but he just refuses to listen."

Although Han Huifang has been the leader of Chenxing Group for many years, she is still far behind when it comes to self-cultivation.

Zhou Jianguo scolded impatiently: "What's the point of talking about this now? Please be quiet."

The two children were played upstairs by the nanny. Due to the epidemic, the nanny is currently living in the villa and does not go anywhere.

After a while, there was a sound outside the villa, Qiao Sanli immediately walked out, and soon came in with two people.

It was Qiao Yicheng and his colleague Song Qingyuan.

"Issei, is there any news?"

Seeing Qiao Yicheng walking in, Zhou Jianguo immediately stood up and asked.

"Uncle, auntie."

Qiao Yicheng first said hello, then pointed to Song Qingyuan next to him and introduced: "This is my colleague Song Qingyuan. It was he who inquired about Zhou Chen's situation."

The Zhou couple immediately looked at Song Qingyuan.

Song Qingyuan called out politely: "Uncle, aunt, hello."

"Xiao Song, sit down quickly, Sanli, pour a cup of tea for Yicheng and Xiao Song."

Zhou Jianguo asked the two of them to sit down, and then asked: "Xiao Song, what is Xiao Chen's situation now? Why has there been no news for so many days?"

Song Qingyuan did not delay and said immediately: "I asked my friends in the capital to inquire, and I happened to get some news. The hospital where Zhou Chen is located has been sealed off. I heard that Zhou Chen seems to have been quarantined, but the specific situation is

I no longer know."


Upon hearing that Zhou Chen had been quarantined, the Zhou couple and Qiao Sanli trembled slightly, and Han Huifang almost couldn't help crying.

Qiao Sanli asked with a trembling tone: "Why was he quarantined? Is Zhou Chen infected?"

Han Huifang, who was already nervous, could no longer hold back and began to cry, but she quickly covered her mouth for fear of being heard by her grandchildren upstairs.

Zhou Jianguo's hands were shaking and he couldn't even hold the tea cup.

"Xiao Song, is the news reliable?"

Song Qingyuan said: "Because Zhou Chen is very famous, if it wasn't accurate information, my friend probably wouldn't have told me this."

In fact, he used his family connections to ask people to get the information, which was very accurate.

Seeing that the old couple of the Zhou family were in great mental swings, Qiao Yicheng consoled him: "Uncle, aunt, maybe the matter is not as serious as we thought, and Zhou Chen is a doctor himself, so he must have guaranteed his own safety. Let's not worry about it first."

If you think so much, just wait and see.”

Zhou Jianguo was silent, while Han Huifang was crying.

Qiao Sanli suddenly said: "No, I want to go to the capital. I want to find Zhou Chen. Even if he is really infected, I will accompany him."

As soon as Qiao Sanli said these words, Qiao Yicheng immediately became angry.

"Sanli, don't be ridiculous. Is it possible to go to the capital now if you want to? We have only heard about these news, but who knows whether it is true or not. After all, you have been the CEO for so many years. To Zhou Chen, she

What I care about the most is you. If you go to the capital regardless of everything, who will take care of your uncle, aunt, and little apples and glutinous rice balls? You can't act on your own initiative."

Zhou Jianguo also advised: "Yes, Sanli, your elder brother is right. No matter what happens to Xiaochen now, Little Apple and Little Tangyuan cannot leave you."

Although he cares about his son very much, he also cares about his daughter-in-law and grandchildren. His son has been deeply trapped in the capital, and he cannot let his daughter-in-law go too.

What's more, the family still has such a big industry. Now that he is old, he can no longer take care of that much. Both the family and the company cannot do without Qiao Sanli.

"Xiaochen is a smart and steady kid with great fortune and good fortune. I believe he will be fine."

This sentence is not only to comfort Qiao Sanli, but also to comfort himself. He understands the pain of a white-haired person sending a black-haired person away, so he is not willing to experience it again.

Song Qingyuan suddenly said: "Uncle, aunt, Sanli, don't blame me for being blunt. In fact, I don't think you should be so pessimistic. In my opinion, Zhou Chen should not have any major problems. He is a national treasure-level celebrity in medicine.

He is a great master in the world, no matter what, I don’t think anything will happen to him.”

"But now this pneumonia virus is very serious and there is no way to treat it." Qiao Sanli said worriedly.

Song Qingyuan said: "It's hard to say. If the medical conditions can keep up, there should still be a chance."

After several people's persuasion, Qiao Sanli temporarily gave up the idea of ​​going to the capital, but she was still anxious and uneasy. She had nightmares every night and couldn't fall asleep at all.

Zhou Chen, who they were worried about, was indeed isolated in the ward at this time, and he did have a fever, but it was not what they worried about.

Zhou Chen often comes into contact with patients, but his fever is not due to infection with the virus, but due to overwork.

He has been busy saving people, and at the same time he has to be highly concentrated on studying the virus. His physical fitness is far beyond that of ordinary people, but he is still a mortal.

It was fine for a short time, but after a long period of fatigue and lack of sleep, the disease came to the door and caused a fever.

Zhou Chen himself knew that his condition was impossible to be infected, but others didn't know that. As soon as they saw him falling ill and having a fever, they immediately quarantined him.

In addition, he had a high fever and was so dizzy that he was unable to call home in time to explain his situation.

Not long after Zhou Chen was quarantined, gossip media suddenly reported that Zhou Chen, a well-known domestic Nobel Prize winner, was infected with the pneumonia virus, and the story was complete.

Although Zhou Chen is not a celebrity, he has won the Nobel Prize twice and has long been a well-known figure in China. As soon as this report came out, it immediately caused an uproar.

Especially in Jinling, it caused shock.

Because Zhou Chen was born and raised in Jinling, his fame has brought great benefits to Jinling, not to mention the Zhou family's Chenxing Group, which is one of the top large companies in Jinling, and this is also a special time when people are panicking.

After the news appeared, it quickly spread throughout the streets.

As the head of the Propaganda Department, Xiang Nanfang was also the first to know the news. When she heard that Zhou Chen might be infected, she was completely confused.

Zhou Chen is the only man she has ever loved in her life. It is indeed because of Zhou Chen that she does not get married, so Zhou Chen is different to her.

Now that she suddenly heard the news, she, who had always been fearless, became very frightened. She almost didn't think about it and immediately went to Zhou Chen's house.

After arriving at Zhou Chen's house, she met Qiao Sanli and the Zhou family. She immediately explained her purpose of coming and wanted to know Zhou Chen's exact situation.

This chapter has been completed!
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