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Chapter 536: Fight against Jiang Feng, Bureau Du wants a drug test

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"Zhou Chen, open your eyes."

Hearing Jiang Feng's dissatisfied shouting, Zhou Chen slowly opened his eyes and looked at Jiang Feng without saying a word.

For some reason, Jiang Feng always felt that Zhou Chen's gaze was too penetrating, making him feel uncomfortable and even a little guilty.

But the next moment he became even more angry. I am a police officer. How could I be frightened by a "criminal suspect"? He suddenly became angry and his mood fluctuated.

However, although Jiang Feng was very irritable, he was still a criminal policeman after all. He still suppressed the anger in his heart and pretended to be calm before asking questions.

"Zhou Chen, on May 9, 2019, that is today, a No. 45 bus exploded due to a traffic accident on Yanjiang Road, causing extremely serious consequences. According to our investigation, you also took this bus.

The bus, but you got off the bus with two other passengers before it arrived at the stop. Why was this? What was the reason that made the three of you get off suddenly, and got off together?'

Zhou Chen asked back: "What you're saying is that we got off the bus early and it was related to the bus crash and explosion?"

Jiang Feng said coldly: "I am asking you now, not you. You answer whatever I ask you.

Zhou Chen said unhurriedly: "If you say that, then I will have something to say. I promised to come and verify the situation with you, but it does not mean that I am your criminal suspect. Now you are treating me openly and covertly."

As a criminal suspect, I would like to ask, do you have any evidence? If there is no evidence, I can sue you for defamation."

Jiang Feng said angrily: "I am verifying the situation with you now, and when did we say that you are criminal suspects?" "In that case, I ask to see a lawyer, is that okay?'


Jiang Feng was very angry by Zhou Chen's attitude. After a while, he calmed down and his tone became calmer.

"There is no need to hire a lawyer. We will simply ask about the situation."

Zhou Chen then said with satisfaction: "That's right. Don't treat me the same way you treat prisoners. I'm not your prisoner.

Jiang Fengquan acted as if he didn't hear it and asked again: "Mr. Zhou Chen, why did you get off the bus before you arrived at the stop?" "It's simple, because someone was playing hooligan, Li Shiqing and I were going to send that person to the police station, so we

You got off the bus early.” “But the surveillance video shows that not long after you got off the bus, the man separated from you.”

"That's because this was a misunderstanding. When the misunderstanding was resolved, we separated.'

This answer made Jiang Feng very dissatisfied. He felt that Zhou Chen was insulting his IQ, but now he has calmed down a lot and has not lost his composure again.

"Then why after you got off the bus, you and Li Shiqing went to the explosion site of the bus. Did you go there to confirm something?'

Zhou Chen smiled: "Officer Jiang Feng, it seems that you still regard me as a criminal suspect. You ask, do you think I am related to this explosion? Because big data shows that most criminals, after committing a crime,

, will return to the scene to confirm the situation, or enjoy the pleasure brought by their own works. Do you think I am the same?'

Jiang Feng's expression suddenly changed and he looked at Zhou Chen in shock. He did think so, but he never expected that Zhou Chen would reveal his thoughts all at once, which doubled his pressure.

Du Ju, who was watching in the monitoring room, had a very solemn expression. Zhou Chen's performance and what he said made it difficult for people not to doubt.

"Let's investigate this Zhou Chen carefully again. I want to know all the information about him from childhood to adulthood."

In the interrogation room, Jiang Feng didn't know what to ask. Zhou Chen's eyes made him feel uncomfortable. This guy seemed to be able to see through his mind.

"Zhou Chen, please answer my questions truthfully and don't change the topic in a roundabout way."

Zhou Chen nodded and said: "I went to the scene to confirm whether the explosion was caused by a traffic accident, but it was not what you thought, because I also suspected that the bus explosion might not have been an accident, but was caused by someone.


Upon hearing Zhou Chen say this, Jiang Feng in the interrogation room and the police officer recording the incident suddenly changed their expressions. They sat up straight and stared at Zhou Chen closely.

Even Bureau Du, who was sitting in the control room, lost his composure and said loudly: "Amplify the voice, notify Jiang Feng, and ask him to continue asking. No matter what answer you hear, stay calm and don't be impulsive.'

Jiang Feng received the order and immediately asked: "You said that the bus explosion was not an accident, but man-made. What evidence do you have?" "If I have more evidence, I don't need to go to the scene, but call the police directly. I just


"Are you kidding me?'

Jiang Feng couldn't hold back and asked angrily.

Zhou Chen looked at him doubtfully: "How did you become a criminal policeman when you have a personality that can't even do the most basic calm analysis? You didn't ask me why I suspected or what I suspected, but you said I was playing tricks on you.

,what are you thinking?'

"Zhou Chen, don't be too arrogant, this is the police station.

"I know, so I have been very cooperative in explaining things, but you keep interrupting me, questioning me, and even threatening me. Is this how you handle cases?'

Bureau Du in the monitoring room saw this scene and couldn't bear it anymore.

"What's going on with Xiao Jiang? After so many years of criminal investigation, why does he still have such a hot temper?"

She was very dissatisfied with Jiang Feng's work, "This Zhou Chen is not an ordinary character. Jiang Feng can't interrogate him. Notify Team Zhang and ask him to change with Jiang Feng, and he will ask Zhou Chen.'

On the other side of the interrogation room, unlike the bustle and bustle over Zhou Chen's side, it was very quiet, with only Li Shiqing narrating quietly.

Zhang Cheng, who was responsible for interrogating Li Shiqing, was fine at first, but not long after he got to the point, he fell into a state of doubting his life. What Li Shiqing said was what he said.

Dream within dream, cycle, the two cycle, experienced five explosions...

Look, can this be said by a normal person?

If he hadn't seen that Li Shiqing spoke clearly, spoke coherently, and had normal eyes, he would have really wanted to call Qingshan Mental Hospital and ask them to send someone to check on Li Shiqing to see if there was something wrong with her brain.

Not only him, but the recorder next to him was also speechless. What is this?

"Do you believe what I said?"

Li Shiqing asked Zhang Cheng. In fact, she didn't need to ask, she already got the answer from the expression on Zhang Cheng's face.

"Okay, I know you won't believe it, but I still have to emphasize that everything I say is true."

Zhang Cheng pursed his lips, and seeing Li Shiqing's sincere look, he felt that his twenty years of experience in handling cases were completely useless.

Du Ju's voice sounded in his ears, and Zhang Cheng stood up: "Li Shiqing, think about it again and see if there is anything missing. One of my colleagues will come back to ask you later."

Back in the monitoring room, Zhang Cheng saw Jiang Feng, who had his head lowered, and Du Ju, whose face was already filled with frost.

"Du Ju, what's wrong?'

Du Bureau snorted coldly: "This good apprentice of yours asked him to interrogate, but in the end he was angered by the other party after just a few words, and was led by others. He completely lost the calmness that a criminal policeman should have. You change with him, you go

Ask Zhou Chen, I think this person is the key, and Li Shiqing may have been guided by him.'

Zhang Cheng nodded and responded: "No problem.'

Then he looked at Jiang Feng again, and said in a harsh tone: "How many times have I told you, you have to be calm when handling cases and not be impatient. After so many years, you still can't change. After this incident, give me

Write a good review and review your behavior.'

Jiang Feng did not dare to reply: "I understand, Master."

Zhou Chen looked at Zhang Cheng who walked in, and asked with a smile: "There has been a change of officers, Officer Zhang, where is Officer Jiang? I feel that our chat was quite congenial.'

Zhang Cheng was more experienced and said with the same smile: "If we want to make a deal, we can talk more about it later, but now he has something to do, so I will ask you some questions. I hope you can cooperate.'

"Of course I'll cooperate.'

Zhou Chen actually admires these criminal police officers, because criminal police officers can be said to be a very dangerous profession. As the frontline personnel fighting criminals, they may be in danger of their lives at any time, so this kind of people are worthy of admiration.

The reason for his attitude toward Jiang Feng just now was that Jiang Feng was too rude and had a particularly bad attitude.

Seeing that Zhou Chen had a good attitude, Zhang Cheng didn't waste time. He compared the records just now and started asking.

"Speaking of which, I'm curious. If you want to go to the city for a blind date, why don't you drive there yourself instead of taking a bus?

"I simply don't want to drive. If I take the bus, I can still sleep on the way."


Zhang Cheng did not ask any more questions on this question and asked the next question.

"You just said that you suspect that the bus bombing was not an accident but man-made? What evidence do you have, or what is the reason that prompted you to have such suspicion?'

Today's explosion is definitely the largest traffic accident in Jialin City in recent years. In addition to buses and oil tankers, more than 20 vehicles were involved in the accident. Dozens of people were injured, and the death toll was as high as 20.

Multiple people.

If this was not a traffic accident but man-made, then Zhang Cheng could not imagine how much impact it would have on the fishing boat.

Zhou Chen looked serious and said slowly: "As for the evidence, I don't have it yet, but I can tell you the reason." "What is it?"



Hearing this word again, Zhang Cheng's originally expected mood suddenly became extremely bad.

What the hell, he just doubted his life with Li Shiqing, why would he come here a second time?

"Ahem, Zhou Chen, what do you mean by this cycle?

Zhou Chen smiled and asked: "Why, didn't Li Shiqing tell you?'

Zhang Cheng said with a confused look on his face: "I'm sorry, Li Shiqing wasn't asked by me, so I don't understand what you mean by this cycle.'

"Okay, since you don't know, I'll tell you in detail."

Zhou Chen would not believe Zhang Cheng's words. Even if he was not the one who interrogated Li Shiqing, he would definitely listen through other channels.

As for whether Li Shiqing would tell her, he had no doubt at all, because he had told Li Shiqing a long time ago that if he was asked, he would tell the truth. He believed that Li Shiqing would definitely do so.

"I have experienced bus explosions three times in total, and this is the fourth time. The difference is that I was killed in the first three times, but this time, I am still alive.'

When Zhang Cheng heard this, his face trembled and he came. When Li Shiqing talked about this, she almost said the same thing.

Naturally, he didn't believe in this cycle at all. Now he suspected that Zhou Chen and Li Shiqing had probably discussed this a long time ago in order to deal with them.

But what he couldn't understand was why Zhou Chen and Li Shiqing did this. Is this accident really related to them?

But this doesn’t make sense. If it has anything to do with them, how did they do it, and why do they still use such an excuse that makes people feel fake at first glance?

Even if you say nothing and remain silent, it is still many times better than finding this lame excuse.

"When I first woke up, it was

Zhou Chen told what happened after he woke up several times. Except for his origins, there was nothing else he could not say. Zhang Cheng listened carefully all the time, and the recorder also took notes carefully, even though these contents were very complicated.

Weird, but that's their job.

Zhang Cheng was careless from the beginning, but after listening, his expression became a little strange.

Because what Li Shiqing just said was six cycles, five times of being blown up, but Zhou Chen said four cycles, three times of being blown to death, which is a difference of two.

If it had been a conversation, there wouldn't be such an obvious loophole.

After thinking about it, Zhang Cheng suddenly realized, what was Hu Qiba thinking about? How could he take this cycle seriously? "Zhou Chen, let's assume for a moment that if the cycle you mentioned is true, then you are."

How do you determine that there is something wrong? After all, you were killed three times. What is it that makes you think that this accident may not be an accident, but man-made?'

Of course Zhou Chen couldn't be sure, he got the answer from the system.

In fact, he has been thinking about this issue. If it is man-made, who is the most suspicious and which link is the most problematic.

The system's tasks definitely couldn't be the answer, so he gave another answer.



The corner of Zhang Cheng's mouth twitched, and it became more and more unreliable. First it was a cycle, and now it's a feeling. Can we be a little more materialistic?

"I know you won't believe it, but that's because you are not in a loop. After you are killed several times in a row, you will start to use your imagination. Even loops can happen. Why can't the explosion be man-made?

And I guess that the reason why we entered the cycle is probably because of this explosion. Maybe God hopes to use our hands to stop this explosion. Maybe only by stopping the explosion can we get out of the cycle.

Du Ju couldn't stand listening anymore and said to Zhang Cheng through the earphone: "Old Zhang, stop telling him these meaningless words and get something practical out of him.

Zhang Cheng remained calm on the surface and asked: "Well, I understand what you mean. Let's not talk about recycling for now. Since you said it might be man-made, who do you suspect? They are the passengers in the bus who rode through the red light.

A delivery boy, a tanker truck driver, or someone else?'

Zhou Chen thought for a while and said: "It's hard to say, it's possible, but I prefer the passengers on the bus."


"It's simple. Since I'm circulating in the bus, it's more likely that the real murderer is in the bus."

Zhang Cheng has a headache, why can't he let go of this loophole?

"My idea is different from yours. If it was man-made, I think the delivery man is more likely. After all, it was because he ran a red light that the explosion was caused.

Seeing that Zhang Cheng actually discussed this topic with him, Zhou Chen immediately became interested. He felt that Zhang Cheng was an old criminal policeman and if he helped with the analysis, he would be more likely to find the real culprit.

"If he is a delivery person, he must grasp the time accurately, because he must calculate the time when the bus and the tanker truck pass by. The bus is okay, it runs on this road every day, as long as you pay attention,

You can know the time when it arrives at the road section; but it is hard to say about the oil tanker. This kind of vehicle will definitely not be on the road as punctually as the bus, and it is difficult to know the time when it passes.'

"The most important thing is that the delivery man personally ran the red light and caused a traffic accident. This is equivalent to putting his own life on the line. If he really had these abilities, I don't think he would just be an ordinary delivery man, right?"


Zhang Cheng clapped his hands and praised: "Your analysis is very reasonable. According to what you said, the possibility of delivery people is indeed very low. At least it is lower than the possibility of people on buses and oil tankers."

Lower, what about the tanker truck?'

Zhou Chen: "I saw with my own eyes during the cycle that the tanker did not violate traffic rules. It was the bus that ran into it." "It's a cycle again.'

Zhang Cheng was helpless, but Zhou Chen was right. According to the video at the scene, it was indeed the tanker that the bus hit.

"Okay, even if what you say makes sense, who do you think is the most suspicious among the passengers on the bus?'

Zhou Chen recalled carefully: "At that time, including me, there were eleven people on the bus. Among them, those sitting on the left were the driver, two uncles, an old lady, me, and a man wearing a dress in the last row.

A person wearing a hat and mask, covering himself tightly; sitting on the right is a relatively strong man, an aunt, and Li Shiqing and a man with glasses sitting together; there is also a person standing in the front row holding an armrest.

The man in the floral shirt.”

Hearing Zhou Chen's narration, Zhang Cheng was shocked. After listening for so long, he finally heard the most useful clue. He immediately motioned to the person next to him and wrote it down word for word.

"You actually remember everyone and where they sit. I'm surprised. Why do you remember them so clearly?'

Zhou Chen smiled and said: "Although I haven't received professional training like you police officers, I have a good memory and am very sensitive to numbers. Even if it is a long number, I can tell a big difference just by looking at it."

Keep in mind that there are only about ten people in the bus. To me, this is really too simple.'

Only then did Zhang Cheng remember Zhou Chen's investigation results. This person was a teacher in the Department of Mathematics at Jialin Normal University, and his title was associate professor. It would be really unreasonable for an associate professor who is less than thirty years old not to have a good mind.

"Since you can remember everyone, who do you think is the most suspicious?'

Zhang Cheng actually still thinks that Zhou Chen has the biggest problem, but if he wants to make a trick, he has to follow Zhou Chen slowly, and maybe he can get useful information inadvertently.

Zhou Chen thought seriously for a moment, his brain was running crazily, and there was a punishment mechanism for looping skills. He had to race against time. Only by getting more useful information during the loop could he prevent the bus bombing.

and find the real murderer

"Captain Zhang, I can't be sure who is the suspect because I don't know all of them, but if you can give me the basic information of all the passengers on the bus, I think I might be able to find the most suspicious person."

This was the purpose of entering the police station. He knew very well that it was impossible to find out the information of the passengers on the bus within a few hours on his own.

But the Public Security Bureau is different. As long as they want to, they can definitely investigate it as quickly as possible. Once they have the information and analyze it, the difficulty will be greatly reduced.

After hearing Zhou Chen's request, Zhang Cheng said nothing, just smiled, asked a few more questions, and left the interrogation room. Back in the monitoring room, Bureau Du asked Zhang Cheng: "Old Zhang, what do you think?


Zhang Cheng has been thinking: "I can't say. Although the cycle they said is nonsense, I really can't be sure whether this explosion was a traffic accident or man-made. The matter is too important to accept one-sided belief."


Du Ju nodded and asked: "Then Zhou Chen and Li Shiqing, do you think they are suspicious? According to the investigation and interview results, these two people have very good reputations, especially Zhou Chen, who has a bright future. , will he have a problem?”

"It's hard to say. It's really hard to say. Judging from my conversation with him, this person is very scheming, but it doesn't mean he has a problem. What makes me even more strange is that the cycle is just nonsense. , but when the analysis may be artificial, he actually analyzed it seriously, and it didn't look like he was talking nonsense.'

Zhang Cheng expressed all his thoughts, and finally sighed: "I think we still need to investigate again, and we can't let them leave the bureau for the time being.'

Du Ju said: "Okay, I think so too. Let's do a drug test for them first, and then ask questions after the drug test results come out."

This chapter has been completed!
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