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Chapter 537: Stop the car accident and explode again

 Zhou Chen looked at Zhang Cheng in front of him in astonishment, his eyes full of questions.

Zhang Cheng said very calmly: "Don't be nervous. This is our rule. You can use a drug test to determine whether you have taken allergy drugs. The drug test can take blood or urine tests. Which one do you choose, or both?

stand up?"

The corner of Zhou Chen's mouth twitched. Of course he knew what drug testing was, but what he knew the most was doing drug testing for athletes.

When he went to the public security bureau and asked, he actually had to do a drug test. He had never heard of it before. Maybe he was ignorant.

"Let's draw blood."

He looked back at the clock in the interrogation room. It was already past seven o'clock. According to the system, he would enter the loop again in a few hours.

"Officer Zhang, how have you considered the suggestion I just made? I will enter the loop again soon. Give me the information of those passengers. I will definitely be able to prevent the explosion next time I loop."

Zhang Cheng looked at Zhou Chen speechlessly: "If there is really a cycle, I definitely hope you can stop the explosion, so that no one will die due to the explosion, and countless families can be saved, but..."

"I know that things like loops are nonsense. It hasn't happened to me, and I guess no one will believe it. But some things really can't be explained in words. There are many supernatural things in this world. As a detective, you must have heard about it.

You said it, then why can't you believe me?"

"I don't know or understand whether there are supernatural things in the world, but when we handle cases, the most important thing is evidence. We will not make random guesses about things without evidence."

Zhou Chen asked: "You mean you won't tell me the information about the passengers on the bus?"

Zhang Cheng didn't say anything, but his meaning was already obvious. Who knows what Zhou Chen's purpose was in asking for the passengers' information. In order to investigate the case, they could obtain other people's information, but Zhou Chen was an outsider, and it was absolutely impossible to give such information to him.

He saw it.

After the blood was drawn, no one came to interrogate him again. Zhou Chen could only stay in the interrogation room alone and began to recall what happened on the bus.

Since you can't get help from here, you can only use your own methods. The solution that you didn't have time to use before has appeared again.

A few hours passed in the blink of an eye, and Zhou Chen had already entered the cycle again before the results of the drug test came out.

Xiao Heyun suddenly woke up from his seat, holding his bag with both hands, breathing heavily, his eyes full of panic.

His last memory was of that hospital bed. He tried his best to open his eyes wide, trying to survive, but in the end he still couldn't survive.

He looked around and found that he was actually on a bus, which made him even more confused.

He touched his body with both hands and found that there were no wounds on his body, which was completely different from the last memory in his mind. The bus was also running smoothly, and the passengers gave him a very familiar feeling.

When he turned his head and saw the girl in blue shirt sleeping in the seat next to him, his expression became dull for a moment.


Bad memories immediately came to mind. It was this girl who falsely accused him of being a pervert and dragged him off the bus.

"Am I dreaming?"

The first thing Li Shiqing did when she woke up from a deep sleep was to go find Zhou Chen, but as soon as she opened her eyes, she saw the man with glasses whom she had framed as a pervert in the previous cycle, with eyes unblinking.

Staring at him, his expression was very strange.

Before she could ask, the man with glasses took the lead and asked, "I'm sorry, is this the first time we've met?"

When Li Shiqing heard this, her heart skipped a beat. This scene seemed a bit familiar.

When Xiao Heyun saw Li Shiqing's eyes widened and looked at him with surprise, he suddenly became nervous: "It's okay, I'm sorry to bother you."

But Li Shiqing had a guess in her mind, so how could she just let it go? She turned her head and saw Zhou Chen looking at her, so she immediately sat over.

"Zhou Chen, the man next to me just asked me if it was the first time I met him. Do you think it was him too?"

Zhou Chen was also surprised after hearing this, and thought for a moment: "It's very possible."

Although he didn't know about this film and television drama, based on his several experiences, Li Shiqing was most likely the heroine of this film and television drama.

In a film and television drama, in addition to the heroine, the male protagonist is also indispensable. Excluding his appearance, the man with glasses sitting next to Li Shiqing may really be the male protagonist of this film and television drama.

Li Shiqing suddenly said happily: "Then we can let him join us to prevent the bus from exploding."

Zhou Chen was not so optimistic: "Depending on the situation, this should be the first time he has entered the cycle. It took you several times to accept the reality. Do you think he can accept the reality right away?"

"Then what should we do?"

Li Shiqing has relied on Zhou Chen, so when she encounters a problem, she immediately asks Zhou Chen.

Zhou Chen said: "Two options, one is that we go to the front to check the situation, and when the bus reaches the traffic light, we can promptly remind the driver to avoid the takeaway truck. This may prevent traffic accidents, but can it get us out of the loop?

It’s hard to say.”

"The second option is for us to hijack the driver and ask him to forcibly change course and avoid taking the road section where traffic accidents are likely to occur."

"Of these two options, which one do you think you should choose?"

"Of course it's the first one."

Li Shiqing answered without hesitation. She was stunned by Zhou Chen's second plan.


Zhou Chen was not surprised at all, this was the choice that normal people should have, but he was different from Li Shiqing. The cycle was a sharp sword to him and could kill him, so his thoughts were naturally different from Li Shiqing's.

But before the two of them started taking action, Xiao Heyun, who realized something was wrong, couldn't help it anymore. He picked up his bag and walked forward cautiously.

"Master, I want to get off the bus."

Driver: “You can’t stop until you arrive at the stop.”

Xiao Heyun said anxiously: "Anyway, there's no one in front. Why don't you stop? I have something urgent."

The driver just glanced at him indifferently, but the man in the floral shirt behind asked: "Hey, buddy, did you sleep past the station?"

Zhou Chen and Li Shiqing were stunned when they heard the commotion, but then they were sure that the man with glasses must have entered the loop like them.

"Zhou Chen, what should we do now? Should we find a way to prevent the car accident, or should we stop him first?"

Zhou Chen frowned. He didn't expect this change, but he didn't have time to think too much now, because he already knew the road clearly and would soon reach the intersection where the car accident happened.

"I'll control that guy. You go to the driver's side and remind him to pay attention."

Li Shiqing immediately responded: "Okay."

At this time, Xiao Heyun saw that the driver refused to drive, so he hurriedly ran to the car door and pulled the door hard. Everyone in the car looked at him in shock.


Zhou Chen and Li Shiqing stood up. Li Shiqing walked towards the driver, while Zhou Chen walked towards Xiao Heyun.

Zhou Chen grabbed Xiao Heyun's clothes and shouted: "Brother, it's too dangerous for you to do this. You'd better come back to your seat with me."

Although he has gone through several cycles, which has caused his physical attributes to drop a lot, he is naturally much stronger than an otaku like Xiao Heyun.

Xiao Heyun was grabbed by Zhou Chen's clothes and pulled back. He couldn't resist at all. He was so angry that he shouted: "Let me go, let me go. I want to get off the car, please let me go."

Zhou Chen didn't care about him at all and dragged him to the back.

"Don't be nervous, everyone. I was afraid that this kid would act randomly and affect the driver, so I pushed him back. Safety comes first."

This was unanimously agreed upon by many passengers.

"Brother, you are right, it is indeed dangerous."

"Young man is so warm-hearted."

"Young man, you are right. This is driving. It is too dangerous. You cannot cause trouble."

Zhou Chen pressed Xiao Heyun in his original position and warned him in a low voice: "I know you have also entered the loop. I knew that the bus would explode, so I wanted to get off the bus, but we entered the loop before you.

We have tried the method you just used, but it doesn't work at all. If you want to survive, don't mess around and listen to my command, do you understand?"

Xiao Heyun, who was struggling, suddenly weakened a lot when he heard Zhou Chen's words.

"Is everything you said true?"

Zhou Chen said: "Of course it's true. You got out of the car with us because you were framed as a pervert. If what I said wasn't true, how could you know this?"

Seeing that Zhou Chen knew this, Xiao Heyun no longer doubted it. Although he still couldn't believe it, facts speak louder than words. If it were a dream, it was impossible for two or three people to have the same dream.

"Now calm down, time is running out, we have to stop the explosion."

I lowered my head and looked at the time. It was already 1:41, and the bus had stopped at the traffic light at the intersection.

Because of Xiao Heyun's sudden change, a lot of time was wasted. At this time, even knocking on the window and jumping out of the car would not work. He could not leave Li Shiqing and run away alone.

It’s not entirely because of sympathy, but because I feel that since Li Shiqing is the heroine, she must have the aura of the protagonist. In this kind of world with supernatural power, having a heroine with the aura of the protagonist by your side will definitely bring you unexpected gains.

Zhou Chen walked to the front of the carriage and stood behind Li Shiqing. At this time, Li Shiqing kept reminding the driver to be careful.

"Uncle, don't take what happened just now to your heart. Slow down when the light turns green. Don't be anxious. It will be bad if someone runs through the red light."

She wanted to tell the delivery boy about running a red light directly, but she also knew that no one would believe her, so she could only give a sideways reminder.

The driver glanced at Li Shiqing, and he naturally recognized Li Shiqing, but Li Shiqing actually ordered him to drive, which made him speechless.

The man in the flowered shirt behind was holding a mobile phone. When he heard Li Shiqing's words, he also smiled and said: "Hey, little girl, you are a college student, can you drive? You even ordered the driver to come, you have been driving for so many years.

, do you know more than you?"

Li Shiqing ignored him at all and repeated the cycle several times. She knew very well that this guy was definitely the most annoying person on the bus.

As soon as the light turned green, the driver was about to accelerate, but Li Shiqing suddenly shouted: "Uncle, slow down, wait a few seconds before driving again."

The fussing screams startled the passengers in the car, and the driver couldn't help but glance at her.

The driver was wondering. In the past, this little girl was very quiet and polite when riding in the car. What happened today? She was so chattering.

Just as he stepped on the accelerator, the bus started to move, but before it had driven far, Li Shiqing suddenly shouted: "Uncle, be careful."

The driver instinctively braked, and the inertia made the bus shudder, and the passengers on the bus fell forward in embarrassment.

I saw a takeaway truck passing in front of the bus. If the bus had not braked just now, it would definitely hit the takeaway truck.

This thrilling scene frightened the people at the front of the car, and the man in the flowered shirt screamed again and again.

"Little girl, you can do it. Is this a prophet?"

The driver also broke into a cold sweat. Although he was well prepared today, he had not thought about getting into a car accident.

The bus started again.

Zhou Chen and Li Shiqing both breathed a sigh of relief. This time it really went smoothly and they avoided the traffic accident. They both sat down in the parking space.

Li Shiqing asked Zhou Chen in a low voice: "We stopped the explosion. We should be able to get out of the cycle now, right?"


Zhou Chen did not say clearly that according to the system's mission, the real culprit must be found and brought to justice.

But this was his mission, not Li Shiqing's, so he didn't know whether Li Shiqing would be like him and enter the cycle again.

But what just happened proved that traffic accidents can be solved, so what he had to do next was to find the real culprit as soon as possible.

The delivery boy and the tanker truck can be eliminated, because the only thing that has changed is the bus. The delivery boy and the tanker truck have not changed, which means that if the bus did not cause an accident, they would definitely not have an accident.

Thinking of this, Zhou Chen's eyes turned to the passengers in the bus.

Li Shiqing and the man with glasses can be ruled out directly, so the real culprits are most likely the remaining people, and the most suspicious one is the driver.

Li Shiqiang said with emotion: "Fortunately you are with me, otherwise I would definitely not be able to do it alone."

Zhou Chen said: "Don't underestimate yourself so much. In my opinion, you are already calmer and better than most people."


Li Shiqing asked in surprise.

She has never been a very outstanding person since she was a child, so she was very happy when she heard Zhou Chen's praise.

Zhou Chen said with certainty: "Well, I have lived for so many years and have seen many people. It is really rare among girls to have such excellent qualities at your age."

Li Shiqing thought Zhou Chen's words were very strange. What did you mean by living for so many years? Zhou Chen was only a few years older than her.

Xiao Heyun sat in the back and was relieved when he saw that Zhou Chen and Li Shiqing actually stopped the traffic accident. At the same time, he was even more shocked. This meant that what happened before was true.

This experience, which was like a science fiction movie, made him feel incredible.

Zhou Chen was still deep in thought, while Li Shiqing leaned on the chair, slowly recovering from the day's experience.

Suddenly, a melodious ringtone rang. Li Shiqing, who was full of smiles and relaxed, changed her face suddenly when she heard the ringtone.

Zhou Chen noticed the change in Li Shiqing and suddenly thought: "What's wrong?"

Li Shiqing's expression became particularly frightened: "This ringtone..."

Before they could finish speaking, the terrifying bright light and flames enveloped them. This time, Zhou Chen didn't even have time to complain before he was drowned.


Zhou Chen gasped for air and woke up from his drowsiness. When he woke up, he still hadn't come back to his senses.

"What happened just now? Why did it explode even though we had obviously escaped the car accident?"

Thinking of a possibility, a chill suddenly appeared in his heart.

There is a bomb on the bus.

At this moment, he finally understood why the system issued such a main mission. It was all because the bus was not an ordinary traffic accident at all, but because there was a bomb on the bus.

This also means that someone wants to bomb the bus, and it is planned.

While he was still deep in thought, Li Shiqing and Xiao Heyun on the right also woke up.

The first thing Li Shiqing did when she woke up was to run to Zhou Chen's side, raise her pretty face, and stare at Zhou Chen nervously.

Although Xiao Heyun was not like Li Shiqing, he was still close to Zhou Chen. Although it was only his second cycle, he also realized something was wrong.

There was obviously no traffic accident, but the bus still exploded. There must be something wrong.

Li Shiqing had more "combat" experience, so she immediately asked: "Zhou Chen, is there a bomb in the car?"

The voice was very low, for fear of being heard by others.

Zhou Chen nodded with a heavy face and said: "Well, there must be a bomb. If there is just a problem with the bus, it cannot be so powerful."

Li Shiqing's face suddenly filled with fear, and she said in a trembling voice: "I remembered, when I woke up for the first and second time, I heard that ringing sound, and then the bus exploded, and the next few times

, in order to get out of the car, we all interfered with the driver, and then there was a car accident, and we never heard the bell again."

Zhou Chen's face became horrified. He had never heard the ringtone before, but he knew that Li Shiqing would definitely not lie to him.

"There was a bomb in the car, and it was controlled by a bell. According to the time, the last explosion should have been around 1:45, and the time of the car accident was 1:42, so we were not conscious before.

There was a bomb in the car and I escaped the car accident, but I didn't escape the explosion."

"Zhou Chen, what should we do?"

Zhou Chen looked up and looked at the time on the bus. It was now one thirty-nine. When he saw this time, he was suddenly stunned.

Except for the first time he was bombed, he didn't notice the time. The next few times, he noticed the time he woke up, which was different every time, as if it was about a minute earlier.

Does each loop advance one minute?

Zhou Chen felt that he had grasped a very important point.

However, time is limited now, and there is not much time for him to analyze. As before, he must either get out of the car or prevent the explosion.

There was still a chance to prevent the previous car accident, but now there was a bomb in the car, but they didn't know where the bomb was. They couldn't find it after several minutes, so how could they stop it?

"Get off the bus, you must get off the bus."

Zhou Chen suddenly said to Li Shiqing: "Still using your previous method, we will analyze it slowly after we get off the car."

Li Shiqing had no doubts about Zhou Chen, "Okay, let's get out of the car first."

Then she returned to her seat and looked at Xiao Heyun.

"We have to get out of the car first. I need your help. You have to cooperate with me."

Xiao Heyun was confused: "How can I cooperate..."

"Perverts, there are perverts."

Li Shiqing grabbed Xiao Heyun's hand and shouted loudly. Xiao Heyun was immediately stunned, and bad memories came to his mind again.

Two minutes later, Zhou Chen and three others were standing on the sidewalk.

Xiao Heyun said with a bitter look on his face: "Can you please stop using this excuse next time? Aren't you familiar with him? You can ask him to cooperate with you. Why does it have to be me?"

Li Shiqing said matter-of-factly: "You are the one sitting next to me."

"Okay, I'm unlucky, what should we do next?"

He had already accepted his fate. Two cycles made him understand that if he wanted to get out of the cycle, it was best to cooperate with Zhou Chen and the other two "old players".

"By the way, my name is Xiao Heyun, what about you?"

"Li Shiqing. Zhou Chen."

Zhou Chen said: "We just had another trouble. If nothing else happens, there will be another car accident on the bus soon. The police will find us again soon. Let's find a hidden place to hide first."

Xiao Heyun said: "I know a place that I can take you to."

Zhou Chen said: "Can I avoid the camera?"

Xiao Heyun was stunned for a moment, "That should be possible, that place is quite secretive."

"Okay, let's go there now."

Under the leadership of Xiao Heyun, the three people left quickly.

Just after they walked a certain distance, they heard a violent explosion, and the three of them couldn't help but look in that direction.

"It exploded again..."

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