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Chapter 539: Determine the location of the bomb and the real culprit

 "What's in this bag?"

Xiao Heyun walked to the side of the bald old man and asked, pointing to the snakeskin bag on the ground.

The bald old man hurriedly explained: "These are all watermelons, which are worthless. I only have so much money on me, so I'll give it to you."

There were whole and broken bills, but they didn't add up to a hundred dollars.

Zhou Chen "roughly" directed Xiao Heyun: "You, open it, I want to see if there are really watermelons inside."

The bald old man was about to open it himself, but Zhou Chen shouted again: "You are not allowed to move, let him come."

The bald old man stopped. Xiao Heyun put the money away and carefully opened the snakeskin bag.

The three of them had discussed before who was most likely to be carrying a bomb. The bald old man with the snakeskin bag under his feet was the key suspect. After all, such a big snakeskin bag was really suspicious.

After careful inspection, he found that the snakeskin bag was indeed filled with watermelons and no bombs, which made Xiao Heyun relieved.

But soon his heart was raised again. If it wasn't this old man, who could it be?

Xiao Heyun's eyes turned to the man coming from the back. This man wrapped himself tightly and hugged his schoolbag tightly. There must be something fishy about it.

Thinking of this, Xiao Heyun walked quickly in front of this person.

"Friend, please cooperate, open the bag and take out all the money and valuables."

The masked man hugged his schoolbag nervously: "I only have a few dollars in change, no other cash, and there are only some books in my bag."

Xiao Heyun advised: "Friend, you just saw that this robber is very vicious. If you don't open the bag, he will definitely not let you go."

Zhou Chen cooperated very well and shouted to the masked man: "Hurry up and open the bag, or I will kill this woman first and then go over and smash your head."


Li Shiqing's head was filled with questions. Is the drama too much? If you want to kill him, just kill him. Why do you have to take me with you?

The man in the mask was obviously not very courageous. When Zhou Chen yelled like this, his body trembled in fright and he could only loosen his hands holding his school bag.

Seeing this, Xiao Heyun grabbed the backpack and opened it quickly, but then he was stunned.

There was no bomb in the schoolbag as expected, but a small tabby cat.


Zhou Chen saw Xiao Heyun in a daze and asked urgently: "What's in the bag?"

Xiao Heyun helplessly unfolded his schoolbag and showed it to Zhou Chen: "It's a kitten."

The masked man stammered and explained: "Pets are not allowed on the bus, so, that's why I do this."

Zhou Chen was also speechless. The people on this bus are all talented people. Some of them bombed the bus, some of them cycled, some of them brought medicine with them, some of them brought watermelons, and now there are even some with pet cats.

"Next, keep searching for the next one, I don't believe no one has cash, hurry up."

Xiao Heyun returned the bag to the masked man and moved on to the next target. This time the target was a middle-aged aunt with a cold face.

"Auntie, do you have cash with you? If you do, you'd better take it all out."

Unexpectedly, the cold-faced aunt looked at him coldly and said nothing, which made Xiao Heyun very embarrassed.

Turning his eyes, he saw a big pot placed at the feet of the cold-faced aunt, so he asked: "Aunt, you have this pot."

"There's meat inside." The cold-faced aunt said in a cold tone.

Zhou Chen didn't care so much and shouted: "Open it, let her open the pot. Who knows if her money is in the pot? What these old ladies like most is to hide money everywhere, hurry up."

Xiao Heyun understood Zhou Chen's meaning and squatted down, about to pull the cauldron out, but the cold-faced aunt grabbed his hand.

"Aunt, this is none of my business. It's this person who asked me to take a look. Just take a look. It's fine."

As he spoke, he pulled hard, but he didn't notice at all that the aunt suddenly put her other hand into her pocket and took out something.

Zhou Chen had been staring at them. When he saw the middle-aged woman taking out something, his expression suddenly changed.


Hearing Zhou Chen's loud reminder, Xiao Heyun raised his head in confusion, and then he saw a short knife stabbing him fiercely.


Either intentionally or unpreparedly, the short knife pierced Xiao Heyun's neck in an instant, and blood spurted out.

Xiao Heyun could clearly hear the sound of the blade piercing his neck, and at the same time felt the immense pain. His eyes widened, and he covered his neck, trying to break free.

But the cold-faced aunt didn't give him a chance at all. She pulled out the blade and stabbed it again, leaving another wound on Xiao Heyun's body.

This sudden scene scared everyone in the bus. It was even more terrifying than Zhou Chen's sudden robbery just now.

Not to mention the passengers, even Zhou Chen was confused when he saw this scene, but he reacted very quickly.

"Xiao Heyun."

Amidst Li Shiqing's frightened screams, Zhou Chen had already shaken him off and rushed towards the cold-faced aunt like a cheetah, trying to save Xiao Heyun.

But the cold-faced aunt just looked at him coldly, and then pulled the valve of her pressure cooker.



Zhou Chen woke up from his slumber and immediately looked at where the cold-faced aunt was.

Like him, Li Shiqing also looked at the cold-faced aunt when she woke up.

Only Xiao Heyun, the first thing he did when he woke up was to cover his neck with his hands, his face full of fear and his whole body trembling.

"Xiao Heyun, are you okay?"

Xiao Heyun gasped violently. After a while, he calmed down after making sure that he was not injured.

"I'm all right."

He had just been stabbed twice, and he could not forget the severe pain and fear. It was so terrifying.

"The real culprit is that aunt."

"Zhou Chen."

Li Shiqing and Xiao Heyun both looked at Zhou Chen.

Zhou Chen shook his head at them and signaled them not to mess up. When he just woke up, he had already discovered that the time had advanced by one minute.

But he didn't care about this. What he cared about was that he felt that his body had become weak again, as if he had been seriously ill.

In fact, he also knows that his physical fitness is still relatively good compared to normal people now, but once he had a stronger physical fitness, and now he is like this, the gap in his heart is naturally very big.

"She can manually detonate the bomb, which is the pressure cooker valve."

When the bomb exploded just now, it was not until 1:45. In other words, in addition to the timed explosion, the bomb could also be exploded manually, and he could see clearly that the woman was pulling the pot valve.


It can be seen from the situation just now that this cold-faced aunt is very alert. If anything goes wrong, she will immediately take action and detonate a bomb. She must not be reckless.

"You two, come here."

Zhou Chen asked Li Shiqing and Xiao Heyun to stay behind him, and then turned around to discuss with them.

"From the last cycle, we can know that the aunt is the real culprit of the bombing, and the bomb is in the pressure cooker under her feet."

"Yes, I saw it too. She pulled the wire to the pot valve, so the thing in the pot must be a bomb."

Xiao Heyun whispered: "She can detonate the bomb, which means that the bomb is not only controlled by timer, but can be detonated at any time. This is too dangerous. What should we do?"

Zhou Chen said in a deep voice: "We must control him and snatch the bomb. I remember clearly that the bomb exploded at 1:45, so we must get it before 1:45."

Throw the bomb."

Li Shiqing asked worriedly: "Where should we throw it away? If we throw it away casually, it will accidentally hurt other people. We can't hurt others."

Xiao Heyun said anxiously: "We didn't mean to harm others. We want to save ourselves now. If we accidentally hurt others, there is nothing we can do."

People are selfish, and not everyone wants to be as kind as Li Shiqing.

Xiao Heyun, who has experienced several explosions, what he wants most now is to survive and get out of the cycle. As for other things, he can't think about that much right now.

"How can this be done? We saved ourselves but harmed others. How is this different from the previous bus explosion?" Li Shiqing objected.

"Li Shiqing, is other people's lives more important, or is your own life more important? If you don't care for yourself, you will be punished by heaven and earth." Xiao Heyun shouted with a red neck.

Li Shiqing retorted: "I don't agree, anyway, I don't agree to do this."

"If we don't do this, we will all die." Xiao Heyun said angrily.

"You two, keep your voices down."

Zhou Chen stopped the quarrel between the two of them. The more the two of them argued, the louder they became. If this continued without them stopping them, they would die again if the old lady holding the pot heard it.

"Both of you are right, but your starting point is different."

Everyone has their own opinions. Zhou Chen doesn't think any of them are at fault. In fact, if it weren't for the mission, he would probably be more biased towards Xiao Heyun.

It's not that he has no kind intentions, but when it comes to his own life, he will definitely think of himself first, instead of thinking more like Li Shiqing.

"I think there must be some pattern when we suddenly appear in a cycle. It is most likely that we are being asked to save people. So if we casually throw bombs outside and blow up other people, I am afraid we will enter the cycle again."

Xiao Heyun frowned: "You mean, as long as someone dies due to the explosion, we may not be able to escape the cycle?"

"You are a game planner. If you treat this as a game, do you think it will be like this?"

"Should, very likely."

Xiao Heyun felt that what Zhou Chen said made sense. If analyzed according to the game, such a setting might indeed exist.

"But if we don't throw the bomb out, what will we do? We can't wait to be blown up again."

Zhou Chen said: "I already have an idea, please wait for me and I'll call the police."

"Call the police?"

Li Shiqing and Xiao Heyun both expressed confusion. Zhou Chen had always shown an attitude of being unwilling to contact the police before. Why did he suddenly change his attitude?

Zhou Chen ignored them and just said "wait", then left Zui Zui and walked to the corner seat on the right side of the last row.

The masked man sitting in the last row was startled when he saw Zhou Chen approaching. He was relieved when he found Zhou Chen sitting on the other side.

Zhou Chen quickly dialed the alarm number. After getting through, he spoke first before the other party finished explaining the procedure.

"I want to call the police and pick up Zhang Cheng from the Municipal Bureau's Criminal Investigation Detachment."

"Hello, sir, I..."

"Don't waste time. I have a bomb here. Get Zhang Cheng from the Criminal Investigation Detachment immediately and ask him to call me. Hurry."

When the operator at the alarm center heard that there was a bomb, his expression changed drastically, and he quickly reported it to his superiors without caring whether it was true or false.

At the Public Security Bureau, Zhang Cheng was sitting in his office drinking tea and looking at cases when someone suddenly ran in.

"Team Zhang, the police center called and said that someone just called the police and said there was a bomb in his car. He wanted to talk to you by name."

"What, there's a bomb?"

Zhang Cheng was startled, stood up suddenly, and said without any nonsense, "Take the phone immediately."

The public security bureau's dedicated telephone line is special and can be transferred internally, so Zhang Cheng's phone was quickly connected to Zhou Chen's mobile phone.

"I am Zhang Cheng from the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Municipal Bureau. Hello, who are you?"

Hearing the familiar voice, Zhou Chen immediately said: "Captain Zhang, I don't have much time to explain to you. It's one thirty-eight now. I'm on bus No. 45. The license plate number is Jia A77651. I

I found a bomb on the car. The bomb will explode at 1:45. However, this bomb can also be detonated manually, but I will control the other party so that she cannot detonate the bomb. What you have to do is to evacuate along Yanjiang Road and cross the river immediately.

Daqiao, you are a criminal police officer and have more experience than me. It is up to you how to arrange the rest."

Before Zhang Cheng could reply, Zhou Chen quickly hung up the phone.

Hearing the beep sound from his cell phone, Zhang Cheng finally reacted and shouted loudly: "Jiang Feng, Yu Lei, gather the people immediately..."

Following Zhang Cheng's order, the entire Public Security Bureau quickly took action. Not long after, Zhang Chenggong led a group of people to eliminate the Public Security Bureau.

"Yu Lei, let's work separately. You take people to block off the bridge and the river. There is no need for any ships to approach the bridge. I will take people to track the bus."


A group of people immediately divided into two groups.

After getting in the car, Zhang Cheng looked at his watch. It was already 1:40. The person who called the police said that the explosion would happen at 1:45, and he didn't know if there would be enough time.

"Master, there is a bomb on the bus. Did someone call the police falsely?"

Jiang Feng, who was driving, couldn't help but ask Zhang Cheng.

Zhang Cheng said coldly: "I hope it is false, but even if it is false, we must take action. This is our responsibility, because if it is true and we have no action, what does that mean? You should

very clear."

"I'm sorry, Master."

"Stop talking and drive quickly. Time is running out. We must catch up with the bus as soon as possible."

Zhang Cheng was feeling very nervous at the moment. He also had many years of experience in handling cases, and had experienced all kinds of cases. Although he just answered a phone call this time, he felt that it didn't look fake.

But even if it didn't look fake, he was even more nervous because time was so tight.


After Zhou Chen finished making the call, he returned to his seat.

"Zhou Chen, how are you?" Li Shiqing asked nervously.

Zhou Chen: "I have already called the police. They should set up defenses as quickly as possible."

In fact, he didn't know for sure, because the time left for the police was only a few minutes, and he didn't know if it would be late.

But calling the police was just a precaution, as long as they could evacuate the bridge in time, so that he wouldn't be able to grab the bomb and be unable to throw it out.

"The woman has a knife in her hand. You two will cooperate with me later. I will control the woman and you two will take the pressure cooker away. Li Shiqing, you must explain to others in time and don't let them break it."

It's our business, and let others help control the woman. After the bus reaches the bridge, ask the driver to stop. We only need to throw the bomb into the river before 1:45 and we will be safe."

After hearing Zhou Chen's words, Li Shiqing and Xiao Heyun nodded repeatedly.

Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye, they reached the traffic light at the intersection. Zhou Chen looked at the time, it was one forty, and the bus was running normally without their obstruction.

The bus drove for another distance, and Zhou Chen keenly noticed that there were fewer vehicles coming and going. It seemed that Zhang Cheng had already started taking action.

As the bus entered the cross-river bridge section, the time was already 1:42, and Zhou Chen decided to take action.

"Li Shiqing, Xiao Heyun, let's take action now. Remember, we will control the woman first, and then you two will go grab the pressure cooker. Do you understand?"

"Okay." Li Shiqing and Xiao Heyun both nodded solemnly.

"I'll move first, and you two will follow."

Zhou Chen stood up from his seat and walked to the exit, followed by Li Shiqing and Xiao Heyun.

Although the passengers in the car saw their actions, they just took a glance and didn't find it strange. They thought they were going to get off at the next stop and were just waiting in advance.

"Do it."

Following Zhou Chen's low shout, he took the lead and rushed straight towards the cold-faced pot aunt.

Zhou Chen's attack came so suddenly that the cold-faced Auntie Guo, who had her back turned to him, didn't realize it, so Zhou Chen smoothly grabbed her left hand that was leaning outside and twisted it hard.

Zhou Chen is an old doctor with tens or hundreds of years experience. With such a twist, there was a "click" sound, and Auntie Guo's left hand was directly twisted and fractured. Auntie Guo let out a scream in pain.

But Zhou Chen didn't stop moving, he twisted Aunt Guo's left hand and grabbed Aunt Guo's right shoulder again.

Although Guo Auntie was conscious this time, her brain couldn't react at all in the flash of lightning. When Zhou Chen grabbed her right shoulder, she reached into her pocket to take out the knife on her body.

But at this time, Xiao Heyun and Li Shiqing had already rushed forward. Xiao Heyun simply and roughly held down Guo Auntie's body, while Zhou Chen grabbed her right hand and twisted it hard again.

This time it was not so smooth, because Guo Auntie also exerted her strength, but even the weakened Zhou Chen was not as strong as her. With another full twist, Guo Auntie's right hand was removed.


Two arms were removed in succession, and Auntie Guo let out a painful cry. She tried hard to reach out to pull the pressure cooker valve, but she couldn't use any force at all, so she could only twist with all her strength.

Xiao Heyun hugged her body tightly, while Li Shiqing took the opportunity to pull out the pressure cooker.

Only then did the other passengers on the bus scream, especially the man in the flowered shirt, who screamed again and again.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Li Shiqing hugged the pressure cooker and shouted loudly: "Don't get me wrong, there is a bomb in this pressure cooker, this aunt wants to blow up the bus, we are doing this to save everyone, and we have already called the police, the police are on the bridge

Wait for us up there, you don't have to do anything now, just sit down."

These words made the passengers in the car look at each other in shock, not knowing whether to believe it or not, but they really had no intention of taking action again.

"Let me go, let me go."

The controlled Aunt Guo screamed miserably, but she couldn't break free from the control of Zhou Chen and Xiao Heyun, and her expression became extremely ferocious.

"Ah, let me go, let me go..."

Zhou Chen snatched Auntie Guo's knife, and then said to Li Shiqing: "Li Shiqing, come over and help Xiao Heyun hold him down, and I will deal with the bomb."

Li Shiqing immediately stood up, walked to Zhou Chen's position, and helped Xiao Heyun hold down Guo Auntie.

Zhou Chen picked up the pressure cooker and shouted loudly to the driver: "Master driver, stop the car, I want to throw the bomb out, stop the car quickly."

But what Zhou Chen didn't expect was that the driver did not stop, but instead accelerated again.

"Master driver, what are you doing? Stop the car quickly. The bomb is about to explode. I have to throw it off the bridge, otherwise everyone will die."

Zhou Chen shouted again, but the driver still seemed not to hear him and continued driving. This made him suddenly realize that something was wrong.

At the same time, Auntie Guo, who was controlled by Xiao Heyun and Li Shiqing, shouted sternly: "Wang Xingde, don't stop, don't stop. If you dare to stop, I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost. Mengmeng is waiting for us.

Mengmeng is still waiting for us..."

Zhou Chen felt his head buzzing, "The driver and this woman are in the same group."

This chapter has been completed!
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