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Chapter 560: Buying meat and preparing to get married

 "There are so many people?"

When Zhou Chen and others arrived at the Shengli Store Supply and Marketing Cooperative, they found that a large group of people had gathered in front of the store.

Zhou Chen said: "Isn't this a normal thing? We can get the news, and others can definitely get the news from other channels. But since the above decided to open up, it means that the supply of pork this time should exceed demand. Don't worry, we

Just wait in line.”

He knew that in the TV plot, Zhou Bingkun and others waited from morning until night. It was not yet noon yet, so they had plenty of time.

"On National Day, if you want to catch up, ask how you can queue up."

"Okay, you guys wait here and we'll go ask."

Xiao Guoqing and Sun rushed into the crowd and found that everyone was not queuing up. They were all crowded together and noisy.

After a while, Xiao Guoqing came back.

"The meat hasn't arrived yet, but a lot of people have come, and everyone is queuing up. I asked Catch-up to wait in line."

Zhou Chen knew what was going on with the pork trade this time. Even at night, there was still no sale. The reason was that there was no good communication between the supply and marketing cooperative and the warehouse.

The leader of the supply and marketing cooperative thought that the other party would deliver it by himself, so he did not urge it. However, the people in the warehouse did not want to make mistakes, so they were waiting for a call from the leader of the supply and marketing cooperative.

There was no communication between the two parties and they just waited until the evening. The pork had not been delivered yet, which caused a commotion. If Zhou Bingkun and others had not taken action, the supply and marketing cooperative would have been robbed.

Zhou Chen, who knew the situation, would not stupidly wait until night. He looked at the time to see if there would be any accidents. If no accidents occurred, after a while, he would take the initiative to go in and communicate with the leaders of the supply and marketing cooperative to let them

Call up.

There are quite a few people coming here to buy pork, but not as many as expected. At least it’s not like the supermarkets a few decades later that would get free stuff, where those crazy uncles and aunts could go to the floor and line up with small benches the night before.

Most of the people who come here to queue up to buy pork are young people. After all, not the elderly can handle the fan after fan of pork, and not everyone has that much money to buy it.

"Brother Bingkun, why haven't you started selling it yet? Did you get the information wrong?"

After waiting for a while, Qiao Chunyan was a little anxious. She worked as a pedicurist in a public bathhouse. Sunday was the busiest time. The morning was fine, but there was no need to delay her in the afternoon and evening.

She originally planned to buy the meat before noon so as not to delay work in the afternoon.

But now that the pork was not on sale, she couldn't help but begin to doubt the accuracy of Zhou Chen's news.

Xiao Guoqing was not Sun Qianchao, and he was not used to Qiao Chunyan. Before Zhou Chen could speak, he said impatiently: "If the news was not true, would there be so many people waiting in line here? Why are you in a hurry? Do you think you can?"

Meat is so easy to buy. No need to pay for it. What’s wrong with waiting for a long time?”

Qiao Chunyan hummed: "I'm different from you. You don't go to work today, but I have to go to work in the afternoon."

"Then you can't ask for leave."

"I am an advanced member of our bathhouse. How can I ask for leave at will? Brother Bingkun, otherwise, if they don't start selling before noon, I will go back first and you can help me take my share back. Anyway, you

I’m also riding a tricycle, so I just want to help you along the way, okay?”

Zhou Chen looked at her speechlessly and asked, "Why didn't you tell me before I came here?"

Carrying things for others is actually not a big deal, and carrying dozens of kilograms of meat is not a big deal for him.

But the problem is, we are already here and you don’t want to wait. Why didn’t you say it before you came? Now that you have to wait, you say this.

Qiao Chunyan said distressedly: "I didn't know I had to wait. I thought I could buy it directly when I came."

Xiao Guoqing said: "We can all wait, but you have too many things to do and can't wait."

"National Day, I didn't ask you to take care of me. Why are you talking so much? My brother and I are brothers and sisters now. What's wrong with helping you with a little help? Is it in your way?"

When Qiao Chunyan saw Xiao Guoqing targeting her several times, she also fought back. She has a fierce personality and is not weak in the face of men.

Xiao Guoqing wanted to fight back, but Zhou Chen stopped him. It was just a small matter.

He rejected Qiao Chunyan, and because of the plot in the human world, he didn't have much affection for Qiao Chunyan, but after all, the Qiao Chunyan now is not the Qiao Chunyan in the later stage of the TV plot.

Now, even though she has been rejected by him, she is still very enthusiastic and cheerful, and is a good girl.

Zheng Juan quietly pulled Zhou Chen and whispered: "Promise her. When my aunt and I went to the bathhouse before, she was very enthusiastic towards us."

In her heart, Qiao Chunyan is a good person. When she and Li Suhua went to take a bath not long ago, Qiao Chunyan was very enthusiastic and even helped them trim their feet.

She is a kind-hearted girl. She will not take any small favors given to her as a matter of course, but will keep them in mind.

Zhou Chen originally had the same idea, so he nodded and said, "It will probably take a while. If you go to work in the afternoon, then go back first. Then I will deliver the meat to your house and give it to my uncle and aunt."


"Thank you so much, brother."

Qiao Chunyan's face was full of joy, but she did not leave immediately. Instead, she waited for a while and saw that the meat still didn't come, then she rode off.

"This Qiao Chunyan, with her personality, I don't know what Qianchao likes about her."

Xiao Guoqing shook his head. He didn't like Qiao Chunyan's style of saying a few nice words as if it was natural for others to help you.

"Okay, you are a grown man, why do you want to argue with her?"

Zhou Chen looked at the sky. It was almost noon now, but it was already winter and the weather was still very cold. He felt that he couldn't wait any longer.

So he walked into the supply and marketing cooperative and after asking, he found out that the leader was not there and there were only a few employees. He didn't waste any time and asked them to call directly.

The staff are not willing to touch the people in the warehouse because they often interact with them and know how difficult the people there are, so it is better for leaders to negotiate with them. If you are an ordinary employee, they will pay attention to you if they want to.

I don’t want to ignore you, and there’s nothing you can do about it.

Zhou Chen has been in the workplace for so many years. Although he has never worked in the agency field, he still knows a lot about it.

He didn't waste any time and asked the staff directly for the phone number. Then he called the warehouse and asked them to deliver it quickly.

The other party said that they would only be willing to deliver the meat if they had a guarantee from the person in charge. Zhou Chen knew that there was no problem when Zhou Bingkun guaranteed in the plot, so he did not hesitate and said that he was responsible and asked them to deliver the meat as soon as possible.

After making the call, in less than two hours, the meat was delivered to two cars, and they started selling it as soon as it arrived.

After struggling for a long time, Zhou Chen and others finally bought the meat.

Cai Xiaoguang said there was no limit to the quantity, but in fact that was not the case. The butcher said that one person could only buy one fan at most.

Fortunately, Zhou Chen and the others came in large numbers and bought three fans. Of course, Zhou Chen and Zheng Juan didn't need to divide the fan, while Xiao Guoqing and Sun Qianchao's fan was divided into three parts.

Each fan weighed nearly 100 kilograms. Xiao Guoqing and Sun Qianchao wanted to help carry it, but Zhou Chen easily picked it up and put it on the tricycle.

Fortunately, the tricycle I borrowed is not small and can accommodate it completely.

"Bingkun, you ride in front, and I'll help you push from behind."

Zheng Juan stood behind the tricycle, preparing to push it by hand.

Zhou Chen smiled casually and said: "No, you come up too. It's a few hundred kilograms in total. It's a piece of cake for me."

Zheng Juan said worriedly: "But it will be very tiring."

"It's okay. It's nothing to be tired. Come up. It's quite a long way. Walking back is a waste of time."

Zheng Juan was still a little hesitant. She felt that Zhou Chen was a cultural person and should not do such physical work. That is to say, she couldn't ride a bicycle. Otherwise, Zhou Chen would definitely not be allowed to ride.

In the end, Zheng Juan couldn't defeat Zhou Chen, so she could only get on a tricycle and the four of them headed towards the photogram.

Back at Guangzi Pian, Zhou Chen gave the meat to Sun Qianchao, who happily took the meat to Qiao Chunyan's house, hoping to gain a good impression, while Zhou Chen and Xiao Guoqing went back to their respective homes.

There was really a lot of pork in the two fans. When Li Suhua saw it, he was stunned for a moment, and then his face was full of joy. There was so much meat that the old man and his eldest son had enough to eat when they came back.

Li Suhua was very generous and took away a large piece of good meat for Zheng Juan.

In a blink of an eye, it was early 1973, and there were not many days before the Spring Festival. Li Suhua was happily waiting for the return of her husband and son.

But suddenly a telegram from the mountain city was delivered to the doorstep by the postman.

As soon as Zhou Chen arrived home, he was pulled into the room by Li Suhua, "Kun'er, come and take a look. The telegram sent from Shancheng must be from your father."

Zhou Chen took the telegram and looked at it. There were only a few words in it. Telegrams are different from sending letters. They charge per word. Unless they are in a special hurry, few people will send telegrams.

"Mom, it is indeed from my father. The telegram said that he wants to go to your province to find Zhou Rong first."

"What's your name, Zhou Rong? That's your sister."

Li Suhua glared at Zhou Chen, and then asked doubtfully: "Your father went to your province to find Rong'er. Does that mean your father is willing to forgive her?"

"Nine times out of ten."

Zhou Chen knew the outcome. Even if he didn't know the outcome, he could still guess what kind of choice a slave girl like Zhou Zhigang would make.

Everyone has their own way of doting on their daughters, but in Zhou Chen's opinion, he doesn't agree with Zhou Zhigang's approach.

If his daughter treats him like this, runs off to be with a man who is more than ten years older than her, and threatens to sever ties with the family, he promises to slap her in the face and teach her how to behave.

If your parents treat you badly, it would be understandable for you to do so. However, the Zhou family regards Zhou Rong as their treasure and loves her more than their son. If she still does this, it can only be said that she is spoiled.

This kind of person should be educated well and let her know that she will not be spoiled at all times.

It's a pity that Zhou Zhigang is obviously not this kind of person. He is the kind of father who has no bottom line in front of his daughter.

But this kind of father always acts like a strict father in front of his youngest son, hitting or scolding him. He is really picking on the weaklings.

As the saying goes, the child who is often disliked the least by his parents and treated the worst may be the most filial among his children.

Li Suhua was overjoyed: "Great, your dad goes to see Rong'er. If he can bring your sister and your brother-in-law home, will our family be reunited during the Chinese New Year this year?"

Since 1969, Li Suhua's greatest luxury has been only one, and that is for her husband and children to go home and reunite the whole family.

Zhou Chen said: "I don't know about this. It's possible that they won't come back."


Li Suhua gave Zhou Chen a slap and cursed angrily: "You damn kid, can you say something nice? I'm going to be pissed off by you."

Zhou Chen looked helpless: "Okay, it's my fault. They will all come back this year. My dad, my brother, my sister-in-law, and Zhou Rong and the others will all come back, okay."

"That's pretty much it."

Li Suhua breathed a sigh of relief this time, and then asked strangely: "Kun'er, what's going on with you now? In the past, you were always called sister, and you liked to play with your sister when she was called sister. Why do you always call her by her name now?

Are you still angry with her?"

"How can you not be angry? For the sake of a wild man, you even gave up your parents and brothers, and you can still say things without her as your daughter. If you don't want to be angry, it means you have a good temper. If she dares to say such things in front of me,

I promise to slap her to death with my big mouth."

"See what you can do."

Li Suhua sighed: "You can't blame your sister for this. No one can explain things like relationships. Let me just talk about you. Aren't you also very stubborn for Zheng Juan?"

Zhou Chen retorted: "Can that be the same? No matter how bad Zheng Juan and I were, we never said that. I still asked for your opinions first. At least we didn't run away from home without saying a word, let alone stay together.

I don’t want my parents and my home anymore, Zhou Rong is incomparable to me.”

He admitted that he was very stubborn when it came to Zheng Juan, but that was fundamentally different from Zhou Rong.

Hearing Zhou Chen's words, Li Suhua seemed very impatient. Of course, she also knew that Zhou Rong's behavior was disappointing, but apart from being a little blaming at the beginning, she no longer blamed her anymore. She just wanted her daughter to go home as soon as possible.


Not long after this conversation, Li Suhua received another letter, which was from the Construction Corps.

The content of the letter is very simple. Zhou Bingyi said that he will not come back for the Chinese New Year this year because he is going to marry Hao Dongmei and Hao Dongmei cannot leave, so he will be there to accompany Hao Dongmei.

Such a letter made Li Suhua, who had just been happy for a long time, not speak much for two days, and her energy was also very low.

I had been thinking about it for several years, and finally everyone was free this year, but Zhou Bingyi suddenly stopped coming back, and the gap in my heart was really huge.

Seeing that the Chinese New Year was coming in a few days, a telegram from your province made Li Suhua give up.

Just like in the TV plot, Zhou Zhigang forgave Zhou Rong and wanted to stay in Guizhou to celebrate the New Year with Zhou Rong and the others, and would not return to Jiangliao.

Li Suhua was very sad when she found out, but at the same time she breathed a sigh of relief. She could not go home to reunite, but her husband could forgive her daughter, which in her opinion was also a comfort.

Forgiving my daughter means that there will be a chance for the family to reunite in the future.

Zhou Chen had known such a result for a long time, so he was not surprised at all and just lived his own life.

During the vacation, in addition to celebrating the New Year at home, he and Zheng Juan went to clean up the rented house. He already had plans to marry Zheng Juan as soon as possible.

On New Year's Day, only Zhou Chen and Li Suhua ate in the Zhou family. The food was relatively ordinary and naturally very rich, but Li Suhua was obviously in a bad mood and couldn't eat well.

While eating, Zhou Chen took the initiative and said, "Mom, there is something I want to discuss with you."

Li Suhua raised her head and asked, "What's going on?"

Zhou Chen said: "I originally planned that when my dad and eldest brother came back, they would talk about me getting married to Zheng Juan, but now they are not coming back, and I don't know when they will come back next time. I think I'm getting married to Zheng Juan."

We can’t delay the matter any longer. I want to get married to her and get a certificate after the year. What do you think?”

Li Suhua pondered for a moment. In fact, she had no objection to Zhou Chen and Zheng Juan, but this was a big deal after all.

"Are you a little too hasty? Your father and others might be able to come back in two years, so we don't have to wait any longer?"

Zhou Chen said: "Mom, it's not that I don't want to wait, but who knows how long it will take. I am already 21 during the Chinese New Year, and Zheng Juan is one year older than me. Women must give birth while they are young. In the past few years, we have been the only ones in our family.

My dear, don’t you want to hold your eldest grandson as soon as possible? I’m going to work, and I have my eldest grandson to accompany you.”

"Of course I thought about it."

Li Suhua was very excited. As she got older, she really wanted to hold a grandson.

"Then when are you going to get married?"

"Mom, I'm planning to invite friends and relatives to have a meal on the sixth day of the Lunar New Year. Everyone happens to be free, so we won't do anything big. What do you think?"

Li Suhua nodded in agreement: "Besides that time is a little tight, it's right not to do anything big. Now it's better to be low-key when doing things."

"Then you agree?"

"I agree. Then, when the post office opens, you can send a letter to your father, your eldest brother and your sister to tell them about this."

"No problem at all."

This chapter has been completed!
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