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Chapter 582: After being admitted to college, the entire Zhou family goes home to celebrate the New Year

 Ever since Zhou Chen said he wanted to go to the capital with the whole family, Zheng Juan has been feeling a little uneasy these days.

Expectation, nervousness, worry, timidity, fascination...

As an out-and-out Han Chinese, especially in this era, almost 99% of people are full of yearning for the capital.

Although Zheng Juan has never been out of Jichun City and has no big ambitions, if she has the opportunity to go to the capital, she actually wants to visit it.

But when she thought about the whole family going, even though Zhou Chen said he had more than 6,000 yuan in savings, she was still worried.

What she considered was that when she arrived in the capital, Zhou Chen would go to college and would not have time to make money. The family would not be able to just sit back and have nothing.

And that's the capital, so shopping is definitely more expensive than here, as well as renting, etc.

She has always been diligent and thrifty, but when she thinks about these problems, she can't sit still.

Zhou Chen naturally saw Zheng Juan's anxiety, and he said it many times, but this wife was born to worry, so even if he said it was okay, she would still be worried.

Before the end of December, the college entrance examination results of Jiangliao Province finally came out. Zhou Chen thought he would be the top scorer in the college entrance examination, but in the end he found out that he only ranked second in the province.

Although he missed the top spot in the college entrance examination, Zhou Chen did not feel sad. Although he lived a long time and learned a lot, there is no shortage of geniuses in the world.

What's more, the college entrance examination this time is relatively low-difficulty. It's normal for someone to do better than him.

Ranking second in the province can be chosen from any domestic university, which is enough for Zhou Chen.

After the college entrance examination results came out, Zhou Chen applied for Capital Medical College without hesitation.

There was no way, he also knew that the best medical school in the country was the Capital Union Medical College, but the problem was that this time the college entrance examination, Union Medical College did not enroll students, and the school would not resume until the second half of 1979.

Zhou Chen couldn't wait that long, so he had to settle for the next best thing and choose Capital Medical College.

The current Capital Medical College has not yet merged with Peking University. It is still an independent medical school and is second to none in the capital.

Fortunately, it is not the same campus as Peking University. Otherwise, he might see Zhou Rong often in the future, which would definitely make him very upset.

With Zhou Chen's second-best score in the province, he applied for Capital Medical College and was admitted without any doubt.

When Zhou Chen's admission notice was sent home, Li Suhua and Zheng Juan were extremely excited.

In their limited knowledge, the best university in the country is the university in the capital. Zheng Juan already knew that Zhou Chen wanted to study medicine, so she was not surprised that Zhou Chen was admitted to the medical school.

But Li Suhua didn't understand why her younger son didn't choose the two best universities in the country, but insisted on choosing this medical school that she had never heard of.

She was doubtful, but she was still very happy. Although her younger son was already very capable, in the eyes of the older generation, going to college was a matter of honoring the family and was more important than anything else.

The good news doesn't stop there. Zhou Bingyi and Zhou Rong also sent letters home one after another, saying that they were both admitted to Peking University, one in the Chinese Department and the other in the Philosophy Department.

Zhou Chen knew that the admission rate for this year's college entrance examination was less than 5%, which was far lower than that of later generations. The main reason is that there are not as many universities now as there will be in the future, and the universities are not classified in a particularly detailed manner.

Even though this year's college entrance examination is relatively easy, being admitted to one of the best universities in the country shows that Zhou Bingyi and Zhou Rong have a solid foundation.

When Li Suhua received the letters from Zhou Bingyi and Zhou Rong, she was so excited that she couldn't sleep and couldn't smile from ear to ear for several days in a row.

For an old lady who is uneducated and doesn't even know her words, being able to raise three children from prestigious universities is the most glorious thing in her life. Even when she gets old and goes underground, she can still hold her head high.

Go to meet your ancestors.

However, when Zheng Juan learned that Zhou Chen's brother and sister had been admitted to a prestigious university, she felt a little depressed. She felt that she was so useless. She was not even one-tenth as capable as her husband.

Looking at the situation of the Zhou family, the eldest brother and sister were both admitted to Peking University, the eldest sister-in-law was also admitted to the medical school in Jichun, and the brother-in-law is a cultural person and a great poet.

She was the only one who was uneducated and had only graduated from elementary school. She felt that she had embarrassed Zhou Chen.

As the person next to him, Zhou Chen can naturally feel his wife's emotions.

"Juan'er, don't have an inferiority complex. In my heart, you are the best wife in the world. To me, nothing is as important as you."

Zhou Chen's comfort made Zheng Juan feel much better. Yes, no matter what others do, her husband is the best and most outstanding in this family.

Being favored by her husband is the happiest thing in her life. It is a hundred times happier than going to college.

Zhou Zhigang, who was far away in the mountain city, also received three letters, one from his family, Zhou Bingyi and Zhou Rong.

There are many contents in the letter, but there is only one core content, which is the universities that all three of his children have been admitted to, and two Peking University and one medical school are all in the capital.

Even though he accepted his younger son's excellence, he was still surprised when he learned that his younger son had been admitted to a university, a premier medical school.

Also, he didn't quite understand why Zhou Chen chose the medical school instead of the Chinese Department?

On the contrary, I finally wrote a letter from home, hoping that he would go home during the Chinese New Year and discuss matters at home.

This made Zhou Zhigang frown unconsciously, because it was not his turn to take a vacation during the Spring Festival this year. If he wanted to go home, he would have to ask for leave.

But he is a person who is very dedicated to his work. Even if he is not feeling well, he can still go to work. If he asks for leave to go home for the New Year, it will take about ten days at least.

He felt that this would delay his work and would be a disservice to the country, so he wrote home to refuse.

Zhou Chen not only wrote to Zhou Zhigang asking him to come back, but also wrote to Zhou Bingyi and Zhou Rong asking them to come back before school started.

Zhou Bingyi and Zhou Rong were both immersed in the wonderful dream of going to the capital to attend university. Regarding Zhou Chen's rather tough request, Zhou Bingyi thought about it for a while and agreed.

For Zhou Bingyi, he is going to college soon, so there is no need to stay in the Construction Corps. There is no big difference if he leaves a few days earlier or a few days later, and the Corps will not deliberately hold him back.

Moreover, Hao Dongmei has also been admitted to the local medical school in Jichun, and her parents have been reinstated. This time when she goes back, she can meet her parents and celebrate the New Year together.

As for Zhou Rong, she actually didn't want to go back, but Zhou Chen's attitude in the letter was very firm, saying that if she didn't come back, when he went to school in the capital, he would take Feng Yue with him and send him directly to her school.

If Zhou Chen uses other methods to force him, he may not be able to make Zhou Rong submit.

But talking about Feng Yue frightened Zhou Rong all of a sudden.

Because if Zhou Rong wants to go to college, it will definitely be impossible to take her children to school, and her studies will be heavy and she will definitely have to live on campus for a lot of time.

Although Feng Huacheng is from the capital, the problem is that he does not have a house in the capital and is completely broke. When he goes to the capital, he will definitely rent a house or live in a unit.

Think about where the capital is. Prices there are definitely higher than in her hometown. She goes to school, not to enjoy happiness.

Although Feng Huacheng has made up a lot of salary over the years, it still costs money for her to go to school. She goes to a prestigious university, so she doesn't have to spend money to be with her classmates?

She shuddered when she thought that if she brought Feng Yue with her, her already difficult life would be even worse.

So she discussed with Feng Huacheng that she should go home to spend the New Year.

At this time, Feng Huacheng was also selfish, thinking that the hard days were over and it would be his turn to show off his ambitions.

With so much confidence, how could he let his daughter hold him back at this time?

Therefore, these two people are really not a family, and they don't belong to the same family.

Zhou Chen also guessed what they were thinking, so he concluded that they didn't dare not come back.

If we want to say who is the happiest person in the entire Zhou family, it must be Li Suhua.

All three children were admitted to college, and they were all coming back for the Chinese New Year. This made her so excited that she couldn't sleep all night long after looking forward to a family reunion.

Then the situation started again in 1976, and I started to prepare all kinds of delicious food.

Shortly after Zhou Zhigang replied, Zhou Chen sent him another telegram, which only contained a few words.

'When your children return, come back quickly to celebrate the New Year.'

Good guy, as soon as he heard that his eldest son and daughter were going home to celebrate the New Year, Zhou Zhigang, who was still thinking about work, immediately changed his attitude and sent back a telegram, saying that he would be home before the festival.

All three children of the Zhou family were admitted to college. This incident caused a huge sensation in the optical film, and once again became the envy of men, women, and children in the optical film.

You must know that this time the college entrance examination, many young people of the right age also participated in the optical film.

But it is a pity that except for the three children of the Zhou family, no one has been admitted to college, including the women's director Qiao Chunyan and Cao Debao.

Because of this matter, Qiao Chunyan and Cao Debao have not shown their faces these days, for fear of being compared with the three people of the Zhou family.

For this matter, Sun Ganchao and Xiao Guoqing went to Zhou Chen and had a drink with Zhou Chen to celebrate.

Time passed quickly, and it was the eve of the Spring Festival in a blink of an eye. The three people from the Zhou family who were away all came back relatively late.

There is no thirty in this year, so the 29th is New Year's Eve. The first person from the Zhou family to come back was Zhou Bingyi, who came back on the 28th.

This time, Zhou Chen and Zheng Juan rode to the train station to pick up someone, while Li Suhua and Guangming took care of their children at home.

Zhou Rui and Feng Yue are already four years old, so they don't need anyone to watch them all the time. They can play for a long time by themselves, and it's okay even if Zheng Juan is not around.

Zhou Cong is also over one year old and has already learned to walk and can talk a lot, but compared to Zhou Rui at the beginning, his development is relatively behind.

Zheng Juan was sitting in the lobby of the train station, with Zhou Chen protecting her.

Railway stations are not safe these days. Petty theft is the norm. If you are not careful, you may even have people and belongings dragged away.

"Bingkun, brother and sister-in-law, didn't they take the train at two o'clock? It's already half past two, why haven't they arrived yet?"

Zheng Juan, who was picking up people at the train station for the first time, was obviously inexperienced, so she pulled Zhou Chen and asked.

Zhou Chen said: "Don't worry, it's normal for the train to be delayed. If you wait a little longer, it should be faster."

Zhou Bingyi and Hao Dongmei are not far from Jichun City and only take a few hours by train, so even if they are delayed, they will not be too late.

At around 2:40, the train Zhou Bingyi and his companions took finally arrived at the station.

"Brother, sister-in-law."

Two years later, when I saw Zhou Bingyi and Hao Dongmei again, their appearance had not changed much, but their spirit and spirit had changed a lot.

Zhou Bingyi also gave Zhou Chen a big hug.

"Bingkun, congratulations on being admitted to the medical school in the capital, but I'm curious, why didn't you choose the Chinese Department of Beiqing instead of studying medicine? With your grades, you can choose from any university in the country."

Although Capital Medical College is not bad, it is not on the same level as Peking University, which is the best in the country.

Zhou Chen said: "I prefer medicine, so I chose medical school."

Zhou Bingyi smiled and said: "Your sister-in-law is also enrolled in medical school. It seems that there will be two colleagues in the family in the future."

Hao Dongmei also said happily: "Bingkun, I didn't expect that you would go to medical school like me. Originally, I also wanted to go to medical school in the capital, but unfortunately, my grades were not enough and I didn't get into it."

Compared with Zhou Bingyi, who had time to study in the Construction Corps, she basically had no time to study during those years in the countryside.

It was only after her parents were rehabilitated that she received better treatment and had time to review and study. It was already very difficult to be admitted to the medical school in her hometown.

Hao Dongmei said something to Zhou Chen, and then took Zheng Juan's hand.

"Juan'er, Ruirui and Congcong, are they all okay?"

When she talks about her two children, her eyes are obviously bright. She can't have children, so she likes Zhou Rui and Zhou Cong very much.

Zheng Juan said: "They are all very nice. Ruirui knows that you are back, sister-in-law, and is still asking to hear you tell him stories."

"Really? Ruirui, can he still remember me?"

Hao Dongmei was very surprised and very happy.

Zheng Juan: "Remember, even though Ruirui is still young, he will remember who treats him well. Knowing that you are coming back today, he has been calling auntie."

Hao Dongmei smiled and said, "I miss Ruirui very much, too."

"I'll see you later."

"Yes, right away..."

Before Hao Dongmei could say anything, Zhou Bingyi suddenly interrupted: "Dongmei, didn't we agree with your parents to go see them first?"

Hao Dongmei reacted immediately and said angrily: "Yes, look at my brain, we need to see my parents first."

Zhou Chen frowned unconsciously when he heard the conversation between the two.

"Brother, come here, I have something to tell you."

Before Zhou Bingyi could answer, he was pulled aside by Zhou Chen. He said depressedly: "Bingkun, what are you doing? You have to pull me over if you have something you can't say in front of your sister-in-law?"

Zhou Chen did not answer, but asked with a serious face: "Brother, I just heard you say that you want to go back with your sister-in-law to see her parents first?"

Zhou Bingyi nodded: "Yes, we have already made an agreement with your sister-in-law's parents. Speaking of which, this is the first time I have visited Dongmei's parents after I got married."

"Don't go home, go directly?"

"Well, her parents arranged a car to pick us up at the train station, and they've probably arrived by now."

Zhou Chen's face turned ugly, and his tone became dissatisfied: "Brother, Mom has been waiting for you to come back for so long, but now you are not returning home. You want to visit your sister-in-law's parents first. Can't you go home first?"

Come on, do you want to discuss it with mom before going?"

Zhou Bingyi raised his head in surprise, saw the dissatisfaction on Zhou Chen's face, and said doubtfully: "I just went to meet your sister-in-law's parents first, and I didn't say I wouldn't go back for the New Year. I spend a lot of time with our mother, so there's no need to be in such a hurry.


Zhou Chen was speechless. It was a good thing to respect his father-in-law and mother-in-law, but as a son, he was already home, couldn't he go home first and visit his mother?

From Zhou Bingyi's attitude, he could feel that Zhou Bingyi valued his parents-in-law more than his biological mother.

The reason for all this must be the identity of Hao Dongmei's parents, which made Zhou Bingyi feel inferior.

"Mom knew you were coming back, so she asked Juan'er and I to wait for you here for several hours, but now you don't go back with us, how can I explain to my mother?"

Zhou Bingyi looked guilty: "Bingkun, I know you and Juan'er have worked hard. It's my fault this time. When I go back, I will apologize to my mother in person. You can also help me and say something nice to my mother so that she can stop."


Seeing his attitude, Zhou Chen knew that he could not persuade him. This filial son was no longer the filial son of the Zhou family, but had half become the filial son of the Hao family.

"It's up to you, but let me give you a piece of advice. Although their family is now a high-ranking official with a high position of power, our Zhou family is no worse than them. You don't need to lower your profile so low. For people like them, the more you

Just be cautious and lower your profile to cater to them, and they may look down on you even more."

Zhou Bingyi's expression was very strange. He was just visiting his parents-in-law, but Zhou Chen actually said such words.

He instinctively wanted to refute. After all, he was the eldest brother. When did he need his younger brother to teach him how to do things?

But after careful consideration, Zhou Chen's words may not be unreasonable. He had always been cautious before going to see Hao's father and Hao's mother.

Do we really have to do what Zhou Chen persuades us to do?

When Zhou Bingyi was deep in thought, Zhou Chen patted him and joined Hao Dongmei and Zheng Juan.

Watching Zhou Bingyi and Hao Dongmei get into the car, Zhou Chen was confused.

Having watched the TV series, he knows what kind of people the Hao couple are. They have experienced ups and downs, cherish the present very much, and are especially afraid of making mistakes. They are truly cautious and cautious.

I don't deny that they are good officials, but Zhou Chen doesn't like their personalities. No, it's not that he doesn't like them, it can only be said that he doesn't agree with them.

As high-ranking officials, Ma Shouchang and Qu Xiuzhen had their ups and downs just like them, but they were not like them.

Hao Dongmei's mother is okay, but her father is definitely a snobbery.

The in-laws had not seen each other for so many years, until they died. Is this something that normal people can do?

Don't say it's because Zhou Bingyi asked him for help. Anyone who has watched the plot knows that Hao's father is not that selfless.

The ultimate reason for the in-laws' failure to meet was that he looked down upon the Zhou family and his wife, and felt that after meeting, the Zhou family might cling to them, so he delayed the meeting.

Zhou Zhigang didn't understand it at first, but later he understood it and never mentioned the meeting again.

"Bingkun, my eldest brother and sister-in-law didn't come back with us. Mom will be very disappointed, right?"

Zheng Juan was simple-minded and did not think as much as Zhou Chen thought. All she could think of was that her mother-in-law would be disappointed because her eldest brother and the others did not go back.

"Well, after you go back, you have to persuade her properly. It's not easy for our big brother."

Although Zhou Chen was dissatisfied with Zhou Bingyi's actions, he could also understand Zhou Bingyi's psychology. The gap between the two families was so great that even his arrogant elder brother unconsciously lowered his attitude and carefully tried to please him.

Sometimes the idiom "well matched" is really a guiding light. If the family is wrong or the family is wrong, in most cases it is impossible to live well. To live well, one of the parties must be constantly giving.

When she got home, Li Suhua didn't see her eldest son. After hearing Zheng Juan's explanation, although she said she understood, it was still obvious that she was sad.

As a mother, the first thing her son does when he comes home is not to see her, but to meet his father-in-law and mother-in-law. How can he be happy?

Zhou Chen originally thought that Zhou Bingyi would come back in the evening, but it turned out that neither Zhou Bingyi nor Hao Dongmei came back in the evening, and they did not arrive until the next morning.

Li Suhua was naturally happy to talk to Zhou Bingyi and Hao Dongmei, but Zhou Bingyi was very embarrassed when he saw Zhou Chen.

But Zhou Chen didn't care. How Zhou Bingyi wanted to live his life was his business. Unless he made the old lady too sad, he would be too lazy to care about it.

The person who went to pick up Zhou Zhigang at noon was led by Zhou Bingyi, and he refused Zhou Chen to follow him, riding a bicycle to the train station alone.

Zhou Bingyi picked up Zhou Zhigang smoothly, but he did not take Zhou Zhigang home immediately, but to a secluded place.

"Dad, I have something to tell you before I go home."

Zhou Zhigang was immersed in the joy of being reunited with his family. When he heard his eldest son's words, he felt a little strange and thought that his eldest son had encountered something difficult.

"Bingyi, if you have anything to say, just say it. I am your father. As long as I can do it, I will definitely help you."

Zhou Bingyi had already made up his mind, so he said it directly without hesitation.

"Dad, didn't you and Mom ask me before why we don't want children? I can tell you now that what I told you before was not the truth."

Zhou Zhigang's body trembled violently, and he had a bad premonition in his heart. He unconsciously took out the bags under his eyes and rolled a cigarette with paper.

"Is it because Dongmei doesn't want to give birth?"

"No, dad, you misunderstood. Dongmei likes children very much. You can see that she likes Ruirui so much, you should be able to understand."

"It's not Dongmei, then is it because you don't want to have children? Although you are going to college soon and it is inconvenient to have children, why didn't you want to have children in the past few years?"

Zhou Chen looked bitter and sighed quietly: "It's not that we don't want it, but that we can't have it. Dad, it's my problem. I'm sick and can't have children."


After taking two puffs of the cigarette, it fell to the ground. Zhou Zhigang looked at Zhou Bingyi in disbelief.

"You said you can't give birth, what's going on?"

Zhou Bingyi said: "After Dongmei and I got married, we didn't get pregnant for a long time. Both of us felt strange, so we went to the hospital for a checkup. The result was that it was my problem. If I didn't say it before, it was Dongmei who didn't want to embarrass me.

In addition, my pride caused trouble, so I hid it from you and mom. I'm sorry, dad, I was wrong."

Zhou Zhigang's hands were trembling. He went home happily to celebrate the New Year. He never expected that he would receive such a heavy blow before he even entered the house.

"Bingyi, Bingyi, you, what do you want me to say about you, Bingyi..."

At this moment, Zhou Zhigang seemed to have aged several years. For the older generation, carrying on the family line is the most important thing. But now it is learned that the eldest son is infertile, which means that the eldest son will be extinct. This The blow was really too heavy.

"Dad, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, Dad."

Zhou Bingyi shed tears, partly because he could not have his own child, and partly because he lied and deceived his father again, feeling extremely guilty.

What else could Zhou Zhigang do? He patted Zhou Bingyi's shoulder heavily and sighed: "You haven't sorry for me. What's the point of being sorry? This is fate, fate."

He felt that his eldest son was born unable to have children, which made him feel guilty as a father.

Zhou Bingyi choked up and said, "It's my fault that I can't give you and mom a grandson. But fortunately, Bingkun managed to live up to his expectations and gave you two grandsons. This makes me feel a lot better."

Zhou Zhigang, who was feeling sad, suddenly felt something in his heart when he heard Zhou Bingyi talking about his two grandchildren.

"Let's go home. Don't tell your mother about this yet. Let your mother have a good Spring Festival. I will tell your mother personally after the New Year."

"I understand, Dad, thank you."

"Thank you, I am your father."

When Zhou Zhigang returned home, Li Suhua was extremely excited. The old couple hugged each other happily in front of the children.

Such a scene moved Zhou Chen and the adults very much. Only those who have experienced separation can understand how happy reunion is.

"Old man, you are old."

"Suhua, you are still the same as you were the year before last, you haven't changed at all."

Li Suhua has indeed not changed much, because Zhou Chen is an excellent doctor, and he regularly supplements Li Suhua's nutrition and takes care of his body.

Therefore, compared with Zhou Zhigang, who works hard outside all year round, Li Suhua actually looks much younger and has a rosy face.

"Ruirui, Congcong, come on, call me grandpa."

When Zhou Zhigang saw Zhou Rui and Zhou Cong, he was so happy that he couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear, especially staring at Zhou Rui: "Rui Rui, do you still remember grandpa?"

Zhou Rui nodded his head: "Remember, you are my grandfather, and I even pulled out your beard. Your beard is really prickly."

"Ha ha……"

Zhou Zhigang laughed happily and was very happy that his eldest grandson could still remember him.

Then he looked at Zhou Cong again. Compared to Zhou Rui, Zhou Cong was much shyer and looked at him timidly. Under Zheng Juan's urging, he just called "Grandpa" in a low voice, and then nothing more happened. .

This chapter has been completed!
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