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Chapter 587: Angry Mother Zhou, is Zhou Rong a public enemy?

 Zheng Juan is worried about Li Suhua and Feng Yue, and so is Zhou Chen.

However, he is relatively rational. Although the house in Guangzipian has not been occupied for a long time, Li Suhua will visit and clean it every now and then, and the things inside are complete, so there is no problem in tidying up and staying temporarily.

Li Suhua was okay, and she had never experienced any kind of hard life, but Feng Yue was still young after all, so it was easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it was difficult to go from luxury to frugality.

Suffering and being tired is a problem, but what he is most worried about is not this, but another thing.

I remember in the TV series, Feng Yue ran away from home alone because she missed her uncle and aunt. Zhou Chen was afraid that Feng Yue would leave Guangzi Film and come to find them.

Taiping Hutong is very close to the Guangzi Film, but where they live now is still quite far away from the Guangzi Film. If such a young child runs out alone, there may be problems.

After waiting for several hours, Zhou Bingyi had not returned yet. It was already past ten o'clock. Zhou Rui and Zhou Cong had both been coaxed to sleep and were sleeping with Guangming in Li Suhua's room.

Zheng Juan saw Hao Dongmei still sitting on the sofa waiting, so she persuaded her: "Sister-in-law, it's already so late. My eldest brother hasn't come back yet. He is probably helping his parents clean up. Why don't you leave tonight?"

Sleep here for one night?"

Hao Dongmei looked at the time and saw that it was indeed quite late. Zhou Bengyi didn't know when he would come back. Even if he came back, it would only disturb her parents if they went back so late, which was not appropriate.

She nodded and said, "Okay, then we won't go back tonight. Sorry to trouble you, Juan'er."

"Sister-in-law, you are too polite. It is too late for us to be happy if you and eldest brother can stay."

Zheng Juan was indeed very grateful, because her father-in-law, mother-in-law and eldest aunt were all gone, making it seem as if Zhou Chen was entirely responsible.

She felt that the fact that Hao Dongmei did not leave and talked to her calmly meant that Hao Dongmei did not blame Zhou Chen like Zhou Rong and others.

"I'll make your bed, sister-in-law."

"Let's get together."

The two walked into the room. Zheng Juan took out new sheets and quilts and helped Hao Dongmei make the bed.

Light lettering film.

Zhou Zhigang and others had already arrived and were busy cleaning up now.

Zhou Zhigang did not participate, but sat alone on the kang, smoking silently.

When he just came back, he met several acquaintances. It is estimated that everyone in Guangzi Film will know that he is back tomorrow.

If he came back normally, he wouldn't be so unhappy, but the problem is that everyone in Guangzipi knows that his family has moved away and moved to a big house.

But this late at night, all of a sudden the whole family was brought back the flashcards, and the youngest son Zhou Bingkun was not around yet, so everyone could see the problem.

For Zhou Zhigang, who has the best reputation, once this incident spreads, where should he put his old face?

At this moment, he couldn't help but regret. Even if he wanted to come back, he shouldn't come back at night. If he came back during the day tomorrow, no one would find out.

Feng Yue avoided Zhou Zhigang from a distance and sat on the other end of the kang.

As a young girl, she has not forgotten the scene when Zhou Zhigang got angry, so she has obvious fear and alienation towards Zhou Zhigang.

The only person here who can make her feel safe is her grandma Li Suhua, so her eyes are always moving as Li Suhua moves around.

"Rong'er, you and Hua Cheng will sleep in this room tonight, and your dad and I will sleep in the back room."

Li Suhua made the bed and said to Zhou Rong and Feng Huacheng.

Zhou Rong replied with a smile: "Okay, Mom, I feel happy if I can live at home, even if I sleep on the floor."

If in the past, Zhou Rong said such coquettish words to please Li Suhua, she would have been very happy and relieved, but today, she felt very uncomfortable.

But she didn't hesitate and just said: "Yueyue..."

"Yueyue sleeps with us."

Zhou Rong directly expressed her opinion without waiting for Li Suhua to continue: "We haven't seen Yueyue for two years. It just so happens that there is no one else around now. We can have a good talk with Yueyue and correct the bad things in her."

Something wrong."

Li Suhua glanced at Zhou Rong and felt that her daughter's words were very harsh. She was also the one who brought Yueyue up, so is Yueyue's 'bad habit' also due to her?

"It's up to you. If Yueyue starts crying, send her to the back room."

Zhou Rong said confidently: "How could she cry? I am her biological mother. She is not close to me now just because she was confused by Zhou Bingkun and his wife. After a few days, she will definitely get closer to us.


"I hope so."

Li Suhua didn't hit her again. She could see that her daughter was really pampered. She didn't understand the world at all, let alone take care of her children's feelings. She was far worse than her daughter-in-law Zheng Juan.

Zhou Bingyi walked in from outside and put down the bucket in his hand.

"Mom, I have already prepared the water for you. Just use it tonight. Dongmei and I will come over tomorrow. If you need anything, just tell me and I will bring it tomorrow."

Li Suhua said quickly: "No, I have everything at home. You don't need to bring it. If you have nothing to do tomorrow, come back for dinner. Call Bingkun on the way and I will get you something delicious."

Zhou Bingyi hesitated and said: "Mom, I am definitely fine, but Bingkun, I'm afraid I can't call him."

"It's okay. Just call him when the time comes. If he doesn't come, forget it."

Li Suhua also understood her youngest son's character, but she still couldn't worry about him and thought about him very much.

"Okay, I'll walk over to him tomorrow and call him."

Zhou Bingyi walked to Li Suhua and said in a low voice: "Mom, you'd better help to persuade Dad. He and Bingkun both have stubborn tempers. If this continues, they will only become more and more alienated. Bingkun is okay, but don't treat him like this.

Dad is furious."

Li Suhua warned: "Bingyi, it's already very late now. If you want to go back to Bingkun's house, stop going to your father-in-law's house and sleep at Bingkun's house."

Zhou Bingyi thought for a while, nodded and said: "When I get there, I will discuss it with Dongmei."

They had originally agreed with the Hao couple to go back to sleep at night, but because of the commotion at home and what time it was now, they probably wouldn't be able to go back.

Zhou Bingyi tidied up, walked into the back room, and said to Zhou Zhigang: "Dad, should I go back first?"

Zhou Zhigang took two puffs of cigarette and said, "Go ahead and go slower on the road."

"I got it, Dad."

Then Zhou Bingyi walked to Zhou Rong and his wife.

"Zhou Rong, Hua Cheng, I'm leaving, and my parents will be left to you."

Feng Huacheng immediately said: "Don't worry, brother, I'm here to watch."

Zhou Rong waved her hands indifferently and said: "Brother, go quickly, pick up your sister-in-law and leave Zhou Bingkun's place quickly, otherwise they should drive you away."

When Zhou Bingyi heard this, his brows suddenly furrowed and he said dissatisfiedly: "Bingkun is not as bad as you said."

Zhou Rong gave up: "Brother, what do you mean, it's not his fault but ours to drive us out? He can even drive away his parents. Is this something a son can do?"

Zhou Bingyi looked at Zhou Rong with a strange look, and was speechless in his heart. Bingkun was chasing you two, how could he have left if dad didn't want to let you go.

But he didn't say any more. He also saw that sister Zhou Rong couldn't listen to other people's words at all. If you said something bad about her, she would criticize you in turn and not give you any face.

Although he longed for the reconciliation between the three siblings, he also knew that even if he was the eldest brother, this matter was beyond his control.

"Okay, I won't tell you anymore. I'm leaving. I also have a bicycle, just leave it here."

He had just moved things for his parents and had ridden both bikes. Now that he was going back alone, he could only ride one bike.

After Zhou Bingyi left, the house became much cleaner. Li Suhua was still cleaning up, but Zhou Zhigang was a little impatient.

"Okay, my dear, stop cleaning up. It's getting late. Go to bed first, and we'll slowly clean up tomorrow."

Li Suhua wiped her hands and walked into the room: "Okay, let's clean it up tomorrow. Yueyue, come, grandma will take you to sleep with your parents."

When Feng Yue heard that she was going to sleep with her parents, she immediately shouted: "I'm not going, grandma, I want to go home. I miss my uncle and aunt. I don't want to sleep here. It's too dark here and I'm scared."


At Zhou Chen's place, all electric lights were used, and the light tablets were not powered on at this time, so they all used kerosene lamps.

How could the light of a kerosene lamp be comparable to that of an electric lamp? Therefore, this dark environment made Feng Yue very scared, and he only wanted to be by the side of Li Suhua, whom he was most familiar with.

"Yueyue, don't be afraid. Grandma is here. Your parents haven't seen you for a long time. They miss you very much. You sleep with your parents today. They will love you very much."

Li Suhua is not a eloquent person, but she has been raising children for several years, and she still has the ability to coax them.

But no matter what she said, Feng Yue just refused to listen and would not go to the other room while holding her in his arms.

Zhou Rong was very anxious after seeing this, so she walked into the back room, and after some hard talking, she took Feng Yue from Li Suhua's hand, and returned to her room amidst Feng Yue's cries.

Zhou Rong thinks that children can be cured by crying for a while and being coaxed.

But she soon discovered that no matter how she tried to coax him, Feng Yue wouldn't listen to her. He just kept crying and wouldn't let her hold him. He just sat on the bed and cried.

Zhou Rong was obviously not the kind of patient person. After a while, she became impatient. She was no longer as gentle as she was at the beginning, and her face suddenly became stern.

"Crying, you know that crying is a bad habit picked up by your uncle and aunt. I don't believe I can't cure you today, so don't cry anymore."

The fierce tone made Feng Yue, who was already frightened, cry even more miserably. She immediately got up and wanted to get out of bed and go to the back room to find Li Suhua.

But Zhou Rong pulled her back very roughly and yelled: "You're not allowed to go. You're not allowed to go anywhere today. Just stay here and sleep. Let's see how long you can cry."

Feng Huacheng, who was standing by, couldn't stand it anymore. Although he was selfish and wanted to leave his daughter to the old lady, his daughter was his biological daughter after all. He couldn't stand Zhou Rong's attitude.

"Zhou Rong, Yueyue is still a child. She is so young. Why are you so fierce?"

"Yueyue, come, come to daddy."

Feng Huacheng showed a gentle smile and wanted to comfort Feng Yue, but he overestimated himself.

Feng Yue didn't listen to him at all, and still cried loudly: "Uncle, I want uncle, I want aunt, uncle, come and save me, I want to go home, wow..."

Zhou Rong, who was already very angry, burst into anger when her daughter mentioned Zhou Bingkun and his wife, and she cursed angrily.

"Don't mention your uncle. He is not your uncle. I am your mother. You have to listen to me."

But how could Feng Yue, who was crying, be able to hear it? He still shouted: "Uncle, aunt, come and take me home, Ruirui, uncle Guangming..."

"Stop yelling or asking me to hit you again."

"Wow wow..."

Seeing that Feng Yue was disobedient, Zhou Rong, who was impatient, felt her blood surge up and became furious. She grabbed Feng Yue without hesitation and slapped her twice hard on the buttocks.


"Zhou Rong, what are you doing? Why are you beating the child? Can't you tell me more clearly?"

"Didn't I say it? Did she listen to what I said? I think she was led astray by Zhou Bingkun and his wife. She has all bad habits. If she doesn't beat her, she won't have a good memory."

"Wow wow..."

"Zhou Rong, that's enough. Yueyue is so young, what should I do if she gets injured?"

"Feng Huacheng, you don't have to worry about me teaching my children. If you can't stand it, just get out of here."

"Why are you so crazy? Even if you feel uncomfortable, there is no need to take it out on your child."


Zhou Zhigang and Li Suhua didn't fall asleep in the back room. They heard their daughter's family of three making a fuss, which made it even more impossible to fall asleep.

Listening to them getting more and more noisy, Feng Yue's crying became louder and louder. The soft-hearted Li Suhua couldn't bear it anymore. She quickly got out of bed, opened the door and walked towards Zhou Rong's room.

As soon as Li Suhua entered the room, Zhou Rong and Feng Huacheng, who were arguing so much, immediately shut up.

Li Suhua didn't care about them, but hugged Feng Yue in his arms, and then began to scold him.

"What are you arguing about, Xiaorong? Look at what you look like. What's wrong with Yueyue? If you insist on beating her, do you think you'll beat the child?"

Zhou Rong said angrily: "Can you blame me? Look at her, she is crying all the time. I don't understand. I am her mother. What does she mean by crying to find Zhou Bingkun and his wife?"

Li Suhua scolded angrily: "You still have the nerve to ask the child what you mean. The child is so young, she can tell clearly who treats her well and who treats her badly."

"Mom, what you are saying is that we, the couple, are not good to her, but Zhou Bingkun and his wife are good to her?"

"The way you were just now, is that okay? Yue Yue was never beaten during the two years she was with Bingkun and Juaner. Even if she made a mistake, Bingkun taught her patiently; but look at yourself

, you spank your child when we meet for the first time two years later, are you considered a qualified mother?"

Zhou Rong's performance made Li Suhua so disappointed. She never expected that the first time they met after nine years, she would spend all her time educating her daughter.

Zhou Rong suffered a great injustice today. At this moment, she seemed to feel that the whole world was against her, so she didn't care about her mother and immediately became angry.

"Mom, what's wrong with you today? You've been helping Zhou Bingkun to speak up and picking on me. I know you've been living with them for a few years, but you can't ignore right from wrong and just speak for them and bully me.

Right? Are you too biased?"

Normally, she would never say such things. Although she is selfish, she will still behave in front of her parents.

But at this moment, she was really overwhelmed by all kinds of things, and with all kinds of grievances coming up, she couldn't even think about her mother's feelings.

Li Suhua couldn't believe her ears. Her daughter actually said that she was partial.

"you you……"

Li Suhua was so angry that she couldn't say a word. She hugged Feng Yue hard in her arms and shouted angrily: "Yueyue sleep with me tonight."

After saying that, she ignored Zhou Rong, turned around and walked into the back room.

The room is so big, Zhou Zhigang in the back room could hear Zhou Rong's words clearly. When he saw his wife coming back with tears in his eyes, his anger suddenly emerged.

This is his wife who has been with him for thirty years. When will it be his daughter's turn to bully her?

So Zhou Zhigang got off the kang, put on his shoes, ran to Zhou Rong's room, and yelled at Zhou Rong when he caught her.

So many things happened at home today. Ultimately, it was all because of Zhou Rong. He was partial to Zhou Rong, but that didn't mean he didn't know right from wrong or good from evil.

Zhou Rong was scolded by Zhou Zhigang, which made her head buzz. But facing Zhou Zhigang, she did not dare to do what she did to Li Suhua before, so she could only sob quietly.

As a result, on the first day of the Lunar New Year, almost no one in the Zhou family had a relaxed time, and everyone had their own worries.

Early in the morning on the second day of the Lunar New Year, Zhou Bingyi and Hao Dongmei got up, said hello to Zhou Chen and Zheng Juan, and left. They had to go back to the provincial compound first.

Before leaving, Zhou Bingyi also conveyed his mother's wishes to Zhou Chen, wanting Zhou Chen and his family to go to Guang Zi Pian for dinner.

But Zhou Chen refused without hesitation, but after thinking about it, he changed his explanation.

"In this way, brother, when you go to Guangzi Film later, come back to me and take Rui Rui with you. We adults are having conflicts, and it has nothing to do with the children. Rui Rui shouted to find Yue Yue yesterday, so today you take him

Go over and see Yueyue and our mother."

"Okay, no problem, I'll come over again later."

Zhou Bingyi felt that Zhou Chen still cared about his parents, and felt more comforted: "Bingkun, I'm not talking about you, we are all a family, why should you..."

Zhou Chen quickly stopped him: "Brother, let's not say anything unnecessary. This is my business. You can let me handle it myself."

Hao Dongmei pulled Zhou Bingyi and said to Zhou Chen: "Bingkun, I think if you let us take Ruirui with you now, we won't have to make another detour later."

Zhou Chen did not refuse, he just called Zhou Rui over and told him that he would go to his hometown to see Yue Yue with his uncle and aunt, and asked him if he would go.

When Zhou Rui heard this, he nodded immediately, and then Zhou Chen asked Zheng Juan to clean up Zhou Rui and let him follow Hao Dongmei.

Zhou Bingyi was riding a bicycle, and Hao Dongmei was sitting behind, holding Zhou Rui in her arms.

Although Zhou Rui is four years old and weighs about 30 pounds, she does not exert any effort at all and is instead smiling all over her face.

She was the happiest one to be able to take Zhou Rui with her. Among the several children, her favorite was Zhou Rui. Sometimes she even thought that it would be great if this child could be her son.

But she just thought about it and didn't even dare to mention it to Zhou Bingyi, because she knew that with her brother-in-law's character, this was impossible.

Another reason is that she still has a glimmer of hope and wants to go to Yanjing, the capital, for a check-up to see if her disease can be cured.

Zhou Bingyi and Hao Dongmei brought Zhou Rui to the provincial compound. Zhou Rui was a child. Although he was surprised by the environment here, he didn't care and just followed Hao Dongmei.

As soon as the three of them entered the house, they heard chatter and laughter inside. Zhou Bingyi and Hao Dongmei looked at each other in surprise.

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, someone is coming to visit?

As soon as they entered the living room, before the two of them could speak, they saw Zhou Ruixing running over in a hurry.

"Grandpa Ma, Grandma Qu."

Ma Shouchang and Qu Xiuzhen, who were talking to the Hao family, turned their heads quickly when they heard the sound and saw a small figure running towards them.

Qu Xiuzhen immediately opened her hands happily and hugged Zhou Rui who rushed over.

"Oh, Ruirui, why are you here? Where is your father?"

Ma Shouchang also looked at Zhou Rui happily, stretched out his hand and touched his head a few times: "Xiao Ruirui, how did you get here?"

Zhou Rui was held in Qu Xiuzhen's arms and said crisply: "I came with my uncle and aunt."

"Uncle, aunt?"

Ma Shouchang and Qu Xiuzhen looked at each other in shock, and then looked at Zhou Bingyi and Hao Dongmei at the same time.

Zhou Bingyi and Hao Dongmei were also a little confused. Zhou Bingyi didn't know these two people, but Hao Dongmei did.

"Uncle Ma, Aunt Qu, do you know Ruirui?"

Ma Shouchang said: "We know him, this is our godson."

They knew Zhou Chen originally. After helping Zhou Chen the year before last, Zhou Chen was grateful to them and visited them often. Once, he took Zhou Rui with him. The old couple liked it very much.

After meeting him several times, he insisted on pestering Zhou Chen to recognize Zhou Rui as his godson. Zhou Chen thought this was a good thing and had no objection.

With this relationship, the relationship between the two parties has gone a step further. Zhou Chen often brings Zhou Rui here to see them. The more often, Zhou Rui becomes very affectionate towards them.


Hao Dongmei found it incredible that Uncle Ma and Aunt Qu were both veteran cadres. She didn't expect Zhou Chen to be related to them, and Zhou Rui to become their god-grandson.

Hao's father and Hao's mother, Jin Yueji, are Hao Dongmei's parents. At this time, they were confused.

"Dongmei, what's going on? Who is this child?" Jin Yueji asked her daughter Hao Dongmei.

Hao Dongmei immediately explained: "Dad, Mom, this is the Ruirui I told you before, the eldest son of Bingyi's brother Zhou Bingkun, Zhou Rui, but I didn't expect that Uncle Ma and the others also knew Bingkun and his family."

Only then did Hao's father and Jin Yueji figure out the relationship. They actually didn't know much about their in-laws.

I heard my daughter say it a few times, but the one my daughter said the most was Zhou Rui, so they all have an impression.

Jin Yueji knew her daughter's situation, so she understood why her daughter liked Zhou Rui, but Hao's father was a little strange, but since they were relatives, he didn't say anything.

Jin Yueji asked again: "Why didn't you come back yesterday?"

Zhou Bingyi quickly explained: "I'm sorry, Mom, we had a family dinner yesterday and I lost control and drank too much. Dongmei was worried, so we didn't come back in the evening."

This was the reason he had agreed with Hao Dongmei on the way.

Jin Yueji didn't say anything, but Father Hao said solemnly: "Bingyi, it's okay to drink, but you must not cause trouble because of drinking, you know?"

Zhou Bingyi nodded repeatedly: "I understand, dad, this time it's my problem."

Father Hao didn't say anything more, but Jin Yueji introduced to Zhou Bingyi: "Bingyi, come, these are your Uncle Ma and Aunt Qu. Your Uncle Ma is the dean of the Military Academy. They are all our old friends and live with us."

The yard not far away.”

Zhou Bingyi immediately understood that those who could live in the provincial compound must not be ordinary people, and he quickly greeted him respectfully.

Ma Shouchang laughed loudly and said: "No, since you are brother Bingkun and Ruirui's uncle, then we can be considered a little close, just call us uncle."

Because Zhou Rui was there, Ma Shouchang and Qu Xiuzhen did not leave in a hurry, but talked to Zhou Rui.

Zhou Rui was a child. Hearing Grandpa Ma ask about his father, he remembered what happened last night and told him.

"Dad had a fight with grandpa and aunt. They..."

"Rui Rui."

When Zhou Bingyi heard this, he quickly stopped him with a very ugly look on his face. He already had a low status in the Hao family. If his father-in-law and mother-in-law knew about his family's bad situation, they might think of what they would think of him.

But although he stopped Zhou Rui's next words, everyone heard what he said before, and the atmosphere in the living room suddenly became awkward.

Qu Xiuzhen is a smart person. When she saw that the atmosphere was not right, she immediately smiled and said: "Rui Rui, grandma will take you to play outside for a while. Lao Ma, didn't you say you want to build a snowman for Rui Rui? Let's go now."


Ma Shouchang slapped his head: "Yes, I almost forgot. Then Brother Hao and Sister Jin, let's take Ruirui to play for a while first."

Father Hao and Mother Hao responded with a smile. After they left, Father Hao stood up immediately.

"Dongmei, you guys talk to your mother. I have work to do, so I'm going to the study first."

Zhou Bingyi's face looked a little bad. He clearly felt that his father-in-law had a perfunctory attitude towards him.

He knew that his father-in-law was a high-ranking official and held a high position of power, and he did not expect his father-in-law to value him. However, his disregard and perfunctory attitude still made him feel uncomfortable.

Jin Yueji is a good person, she can see through her son-in-law's thoughts, but she can't say anything about the Zhou family's affairs.

"Bingyi, when will you go to Yanjing?"

"We start school on the 22nd, but I have discussed it with Dongmei and plan to go there early. Our plan is to go there on the eighth day of the lunar month, which is the 14th."

Jin Yueji nodded, and then looked at her daughter with distress.

"Dongmei, don't feel any pressure. If it can be cured, we'll treat it. If it can't be cured, we'll just wait. In a few years, as medicine becomes more developed, there may be a way."

Hao Dongmei didn't speak, just nodded, but she was full of expectations for this trip to Yanjing.

Although there was little hope, she still had to work hard, maybe there would be hope.

The three of them chatted for a while, and then Hao Dongmei told Jin Yueji that she was going to her father-in-law's house for dinner at noon. Jin Yueji was a little disappointed, but she didn't object.

Compared to Hao's father, she is actually quite open-minded and the one who understands things most clearly in the family. However, her experiences in the past few years have made the couple close up a lot.

Hao Dongmei talked to her mother for a while, and then made excuses to go out and play with Zhou Rui, leaving Zhou Bingyi alone to face Jin Yueji in embarrassment.

"Bingyi, I heard from Dongmei that your brother works in a publishing house and was admitted to a university this time for the college entrance examination. Which university did he go to?"

Jin Yueji was a little more curious about Zhou Bingkun, because she knew that Ma Shouchang and Qu Xiuzhen were able to recognize a child as their grandson, which meant that they must like the child's father, Zhou Bingkun.

"Also in the capital, Yanjing Medical College."

"Really? Then you two brothers are going to college in the same city. That's good. You can help each other."

"Not only my brother, but also my sister was admitted to university. Peking University is the same school as me, but I majored in philosophy and she majored in Chinese."


Now Jin Yueji was really surprised. The three children of the Zhou family were all admitted to universities, and they were all famous universities. It was amazing and really impressed her.

"All three of their children have been admitted to a prestigious university. Your parents are so lucky."

Zhou Bingyi also smiled. He said this because he wanted to earn face for his family and to impress his parents-in-law.

This chapter has been completed!
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