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Chapter 6: The plan to make money

 Zhou Chen in the real world is just an ordinary office worker, and he is still an office worker in a small city. He has a small circle of contacts. He is just an ordinary person who cannot be more ordinary. He can think of many ways to make money.


Although he has read a lot of novels, TV shows, and movies, just take a look at the methods of making money in them. It is very difficult to realize in the real society, at least it is difficult for ordinary people to realize it.

When it comes to the easiest way to make money, without violating the law, the first thing he thinks of is buying a house.

Yes, according to the situation in our country, real estate speculation is undoubtedly the safest and easiest way to make money.

Even though this world is already 19 years old, in the next few years, housing prices will continue to rise, and buying a house is a sure way to make money without losing money.

As you know, real estate speculation also requires capital. Most families have already borrowed money to buy a house, so how can they have any money left to buy a second house?

Their family currently has some savings, but it is still far from being able to buy a house, not to mention that it is not that easy to make money from real estate speculation.

It is easy to buy, but if you want to sell the house, according to the rules, it will take two years.

But after two years, the day lilies were all cold, so he just put the idea aside.

After understanding the world, he discovered that although there were many differences between this world and the real world, most things were still the same, such as the result of his query just now.


What he just inquired about was Bitcoin. In the real world, he had heard about Bitcoin a long time ago, but he didn't really understand it for a long time. He only got to know it seriously when it was growing rapidly some time ago.

He checked from the Internet and found that Bitcoin also exists in this world, and the trend is the same as that in the real world where he lives.

Zhou Chen knows very well that although the crazy growth of Bitcoin this year is not as crazy as next year, it will still grow wildly in the first half of the year. If you buy it at this time and sell it by the end of June, it will at least quadruple.

The return rate is 200% in a few months. This kind of income is really amazing. There is no reason not to buy it.

But after the excitement, Zhou Chen calmed down again, because they don't have much savings now, and even if they buy it all, the money they make will be very limited.


Zhou Chen gave himself a slap: Damn, it’s so big now. Can even more than one million be called limited?

But if you think about it seriously, in this kind of city and this kind of family, more than one million is really not that much.

More importantly, their family's savings are not his alone. They are jointly owned by the couple. If he wants to invest, he must obtain Nan Li's consent.

Although Nan Li is a company executive with a broad vision, if she is asked to invest all her wealth and buy Bitcoin, she will definitely not agree.

After all, he has memories and knows that Bitcoin will rise, but Nan Li doesn't know that. Based on his understanding of Nan Li in his memory, the possibility of it happening is extremely low.

"I have a headache."

Zhou Chen is a little irritable. He has worries about getting married. He is no longer like when he was alone, he could do whatever he wanted and spend his own money. Now he needs to consider not only one person, but also a family.

This is not a game world, but another parallel world, which is real, and the people and things are real.

"Husband, it's time to eat."

While Zhou Chen was thinking about how to accumulate investment funds, Nan Li shouted loudly in the living room.

"Oh, here it comes."

Zhou Chen walked to the living room. The food was already on the table, and the bowls and chopsticks were arranged neatly. It was obvious that Nan Li's character was very serious and decent even when it came to housework.

Huanhuan and Chaochao also came over holding hands. They washed their hands first, and then the family of four sat at the table.

Dinner was very simple. Nan Li cooked porridge and fried three home-cooked dishes.

"Dad, Mom, there will be a singing competition in our school next month. You must go then."

Halfway through eating, Huanhuan suddenly said happily to Zhou Chen and Nan Li.

Nan Li looked surprised: "Is there going to be a competition next month? Our family Huanhuan is the best, and we will definitely win the first place."

Since the end of the year, Huanhuan has been preparing for the singing competition, and it is finally time to harvest. Nanli is also happy for her daughter.

"singing competition?"

After Zhou Chen heard this sentence, he was stunned.

I remember that at the beginning of the plot of the TV series Xiao Shede, Huanhuan participated in a singing competition and won the first place, and then went to Nan's father's house for dinner...

Is this the plot about to begin?

When he traveled back in time today, through Xia Junshan's memory, he knew that the plot had not started yet. According to Huanhuan's participation in the singing competition, there was probably only about a month left before the plot started.

The plot is about to begin. Inexplicably, Zhou Chen feels that the pressure has doubled, and his plan to make money must be put on the agenda as soon as possible.

After dinner, Huanhuan went to her room to do her homework, while Nanli took Chaochao to sit on the sofa and read fairy tales. Zhou Chen wisely began to clear away the dishes.

Zhou Chen hasn't completely mastered cooking and cooking, but he is still self-taught at things like washing pots and dishes.

After finishing everything, Zhou Chen naturally sat on the sofa and habitually took out his mobile phone to start browsing.

After browsing the Internet for a while, I found that many of the news were familiar to me, but there were also some that I had never heard of.

Combined with his own memory, Zhou Chen can be sure that this world is mostly the same as the real world he lives in, but there are also differences.

Generally speaking, the general development trend remains unchanged, but there may be some changes in the small trends.

After watching Kuaiyin short videos for a while, I felt a little bored, so I started searching the novel website of this world.

After searching, I discovered that the development of novels in this world is similar to that in the real world, except that the familiar novel websites do not exist in this world, and are replaced by some unfamiliar novel websites. The largest website is called Qiyue Chinese website

's website.

I took a look at the novels on the website and found that they were all names of novels that I had never read. However, after reading them, I found that many of the contents were similar to those in the real world.

I watched it with relish for a while until around nine o'clock, Huanhuan finished her homework, Chaochao was coaxed to sleep by Nanli, and the two siblings started to sleep.

Seeing Nan Li walking around in front of him in pajamas after washing, Zhou Chen's heart suddenly lifted.

After Nan Li finished her work, she saw Zhou Chen still sitting on the sofa looking at his mobile phone, and urged: "Honey, I put my pajamas in the bathroom. Go take a shower and then go to bed."

"oh oh."

Sleeping? This is a big problem.

Zhou Chen walked into the bathroom thoughtfully, took a shower, and soon came out in pajamas.

Huanhuan and Chaochao had already gone to bed, and the room was very quiet. Zhou Chen hesitated for a moment and walked into the master bedroom.

Nan Li was still asleep, leaning on the bed and looking at her mobile phone. Zhou Chen slowly walked to Nan Li and got into bed.


Zhou Chen lay down and was about to calm down his nervous mood and fall asleep. Suddenly, he was tapped on the shoulder, which shocked him and he quickly turned around to look at Nan Li.

Nan Li: "Why are you turning your back to me? Husband, I found that you were a little strange today. You were evasive when you looked at me. Did you do something behind my back to make me feel sorry for you?"

"How can it be?"

Zhou Chen's voice suddenly rose, and he retorted with an innocent look: "Lili, don't talk nonsense, how could I possibly do something sorry to you?"

Seeing the panic on Zhou Chen's face, Nan Li burst out laughing: "You're scared, of course I know you can't, but I think you're not in your right mind today. Something's wrong. Husband, what's wrong with you?"

?Have you encountered any problems at work?"

Zhou Chen was moved when he saw Nan Li leaning next to him with a concerned look on his face.

"No, don't think about it, I'm just a little tired today."


Zhou Chen was about to answer, but suddenly goosebumps arose because Nan Li stretched out her index finger, touched his chest, and moved it gently through the thin pajamas.

"LiLi, you are playing with fire."

"Aren't you tired? Where did the fire come from?"

Which one is intolerable? If you can bear it, then you are not a man.


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