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Chapter 635: Longevity begins with health preservation

Although no one has lived in this courtyard house for a long time, Zhou Yi comes to clean it every once in a while, so it is very clean inside and out.

The mattresses and quilts prepared for Zhou Chen are also new. Zhou Yi has already laid them out, and even the family's money, rice, oil, and salt are all ready.

"Xiaochen, I have prepared all the things at home for you. If you think it is too troublesome to cook at home alone, then come to my place. I live with your brother-in-law. Your brother-in-law is usually very busy at noon.

Xiaoya and I will eat together."

Zhou Yi also works in her husband Sun Dapeng's factory, but after giving birth to her child, she was unable to go to work.

The reason is also very simple.

That is, Sun Dapeng is not the only son of the Sun family. There is an older brother above him and a younger brother below him.

Although the Sun family is not as partial as other families, in any case, as the brother in the middle, he is definitely not as valued as the eldest son, nor as favored as the younger brother.

This was the case for Sun Dapeng. His parents took care of the children at his parents' house, and Zhou Yi had no parents, so in the end Zhou Yi had to take care of the children by herself.

Naturally, Zhou Yi couldn't go to work to take care of her children, so she left it to others to take care of her. Zhou Yi felt uneasy, so she had no choice but to take care of her daughter by herself.

Fortunately, even if Sun Dapeng works alone, he can still support the two of them.

It is now 1975. Although food is still distributed in rations, Sun Dapeng, as a leader, can still get some preferential treatment. The food stamps are enough, but it is not that easy to eat meat.

"No need, sister, I'm an adult now. I can take care of myself, so don't worry about me."

Zhou Chen didn't want to have to run around just to have a meal, it would be too much trouble.

He didn't do housework before, not because he couldn't do it, but because he was too lazy to do it when someone did it for him, but he still knew how to cook.

Zhou Yi said: "How can you cook? I used to cook for you. No, I think it's better for me to move back. It just so happens that I don't go to work now, so I can take care of you and Xiaoya at the same time. Anyway,

It doesn't matter if Dapeng is alone."


Zhou Chen quickly refused: "Sister, I know you are good to me, but now that you are married, you can't ignore your brother-in-law. You should live your own life well."

He was frightened when he heard Zhou Yi say that she didn't even care about her husband. Is Voldemort's skills really so powerful in this system?

But Zhou Yi had such good intentions, but he didn't dare to accept it. Feelings were all relative, and he couldn't really do anything excessive just because Zhou Yi was Voldemort.

Zhou Yi looked hesitant: "But I really can't worry about you being alone. How about you move in with your second uncle and the others?"

"I said, sister, please spare me. It's really okay for me to be alone. I've been alone all these years since I jumped in line."

"That's different. You couldn't do anything before. Now that you're home, I can't worry about leaving you alone."

It's nice to be cared about, but Zhou Chen would rather live alone than live in someone else's house. His second uncle and sister are both relatives, but they all have their own families, and he doesn't want to get involved.

In order to quickly dispel Zhou Yi's thoughts and prevent her from coming up with any more ideas, Zhou Chen quickly found a legitimate reason.

"Sister, just let me live alone. You see, I'm twenty-four years old. I'll be able to find a partner soon. It's so inconvenient for me to live with you."

He knew very well that a Voldemort like Zhou Yi would definitely put his younger brother's affairs first, and he would definitely be diverted when he heard this.

As expected, Zhou Yi's eyes lit up when she heard Zhou Chen talking about finding a partner.

"Oh, Xiaochen, what you said makes sense. You are already twenty-four this year. If it weren't for jumping in line, you might have gotten married and had children."

"Yes, the top priority now is not only to find you a job, but also to find you a partner."

The more she talked, the more anxious Zhou Yi became. Married women seemed to be more interested in this kind of thing.

"Xiaochen, tell your sister what kind of girl you like, and she will go find her for you right away. My brother is so good, so he must find a good one."

Seeing Zhou Yi being so impatient, Zhou Chen immediately wanted to look for her, and was dumbfounded.

He is still in the grief of losing Zheng Juan. How can he think about finding a wife? This is just to find an excuse.

"Sister, you really don't have to worry about finding a partner. I like free love and don't like blind dates, so I can handle finding a partner myself."

Zhou Yi was not at ease: "Sister Free Love has no objection, but you are a boy, where can you find a partner? Is it possible that you already have a girl you like? Is it the educated youth who jumped in the queue with you, or is it someone from the production team?


As soon as she mentioned this, her expression immediately became serious.

"Xiao Chen, it's not that I won't find you a girl from the countryside, but the current policy is like this. If you find a girl from the countryside, you won't be able to get your child's household registration in the city in the future. Don't make a mistake."

"Sister, where are you thinking? I don't have a crush on anyone, and I'm not looking for a local girlfriend, so stop thinking about it."

In today's era, urban household registration is very rare. When a woman from the countryside marries into the city, it is not easy to transfer her household registration. If she raises children in the future, her household registration will have to follow her mother's.

Without urban household registration and without the rationed food provided by the streets, life would be too difficult.

This is also the biggest reason why men in the city today are unwilling to find women from the countryside.

But Zhou Chen knew that in the future, urban hukou would no longer be valuable, but rural hukou would begin to be valuable, and many people would like to move their hukou back to the countryside.

We can only say that society is changing and policies are constantly changing. No one can tell what it will be like in the future.

Others don't understand, but Zhou Chen understands.

He doesn't object to finding rural women at all, but now he really has no idea of ​​finding a wife.

"Really?" Zhou Yi asked worriedly.

"Really not."

After getting the affirmative answer, Zhou Yi was completely relieved. She was afraid that her precious brother would get hot-headed and she couldn't stop him even if she wanted to.

In the evening, Zhou Chen rode Zhou Yi's bicycle and drove him to his second uncle's house.

Speaking of my second uncle Zhou Liangping, he was also a poor man. During the war that year, he witnessed the death of his eldest brother and younger brother.

Later, after I returned from the army, my official career was fine, but my family faced big problems.

After he married his wife, they gave birth to three children, a son and two daughters. However, due to various accidents, two of the children died young, and now only one daughter is with him.

Among the descendants of the three Zhou brothers, Zhou Chen is the only male, so Zhou Liangping and his wife are particularly kind to Zhou Chen.

Because Zhou Liangping is a fighting hero and is also very reliable and smart, he has not been affected in this special era. Now he has become the deputy director of the branch, which can be regarded as a high-power position.

When Zhou Chen came to his second uncle's house, he had not returned home from get off work yet, so he met his second aunt Mi Wen and his cousin Zhou Qingqing first.

"Second aunt."

"Xiaochen, come here quickly and show Auntie."

The second aunt Mi Wen was very excited when she saw Zhou Chen. She pulled Zhou Chen closer and looked at him carefully.

Zhou Chen obviously discovered that there was something wrong with Mi Wen's eyes, and she squinted a little when she looked at him.

But he knew what was going on. It was because the early death of his two children made his second aunt Mi Wen miserable and cried all the time. Over time, this led to eye problems.

Mi Wen looked at Zhou Chen carefully and then breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, our Xiaochen hasn't lost much weight, but has become a lot darker. It seems like the production team is really having a hard time."

Zhou Chen said with a smile: "It's not too hard, it's just work. I'm a big man, and that kind of work is nothing to me."

Mi Wen immediately smiled and said: "Our Xiaochen has grown up and knows how to comfort aunt. That's great."

Because she only had one daughter left, not only did Zhou Liangping regard Zhou Chen as her biological son, she also regarded Zhou Chen as her biological son.


Zhou Qingqing ran over with a smile and looked at Zhou Chen happily: "Brother, you haven't been back for several years. I miss you so much."

Zhou Qingqing is only a teenager this year and has just entered junior high school. She is cute and beautiful, with big blinking eyes.

"Our Qingqing family has grown so tall."

Zhou Chen gestured. In his memory, Zhou Qing was still small, but now he almost reached her shoulders.

Zhou Qingqing said with a smile: "Brother, are you having fun in the countryside? Can you see many small animals?"

Because she was the only daughter left in the second uncle's family, Zhou Liangping and his wife paid close attention to her, fearing that something might happen to her. They had never left Sijiu City, so she was particularly curious about the countryside.

"If you want to hear it, bring me something to eat. Brother is already hungry."

Zhou Qingqing immediately jumped up and said: "Okay, brother, come with me. There are a lot of delicious food in my room. Let's talk while eating."

She was controlled too tightly by her parents and had almost no friends. Her favorite thing in the past was to follow Zhou Chen, because only when Zhou Chen took her with her would her parents feel relieved and she could be more indulgent.

But since Zhou Chen jumped in line and left, she didn't have such a good chance.

Seeing her daughter pulling Zhou Chen away, Mi Wen didn't say anything. She knew how much her daughter missed Zhou Chen.

"Yier, let's go to the kitchen to cook."

The second uncle's house is quite nice, with a standard three bedrooms and one living room. Zhou Qingqing has her own room with many things in it.

Zhou Qingqing rummaged through the boxes and cabinets to find her own snacks, and placed them all in front of Zhou Chen.

"Brother, hurry up and eat. After you're done, tell me about your queue-jumping incident."

Zhou Chen smiled and picked up the food and took a few bites, then told Zhou Qingqing some interesting things.

In fact, many things happened in the production team, but most of them were boring labor work. Even if there was free time, most of it was used for rest.

But Zhou Chen didn't need to tell them all. He also told Zhou Qingqing a lot of interesting stories. Zhou Qingqing, who had never heard of these things before, really made his eyes light up when he heard them.

"Brother, you are so amazing, you actually know so much."

Zhou Chen smiled and touched Zhou Qingqing's head: "When you grow up, go to more places and you can be like me."

Hearing this, Zhou Qingqing looked frustrated: "My parents will definitely not allow it."

Zhou Chen comforted: "When you grow up, my second uncle and the others will allow you."


Zhou Qingqing's eyes showed hope, and then she murmured very expectantly: "Then I really want to grow up quickly."

Zhou Chen had a smile on his face. This sister's thoughts were too simple. As for her, he wouldn't worry about her being alone outside. What if she was deceived?

Sun Dapeng and his daughter Sun Xiaoya also came before the meal. Zhou Liangping came back around seven o'clock. After he came back, he was very happy to see Zhou Chen.

Zhou Liangping is in his forties. Although he was once a soldier, he does not look rough and arrogant. Instead, he looks gentle and gentle.

During dinner, Zhou Liangping also asked Zhou Chen to stay with them, but Zhou Chen did not agree.

Zhou Liangping was more open-minded than Zhou Yi. Seeing that Zhou Chen didn't agree, he didn't mention it again. Then he said the same thing again, asking Zhou Chen to rest at home now. After a while, he would find a way to give him a favor.

Zhou Chen arranges work.

Whether he works or not, Zhou Chen really doesn't care too much. It just so happens that he is still sentimental about his experiences in the world, so it's a good thing to be alone.

Before leaving, the second aunt Mi Wen brought several bags of things for Zhou Chen, including food and meat, as well as some other things, and even several sets of clothes.

In the end, there were too many things, so my sister and brother-in-law sent him back.

Zhou Chen had already experienced Yanjing in the 1970s. Although it was a few years earlier, there was actually not much difference.

Zhou Chen wakes up every day and walks around the alleys, exercising, taking a look at the surrounding environment, looking for convenient places to buy things, etc.

As for visiting Yanjing City, he really has no interest in it. He has lived in Yanjing for so many years and has never been anywhere. If he is alone, he has no interest in going there.

Originally, Zhou Chen thought that if he wanted to buy something, he could use the food stamps, meat stamps, industrial coupons and the like that were rewarded in the last mission.

But these days, he found that those things were of no use at all. Every time he ran out of things, Zhou Yi would come and restock them for him.

In addition to Zhou Yi, his second aunt Mi Wen also occasionally brings things over, so that there is no shortage of things at home and there is no need to go out to buy them.

Zhou Yi even stuffed him with 500 yuan, saying that if you need money, don't be reluctant to spend it.

Five hundred yuan was a lot of money these days, so Zhou Chen had no choice but to accept it no matter how hard he tried to refuse.

Mi Wen also gave money, but he never accepted it.

Three months have passed in a flash, and it has been three months since Zhou Chen came to this world. He feels like he has entered old age early recently. He does nothing every day, just eats, drinks, sleeps, and walks around.

Although his life was not very interesting, Zhou Chen enjoyed it. No, he probably had to enjoy it.

The main mission of the system is to let him live to be one hundred years old. Sooner or later, he will have to live such a life. Now this can be regarded as early adaptation.

For Zhou Chen, the first condition for completing the task is to maintain good health.

Only by maintaining good health can it be possible to extend his life.

During this period, Zhou Yi tried to introduce someone to him several times, but he turned her down because he had no job now.

Zhou Chen was wandering around the alley early in the morning with nothing to do.

"Hey, Xiao Zhou, the door is closed again."

"Yeah, walking around."

Zhou Chen greeted the neighbors with a smile and left slowly.

As soon as he left, the neighbors in the alley started talking quietly.

"I don't know what's going on with this little Zhou. After he came back after jumping in line, he just wandered around all day long and didn't do anything serious. A good young man was just ruined."

"Yes, a young man in his twenties hangs out in the alley every day, just like a streetwalker."

"The young man is not ugly. I originally thought of introducing my second sister's daughter to him, but as it is, who dares to introduce her?"

"You want to introduce me, but people may not be interested in you yet. What do you know? My uncle is a big leader, and he has his own courtyard. Even if Xiao Zhou doesn't do anything, he can still do better than us."

"Really? How did you know? Aunt Wang."

"How many years have you lived here? I have lived here for more than twenty years. There is nothing in this large alley that I don't know about. This kid Xiao Zhou's father is a fighting hero. You guys should stop making arrangements behind my back.


"Aunt Wang, tell us. If this is the case, I will bring my niece and show him."


Zhou Chen wandered aimlessly at first. After three months of self-cultivation, he no longer felt as uncomfortable as when he just left this world. He slowly buried his feelings for Zheng Juan deep in his heart.

This was not the first time he had done something like this, and he felt like a scumbag.

Once you have loved, you have to let go.

But even so, he still didn't think that what he did was wrong.

He feels that he is just a layman who has traveled through the world of film and television, not to become a monk.

He didn't know about others, but he himself really couldn't accept it if he was allowed to live in the film and television world for so many years without being allowed to touch women.

If a man doesn’t even want women, is he still a man?

Of course, we do not exclude those who are infatuated and can stay with a woman for the rest of their lives.

But he is different. He is not that simple all his life. He has to experience countless film and television worlds. If he doesn't find a woman to accompany him, is it possible for him to find a man?


A sudden scream interrupted Zhou Chen's random thoughts. He looked to the side and saw a woman lying on the ground not far away, and there was a bicycle next to the woman.

"There was a car accident?"

Zhou Chen patted his head and said he was used to it, but if he fell while riding a bicycle, it would be considered a car accident, right?

The woman seemed to have fallen badly. She propped herself up and sat on the ground, unable to get up for a while.

Zhou Chen looked around, thought for a while, and still felt that he should carry forward his ** spirit.

"In this day and age, there shouldn't be such a thing as porcelain."

With his heart pounding, Zhou Chen slowly walked towards the woman.

Walking up to him, Zhou Chen took a look and asked in a low voice: "Comrade, are you okay? Do you need help?"

The woman raised her head, and Zhou Chen saw her face clearly.

She is about 20 years old, with two braids and a round face. She is not particularly beautiful, but her skin is very fair, especially her eyes, which are big and bright.

But at this time, her eyes were red, and she looked at Zhou Chen nervously.

"Don't be afraid. I'm not a bad person. I just saw you fall and I'm afraid where you fell."

The woman felt relieved now and whispered: "There was a stone here just now. I didn't see it, so I fell down."

Zhou Chen said: "I see you haven't stood up. Is your leg injured? Your arm is also bleeding. I know some medical skills. If you don't mind, I can help you see where the injury is."


The woman was obviously hesitant. After all, she was a strange man. In this era, the distinction between men and women is much more conservative than it was a few decades ago.

"Don't worry, I won't touch you. I'm just taking a look. If it's nothing serious, it's fine. But if you hit a bone, if you don't treat it in time, there may be sequelae."

Zhou Chen is not trying to scare women. Many such things happen in medicine. Some people fall and don't pay much attention to it, but they have serious consequences afterwards.

Perhaps it was Zhou Chen's sincere attitude that impressed the other party. The woman whispered: "My arm is broken, and my left foot hurts. It seemed to be pinched just now."


Zhou Chen was very surprised. He squatted down and saw that the woman's exposed left ankle was a little red, but he still couldn't tell just by looking at it.

"Comrade, I don't know if you've twisted it or something else. Do you mind if I press it and check to see if it's a fracture?"

"I don't know if it's a fracture or not. It just hurts when I move it. Are you really a doctor?"

"I'm not a doctor, but I know some medical skills."

"Then, I'll trouble you."

The woman thought for a while and finally decided to let Zhou Chen take a look. She was also worried about whether she had a broken bone.

"Okay, then just bear with me."

Zhou Chen approached the other party, put his hand on her ankle, and pressed it gently.

"Ah..." the woman cried out in pain.

"Don't be nervous, bear with me, I'll be fine soon."

Zhou Chen felt awkward as soon as he said these words, but he glanced at the woman and found that she had no reaction, so he calmed down.

He pressed gently and helped the other person move a few times. Although the woman cried out in pain several times, she did not stop Zhou Chen.

Zhou Chen gently put the woman's foot down and said: "Okay, your foot is not broken, it was twisted, and the bones are not injured. It is a little painful now, and it will probably become red and swollen later, but you go back

You can apply cold compress for a period of time and then apply hot compress after 24 hours to speed up the swelling reduction."

Perhaps because Zhou Chen touched her feet, the woman's face was always red. After hearing Zhou Chen's words, she didn't react for a long time.

After reacting, his face turned redder and he said sheepishly: "Oh, thank you, thank you."

"It doesn't matter. Since I saw it, I will definitely help if I can, as long as you are fine."

As a doctor, it is professional ethics to treat patients after seeing them, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

"You take a rest here first, and I'll help you pick up the car and see if it's broken."

Zhou Chen first helped the woman sit down under a nearby tree, and then helped her lift the bicycle. Seeing that her arm was still bleeding, he took out the handkerchief he had just bought not long ago.

"You're bleeding, use this to wipe it first."

This is not an era where people can carry soft facial tissues with them. Nowadays, everyone basically carries a handkerchief.

As for toilet paper, it is still hard and not suitable for wiping wounds.

Zhou Chen was not in a hurry to leave. After giving the handkerchief to the woman, he chatted with her for a while before saying goodbye and leaving.

To him, this was just a small episode that happened today.

This chapter has been completed!
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