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Chapter 654 Zhou Chen sets the stage, intending to post the box

 What is the biggest gain from my four years in college? Apart from the wealth of archaeological knowledge I have learned, it is the expansion of my network of contacts.

That is to say, by using these connections, Zhou Chen purchased a lot of things through transactions and picking up items. Although it was inevitable that he also bought a lot of fakes, he also bought a lot of genuine items.

In four years, he obtained a total of thirty-two genuine antiques, but their values ​​varied, and only four of them met the system's standards.

Among them, two are from the Qing Dynasty, one is from the Yuan Dynasty, and one is from the Ming Dynasty.

In addition to the four items that meet the system standards, there are actually three items that are of very high value. Unfortunately, they are not antiques from the five dynasties required by the system, but antiques from other dynasties. Therefore, no matter how high the value is, they are not included in the mission.


However, he asked Mr. Guan to appraise it, and among them was a piece of jade Ruyi from the Han Dynasty, which he said should be from the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. It was extremely valuable, and Mr. Guan asked him to keep it safe.

Zhou Chen could not put antiques that did not meet the system standards into the system backpack, so he could only make a collection room at home and collect all the antiques he collected. When he was free, he would go there to appreciate them.

Interest is interest, but Zhou Chen has not forgotten his main mission. He wants to live over a hundred years old, so he is still very cautious about antiques.

I pay attention when playing with them and don't touch them for too long. Who knows whether these antiques may contain any toxic substances.

But that was all before. He spent four years in college and learned many methods of preserving antiques, so now he may not be good at restoration, but simple cleaning and removing magazines are no problem at all.

The next day.

Zhou Chen went directly to his sister Zhou Yi's house, found Sun Dapeng, and told him again about going to sea to do business.

Unfortunately, Sun Dapeng was stubborn and still disagreed. However, after Zhou Chen's persuasion, he no longer objected and agreed with Zhou Chen to lead Zhou Yi to do business.

Sun Dapeng is not stupid. He knows that his wife and brother-in-law have a deep relationship. He is unwilling to change, but that does not mean that he does not believe in Zhou Chen.

On the contrary, he has great trust in Zhou Chen's ability. In this day and age, everyone still respects college students very much, let alone someone like Zhou Chen who graduated from Peking University.

Therefore, he has no objection to his wife going overseas to do business with his brother-in-law. His only concern is his daughter, because he himself does not have time to take care of her.

But Zhou Yi promised him that she would never neglect her daughter because of business, so Sun Dapeng had no reason to object.

The business that Zhou Chen wants Zhou Yi to do is very simple, that is, to open a small commodity store, imitating the model of the Wushang Small Commodity Market.

Reform and opening up has been going on for several years now. As the capital, it is naturally the main implementation place. Nowadays, Yanjing has many private enterprises and a large number of self-employed people, so opening a small commodity store will naturally not have any problems.

There must be a reason for the small commodity market to become popular in Wushang. Zhou Chen did not expect it to be as big as the Wushang small commodity market. He just wanted his sister to have something to do, make money at the same time, and live a good life.

better life.

However, things are not easy to do. A lot of preparations are still needed in the early stage, and Zhou Yi has to leave his job, so they are not in a hurry to start taking action.

Before that, Zhou Chen had one more thing to do, and that was the huanghuali post box that he had been waiting for for several years.

He remembered that Su Meng's father was diagnosed with heart disease on the eve of Su Meng's graduation from university. It was almost time, so Zhou Chen was ready to take action.

Originally, he was planning to wait until Su Meng's father was diagnosed with a heart disease before taking action, but he was worried that Han Chunming was unreliable and had lent the money to Su Meng in advance, and he would suffer a big loss.

So he decided to contact Su Meng in advance. This way, even if Su Meng didn't sell it, he could let her know the value of the post box and prepare for future purchases.

As for whether Su Meng and his family would not sell the huanghuali sticker box after knowing its value, Zhou Chen was not worried at all.

No matter how precious things are, the lives of loved ones are more important?

Also, Zhou Chen is not worried about whether Su Meng would rather borrow money from Han Chunming than sell huanghuali sticker boxes.

Who is Su Meng?

She was a woman who valued face more than anything else. If her father hadn't really been in a critical moment of life and death, she would never have been willing to borrow money from Han Chunming.

So if she had the opportunity to get money after learning about her father's condition, she would definitely not let it go.

Zhou Chen already had a plan on what method to use, how much money to spend, and how to buy the things back.

Riding a bicycle, Zhou Chen arrived at the school dormitory.

Although his courtyard is very close to Peking University, Zhou Chen usually sleeps in the dormitory. One reason is that he has less travel, and another reason is that.

The school toilets are much cleaner than the public toilets there, and they are cleaned every day.

When we arrived at the dormitory, we found that there were only two of us.

"Feilong, where is Lao Wu?"

There are six people in Zhou Chen's dormitory, but none of them are as professional as Zhou Chen. The old Wu he is talking about is named Wu Jingui.

Because of this name, Wu Jingui was often laughed at by the people in the dormitory, even though he was the oldest in the dormitory.

Huang Feilong majored in economics and had a good relationship with Zhou Chen and others.

"I said I was sending something to my hometown."


Zhou Chen nodded, then sat beside his bed and waited.

Another person in the dormitory Chen Yan walked to Zhou Chen and said, "Zhou Chen, I took a box of wine from home and put it in your cabinet. Don't forget it."

Zhou Chen frowned and said, "Why did you bring me another drink? Didn't I say you're welcome?"

Chen Yan said: "That's right. You also know that my dad can't drink now, and I can't drink enough either. It would be a waste to keep this wine at home."

The reason why he gave Zhou Chen wine was because Zhou Chen had done his father a big favor.

Once, his father was involved in a case. Later, Zhou Chen came forward to find his second uncle and took care of him, so that Chen Yan's father was not implicated.

Because of this incident, the relationship between the two became particularly good. Chen Yan also thanked Zhou Chen and sent him something every now and then, but Zhou Chen couldn't even refuse.

Huang Feilong interjected from the side: "Zhou Chen, don't be polite to him. He took your cigarettes for a while when you were away."

Zhou Chen doesn't smoke, but he keeps a lot of cigarettes in his dormitory just for socializing, most of which were smoked by a few smokers in the dormitory.

"Let's put the wine aside for now. In a few days, we brothers will have a good time together."

Zhou Chen is not willing to always accept other people's kindness. In their dormitory, he treats guests to dinner the most.

"By the way, Feilong, I'm going to open a small commodity store and I may need your help."

Huang Feilong asked in surprise: "You want to go to sea to do business?"

"No way?"

"No, I'm just curious. You're fine, why do you think of opening a store?"

Zhou Chen said: "My sister is laid off. I'm going to open a small commodity store for her. Aren't you studying economics? I want you to help run the business and negotiate with the factory. What do you think? Do you want to do it?"

Huang Feilong responded decisively: "Yes, of course I will. It just so happens that we don't have any classes now. I can help you with your business and get some exercise. Tell me if you have any requirements."

Zhou Chen then simply told Huang Feilong his thoughts on how to contact those factories and what to buy...

Huang Feilong listened and took notes in his notebook, very seriously.

The main reason is that they have been in the same dormitory for a long time, and everyone knows Zhou Chen's abilities. Now that he is about to graduate, Huang Feilong, as an outsider, is reluctant to leave after seeing the prosperity of Yanjing.

Now that Zhou Chen has provided him with an opportunity, of course he will not let it go.

As for money, he didn't even ask. Not to mention that he knew Zhou Chen was very generous. Even if Zhou Chen didn't give him money, he was still willing to take this opportunity to experience it.

After talking to Huang Feilong, Wu Jingui came back as soon as Zhou Chen drank a glass of water.

"Old Wu, I need your help."

Zhou Chen stood up immediately when he saw Wu Jingui.

Wu Jingui comes from a small county in Henan Province. His family still lives in a remote rural area. He is already in his thirties and is already married and has children.

In fact, Wu Jingui was not originally from the countryside. He married a girl from the countryside when he was working in the countryside and settled in that village ever since.

His family situation is the worst among the six people in the dormitory, but he is a gentle man, wears a pair of glasses, and looks like a scholar.

Wu Jingui, who was in the same dormitory, had often received help from Zhou Chen, so when he heard Zhou Chen ask him for help, he didn't say anything.

"Zhou Chen, if you have anything to say, just tell me and I will definitely help you."

Zhou Chen smiled and said: "Let's go out and talk."

Watching Zhou Chen and Wu Jingui leave the dormitory, Chen Yan scratched his head: "Feilong, what's wrong with Zhou Chen, why did you go out behind our backs to tell him?"

Huang Feilong was still immersed in what Zhou Chen had just told him, and he casually replied: "Chen Yan, don't be so curious."

Zhou Chen and Wu Jingui walked out of the dormitory building and came to a remote place.

"Old Wu, it's like this. You know I study archeology. I mainly study old objects such as antiques. I recently took a fancy to an old object, but something unexpected happened. I want to get rid of that thing.

I got it, but I’m not very good at coming forward, so I’d like to ask you to help me come forward and talk to the other party.”

"That's it? No problem, but I don't understand this kind of stuff at all?" Wu Jingui expressed his worries.

Zhou Chen said: "You don't have to worry about this. I have a method for a long time. As long as you do what I say, it will be fine."

Wu Jingui said without hesitation: "That's no problem. Just tell me what to do then."

Zhou Chen pondered for a moment: "I already have the method, but I still need your help and cooperation. Our industry is a bit complicated. In order to prevent others from seeing the flaws, you still have to dress up. When the time comes, you..."

He told Wu Jingui what he wanted to do in detail, and then said: "Old Wu, this favor is not for nothing. If the matter is completed, I will give you a commission."

"Zhou Chen, if you say that, it's too outrageous. What is our relationship? Don't mention the commission."

When Zhou Chen said he wanted to give money, Wu Jingui immediately became unhappy. He was a grateful person. Zhou Chen had helped him so much. If he wanted to do Zhou Chen a favor and still wanted to collect money, other people in the dormitory would know about it.

, maybe I don’t know how to arrange him.

Zhou Chen said with a smile: "Old Wu, our friendship is a friendship, but we have our own rules in this industry. What's more, this may not be the last time I ask you for help. Maybe I will ask you for the same thing in the future.

If you come forward and don’t accept a commission, how dare I come to you in the future?”


"Stop being stubborn and just listen to me. Friendship is friendship. If I ask you to do something, I have to give you a commission. That's it."

Zhou Chen didn't give him a chance to refuse, and decided directly, and then said: "I bought you a set of clothes and put them on your bed. You put them on tomorrow and go find someone as I told you.


"Ah? You bought me clothes?"

"It's a full set of things, it's not a one-time deal. Lao Wu, we have known each other for four years. I dare not say anything else. As long as you help me, I can guarantee that you will be able to afford a house in Yanjing in the future.

Bring your wife and children."

After hearing Zhou Chen's words, Wu Jingui's face suddenly showed a look of longing.

Of those who come to Yanjing from other places to attend university, there are very few who do not want to stay after graduation.

Although Wu Jingui is a top student at Peking University, he studied history, and his professional level is not very good. He is below average in the class. If he wants to stay in Yanjing, his chances are very slim.

He knew Zhou Chen's abilities, and also knew that Zhou Chen's second uncle was a high-ranking official. If he could work behind Zhou Chen, he might have a better future than returning to his hometown to become a cadre.

The reason why Zhou Chen sought out Wu Jingui was not only because Wu Jingui was honest, but also directly related to his study of history.

Archeology and history are inseparable, and having Wu Jingui help him is definitely more reliable than Huang Feilong and Chen Yan.

"Okay, then I'll try it first. If it doesn't work, don't be polite to me, just tell me directly."

Zhou Chen smiled and said: "If it were someone else, I might really be worried, but for you, I believe it will be absolutely fine."

"Come on, come with me to my house first. I'll explain the details to you in detail."

The next day, around four o'clock in the afternoon, Wu Jingui arrived at the entrance of the alley on time and waited patiently.

Today he is wearing a brand-new Zhongshan suit and gold-rimmed glasses, exuding a bookish air, and his hair is neatly combed. He looks very energetic and temperamental. When you look at it, you will feel that this is a very handsome man.

A cultured person.

This outfit was specially prepared for him by Zhou Chen, and it was precisely because of this outfit that Wu Jingui was even more grateful to Zhou Chen.

In fact, he could afford this outfit, but he wouldn't part with it at all, because he still had a wife and two children in his hometown, and he sent most of the subsidies from the school back home.

During the four years of college, he only returned home once. The rest of the time, he worked part-time jobs to make money. For him, new clothes were a luxury.

After thinking wildly for a while, Wu Jingui pushed his eyes to calm himself down and stand up straight, because the target had already appeared.

Su Hongwen and Liu Xueqin pushed their bicycles and walked along the alley towards their homes.

Both of them are people's teachers, but one teaches high school and the other teaches junior high school. Although they are in the same school, they often have different courses and different commuting hours.

Today it was rare for them to get off work at the same time, so they went home together.

As soon as they turned the corner and before entering the alley where their home was located, they suddenly heard someone calling them.

"Teacher Su, Teacher Liu."

Su Hongwen and Liu Xueqin paused and looked towards the source of the sound, only to see a well-dressed man with gold-rimmed glasses walking towards them.

"Teacher Su, Teacher Liu, we are finally waiting for you."

Su Hongwen and Liu Xueqin looked at each other and saw the confusion in each other's eyes. Su Hongwen asked: "This comrade, who are you?"

The visitor was naturally Wu Jingui. He smiled and said, "Hello, Teacher Su, Teacher Liu. My surname is Wu. You can just call me Xiao Wu. I came here today specifically to get to know you two."

Seeing that Wu Jingui was polite and polite, Su Hongwen lowered his guard a little.

"Hello, Comrade Xiao Wu, we don't seem to know each other, right?"

Wu Jingui said: "Yes, two teachers, we did not know each other before. I came here today to ask you for help with something."

Liu Xueqin was more vigilant and asked: "Xiao Wu, we are just ordinary teachers. I'm afraid there is nothing we can do to help you, right?"

Wu Jingui seemed to have just noticed Liu Xueqin's vigilance. He patted his head in embarrassment and said, "Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce you to you two carefully. I am a graduate of the History Department of Peking University. My name is Wu Jingui."

, is an antique collector.”

"A graduate of the History Department of Peking University? An antique collector?"

Su Hongwen and Liu Xueqin looked at each other, and both saw surprise in each other's eyes. However, judging from Wu Jingui's polite appearance, it didn't look like he was lying or a bad person.

"Comrade Xiao Wu, do you need our help with anything?"

Wu Jingui said: "Teachers, I came to you today actually because of an old object in your hands."

"For the old things in our hands?"

This confused Su Hongwen and Liu Xueqin.

"Comrade Xiao Wu, you have confused us. What old objects do we have in our hands that are worthy of your special trip?"

Wu Jingui said: "It's just a huanghuali post box. The box is made of huanghuali. There is a wooden post inside with an article engraved on it, Ailian said."

"To tell you the truth, I have actually had an idea for this note box for a long time, but I never had the chance to get it before. Until a few days ago, I heard that this item fell into the hands of two teachers, so I made a special trip here.

I am looking for two teachers and want to buy from you."

Su Hongwen and Liu Xueqin still looked confused.

"Comrade Xiao Wu, it's not that we are trying to shirk it, but that we really don't know about the post box you are talking about, and we have never bought it. Have you made a mistake?"

Wu Jingui suddenly looked surprised, but then he shook his head firmly.

"Impossible, my friend assured me that there is absolutely nothing wrong. Teacher Su, Teacher Liu, if you think about it carefully, it is a yellowish box with a wooden post inside."

"Two teachers, the reason why I asked so much is not for myself, but because my teacher likes this item very much, so I want to buy it for him. If you two are willing to sell it to me, I will

I’m willing to pay a thousand yuan.”

Su Hongwen and Liu Xueqin were immediately shocked. Although they were both teachers, one thousand yuan was still a lot of money for them.

But Su Hongwen still smiled bitterly and said: "Comrade Xiao Wu, it's not that we don't want to help, it's that we really haven't bought this thing."

"Impossible, teachers, please think carefully." Wu Jingui looked anxious.

Su Hongwen still wanted to speak, but Liu Xueqin pulled him back, and then said to Wu Jingui: "Comrade Xiao Wu, if not, let's go back and look for it first. If we find it, we will talk about it in detail. You see

How about it?"

Wu Jingui showed an unwilling expression, but after thinking about it for a moment, he nodded.

"Okay, then, I will leave my phone number for the two teachers. If you two find it, please call me. I will come over again. I have only one request, that is, if you find it,

Be sure to leave something for me."

As he spoke, he took out a small notebook from his pocket, tore off a piece of paper, wrote down the phone number with the pen on his chest, and handed it to Su Hongwen.

Su Hongwen handed over the paper and said politely: "We will do it."

Before Wu Jingui left, his face was full of reluctance and he emphasized again.

"Teacher Su, Teacher Liu, whether you can find it or not, you must contact me. I'm waiting for your call."

I have something going on at home today, so I won’t write much, so please forgive me.

This chapter has been completed!
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