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Chapter 701: Foreign exchange, intrigue in the girls dormitory

In mid-December, the CET-4 test came as scheduled.

In the examination room, Zhou Chen only took half an hour to answer all the questions, including listening, and then glanced around the examination room in boredom.

The CET-4 exam can be submitted in advance, but it must be submitted after the specified time.

Most of the people in the examination room were frowning and answering the questions seriously. Only a few people were scratching their heads and scratching their heads, and their eyes were wandering. It was obvious at a glance that their motives were impure.

The CET-4 is not difficult for most undergraduates, but even in the best schools, there are always some people who lag behind and are unwilling to study.

There may be very few people like Xiao Haiyang who have failed the exam four times, but they definitely exist.

The moment the teacher said he could hand in the paper, Zhou Chen immediately stood up, handed in the paper, and then walked out of the examination room.

After Zhou Chen walked out of the examination room, he did not leave. Instead, he came to wait outside another examination room. He had agreed with He Feifei that he would go out to celebrate after the examination.

He Feifei didn't let Zhou Chen wait for too long, and quickly handed in the papers and walked out.

"Zhou Chen, you've been waiting for a long time." He Feifei walked over with a smile and took Zhou Chen's arm naturally.

Zhou Chen said: "I haven't waited long, how did you do in the exam? Can you pass it?"

With a smile on her face, He Feifei answered confidently: "Of course it's no problem, I'm sure of it."

"That's good. I'll celebrate you today. Tell me, where are we going?"

"There are no classes today anyway, let's go out and have a good day."


Zhou Chen took He Feifei's arm and walked out of the teaching building.

As soon as I left the teaching building, I saw a few people standing outside.

"Xiao Haiyang, Thirteen, Yu Hao, Gu Yixin, Li Shuci, you all submitted your papers in advance?"

Xiao Haiyang said with a frustrated look: "Yeah, every year I hand in my papers in advance. This year's questions are too difficult. It's a waste of time to stay in them."

Yu Hao said confidently: "I've finished everything and it's okay to wait, so I handed in the paper in advance."

If Zhou Chen hadn't known that Yu Hao had never passed, he might have been deceived by his confident performance.

Bi Shisan said in a very pretentious manner: "If you don't hand in the paper, there will be nothing to do."

Li Shuci and Gu Yixin both nodded in agreement, which made Xiao Haiyang's mouth twitch and look suspicious of life.

"What about you, Zhou Chen? I haven't seen you study before. We should be the same, right?" Xiao Haiyang looked at Zhou Chen expectantly.

Zhou Chen was very disgusted: "I am different from you. The test paper is too simple. I finished it in half an hour. Well, plus listening."

Xiao Haiyang was even more convinced now: "Good brothers, let's fight again next year."

"I don't want you to be poor. Just wait here. I'll leave first."

Watching Zhou Chen and He Feifei leave, Xiao Haiyang said with emotion: "I think, of all the people in our class, Zhou Chen seems to have the most comfortable life."

Gu Yixin agreed: "Yeah, now he doesn't even go to class very often. Every time he is replaced by that idiot Ren Yifan. But the strange thing is that every time he takes the exam, he is among the top in the class."

"Too strange."

Yu Hao looked thoughtful: "Zhou Chen doesn't study much in the dormitory."

Bi Shisan said expressionlessly: "Zhou Chen is just like me. He is a genius. A genius is destined to be different."

In an instant, Xiao Haiyang and the others all looked at him.


After a while, other people in the electrophotography class also came out one after another, some were happy and some were sad.

The only four girls in the class, carrying bags and things, walked towards the dormitory while talking.

Zhong Bai asked cheerfully: "Is everyone sure there will be no problem this time?"

Lin Luoxue said with a smile: "You three must be fine, but I might be a little doubtful."

Gu Yixin said: "Luo Xue, you are too modest. You must be fine."

"By the way, we saw Zhou Chen and his girlfriend just now."


Lin Luoxue's eyes flashed, and she felt uncomfortable when she heard Zhou Chen and He Feifei were together.

Gu Yixin didn't notice Lin Luoxue's discomfort and continued: "I know that Zhou Chen is very good to that He Feifei. He buys clothes and bags. It's only been a few months, and it seems like

She spent hundreds of thousands."

"Hundreds of thousands?"

Zhong Bai's eyes almost popped out.

"Really or not, is Zhou Chen that rich?"

"Of course, don't forget, I have had many business dealings with him. He spent hundreds of thousands of dollars from me. Several times he bought things for He Feifei from me.

, all are famous brands. Really.”

Sometimes Zhou Chen wanted to give He Feifei some gifts, but he didn't want to choose them himself, so he asked Gu Yixin, who was also a woman and a laborer, so Gu Yixin would understand.

Zhong Bai was full of amazement: "Is Zhou Chen that rich? We have only been talking for more than three months and have spent hundreds of thousands. Compared with him, Ren Yifan is really not a prodigal."

Li Shuci said with a straight face: "It's wrong to spend money like this. Zhou Chen is actually a very good person. He shouldn't find a woman who worships money like that."

These words made Zhong Bai and the others laugh, mainly because Li Shuci's expression was too serious.

Lin Luoxue couldn't stop laughing.

"Shu Ci, you are so cute."

Zhong Bai said: "But I think Shu Ci's words make sense. Although it has nothing to do with us how Zhou Chen spends money, but hearing what Yi Xin said, I think He Feifei is going too far. This is treating Zhou Chen as an ATM."

Ah, he is a classmate of ours, do you want to remind him?"

Gu Yixin shook his head and said: "I think it's better to forget it. From our point of view, that's a lot of money, but for Zhou Chen, maybe they don't care at all."


Zhong Bai thought about it and felt that it made sense. After all, it was other people's business and had nothing to do with them.

Lin Luoxue never interrupted. She had a relationship with Zhou Chen, but she never thought about wanting anything from Zhou Chen. She just felt very uncomfortable every time she heard Zhou Chen and He Feifei were together.

Zhou Chen and He Feifei spent a day shopping, and naturally stayed at a five-star hotel outside in the evening, and it also had a presidential suite.

The presidential suite is not cheap, but for Zhou Chen, who currently has more than 4 million in his account, it is completely affordable.

More than a month later, his savings of hundreds of thousands have increased nearly ten times. Naturally, all of this money was earned from the stock market.

Now he has invested his money in the foreign exchange market with a leverage of 400 times, so he is very busy these days, day or night, because he has entered more than just one foreign exchange market.

More than four million seems like a lot, and it can be invested in the foreign exchange market. It is really a drop in the bucket. If you are not careful, your position may be liquidated, so Zhou Chen still keeps some funds in hand.

He Feifei lay limply on the bed, looking at Zhou Chen who was operating the computer, with a face full of fascination.

Every time Zhou Chen finished his business, she would be in this state and it would take a long time to recover. This was why she didn't dare to be with Zhou Chen every day. It would really kill her.

"Zhou Chen, what are you looking at?"

"New York Foreign Exchange Market."

He Feifei asked doubtfully: "Is it the stock market?"

Having been with Zhou Chen for so long, she certainly knew that Zhou Chen was playing in the stock market, and she also knew that Zhou Chen seemed to have made a lot of money from the stock market.

"That's about it. You should rest first. There are some problems in the market tonight. I need to go all out and not be distracted."

Relying on his sensitivity to numbers and his super thinking and calculation skills, even if he is alone, he is no worse than a team. This is why he is confident in making money from the foreign exchange market.

However, the foreign exchange market is too big and the risks are high, so he is prepared to leave after getting a certain amount of funds. Otherwise, even if he has the means, he may be cut off by predators.

He Feifei was still very knowledgeable. After Zhou Chen finished speaking, she stopped disturbing him and just looked at Zhou Chen with eyes obsessed with him.

For several hours, Zhou Chen's eyes hardly left the screen, and his hands kept working. It wasn't until about three o'clock in the morning that Zhou Chen ended it all.

He Feifei had already fallen asleep. After Zhou Chen finished his work, he threw the computer aside, rubbed his tired eyes, and began to rest.


In the blink of an eye, 2015 has come to an end. Zhou Chen has been feeling quite unhappy these days because he lost more than 8 million in the foreign exchange market a few days ago.

Although this kind of thing inherently involves profit and loss, he was still unhappy. The main reason was that he had made more than 20 million in the past few days and lost one-third of it all of a sudden. Of course he felt unhappy.

According to his calculations, this should not be the case. He was careless and was cut like a leek, which cost him a few days of sleepless nights.

However, after this liquidation, Zhou Chen also withdrew all the money and was not prepared to continue engaging in foreign exchange.

As a retail investor, no matter how capable you are, you can't change the identity of Leek. The best choice is to quit when you are good.

Compared with foreign exchange, the stock market is safer, and he has greater certainty, but the money comes in a little slower, unless there is a financial crisis.

With a deposit of 20 million, Zhou Chen is no longer in a hurry. He was very tired from doing foreign exchange during this period, but the leisurely life before was still comfortable.

In a small restaurant next to the school, Lin Luoxue and Zhou Chen were sitting together.

Lin Luoxue was picking up food for Zhou Chen and said, "I see that you have serious dark circles under your eyes these days. I asked Tang Qiang and he said that you didn't go to bed until three or four in the morning a few days ago. Why are you so restless?"

Take care of your body?”

Zhou Chen swallowed the food, took a sip of water, and said: "I was busy with things a few days ago, so I had to do it at night. Now that I'm done, I won't stay up late anymore."

"By the way, when will your subject two exam be taken?"

Lin Luoxue finally agreed to Zhou Chen's suggestion and applied for a driver's license. She had already passed the theory test and had studied subject two for a while, and was waiting to take the test.

Lin Luoxue replied: "After January, I should be able to get my driver's license before the holidays anyway."

After a moment of silence, she asked again: "New Year's Eve is coming soon. New Year's Eve is a day worth remembering. How are you going to spend it?"

"I don't care. It's just New Year's Eve and it's not the Spring Festival. There's no need to make it so grand."

Zhou Chen doesn't care too much about New Year's Eve. When he was young, he never saw anyone celebrating New Year's Eve. Now that everyone's life is better, even foreign festivals have begun to pay attention to it. Days like New Year's Eve are naturally also popular.

Be sought after.

Lin Luoxue rolled her eyes: "You know how to pretend. It's not that you don't understand romance, but you have plans for New Year's Eve. Are you afraid that I will ruin your good deeds?"

Zhou Chen smiled and didn't hide it: "You are right, He Feifei did ask me to spend New Year's Eve together, but if you need me, I will definitely spend it with you."

"A man's mouth is a liar."

Lin Luoxue didn't believe it at all, "You should live with your real girlfriend."

Zhou Chen reached out and touched Lin Luoxue's head. Lin Luoxue did not avoid it, but her expression was quite dissatisfied.

He was actually quite complicated towards Lin Luoxue. They had not been together since that night, but Lin Luoxue did not reject him, but instead got closer to him.

He understood that Lin Luoxue was still struggling in her heart and could not let go of her former "White Moonlight" Bi Shisan.

Originally he wanted to let nature take its course, but more than a month had passed and he didn't want to wait any longer. This matter had to be resolved as soon as possible.

Suddenly, a burst of beautiful piano music played, and Lin Luoxue glanced at Zhou Chen's cell phone.

"Your girlfriend called, why don't you answer it quickly?"

Zhou Chen patted her hand, then picked up the phone and answered the call in front of Lin Luoxue.

"Hey, um, I'm eating, what's the matter, tell me..."

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Chen picked up the phone and started operating it.

Lin Luoxue frowned nearby and suddenly pressed Zhou Chen's cell phone. Zhou Chen turned to look at her.

"She asked you for two hundred thousand, and you really gave it to her? You didn't ask her what she wanted to do, so you just took advantage of her?"

That's right, He Feifei called Zhou Chen just now and wanted to borrow 200,000 from Zhou Chen.

Seeing Lin Luoxue's anxious and angry look, Zhou Chen smiled slightly and said: "Two hundred thousand is a lot, but she is not stupid. I have bought her a lot of things in the past few months, but I have never sent her anything.

It’s a red envelope for a cent, this is the first time she’s asked me for money, so what if I believe her just once?”

Over the past few months, he spent a lot of money on He Feifei, but he did not give her money directly. Two hundred thousand is a lot, but this is indeed the first time He Feifei has spoken.

Having been with He Feifei for several months, he knew that He Feifei was vain, but not stupid, and not the kind of person who was truly greedy. He felt that something had happened to He Feifei.

He Feifei said that she would explain to him in a few days, so he was not in a hurry and was ready to send her money.

Of course, if He Feifei disappoints her or uses his money to do something unworthy of him, he has plenty of ways to counterattack.

Taking a step back from 10,000, if he could use 200,000 to see clearly the true nature of a woman who has been following him for several months, it would not be a loss at all.

After hearing Zhou Chen's words, Lin Luoxue became even more angry and let go.

"It's up to you. If you want to be deceived, that's your own business."

Zhou Chen hugged her waist and said softly: "I know you do it for my own good, but you have to have confidence in your man. Not just anyone can trick me."

Lin Luoxue pushed her away and rolled her eyes at him charmingly: "Who are you? Don't talk nonsense."

Zhou Chen hugged her hard, came close to her ear, and whispered: "I want to go out, can you come with me?"

Lin Luoxue's whole body was made hot by Zhou Chen's breathing. She smoothed her hair and shifted her gaze. She understood what Zhou Chen meant, but she still nodded.


After eating, Zhou Chen drove away with Lin Luoxue and did not return to school until noon the next day.

Zhou Chen has seen the changes in Lin Luoxue over the past month or so. Her state is completely different from the previous two months. She is no longer flirting with her like before. Even Lu Qiaochuan, with whom she has the best relationship,

Start keeping your distance.

Zhou Chen didn't know if she was doing it for him or if he was aware of his own problems, but he was still happy that she could make such a change.

After all, Lin Luoxue is his woman now. No matter whether they will be together in the future, at least he still hopes that Lin Luoxue will stay clean as long as he can see it.

Zhou Chen pushed open the door of dormitory 601 and happened to see Lu Qiaochuan and four people sitting together around a small table.

"What a coincidence. Everyone is here. What are they talking about?"

Xiao Haiyang said: "We are discussing how to spend New Year's Eve. How about you, Zhou Chen, how to spend New Year's Eve?"

Yu Hao rolled his eyes at him: "Xiao Haiyang, what you're asking is nonsense. Zhou Chen has a girlfriend. He definitely won't spend New Year's Eve with his girlfriend. Could he spend New Year's Eve with you guys?


"Damn, Brother Hao, you're talking like you're not a bachelor." Xiao Haiyang shouted dissatisfied.

Bi Shisan said: "Lu Qiaochuan originally said he was playing mahjong in the dormitory, but we just discussed it and are going to Central Park on New Year's Eve."

Lu Qiaochuan also said to Zhou Chen: "I heard from Mr. Ren that there will be a performance in Central Park. Zhou Chen, you can also bring your girlfriend with you. It should be very interesting."

"Let's talk about this later."

Zhou Chen changed the subject and said, "I came here today because I actually have some gossip to share with you."


When Yu Hao heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up, "I am the little gossip prince of our class. I like to listen to gossip the most. Zhou Chen, please tell me what interesting gossip you have discovered."

Zhou Chen didn't pick on Qiao and said directly: "You all know about the relationship between Gu Yixin and Pan Zhen, right?"

"Of course we know this. Does this gossip have anything to do with them?"

Hearing that the gossip might be related to an acquaintance, Yu Hao became even more interested. Lu Qiaochuan and Xiao Haiyang also stared at Zhou Chen with bright eyes.

Don't think that only women like to gossip. Men are actually no worse than women when it comes to gossip.

Bi Shisan frowned and said, "I hate Pan Zhen very much."

"San'er, don't interrupt, let Zhou Chen speak first."

Zhou Chen continued: "As you know, I have a good relationship with Gu Yixin. I often do business with her. I also have her contact information and memo. One time I looked through her memo and saw a photo of her and Pan Zhen.

, out of boredom, I checked Pan Zhen’s meager account, and then, well, I won’t say any more, I’ll just tell you what I found.”

"What did you find?" Yu Hao asked very flatteringly.

"I discovered Pan Zhen's secret. It turns out that he works in both directions. Besides Gu Yixin, he also has another girlfriend, whom he has been dating since high school."


Yu Hao jumped up in shock, Bi Shisan also stood up, and Lu Qiaochuan and Xiao Haiyang were also shocked.

Lu Qiaochuan exclaimed: "Damn, this guy Pan Zhen is so good at playing?"

They didn't doubt what Zhou Chen said, because there was no need for Zhou Chen to lie to them.

Xiao Haiyang cursed angrily: "I've long seen that Pan Zhen doesn't look like a good person, but I didn't expect him to be such a scumbag, riding two boats. Is this what humans do?"

Zhou Chen glanced at Xiao Haiyang, why did Xiao Haiyang's words sound so strange.

Bi Shisan was the person who cared most about this matter. He stared at Zhou Chen and asked eagerly: "Is there any evidence?"

Zhou Chen didn't say much, just took out his phone and opened the photo album.

"Here are some photos I found."

Looking at the photos on their mobile phones, Bi Shisan and four others could not help but curse.

"This scumbag..."

After scolding for a while, Lu Qiaochuan asked hesitantly: "Do you think we should tell Gu Yixin about this matter?"

Yu Hao shouted: "Of course I have to tell you. Gu Yixin is a classmate of our class after all. How could you just watch her being deceived by a scumbag?"

"Yes." Xiao Haiyang agreed.

Zhou Chen took his phone back: "You decide this matter yourself, I won't interfere. I will send you the photos."

Yu Hao received the photo sent by Zhou Chen. Before he could speak, Bi Shisan suddenly snatched his phone.

"Brother Hao, lend me your phone for a moment and I'll return it to you later."

After saying that, he took Yu Hao's cell phone and ran away, leaving Yu Hao who had not yet reacted.

"San'er, where did you take my phone? San'er, San'er."

Lu Qiaochuan held his chin and guessed: "I guess San'er must have gone to find Gu Yixin."

Xiao Haiyang nodded in agreement: "I think so too. Everyone can see San'er's thoughts about Gu Yixin, but he himself doesn't know."

"But what does he mean by grabbing my phone?" Yu Hao muttered depressedly.

After achieving his goal, Zhou Chen smiled, chatted with Lu Qiaochuan and the others for a while, and then returned to his dormitory.

He knew that Bi Shisan and Lin Luoxue were impossible, but he felt that Bi Shisan was okay. If possible, it would be a good thing to help him and Gu Yixin.

As for whether they can succeed or not, that is not something he needs to consider.

Dormitory 326, the girls dormitory building, this is the dormitory where He Feifei and the others live.

In the dormitory, He Feifei and Pan Chunying were leaning against each other and whispering. Suddenly, the dormitory door was pushed open and Yan Qing was seen running over in a hurry.

"Feifei, I have something important to tell you."

As soon as they saw Yan Qing coming back, He Feifei and Pan Chunying stopped talking.

"What's wrong, Yan Qing, I see you are so anxious."

Yan Qing said: "Feifei, guess who I just saw. I saw your boyfriend Zhou Chen. He drove in from outside the school. I also saw a girl in his car, that Lin Luo from their class.

Snow, they may have gone out together and came back together."

He Feifei's expression changed and she looked at Yan Qing suspiciously: "Have you really seen it clearly?"

Yan Qing patted his chest and assured: "I will never be wrong, Feifei, you have to be vigilant, man..."

But He Feifei didn't wait for her to finish, and interrupted directly: "Okay, I understand, thank you for reminding me, but this is a matter between me and Zhou Chen, so I won't worry about it."

Yan Qing's expression suddenly froze. She didn't expect that He Feifei would react like this. She seemed to be a little bit dissatisfied with her for being nosy.

She came to He Feifei to talk about this matter. Of course, she didn't really care about He Feifei, but deliberately wanted to see He Feifei's embarrassment. He Feifei always showed off in the dormitory these days, which had long made her dislike her. She had always

They all wanted to find an opportunity to suppress He Feifei.

She originally thought that He Feifei would get angry and explode on the spot after learning about this matter, but instead of exploding, He Feifei acted very calmly and even had a bad tone towards her.

Could it be that He Feifei saw what she was thinking?

"Feifei, I'm doing this for your own good."

He Feifei looked cold: "I know, but this is my own matter, I will handle it myself, I hope you won't spread it everywhere."


Pan Chunying saw that the atmosphere was not right, and quickly stood up to smooth things over: "Okay, Yan Qing, Feifei is not in a good mood now, so don't say so much, and sometimes what you see may not be true, and things may not be what you think at all.

In that case, I believe Feifei will handle it on her own."

"You, you..."

Yan Qing was very angry, but when he saw that Pan Chunying and He Feifei were in the same camp, and he was no match at all, he snorted coldly, turned around and left the dormitory.

"Good intentions are regarded as the liver and lungs of a donkey."

(End of chapter)

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