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Chapter 795 Qiu Yan, a few years later

"Yingjie, Yanyan."

Qiu Yingjie walked into the villa with her daughter and saw Zhou Chen's family of four standing at the door. Zhou Chen was the first to greet them.

Qiu Yingjie said with some embarrassment: "Brother Zhou, Yuzhu, I'm sorry to trouble you again."

Luo Yuzhu said with a smile: "Brother Qiu, you are too outspoken. There is no need to talk about the relationship between our two families."

Zhou Chen agreed very much: "Yuzhu is right. In our relationship, there is no need to be polite."

"Hello, uncle, hello, auntie." Qiu Yan shouted crisply.

Zhou Chen smiled and touched Qiu Yan: "Yanyan has grown taller again and is becoming more and more beautiful."

Although Qiu Yan is only six years old, the little girl is really cute and has inherited the advantages of her parents.

Luo Yuzhu even squatted down and hugged Qiu Yan: "Yanyan, I haven't seen aunt for so long, do you miss aunt?"


"You're so good. Auntie made braised pork ribs for you. Eat more later."

"Thank you, auntie."

As soon as he entered the house, Qiu Yan started playing with Zhou Tao and Zhou Hong. Because Qiu Yan was often sent here when he was a child, he had a particularly good relationship with Zhou Tao and Zhou Hong.

Seeing his daughter having fun with Zhou Chen's two sons, Qiu Yingjie was also very happy. At the same time, he was also very lucky to have such a good friend as Zhou Chen.

Over the years, Zhou Chen had helped him a lot. Whenever he encountered problems, he would ask Zhou Chen for advice, and Zhou Chen would teach him whatever he knew.

Since his wife went abroad three years ago, she has never come back. In fact, he knows very well that his marriage is dead in name only.

But he has looked away, not to mention that he still has his daughter with him. Even though he knows that his wife just doesn't want to take care of his daughter, he is still grateful. Having his only bloodline by his side is more important than anything else.

It's just that it's not easy for him to raise a child alone. The main reason is that he is very busy at work, and sometimes he can only leave his daughter at home alone. He feels very sad, but there is nothing he can do.

Fortunately, although his daughter is young, she is very strong, and there are Zhou Chen and Luo Yuzhu who can help him, so Qiu Yan grows up very well.

Qiu Yingjie didn't drink either. He had a simple bite at Zhou Chen's place, told Qiu Yan a few words, and left.

"Yanyan, would you like auntie to sleep with you tonight?" Luo Yuzhu asked Qiu Yan gently.

Zhou Tao next to him rolled his eyes. His gentle attitude was nothing like the way he was talking to him.

Xiao Qiu Yan shook his head: "Thank you, auntie, but I can do it alone. I'm not afraid."

Although she is only six years old, she already sleeps alone. Sometimes her father comes back very late after being busy, and she is always at home alone. She was a little scared at first, but then she stopped being scared.

Zhou Chen sighed softly when he heard Xiao Qiu Yan's words.

This is the sadness of not having relatives at home. Workers like Qiu Yingjie really can't take care of their families when they are busy.

Just like ten or twenty years later, many young people do not want to live with the elderly when they get married. They feel that the elderly are a burden, an eyesore, and will affect their lives.

But looking at it on the other hand, if there is no care from the elderly, once they have children, it will definitely seriously affect the life of the couple.

Whether a person quits his job and takes care of his children at home, or hires a nanny to take care of his children, it is a huge expense.

If you hire a nanny, you will spend a lot of money, and you also have to worry about whether the nanny will be good to the children. If you encounter that kind of bad nanny, it will really be a disaster.

But if you let your own elders take care of the children, this situation will not happen. Maybe some elderly people are too much, but the vast majority of parents are still willing to help take care of their children, and they will also treat their grandchildren well.

"What a good boy."

Luo Yuzhu felt a little distressed. When she saw Qiu Yan, she couldn't help but think of her own childhood.

When she was a child, she had a mother who loved her very much, but since her mother passed away, she is like a child without roots.

Xiao Qiu Yan was more unfortunate than her, but luckier than her. Unfortunately, her mother passed away when she was very young. Fortunately, she had a father who loved her very much.

Zhou Chen was leaning on the bed reading a book, while Luo Yuzhu was sitting in front of the dressing table and wiping her face with cosmetics. The cosmetics she used were all brought back to her from Xiangjiang by Zhou Chen and were not available in China for the time being.

Luo Yuzhu is no longer the girl who set up a stall on the roadside. Now she is the person in charge of the trade city and has begun to develop into a strong urban woman.

Expensive cosmetics that I didn’t dare to use before are now commonplace.

Zhou Tao and Zhou Hong have both slept in separate rooms with Zhou Chen. Zhou Tao has long since slept alone, while Zhou Hong just separated last year. Now they two brothers sleep in the same room. Zhou Tao can also help take care of his younger brother.

"Husband, speaking of it, I really admire Qiu Yingjie. He can raise a child by himself, but he can still teach Yanyan so well and be so sensible. It's really not easy."

Luo Yuzhu really liked Qiu Yan. She gave birth to two sons. Although she raised them by herself, they were always naughty and mischievous. They were not as obedient and sensible as Qiu Yan.

Zhou Chen said: "Yanyan is only so old, he is lively and naughty by nature, and being sensible is a good thing, but, alas..."

He did not continue, because the situation now is different from that in the future. In this era, children from poor families have become masters early. There are many sensible children like Qiu Yan who are five or six years old.

Take Zhou Tao and Zhou Hong for example, although Zhou Chen often asks them to do things, compared with Qiu Yan, they are really too happy.

Luo Yuzhu hummed: "I have never seen a woman as cruel as Yanyan's mother. Qiu Yingjie is so kind, and Yanyan is so cute and sensible. She just left her husband and daughter and ran abroad alone.

Is it really so good abroad that she doesn't even want her husband and daughter?"

She is a woman herself, so she really can't understand the thoughts of Qiu Yingjie's wife. Is it so good abroad, so good that she can even give up her husband and daughter?

Zhou Chen sighed: "In this day and age, many people think that the moon abroad is round and everything is better than at home, so they want to go abroad. In fact, how many people can live well abroad?

If you are not good and unwilling to come back, day after day, year after year, in the end, even if you want to return to your roots, you can’t do it.”

These days, very few Chinese people who go abroad can do well abroad.

It is true that you can make much more money abroad than at home, but you also have to pay more. You also have to be discriminated against by the locals, bullied, and if you have a bad attitude, you can really collapse.

"So, I just can't figure out what she thinks. The happiest thing is having a family together."

"Each person has one idea. We think that living together as a family is happiest. Others may think that we can live a good life. As long as we can live a good life, we can give up everything."


Luo Yuzhu snorted disdainfully, "I won't go to work tomorrow. Let's drive the three children out to play."

"Okay, I have no objection."

Early the next morning, Zhou Chen and Luo Yuzhu packed up their three children and drove them out to play.


Time flies by, and several years have passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past few years, great changes have taken place across the country, and Yiwu has undergone earth-shaking changes compared to more than ten years ago.

Nowadays, Yiwu is already a famous small commodity wholesale center in the country. If you want to wholesale various small commodities in large quantities, Yiwu is definitely the first choice.

Yiwu's small commodity trade city is now overcrowded. Every time a storefront or stall becomes vacant, many people rush to grab it. Even stalls in bad locations are rented out.

In the first community around the Trade City, all the houses were sold out a few years ago. Later, Zhou Chen developed two more communities around it.

Because of the advent of housing loans, in the two newly opened communities, most of the houses have just started to be built and have already been sold. By the time the houses are completed, they are already sold out.

If you want to say where the largest flow of people is in Yiwu now, it must be around the Small Commodity Trade City.

When Zhou Chen built the trade city, he planned a large area of ​​land. Later, although others in Yiwu also built similar trade cities, they were not as big as this one, and the flow of people was far less than here.

Luo Yuzhu held out her belly and took out the clothes from the cabinet.

"You will wear these clothes to the parent-teacher meeting tomorrow."


Zhou Chen nodded. Zhou Tao and Zhou Hong are both in elementary school, and Zhou Tao is already in fifth grade. Zhou Tao will have a parent-teacher meeting tomorrow, and Zhou Hong will have a parent-teacher meeting the day after tomorrow.

In the past, this kind of thing was done by Luo Yuzhu, but now that Luo Yuzhu is pregnant, this glorious and great task will naturally be handed over to Zhou Chen.

"How are you considering the sock factory I told you about before?"

Luo Yuzhu paused. A few years ago, Zhou Chen told her about the sock factory. She was really touched that Zhou Chen bought the sock factory privately.

Zhou Chen said that if she wanted a sock factory, she could take charge of it, but she refused.

She went to the sock factory to see it. Compared to the past, the sock factory had changed a lot, but the house where she and her mother painted parent-child paintings was still there.

A year ago, Chen Jianghe married Yang Xue. Not long ago, Yang Xue's father passed away. Chen Jianghe had to leave the sock factory and go to the Yang Group to help Yang Xue.

As for the sock factory, it was handed over to Chen Jianghe's right-hand man, Xiao Jiang. Xiao Jiang did not have Chen Jianghe's ability, but he could still be a conservative factory director.

Luo Yuzhu said: "Come on, for the development of the sock factory, this is something that must be experienced."

Although that wall means a lot to her, now that she has a happy family, her mother will be very happy when she sees it.

Zhou Chen nodded and said, "Okay, I will let someone find the brick when the time comes."

The next day Zhou Chen went to a parent-teacher meeting and was praised by Zhou Tao's class teacher because Zhou Tao's grades were very good, he always ranked first in the class, and he was also the monitor. Such students are naturally the most popular among teachers.

But when I went to hold a parent-teacher meeting for Zhou Hong, it was different. Compared with Zhou Tao, who was ranked first as class monitor, Zhou Hong had good grades, but he was a naughty master and caused a lot of trouble in school.

The head teacher repeatedly told Zhou Chen to go back and educate him well. Even Zhou Chen was quite embarrassed at the time. After he went back, he caught Zhou Hong and punished him.

A few days later, Zhou Chen placed a brick in front of Luo Yuzhu.

"Look, this should be it."

When Luo Yuzhu saw this brick, her eyes suddenly turned red. After many years, she thought of her mother again, the mother who treated her best in the world.

After a long time, Luo Yuzhu hugged Zhou Chen tightly: "Husband, thank you, thank you for doing so much for me."

Zhou Chen also hugged Luo Yuzhu tightly and said softly: "You are my wife. If I don't treat you well, who else can I treat well?"

Although he was kind to Luo Yuzhu at first because Luo Yuzhu was like his previous wife, after more than ten years of marriage, he had long regarded Luo Yuzhu as his lover and the most important woman to him in the world.

It is only natural for a man to be good to his woman and think about his woman.

After being gentle for a long time, Zhou Chen said: "Qiu Yingjie called me today and said he would treat us to dinner on the weekend."

"He has just been promoted to deputy bureau, and he asked us to have dinner. Is it to celebrate?"

"Probably not. He asked our family to have dinner at their home. It was just a family dinner. You don't know what he is like. He doesn't like publicity."

In the plot, Qiu Yingjie should be gone at this time, but with Zhou Chen here, Qiu Yingjie is still alive and well at this time, and does not have cancer.

Nowadays, Yiwu is no longer a county, but a city. Qiu Yingjie is now the deputy director of the Commerce Bureau, mainly responsible for investment promotion, domestic and foreign trade, etc.

Being able to become a cadre at this level in his thirties without a backing is enough to show how outstanding Qiu Yingjie is.

"You said Qiu Yingjie has been divorced for several years, why haven't you thought of finding someone else?"

"He doesn't want Yanyan to have more than one stepmother. He is now focused on Yanyan and his work, and has no intention of looking for another."

Qiu Yingjie's wife chose to divorce Qiu Yingjie a few years after going abroad. She didn't even come back, but just sent a divorce agreement.

Qiu Yingjie was also a decisive person. He knew that the relationship between them had already existed in name only and was irreversible, so he signed the divorce agreement.

Luo Yuzhu sighed: "To throw away such a good man and daughter, that woman is really cruel."

She didn't know how many times she had said this, but no matter how many times she said it, she still felt very uncomfortable every time she thought about it.

"Don't worry so much. On the contrary, I feel that Qiu Yingjie and Yan Yan would have a better life without that woman to trouble them."

In the eyes of the older generation, divorce is terrible, but in Zhou Chen's view, divorce is not terrible. Divorce is better than tormenting each other.

"Yes, Yanyan is really a good boy, with a more cheerful personality than our Taotao. It would be great if she could become my daughter-in-law in the future."

Zhou Chen looked at Luo Yuzhu with strange eyes: "You really think about how old Taotao and Yanyan are."

Luo Yuzhu rolled her eyes: "Ten years old is not too young, and you can get married in more than ten years. Let me tell you, a daughter-in-law must be well-educated from an early age, and know the basics. There will be fewer conflicts in the future. If Taotao can follow

If Yanyan is together, we can save a lot of trouble in the future."

"Stop, stop, just say this in front of me, don't say it in front of the children."

"Why, don't you want to?"

"I wonder if it's of any use. This is the child's business. They make their own decisions. As parents, we shouldn't worry so much."

"Humph, if your parents don't care, then who do you expect to care?"

Unlike Zhou Chen, Luo Yuzhu valued her son very much, and she did not want her son to find a wife who could not deal with her in the future.

Zhou Chen changed the topic and said: "Let's not talk about it anymore. Do you think I can get what I want this time, multiple daughters?"

Luo Yuzhu couldn't help but touch her belly, her face showing maternal love.

"I think it's possible that the reaction of this pregnancy is different from the previous two."

"If the reaction is different, it may not necessarily be the daughter. Forget it, it's the same for both men and women. Don't put pressure on yourself."

Luo Yuzhu rolled her eyes: "When did I put pressure on myself? I think it was you who put pressure on yourself. You kept talking about wanting a daughter in my ears every day. I was also obsessed with it. I believed your words and got pregnant again, which made me

It’s so frustrating that I’ll die.”

Zhou Chen hugged her and said with a smile, "Honey, I know you're working hard, so I'll give you a massage."

"You are the only one who knows how to coax."

On the weekend, Zhou Chen's family of four drove to Qiu Yingjie's house for a banquet.

This chapter has been completed!
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