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Chapter 806 Escape from desperate situation and meet again

 In the dark pit, there was only a faint ray of light, and apart from the sound of the two breathing, the silence was terrifying.

It was difficult for the two people who could not speak to communicate in the dark, so they both began to recover their internal strength and waited quietly.

Feeling hungry, Zhou Chen could only hypnotize himself, and then slowly let himself enter a meditative state.

Feeling that Zhou Chen's breathing was steady and long, Lin Shu looked at Zhou Chen in surprise. He himself was an extremely talented internal expert, so he naturally knew what was going on with Zhou Chen's situation.

But just because of this, he felt strange. He knew that his talent as a young man in internal skills was average, so he was puzzled that Zhou Chen could enter the state of trance so quickly.

But he didn't think too much. Too many things had happened in the past few days, and he couldn't hold more things in his mind. He was still thinking about everything that happened before he fell off the cliff.

He had accepted the reality and understood that the biggest reason why they were in this situation was because of the high and mighty Emperor sitting on the throne. Only he could achieve this level.

Thinking of the emperor whom the Lin family had loyally loyal to, but who treated them like this in the end, he felt desolate and sad in his heart.

He couldn't figure out why Emperor Liang could be so cruel. His mother was Emperor Liang's biological sister, his aunt was Emperor Liang's concubine, his cousin was the highly respected King Qi, and his father was Emperor Liang's comrade and comrade through life and death.

Lord and minister, how ruthless and cruel was Emperor Liang to do such a thing?

His loyalty was ultimately rewarded with betrayal and death. At this moment, his heart was really full of resentment and unwillingness.

Even their father and son had fallen into this situation. He simply couldn't imagine what would happen to his mother and everyone in the Lin family who stayed in the capital.

But he still has a glimmer of hope in his heart. His mother is the biological sister of Emperor Liang, and there is also his aunt and brother King Qi here. It should, maybe, maybe everything will be fine, right?

I don't know how much time passed before Zhou Chen woke up from his trance. It was not because he wanted to wake up, but because he was hungry.

The feeling of hunger is really uncomfortable, especially when Zhou Chen is in urgent need of food to replenish energy. Without eating, the hunger feeling is even more intense.

Now he doesn't even want to move, any movement would consume his energy and amplify his hunger.

Following that ray of light, Zhou Chen saw that Lin Shu also had his eyes closed, silently recovering his internal strength.

Suddenly, a burst of noise sounded. Zhou Chen and Lin Shu opened their eyes at the same time. Their bodies tensed up and they held their breath. Zhou Chen propped up his body and raised his ears to listen.

The people who came here were indeed the Xuanjing Division led by Xia Jiang and a group of soldiers from the Western Border Army.

After they destroyed the Red Flame Army, cleaned the battlefield, and compiled the roster, Xia Jiang led the people from the top of the cliff all the way to the bottom of the cliff.

With thousands of people, and after a bloody battle, the marching speed was naturally impossible to increase, so it took a long time to reach the area below the cliff.

However, Meiling is extremely wide and the area is densely covered with jungles. He doesn't know how many members of the Red Flame Army jumped off the cliff, let alone where they fell, so he can only search for them one by one.

It's a pity that he searched all the way but couldn't find a single remnant of the Red Flame Army. Moreover, the road was covered with heavy snow and the environment was extremely harsh. Not to mention the traces of the Red Flame Army's remnants, even they themselves suffered great difficulties in marching.

, the search efficiency is extremely low.

Although the search along the way yielded no results, Xia Jiang was not discouraged and remained calm and vigilant.

He is a very cautious person, and what he is doing this time is particularly huge, so in order to be sure, even if it takes a long time to suffer, he has to continue, otherwise he will feel uneasy.

"First one, this area seems to be facing the cliff above."

After hearing the report from his subordinates, Xia Jiang nodded silently, then raised his head and looked upward.

It's just that there is heavy snow in the sky at this time, and even during the day, there is fog. You can see the cliffs, but you can't see the top.

"Search, let people search immediately, don't miss any place."

In fact, he didn't have much hope after the search. The weather and environment were very bad, and a few days had passed. Even if there were really remnants of the Red Flame alive, they wouldn't be able to stay there and wait for them to catch them.

What's more, the cliff is so high that if you jump from it, you will almost die. Even if you don't die, you won't end up well.

The sounds came from far to near. When Zhou Chen and Lin Shu heard someone approaching, they held their breath and did not dare to make a sound. Zhou Chen even put his hands on the ceiling above his head, just in case.

The Xuanjing Division and the Western Border Army searched everywhere, but the traces left behind had long been covered by heavy snow. In addition, Zhou Chen had cleaned it up later, so they could not see any trace at all. There was no human habitation here at all.


"First one, not found."

Xia Jiang's face was gloomy, but he didn't say anything. He just nodded: "Let's go and change places."

He just had doubts in his heart, but he wasn't sure whether anyone jumped off the cliff. Since he didn't find anything, it would just be a waste of time to go to other areas.

Zhou Chen and Lin Shu both heard the sound slowly disappear, but they didn't move, just panting slightly.

About half an hour later, both of them changed their expressions at the same time, because they heard bursts of sounds, and finally footsteps landed on top of their heads.

The two people's hearts suddenly became excited, and Zhou Chen even cursed in his heart.

These bitches are really cautious enough. Even though they didn't find any traces, they actually still shot back. If they hadn't been cautious enough and had just gone out, they would have been caught right now.

"The first seat, it seems that there is really no one there."

A voice came into Zhou Chen's ears. Because they were right above his head, he could clearly hear the other person's voice by focusing carefully.

Then a deep and steady voice sounded: "It's not that there's no one there, it's just that they may have left. In other words, they're not the people we're looking for. They may be the surrounding mountain people."

"Sir, did you discover something?"

"The branches here have traces of being cut down by humans."

"What about us?"

"Find the surrounding mountain people and ask if anyone comes here to cut firewood. At the same time, search all the mountain villages in this area to see if you can find anything."

"Yes, first seat."

Xia Jiang's eyes were deep. If it were just an ordinary Red Flame soldier, he wouldn't be worried. He was just afraid that a General of Red Flame would escape. Anyone who could hold the rank of general or above in the Red Flame Army should not be underestimated.

In the entire Daliang, the Red Flame Army is said to be second in combat effectiveness. I am afraid that no army dares to claim the first place. That is, the cavalry of Prince Mu's Mansion on the southern border can barely compare with the Red Flame Army. The other local armies, in terms of combat effectiveness alone,

None of them can compare to the Red Flame Army.

Like today's Daliang military, there are many outstanding generals, such as Meng Zhi, who were trained in the Red Flame Army.

The reason why Emperor Liang was cruel was partly due to Lin Xie's great power in the military, coupled with King Qi's power in the court.

To put it bluntly, if King Qi and Lin Xie really have the idea of ​​usurping the throne, the possibility is really high.

Under such circumstances, how could Emperor Liang not be afraid?

Not long after, Xia Jiang and his people left, but Zhou Chen and Lin Shu still didn't move. This old Yin is worse than Tai Yin. If he can turn back once, who knows if he will come again.

This lasted for more than half an hour. In the end, both of them had difficulty breathing. Only then did Zhou Chen open the hole again. The snowflakes immediately slid down the hole, and the air became smoother. The two of them were finally able to breathe heavily.

After not moving much for a long time, Zhou Chen felt that his body was stiff, probably because of the fire-cold poison. In this cold pit, he didn't feel much coldness.

Lin Shu raised his hand with difficulty and opened his mouth to speak, but suddenly remembered that he was speechless, so he waved his hand towards Zhou Chen.

Zhou Chen understood what he meant, which was to remind him to be more cautious and not go out for the time being and wait.

Zhou Chen actually had the same idea. Although he was very hungry now, he could breathe normally. For safety reasons, it was better to stay for a while.

After waiting for more than half a day, the sky turned from dark to bright. During this period, Zhou Chen and Lin Shu never heard the sound of anyone appearing nearby.

It was only then that Zhou Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief. Xia Jiang and others had not appeared again for such a long time, so they probably would not come back again.

Just when Zhou Chen and Lin Shu were relaxing and preparing to leave the pothole, fragmentary footsteps suddenly came from not far away, which made them both change their expressions at the same time.

"No way?"

Zhou Chen was extremely shocked. How could Xia Jiang be so patient? Almost a day has passed and he is still waiting here? Isn't this a bit ridiculous?

Lin Shu was no less shocked than Zhou Chen. Despite his intelligence, he was confused by this sound. Is Xia Jiang really so cautious?

The two of them held their breath again, not daring to make any sound, and concentrated on hiding their breath.

Not long after, voices came from above their heads.

"This trace is unmistakable. It was definitely left by the young marshal. The young marshal has been here before, and may even be nearby."

This voice was not familiar to Zhou Chen, but when Lin Shu heard this voice, his expression changed. If he heard it correctly, the speaker should be a member of his Red Feather Camp.

As the commander of the Red Feather Battalion, he, like his father Lin Xie, is very familiar with his subordinates. With his excellent memory, he may not be able to distinguish everyone by their voices, but he can also be familiar with many people's voices.

What's more important is that the people above can actually recognize the marks he left, which means that the other party is most likely a subordinate of his Akabane Camp.

Zhou Chen was very surprised, because when he was cleaning up the traces before, he didn't find any traces left by Lin Shu at all. It seemed that he was careless, or the traces left by Lin Shu were too secretive, and not only did he deceive him

, and can also deceive Xia Jiang and others.

"Yes, this is a sign that the young marshal once taught. The young marshal has definitely been here."

Another voice sounded, and this time neither Zhou Chen nor Lin Shu could remain calm because they both recognized who the owner of the voice was.

Wei Zheng, even Zhou Chen, who had recently traveled through time, could clearly tell that this voice was Wei Zheng.

Lin Shu was so excited that he almost rushed out immediately, but Zhou Chen held him back.

He is more cautious, because he has read countless martial arts novels and knows that there are people in the world who can imitate other people's voices, so he thinks it is better to be more cautious, in case the people above are impersonated by Xia Jiang people, they go out at this time

, isn’t it like throwing yourself into a trap?

Lin Shu is also a very smart person. Zhou Chen's sudden interception also made him understand the key. The expression on his face calmed down and became silent again.

But the unexpected thing happened so suddenly. Just as Lin Shu gave up the idea of ​​going out, he suddenly felt severe pain in his internal organs and even his bones and muscles. The sudden pain made him unable to control his emotions and he started to wail in pain.

This sudden move really startled Zhou Chen. By the time he wanted to cover Lin Shu's mouth, it was already too late.


Zhou Chen was shocked, knowing that they had been exposed, but this shock did not last long.

The people above were already above Zhou Chen and the others, so they could naturally hear Lin Shu's wailing so loudly, so he immediately jumped off the boulder and landed in the direction of the hole where Zhou Chen and the others were hiding.

"Who's down there?"

Lin Shu gritted his teeth and forced himself to shut up and make no sound. However, his face was bruised, his whole body was trembling and twitching, and his eyes even began to turn white, as if he was suffering from epilepsy.

Zhou Chen knew that there was no point in hiding anymore, so he pushed the wooden ceiling above his head with a sudden force, and the light shone in, making Zhou Chen, who had been hiding for a long time, couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

The next moment, Zhou Chen saw several people standing around, and one of them was the familiar Wei Zheng.

The moment he saw Wei Zheng, Zhou Chen collapsed in a pothole, as if he had collapsed, and he didn't even have the strength to hold Lin Shu up.

When Wei Zheng and others saw Zhou Chen and Lin Shu hiding in the pothole, they were all surprised.

"Young Marshal, Ah Chen."

Then they discovered that both of them were in bad condition, especially Lin Shu, who was twitching constantly, which shocked them, and they rushed over to check Lin Shu's condition.

It's just that there is no antidote for this strange poison, and Lin Shu is still getting sick, leaving them helpless.

Zhou Chen, who was exhausted, couldn't help but roll his eyes when he saw that these people had gone to take care of Lin Shu, but no one took care of him.

He has remembered these idiots. See how he takes good care of them after he recovers. Who doesn't know that I, Zhou Chen, am the most "magnanimous" person?

In the end, Wei Zheng saw that Zhou Chen was not in good condition, so he jumped down the pit and carried Zhou Chen up on his back.

"Achen, how are you?"

"Ah, ah, um..."

The moment of dissatisfaction caused Zhou Chen to habitually want to finish speaking, forgetting that he had been poisoned by fire and cold and could no longer speak normally.

Wei Zheng was confused when he heard Zhou Chen's whining sounds: "Ah Chen, what's wrong with you? Is your throat injured?"

Zhou Chen didn't have the energy to explain, so he just raised his finger and pointed at his belly, and then pointed at his mouth.

Wei Zheng saw Zhou Chen's actions and immediately understood what Zhou Chen meant. He quickly took out the dry food from his arms and was about to stuff it into Zhou Chen's mouth.

Zhou Chen quickly stopped him and reached out to take the dry food. He first grabbed a handful of snow from the side and stuffed it into his mouth, moistened his throat, and then stuffed the dry food into his mouth.

When dry food enters the stomach, his Big Eater skill immediately comes into play, quickly digesting it, and then turning it into energy and transferring it to the body.

After eating some dry food, he barely reduced his hunger. Seeing that Lin Shu had not recovered yet, Zhou Chen knew that this was not going to work. If he continued like this, if the brain nerves were damaged, he would be in big trouble.

So he quickly reached out and wrote on the snow.

"Blood, give him a drink."

When the anxious and panicked people saw what Zhou Chen had written, they almost simultaneously took out their weapons and scratched their palms. The blood immediately soaked their palms.

But they all didn't hesitate at all, and they clenched their hands at the same time. One of them struggled to open Lin Shu's clenched teeth, and the other two dripped blood into Lin Shu's mouth in time.

This chapter has been completed!
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