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Chapter 837 The Girl Wan Bo by the Qinhuai River, Four Books and Five Classics

 "Are you Xiao Shu?"

Xia Dong asked this question that made her feel incredible.

Mei Changsu said nothing, so Xia Dong looked at Nie Feng and asked Nie Feng for confirmation.

Nie Feng nodded silently at her.

After receiving an affirmative answer, Xia Dong was shocked physically and mentally. She couldn't believe it. She pointed at Mei Changsu.

"You are Xiao Shu, but, why do you look nothing like before, and you have a slim body, you used to clearly..."

She wanted to say that Mei Changsu used to be as strong and strong as a fireman. He rarely got sick and was not afraid of the cold.

The Mei Changsu in front of her was so weak that she was not as weak as an ordinary person. She wore thicker clothes than anyone else, and she coughed from time to time and was afraid of the cold.

How could the same person have such big changes and contrasts?

Mei Changsu still didn't speak, but Li Gang couldn't help but said: "The reason why the sect leader is like this is because although he survived the battle of Meiling twelve years ago, he was poisoned by the fire and cold. In order to detoxify,

, that’s why it became what it is now.”

"Poison of fire and cold?"

Xia Dong looked shocked and looked at Nie Feng, because she had just heard from Mei Changsu that her husband Nie Feng became what he is now because he was poisoned by fire and cold.

Li Gang said: "Fire-cold poison is the most strange poison in the world. If you want to completely detoxify it, you will end up like the sect master."

"Not really."

Mei Changsu suddenly retorted, and said to Xia Dong who looked worried: "Sister Dong, what Li Gang said is not entirely right. The fire-cold poison is indeed the most strange poison in the world, and it is indeed because of the fire-cold poison that I became ill."

Being what I am now does not mean that everyone will become like me. Xiaochen was also poisoned by the fire and cold poison, but he became stronger than before."


Xia Dong's eyes involuntarily turned to Zhou Chen, who was wearing a Rakshasa mask, because Mei Changsu seemed to have called Rakshasa Xiaochen just now, and why did the title "Xiaochen" sound so familiar to her?

Mei Changsu said to Zhou Chen: "Take the mask away. Sister Dong already knows it anyway, so there is no need to hide your identity."

Under Xia Dong's curious eyes, Zhou Chen slowly took off the Rakshasa mask.

"Gongziyu?" Xia Dong exclaimed.

Zhou Chen chuckled and said, "Are you surprised?"

Xia Dong was indeed shocked, but she had been shocked so many times tonight that she was now resistant.

"Gongziyu is a Rakshasa, this is too..."

She really didn't know how to describe it. Gongziyu and Luosha were both top ten masters, but now they became one person. If this spread, it would definitely cause an uproar in the world.

Mei Changsu explained: "Gongziyu and Rakshasa are Xiaochen's disguised identities. Sister Dong, you should have been able to guess his true identity."

Xia Dong nodded with a numb expression: "Yes, I guessed it, but I just can't believe it. The little guy who was always sick, crying, and so lovable has actually turned into a world-famous master. If it weren't for

I know you won’t lie to me, but I won’t believe it no matter what.”

Zhou Chen's expression was awkward, and he snorted dissatisfied: "I was always sick when I was a child, but when did I become a crybaby?"

Mei Changsu said with a smile: "You have to admit this, you were bullied and cried by me a lot when you were a child."

Looking at Mei Changsu and Zhou Chen in front of her, Xia Dong seemed to be in a dream. She couldn't see any shadow of Lin Shu and Zhou Chen in the past in these two people, but she clearly understood that they were Lin Shu.

and Zhou Chen, but they have undergone earth-shaking changes in appearance and personality.

"Xiao Shu, Xiao Chen, it's really great that you are alive. I always thought you were dead, and I even resented you for many years. I, I am sorry for you."

When she said these words, this strange woman, who had always been cold-faced and iron-blooded in front of outsiders, couldn't help but shed tears of guilt.

She felt extremely ashamed of her anger and hatred for the past twelve years. For twelve years, she had hated the wrong person and blamed the wrong person.

Now, it was the person she had resented for so many years who helped her find the love of her life.

Nie Feng held Xia Dong's hands tightly. He did not stop Xia Dong from apologizing because he understood Xia Dong's self-blame and guilt.

Zhou Chen and Mei Changsu looked at each other, and finally Mei Changsu comforted us: "Sister Dong, you have not sorry for us, you were just deceived. The hateful people are Xia Jiang and Xie Yu, they are the ones who caused this."

We never blamed you for anything."

Xia Dong said painfully: "Thank you, Xiao Shu, although you didn't blame me, but I hate myself. Why can't I tell the difference? It's me who betrayed your trust. I shouldn't have doubted you. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry.


A long time passed before Xia Dong slowly calmed down.

"So, why did you return to the capital this time?"

Mei Changsu said: "Overturn the verdict."

Zhou Chen said: "Revenge."

Xia Dong nodded, with a ruthless look on his face: "Yes, it is time to overturn the case, and we should take revenge. We must take revenge."

Although she is a woman, she also has a clear distinction between love and hate. Whether it is for a good friend she knew in the past or for her husband who has suffered for twelve years, she will not bear this tone.

"Whatever you plan to do, I will fully cooperate with you."

Mei Changsu said: "Thank you, Sister Dong, but we already have a plan. If we need your help in the future, we will come back to you."

Xia Dong frowned and said: "Is your plan to support King Yu to ascend to power, and then use King Yu to overturn the case and take revenge? But King Yu has almost the same character as His Majesty today, the same mean and unkind person. If he can agree today, he will do it tomorrow.

It is completely untrustworthy to go back on one's word."

Mei Changsu said calmly: "Who said I chose Prince Yu?"

Xia Dong was stunned: "If it's not King Yu, who is that? Could it be."

She suddenly thought of someone and exclaimed: "Prince Jing?"

Mei Changsu smiled and did not answer, but Xia Dong knew the answer and took a breath.

"If it is Prince Jing, he is trustworthy, but the key point is that compared to the Crown Prince and Prince Yu, he has no foundation. How can he win over them?"

For the past twelve years, she had been dissatisfied with Prince Jing because Prince Jing did not believe that the Red Flame Army was rebellious. But now that she knows the truth, she is no longer dissatisfied with Prince Jing.

Mei Changsu said confidently: "Who can know the result until the end?"

Xia Dong nodded and understood what Mei Changsu meant. She didn't try to persuade her. She just said: "If there is any need for my help, I will do my best to help."

She is the commander of the Xuanjing Division, and she has great power. With her power, she can accomplish many things if she wants to.

At this moment, the door was pushed open and Dr. Yan walked in with a serious face.

"If you don't rest at this late hour, do you really not take your body seriously?"

Mei Changsu was scolded so hard that he suddenly looked embarrassed and hurriedly explained: "Aren't you talking about something?"

But Doctor Yan didn't give him any face: "You have been talking for so long, isn't it enough? Take a rest quickly."

"Oh." Mei Changsu responded pitifully.

Xia Dong looked at this scene with a confused face, what's going on?

Zhou Chen explained: "Xiao Shu is not in good health and staying up late is hurting his health. This is Dr. Yan, who is mainly responsible for Xiao Shu's health."

Xia Dong nodded in relief. Although it was strange for a sect leader to be reprimanded by a doctor, considering that Mei Changsu's body did need to be taken good care of.

Mei Changsu said to Li Gang: "Li Gang, Brother Nie's room has been tidied up. You can take Brother Nie and Sister Dong to the room to rest."

"Yes, Sect Master."

Xia Dong and Nie Feng both stood up. Mei Changsu wanted to send him off, but was held down by Zhou Chen.

"Okay, you can rest, Li Gang and I will just take them there."

Zhou Chen took Xia Dong and the others out of Mei Changsu's room and walked towards another courtyard.

Xia Dong kept supporting Nie Feng, fearing that Nie Feng would leave her. As long as Nie Feng was by her side, she would feel extremely at ease.

She glanced at Zhou Chen, who was leading the way, and suddenly asked: "Xiao Chen, you have been back in the capital for so long, have you ever returned home?"

"Home? Which home are you talking about?" Zhou Chen's tone was full of sarcasm.

Xia Dong paused and felt that he had asked a bad question, so he asked again: "Then have you visited your mother? It has been twelve years. Princess Pingyang must miss you very much."

Zhou Chen said calmly: "I will go when the time comes."

He knew that his mother had guessed him, but he was not ready to officially meet her yet.

After taking them to the room, Li just tidied up and left. Only Zhou Chen and Nie Feng were left in the room.

"Brother Nie will live here from now on. As for Sister Dong, you are now the commander of the Xuanjing Division. For the safety of Brother Nie and Xiao Shu, I think it is best for you not to stay here for too long."

Xia Dong's expression changed, and then he said firmly: "I am very satisfied to be able to see Brother Feng again. As long as it is for Brother Feng's good, I can accept anything."

Nie Feng looked at Xia Dong with gentle eyes. Although he was speechless, Xia Dong could understand what he wanted to say by the look in his eyes.

Looking at the two people who were in love, Zhou Chen coughed dryly: "Although I don't want to disturb you, there is something I still want to say."

Xia Dong and Nie Feng came to their senses and looked at Zhou Chen at the same time.

"The poison of fire and cold in Brother Nie must be resolved as soon as possible, so I have to find my senior brother Lin Chen as soon as possible to help him detoxify. I will set off in the next two days and try to come back before the year. For your own good, I think you will

Just listen to Xiao Shu's arrangement; Sister Dong, if you want to see Brother Nie, it's best to come alone at night and not be exposed. It's okay that Xia Jiang is not in the capital now, but if you wait for him to return to the capital, you have to be even more cautious."

He remembered that Xia Jiang returned to the capital after Xie Yu's fall, but he still had to take precautions in case something went wrong and Xia Jiang came back early.

Xia Dong said: "I understand what you mean. For the sake of Brother Feng, and for the sake of Xiao Shu and Xiao Chen's plans, I will control myself. But you said you wanted to find your senior brother, and now there is less than a month before the New Year."

, can you make it in time?"

"Don't worry, I have a way to find him as quickly as possible. More than twenty days are enough. During this time before this, Xiao Shu will still take action. I'm not worried about this. What I'm worried about is his health.

, although Dr. Yan is here, he can't control Xiao Shu, so sometimes I still need Brother Nie to help take care of him."

Nie Feng nodded without hesitation: "Ah, ah..."

"Brother Nie, if you are really feeling uncomfortable, you can go to Fei Liu, and his Xi Yang Jue can also help you."

"Okay, I won't disturb your world together. I'm leaving first."

Zhou Chen waved his hands at them and then left the room, but before he walked out of the yard, he saw Xia Dong chasing after him.

"Sister Dong, is there anything else?"

"There is indeed something."

Xia Dong's expression was a little hesitant, but he still spoke.

"It's about neon Phoenix."

"I understand what you mean. She and I really have nothing to do with each other. She is engaged to Xiao Shu, and I also have someone I like. Gong Yu has also met you, so nothing will happen to us. Don't worry.


Xia Dong rolled his eyes at Zhou Chen: "That's why I'm even more worried. I know Nihuang's character. She treats you differently from others, but she has an engagement with Xiao Shu. If she knows about you and Xiao Shu,

She's true identity, even with her tough temperament, will definitely be very painful."

Zhou Chen said: "She and I really have nothing to do with each other. Even if she may treat me a little differently, it is better to suffer for a while than to suffer for a lifetime."

Xia Dong said angrily: "You men really don't understand women's hearts at all. If only things were as simple as you think, forget it, I can't control the affairs of the three of you, but no matter what, I don't want Ni

Huang was hurt, she has really suffered these years, more than me."

Thinking of Nihuang, she felt really sorry for her. She had suffered for twelve years, and now her husband was back.

But as for Nihuang, her brother Lin Shu is still alive and has returned, but she happened to meet another man she likes. What's more terrible is that this man is actually her former playmate and Lin Shu's best friend.


Thinking about this complicated relationship, she, an outsider, would have a headache, let alone Mu Nihuang, who was involved.

"Time can dilute everything." Zhou Chen said quietly.

Frankly speaking, how could he not appreciate such an outstanding woman as Mu Nihuang? Among all the women he had ever seen, there was absolutely no one similar to Mu Nihuang.

It's just that he also knows the difference between appreciation and true love, and he also knows that a friend's wife should not be bullied, so he can restrain himself in time.

Seeing Zhou Chen leave, Xia Dong sighed, then became energetic and quickly walked into the room.

Zhou Chen left the capital in the afternoon of the next day.


Time flies so fast, twenty days pass in the blink of an eye.

Along the Qinhuai River!

Zhou Chen was pulled by Lin Chen with an unhappy look on his face. He was Lin Chen who he had found a few days ago. He originally wanted to take him back to Jinling City directly, but who knew that this guy had to agree to a condition before he would go to Jinling.

, otherwise I won’t go even if I beat him to death.

No, Zhou Chen was dragged to the bank of the Qinhuai River by him.

"If you want to go and figure it out on your own, why do you have to drag me along?"

Lin Chen chuckled and said, "Don't think I don't know. You have a close relationship with Miss Banbo. If I go, they may not see me, but if I take you with me, she will definitely show up."

Zhou Chen looked helpless and said: "I have been with Miss Banbo for a while, but our relationship is equal, and she is not my vassal. Are you making things difficult for me?"

Lin Chen said: "Since Miss Banbo appeared on the top ten beauties list and her fame spread all over the world, countless people came to the Qinhuai River and wanted to meet her, but there were very few people who could see her, and

You are the only guest who has been to Miss Bangbo in these years. If you come forward, Miss Bangbo will definitely give you face."

"In Jinling City, the music of Miaoyinfang, the dance of Willow Heart, and the interpretive flowers played by red sleeves are all top-notch, but compared with the flower boats on the Qinhuai River, it's hard to say which one is better, but there is absolutely no one who can compare with it.

There are all the songs, dances, beauties, and the Wanbo Girl."

"It's a pity that she has rarely shown up in recent years. Some people have offered thousands of taels of silver just to see Miss Banbo, but they have failed. I can't afford a higher price, so I can only find you. As long as you

My wish has been fulfilled, and I promise to go to Jinling with you as soon as possible."

Zhou Chen thought for a while and said: "Then it's settled. If you don't agree after seeing me, I will have no choice but to use force against you and tie you up."

"Easy to say, easy to say."

When he met Lin Chen, a shameless person, Zhou Chen had no choice but to agree.

However, in this cold winter month, there are no flower boats on the Qinhuai River. If you want to see the waves, you can only go to her residence.

Not many people in the world know where Bang Bo lives, and Zhou Chen is one of the few who knows.

Two hours later, Zhou Chen brought Lin Chen to a courtyard.

"This is it? It looks a little remote?"

Lin Chen looked around. As soon as he walked along, he felt very surprised. He didn't expect that Wan Bo would live in such a remote place.

"The great hermit is hidden in the city, do you understand?"

Zhou Chen rolled his eyes. Even if a woman in this era is very famous, her social status is still not that high.

Wan Bo often performs on flower boats on the Qinhuai River, and many people know her. However, she doesn't want to cause trouble, so she lives in such a remote place.

Arriving at the door of the house, Zhou Chen knocked hard, and soon the door opened, and an old man with white temples walked out.

"Sir, you are here."

The old man looked very happy when he saw Zhou Chen: "A few days ago, the girl mentioned you, Master."

Zhou Chen asked: "How is your girl doing lately?"

The old man said truthfully: "After the weather got cold, the girl didn't get on the boat anymore. She just stayed at home composing lyrics and music. Occasionally, friends would come to visit."

"Master, come in quickly. The girl will be very happy when she sees the master."

"Thank you, Uncle Xue."

Zhou Chen followed Uncle Xue and walked into the yard. Because it was the twelfth lunar month of winter, most of the plants in the yard were withered. Only the plum blossoms were blooming extremely vigorously and were fragrant.

"Sir, the girl is in the courtyard, I won't send you there."

"Okay, thank you, Uncle Xue."

Zhou Chen led Lin Chen through the arch and walked inside.

“The environment here is nice and quiet, very suitable for rest.”

Zhou Chen ignored him and continued walking. Suddenly, a pleasant piano sound sounded. When they heard the piano music, both of them couldn't help but stop.

After half a stick of incense had passed, the sound of the piano stopped. Zhou Chen smiled slightly and strode into the courtyard.

Zhou Chen's footsteps attracted the attention of the people inside the house, and they saw two women walking out of the house. One of them was delicate and beautiful, with skin as good as snow, like a fairy from Guanghan Palace walking out of a painting, and the other one was also delicate and delicate.

, Xiaojiabiyu, pure and cute.

Seeing Zhou Chen walking into the courtyard, the beautiful woman suddenly beamed with joy.

"Sir, when did you come?"

Zhou Chen stepped forward, took the woman's delicate hand without hesitation, and said softly: "I heard the sound of your piano just when I came in. I play the piano in such a cold day and play for such a long time. What if I hurt my hand?"

, I will feel bad."

The beautiful woman smiled gently and said: "It's okay, I'm just bored. I haven't figured out how to compose the poems you gave me before, but I've just been trying them out recently."

"Then you have to pay attention. Your body is so delicate. I don't want you to suffer from fatigue."

As soon as Zhou Chen finished speaking, there was a sound of inhalation.


Zhou Chen turned his head with dissatisfaction and shouted: "You are really annoyed, can you please stop disturbing the scenery?"

Lin Chen said: "It's not that I want to ruin the scenery, but it's such a cold day. If you are afraid of the cold, can you go into the room before we talk?"

The extremely beautiful woman is the Qinhuai River Wanbo girl on the top ten beauties list. Her appearance is slightly better than Princess Nihuang and Gong Yu, especially her delicate and charming appearance, which makes people feel pity and love.

Zhou Chen traveled to the Qinhuai River a few years ago and was immediately amazed by her. Then he started pursuing her like other suitors.

Relying on his rich experience, as well as his excellent poetry creation ability, composing and singing ability, it took him less than a month to successfully win over the girl Wanbo. From then on, he became Wanbo's best friend.

Miss Bo's only guest.

Before getting together with Wan Bo, he had always thought that Wan Bo was a famous prostitute. But after they got together, he realized that although Wan Bo also performed on the Qinhuai River, her boat was her own and her performance was not

Not to make money, but out of interest.

In one word, it is a bit similar to the big stars of later generations. Wanbo is the big star of this era, the big star on the Qinhuai River.

However, due to the limitations of the times, in the eyes of others, her behavior was self-destruction, equivalent to being a shepherd on a flower boat.

Zhou Chen held Wan Bo's hand and walked into the house. Even though Wan Bo lived in such a remote place, she was actually very rich because her parents did business on the Qinhuai River, and she inherited

She has acquired her father's business and money, so she is actually a truly rich woman.

Zhou Chen looked at Lin Chen who was following him and introduced to Ban Bo: "Wan Bo, this is my senior brother, Lin Chen. He is the current pavilion master of Langya Bang. If you encounter any trouble in the future, you can go to him.

If he doesn't help, I'll help you deal with him."

"Hey, hey, junior brother, I am your senior brother, you want to deal with me?"

Lin Chen yelled dissatisfied, and then said to Wan Bo with a cheerful face: "Miss Wan Bo, although he is unreliable, what he said is right. If Miss Wan Bo has anything to do in the future, you can go directly

Find me in Langya Mountain."

He bowed elegantly with wave movements: "Master Lin."

Seeing Lin Chen standing there with a smile on his face, Zhou Chen said dissatisfiedly: "Can you be more discerning? Didn't you see that we have something to say?"

"You, okay, I'll blame you."

Lin Chen was so angry that his teeth itched, he pointed at Zhou Chen and left unwillingly.

Wan Bo pursed his lips to hide his smile: "You senior brothers have such a good relationship."

"He's just this guy. You can't be too polite to him. But don't look at him for being careless, but he is actually very reliable. With our relationship, as long as you ask, he will definitely not refuse to help."

Zhou Chen and Lin Chen have known each other for more than ten years, and they have been together every day for several years on Langya Mountain. They have a deep relationship and know Lin Chen's character best.

Wan Bo said: "I really have one thing. Can you please Mr. Lin remove my name from the list of top ten beauties?"

"You don't want to be on the list?"

"Well, this will cause me too much trouble."

"Okay, I will tell him later that your name will no longer be included in next year's Langya List of Top Ten Beauties. But in this way, it will be equivalent to telling the world that you already have a master. You don't mind.


Wan Bo smiled and said: "Of course I don't mind, this is the fact, isn't it?"

Zhou Chen gently took her into his arms and asked softly: "You really don't want to go to Jinling with me?"

Wan Bo leaned on Zhou Chen's chest, listening to Zhou Chen's heartbeat.

"My ancestors all lived in this land, so I don't want to leave here. I prefer sailing on the Qinhuai River than raising my husband and children at home."

She didn't want to give up the habit of more than 20 years. Although she loved Zhou Chen very much, she also had her own pursuits.

"Maybe I will find you when I get tired of it, but I don't know if you will still want me at that time."

Zhou Chen gently stroked her cheek: "No matter when, as long as I am still here, I will wait for you to come."

"With your words, I feel relieved."


When Zhou Chen left the capital to find Lin Chen, a lot of things happened in the capital.

First of all, Emperor Liang restored the crown prince's biological mother to the position of concubine, which aroused the dissatisfaction of King Yu. Under Mei Changsu's instigation, King Yu took the risk of being dissatisfied by Emperor Liang and came to the court to discuss etiquette.


Finally, with the help of Mei Changsu, he invited the opposition Confucian master Mr. Zhou Xuanqing. Mr. Zhou Xuanqing single-handedly defeated many people invited by the prince and successfully helped Prince Yu win the court.


Outside Jinling City, Mei Changsu dragged his sick body to bid farewell to Mr. Zhou Xuanqing in person.

Before Zhou Xuanqing left, he had a very congenial conversation with Mei Changsu and made no secret of his love for Mei Changsu.

Mei Changsu also had great respect for Mr. Zhou Xuanqing. For his own plan, he invited this old man here in the dead of winter, and his heart was full of guilt.

Before leaving, Mei Changsu solemnly took a sandalwood box from Li Gang.

"Old sir, Su will never be able to repay your kindness. This is what this junior has prepared for you."

Zhou Xuanqing just glanced at it, and then said: "I can come here because of Brother Li, and for no other reason, so you can take the things back."

Mei Changsu quickly said: "The old gentleman has misunderstood. The younger generation knows that the old gentleman is a master of the world and does not care about mundane things. This is not a thank you gift. There is a volume in this wooden box, which is mine."

Written by a close friend; he is also a Confucian disciple. Combining Confucian works, he proposed the theory of "Four Books and Five Classics", and also wanted to annotate the Four Books. Unfortunately, his energy is limited, and so far, he has only produced one volume.

"Great Learning Chapters", this volume is in the wooden box."

Zhou Xuanqing's expression suddenly changed and he asked urgently: "Four books and five classics? Which four books and which five classics?"

Mei Changsu replied: "The four books he proposed are "The Analects", "Mencius", "Great Learning", and "The Doctrine of the Mean"; the Five Classics continue from the Han Dynasty period, "The Book of Songs", "Shangshu", "Book of Rites", "Book of Rites" and "Book of Songs".

"Book of Changes", "Spring and Autumn"."

After Zhou Xuanqing heard this, his eyes suddenly burst into bright light: "Four Books and Five Classics, Four Books and Five Classics, okay, okay, this is a pioneering proposal, okay."

"Who is your good friend? Where is he now? Can you let me meet him?"

It's okay to say that the Five Classics had already been proposed during the Han Dynasty, but when it came to the Four Books, he still heard about it once.

Mei Changsu said: "My good friend is not in the capital now, but he will come back before the end of the year. If the old gentleman wants to see him, he can stay in the capital temporarily and wait for his return."

"Aren't you in Jinling?"

Zhou Xuanqing looked disappointed. At this moment, he really had the urge to stay, but he thought that if he stayed, the next few days might not be clean.

"Forget it, Jinling is a place of right and wrong, and I don't want to be tainted by these right and wrongs. My friend, if your friend comes back, tell him that he will be waiting for you at Lingyin Temple."

"Don't worry, old man. I will tell you that my good friend also admires the old man very much. I believe he will go. Please wait for the old man. He will not let you down." Mei Changsu said without hesitation.

Zhou Chen was sold.

"Old sir, this book?"

Zhou Xuanqing stopped refusing and took the sandalwood box solemnly with both hands. Although he had not read the contents yet, he felt that he would not be disappointed.

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