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Chapter 844: Pregnant, April 12, Jingrui’s birthday

Xia Dong saw that Mei Changsu was so confident, and that Mei Changsu had never made a mistake in the past six months, so she believed in Mei Changsu's judgment.

"Okay, I will go to the palace early tomorrow morning to request your Majesty's order."

Mei Changsu still told him: "Xia Chun is the true successor of Xia Jiang. He even has a similar temperament, so even if there is His Majesty's decree, you still have to pay attention to him."

Xia Dong said: "Don't worry, although Brother Chun is a bit good at calculations, he can still distinguish between big and small things. He will not have any problems."

"Okay, in that case, let's have a good rest today. Tomorrow night's battle will determine the fate of many people, so we can't be careless at all."

When Mei Changsu finished speaking, his expression became very solemn. He had been in Jinling for more than half a year, but tomorrow's battle is the most critical battle.

Not only to get rid of Xie Yu, but also to find out the truth about Chi Yan's injustice, and also to learn more about Xia Jiang from Xie Yu's mouth, so everything must be done to be foolproof.

Zhou Chen and Meng Zhi left together, while Xia Dong stayed with Nie Feng.

After Meng Zhi and Zhou Chen left the Su Mansion, they did not separate immediately. Instead, they pulled Zhou Chen to a secluded place.

"Xiao Chen, in the battle tomorrow, although Xiao Shu is very confident, I still feel that it is a bit too risky, especially regarding the patrol camp. It is really too risky. This is simply a gamble with your life."

Zhou Chen smiled and said: "It's not as exaggerated as you said. It has a certain gambling nature, but the possibility of success is still very high."

He knew why Mei Changsu did this. He just felt that his body was getting worse day by day and he didn't want to waste time, so he was willing to take some risks and wanted to achieve his goal as soon as possible.

Meng Zhi still shook his head and said: "Actually, if the princess is still there, then I won't worry. But now, I believe in Xia Dong, but I don't believe in Xuanjing Division."

"Then do you have any good ideas to add?"

"If I could think of a good way, I would have just said it, and I wouldn't have dragged you here to talk about this at this time." Lan

"It seems that you also know that Xiao Shu cannot listen to your advice, so you want me to persuade him?"

"That's not true. I know this matter is irreversible. I just want to tell you that tomorrow night, no matter what kind of chaos occurs, we must protect Xiao Shu and put his safety first.


In the final analysis, what Meng Zhi cares most about is not whether he can get rid of Xie Yu. What he cares about most is Mei Changsu's safety.

Zhou Chen sighed in his heart, if nothing else, Meng Zhi really had feelings for Mei Changsu and always put Mei Changsu's safety first in everything.

"You don't need to tell me this, I know it."

After Zhou Chen separated from Meng Zhi, he returned to his home. He will be there tomorrow night to act as a force officer, so he doesn't need to make too many preparations.

Gong Yu, on the other hand, seems a little nervous tonight. After all, she will be one of the protagonists who will appear tomorrow night.

She was not worried about her own safety, but was afraid that her mistakes would lead to the failure of Zhou Chen and Mei Changsu's plan.

"Don't worry, everything is ready. Tomorrow night you just need to tell the secrets as planned, and leave the rest to me."


Gong Yu responded, but she was always a little uneasy that night, and it took a long time before she fell asleep under Zhou Chen's comfort.

Early the next morning, when Zhou Chen got up, he found that Gong Yu had already gotten up and was sitting in front of the bronze mirror, dressing up.

Zhou Chen walked over, hugged her from behind, and asked softly: "Are you okay if you haven't slept?"

Gong Yu felt a little uncomfortable, but she didn't want Zhou Chen to worry, so she said, "I'm fine. I'm going to celebrate Mr. Xiao's birthday today. I can't embarrass you, Mr. Lan."

She is the top singer of Miaoyinfang, and those who went to Ningguohou Mansion to celebrate Xiao Jingrui's birthday today are all people of noble status and high status. She is already several heads lower than others in terms of status, so she wants to put herself

Dress up elegantly and noblely, and at least don't let others find fault with you.

Zhou Chen somewhat understood Gong Yu's thoughts, but it was because of this that he felt even more distressed.

After all, Gong Yu came from modern times and he was different. The class sense of status in feudal society was deeply rooted. No matter how much he enlightened, he could not completely change Gong Yu's thoughts.

Turning Gong Yu's face around, Gong Yu's face looked a little worse than before. This was not something that would happen if he didn't sleep well all night.

He had discovered this situation before, but he thought it was because Gong Yu was injured when he assassinated Xie Yu a few days ago, but Gong Yu's injury was just a skin injury, and it had already healed, so there was no possibility of any sequelae.


Suddenly an idea came into his mind, and his expression suddenly changed.

"Gong Yu, please take my pulse with your hand." Lan

Gong Yu looked confused, but still extended his hand to Zhou Chen.

Zhou Chen took Gong Yu's pulse with a serious look on his face. Soon, the serious expression on his face disappeared and was replaced by a deep surprise.

This change of expression made Gong Yu even more nervous: "Master, what's wrong with me?"

Zhou Chen held her hand and said softly: "A good thing, a great thing."


Zhou Chen smiled with a smile on his face, caressed Gong Yu's cheek, and said happily: "Gong Yu, you have it."

"Yes?" Lan

Gong Yu was stunned for a moment, but she quickly came to her senses and looked at Zhou Chen in disbelief: "Master, you, you mean, I, I'm pregnant?"

"Yes, you are pregnant, Gong Yu, and you will be a mother soon."

Zhou Chen was also overjoyed. In fact, he had traveled through so many worlds and had long been accustomed to being a father, but this time it was different.

Thirteen years ago, he was poisoned by fire and cold poison. Although he was detoxified with the help of his master and brother, his body was greatly damaged during the detoxification process.

Later, he relied on his old skills to restore his body to its original state, but he was deeply injured and knew that it was basically impossible for him to have any descendants in this world.

That's why he told Gong Yu about this before he got together with Gong Yu, letting Gong Yu think it over for himself.

It was precisely because of his health that he never took protective measures when he was with Gong Yu, and there were no problems for more than half a year. But today he actually found out that Gong Yu was pregnant.

He didn't have the slightest doubt about this sudden surprise. He knew very well what kind of person Gong Yu was. He was the only man from beginning to end, so this child was his child and there was absolutely nothing wrong with it.

Only when people lose something can they understand the pain of loss. Although Zhou Chen is not in pain, he still has shortcomings in his heart.

But at this moment, this shortcoming suddenly disappeared. He could be a father again in this world. This kind of joy was truly indescribable.

Gong Yu was also stunned. She was going to be a mother. Is this true? Is this true?

"Sir, didn't you mean..."

Zhou Chen smiled and said: "I don't know why this is the case. According to my previous situation, if I want to have a child, the possibility is very low. This is God's will. Very low does not mean there is no hope. Maybe you are my lucky star.


Gong Yu shed tears with excitement. What she wanted most was to be with Zhou Chen. Zhou Chen said before that he might not have children, but she really didn't care.

But not caring doesn't mean she doesn't want it. Now that she has a child, she feels happier than ever before. She has the child of the person she loves most, and this is the greatest happiness.

"Am I really going to be a mother?"

In fact, it would be abnormal for a woman of her age not to be married. It can be said to be quite late to have children at this age.

Zhou Chen said softly: "Well, you are going to be a mother, so you have to protect yourself even more in the future. After this incident is over, stop going to Miaoyinfang and just raise the baby at home, okay?"


Gong Yu nodded without hesitation and said, "Yes, I will listen to the young master."

Miaoyinfang or something like that, if it wasn't to complete the plan, she wouldn't want to go there at all. She would stay at home, accompany Zhou Chen, and take care of their home. Isn't this a hundred times better than staying at Miaoyinfang?

"When you go to Xie's Mansion today, don't be too emotional. I will always watch you and protect you. Just remember that as long as I am here, you have nothing to fear." Lan

Gong Yu's pregnancy is a big deal, but today is such an unlucky day. Apart from Xie Yu, Gong Yu must come forward.

But fortunately, Gong Yu has just become pregnant now. In addition, Gong Yu has practiced martial arts since she was a child and has good health, so she doesn't have to worry too much about hurting the child.

"I'm not afraid as long as the young master is here."

Zhou Chen said: "This may be my only chance, so both I and you must pay attention to it. Children are the priority in everything."

Although Gong Yu is pregnant, Zhou Chen doesn't think that he will be fine, because before he met Gong Yu, he had never had other women. Just like Wan Bo, they had been together for a long time, but Wan Bo had

Not pregnant, and neither are other women.

So Zhou Chen felt that this might be his only chance, so he wanted to keep the child gifted by God.

Gong Yu nodded solemnly. She would do the same without Zhou Chen's advice. At this moment, Zhou Chen ranked first in her mind, and the child who had not yet begun to grow in her belly was ranked second.

After staying at home until after lunch, Zhou Chen asked Butler Lu to prepare a carriage and took Gong Yu to the Su Mansion.

He made an appointment with Mei Changsu to go to Ningguo Hou Mansion together this afternoon.

Zhou Chen first took Gong Yu into the Su Mansion, and then directly found Mei Changsu.

"Why did you come here so early?"

Mei Changsu was a little surprised. The time they had originally agreed on was in the afternoon and towards evening. After all, the Xie Mansion's banquet was held in the evening, and the day was reserved for the family to celebrate.

Zhou Chen didn't mince words and said straight to the point: "An unexpected thing happened. Gong Yu is pregnant."

"Oh, it's good to be pregnant..." Lan

Mei Changsu reflexively wanted to say hello, but suddenly reacted, raised his head abruptly, and looked at Zhou Chen in disbelief.

Zhou Chen didn't talk nonsense and just nodded at him: "It's true. The pulse I just took this morning should be more than a month old, but I didn't notice it before."

Mei Changsu took a deep breath: "But didn't Old Pavilion Master Lin say that our bodies have been severely damaged and it will be difficult to have offspring?"

Zhou Chen said: "I don't know what's going on. To tell you the truth, I have traveled around the world and stayed with many women, but after so many years, only Gong Yu is pregnant. I think my master should

That's right, but Gong Yu is pregnant, I think this may be a matter of probability, after all, nothing is absolute."

Mei Changsu suddenly laughed again: "This is a good thing, an absolute good thing, a great good thing, Xiao Chen, it seems that this is God's will. Your choice is right. Gong Yu is suitable for you."

He is not a person who believes in metaphysics, but there are some things that cannot be judged by normal thinking.

Zhou Chen doesn't have a relationship with so many people, but he has a relationship with Gong Yu. Who can say that this is not metaphysics? Lan

But then he frowned: "No, Gong Yu is pregnant. If she gets involved in tonight's incident, it may be dangerous. We can't let her take risks."

Zhou Chen said: "Things have developed to the current point. We have no way out. I will keep an eye on Gong Yu tonight and won't let anything happen to her."

But Mei Changsu said loudly: "No, this may be your only child. We can't let Gong Yu take this risk."

He regards Zhou Chen as his best brother, and they both share the same problem. Now that Zhou Chen has a child, he is no less happy than Zhou Chen, so the first thing he thinks of is to help Zhou Chen protect this child gifted by God, and

It's not about letting this unborn child take risks for the sake of his own plans.

Although it was a bit far-fetched to say this, he really thought so in his heart. There might be a chance to get rid of Xie Yu in the future, but Zhou Chen might only have this one child.

Zhou Chen said flatly: "Stop talking, Xiao Shu, it's not just your business now, we have too many people's hopes on our shoulders, we can't give up halfway, and Gong Yu is not as weak as you think, she

He is very smart and knows how to protect himself, not to mention that I am still here, and the mere Ning Guohou Mansion can't stop our brothers."

"But..." Lan

"Stop it, it's settled."

Mei Changsu couldn't defeat Zhou Chen, and in the end he could only sigh heavily, but he made a decision in his heart that no matter what happened, Gong Yu's safety must be his top priority.

Although this is Zhou Chen's child and has nothing to do with him, he feels that the appearance of this child is like a gift from God and a miracle, so he must protect this miraculous child.

After a long time, Mei Changsu calmed down and then happily congratulated Zhou Chen.

"Xiao Chen, congratulations on becoming a father. I just remembered to congratulate you now."

Zhou Chen smiled and said, "It's worthy of congratulations. Considering the friendship we have had for so many years, when my child is born, I will ask him to recognize you as his adoptive father."

"Accept me as your adoptive father?" Lan

Mei Changsu was stunned, never expecting that Zhou Chen would say such a thing.

Zhou Chen raised his eyebrows: "What? Aren't you happy that my child will be your adopted son?"

Mei Changsu smiled and said: "How is that possible? I just think that with the way I am now, I may be gone before I see my child grow up."

Zhou Chen dissatisfied and lectured: "Don't say such things. You can't die as long as I'm here. Just wait for my child to call you foster father."

"Foster father?"

Mei Changsu's eyes were full of hope. Although he was not his own child, it would be pretty good if Zhou Chen's child could be called his adoptive father.

Thinking of a soft little fur baby, hugging his legs and calling loudly for his adoptive father, he couldn't help but smile.


Meng Zhi and Xia Dong arrived at the Ningguohou Mansion almost at the same time. Both of them held high positions in the court, so Xie Yu, the owner of the Ningguo Hou Mansion, came out to greet them in person, and also brought his in-law Zhuo Dingfeng with him.

The few people hadn't entered yet and were talking when they heard the person in charge of greeting them outside shout loudly: "Mr. Su Zhesu has arrived, Mr. Chen Yu and Mr. Chen have arrived."

Immediately, Xie Yu and others' eyes couldn't help but turn towards the door, and Xiao Jingrui personally stepped forward to greet them.

Zhou Chen took Gong Yu and Mei Changsu into the Ningguo Hou Mansion.

As soon as Xie Yu saw Mei Changsu, his eyes suddenly turned gloomy. Mei Changsu was the person he had always wanted to get rid of quickly, but several assassination attempts failed and he had to give up in the end.

He clearly wanted to kill Mei Changsu, but when people came to celebrate his 'son' Xiao Jingrui's birthday, he could only greet them with a smile.

A few people chatted for a while in the courtyard, and then walked into the main hall of the middle courtyard of the Hou Mansion.

At this time, the sky had turned dark, and the time was approaching Xu. Xie Yu went to the backyard to take Princess Yang, while Zhou Chen and others were received in the main hall by Xie Bi, the prince of Ningguo, and prepared to sit down.

Meng Zhi and Xia Dong both looked at Mei Changsu from time to time, especially Xia Dong, who nodded to Mei Changsu without leaving a trace, indicating that she had made arrangements.

Several people were making eye contact when they suddenly heard a scream from behind the screen. Xiao Jingrui, who was talking to Zhou Chen, hurried over.

As a result, it turned out that the one who screamed was Yan Yujin, which made him angry.

"Yujin, what's your name here?"

Yan Yujin didn't pay attention to Xiao Jingrui's complaints, but looked at the gleaming sword in his hand in surprise.

"Jing Rui, look quickly, this is a gift from Brother Yu."

Only then did Xiao Jingrui realize that Yan Yujin was making such a fuss because of the gift from Zhou Chen. He looked at the sharp sword in Yan Yujin's hand.

He was shocked when he saw it. He was a master of swordsmanship. He could still tell whether a sword was good or bad.

He could tell at a glance that the sword in Yan Yujin's hand was very extraordinary, and the cold light was far from what ordinary swords could possess.

"Is this sword really a gift from Brother Yu?"

Yan Yujin rolled his eyes: "Of course, I found it in Brother Yu's gift box. If you look carefully, there are words on the hilt."

With that said, he handed the sword to Xiao Jingrui.

Xiao Jingrui took the sword, looked at the hilt, and muttered: "Feihong."

Immediately afterwards, he also exclaimed: "Feihong Sword?" Then with a shocked expression on his face, he quickly walked to Zhou Chen and the others in front of the screen.

"Brother Yu."

Zhou Chen was talking quietly to Gong Yu when he heard Xiao Jingrui's voice and turned to look: "What's the matter, Jingrui?"

Xiao Jingrui raised the sword in his hand and asked, "Brother Yu, is this sword the Feihong Sword?"

"Yes, it's the Feihong Sword."

Xiao Jingrui said hurriedly: "Brother Yu, this sword is too precious. How can you give it to me as a gift? No, take it back quickly. I can't afford it." Lan

Hearing Xiao Jingrui's words, Meng Zhi's expression changed and he asked in surprise: "Feihong Sword? Is it the Feihong Sword, the sword of Senior Situ who was ranked first in the Langya master list more than thirty years ago?"

Xia Dong was also surprised when he heard this: "Is it really the Feihong Sword? I have also heard of the name of Senior Situ. He has occupied the position of the number one master for several years. He is most famous for his swordsmanship, and the Feihong Sword is his exclusive weapon.

Why does the sword appear here?"

Zhou Chen explained with a smile: "I got this sword by chance. Jingrui, I think this sword is very suitable for you. Don't refuse, just accept it."

Xiao Jingrui's attitude was very firm: "No, this sword is too precious. I am not worthy of it. It will be buried in my hands. Brother Yu, you are very skilled in martial arts, so you are its best master."

Zhou Chen shook his head and said: "Jing Rui, what you said is wrong. Although I have some martial arts, I am not a pure swordsman. But you are different. You have been using swords since you were a child and you are pure-hearted. You are a pure swordsman. This one

As long as the sword is in your hand, you will not bury it."


This is a famous sword. If it is placed in the arena, it will definitely cause countless people to fight for it. If you say you don't like it, it would be a lie, but Xiao Jingrui still doesn't want to take advantage of it.

Zhou Chen: "Don't say goodbye. You are the birthday boy this year. This is a gift from me. There is no reason to give it back. If you don't accept it, I won't have the shame to keep it anymore. I can only


"How can that be done?"

Xiao Jingrui was startled and quickly stopped him. He sincerely regarded Zhou Chen as a close friend, so how could he let Zhou Chen leave.

Mei Changsu advised from the side: "Jing Rui, what Brother Yu said makes sense. The sword is given to heroes. Since he is willing to give it to you, he naturally believes in you and treats you as a good friend. Good friends should not refuse.

, just accept it."

"Yes, Jingrui, this is Brother Yu's intention. If you feel sorry for it, the worst thing you can do is give Brother Yu something good on his birthday next time."

Yan Yujin also advised.

Under everyone's persuasion, Xiao Jingrui could only nod: "Brother Yu, I really don't know how to thank you." Lan

Zhou Chen smiled and said: "Then I will eat more and drink more later, but you can't dislike it."

This statement made everyone laugh, and Xiao Jingrui also smiled bitterly.

"Brother Yu is joking."

Yan Yujin suddenly rolled his eyes: "Jing Rui, can you lend me this sword for a few days?"

"You think beautifully."

Xiao Jingrui refused without hesitation, then sheathed the sword and asked Xie Bi to put it away with great treasure.

This is the best gift he received today. Just because of Brother Yu's feelings, he cannot let this Feihong Sword be buried. He must work harder to practice swordsmanship in the future, not to be like before the Feihong Sword.

Master, if he is on the list of Langya masters like that, he will definitely not lose the reputation of Feihong Sword.


Yan Yujin snorted in dissatisfaction, then showed the small gourd in his hand and asked Mei Changsu, "Brother Su, what is this? It smells like elixir."

Mei Changsu explained: "I was in a hurry when I went out, so I packed ten heart-protecting pills."

"Heart-protecting pill?"

Before anyone else could respond, Meng Zhi took the lead and asked: "Mr. Su, the gift you gave is a heart-protecting pill? Isn't it too heavy a gift to give so many ten pills?"

When Xiao Jingrui heard that it was very valuable, he quickly declined again, but Yan Yujin snatched it back.

"Is this very expensive? No, no, Brother Su, you are too partial. It would be a waste to give such an expensive thing to Jingrui. You have never given it to me." Lan

This made everyone roll their eyes, and Xia Dong even joked: "Yujin, what are you making a fuss about? Your birthday in July and a half hasn't arrived yet?"

Yan Yujin was very familiar with it and shouted dissatisfied: "What's July and a half? It's Chinese Valentine's Day, Chinese Valentine's Day, Sister Dong."

Xia Dong: "July half is just a few days away from Chinese Valentine's Day."

"It's quite a difference, okay?"

After a fuss, Xiao Jingrui snatched the heart-protecting pill back.

"Brother Su, such an expensive gift is really costing you money."

Mei Changsu smiled and said: "Compared to Brother Yu's Feihong Sword, these ten heart-protecting pills of mine are far behind. Just don't dislike it." Lan

"Brother Su, what are you talking about? It's too late for me to be happy." Xiao Jingrui said.

While everyone was talking, Xie Yu came in with a large crowd of family members.

This chapter has been completed!
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