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Chapter 858: Twins, Dabao and Xiaobao

 About a quarter of an hour later, a miserable scream sounded again in the house, followed by the cry of a baby.

The next moment, Aunt Ji came out with the child in her arms, her face full of joy and congratulations.

"Young Master, there is another young master. Congratulations to the young master. Congratulations to the young master. Madam Gong Yu has given birth to two young masters."

Aunt Ji is considered a well-informed person, but this is really the first time for her to meet twins, let alone deliver them herself.

Zhou Chen just glanced at the child, and then asked eagerly: "Where is Gong Yu? How is she?"

Aunt Ji replied: "Miss Gong Yu is very weak after giving birth, but she is not in any danger. She is probably too tired and has fallen asleep."


Only then did Zhou Chen let out a heavy breath, feeling completely relieved.

"It's okay, it's okay. Ziyu, Lanyu, hurry up and notify the kitchen. Be ready to cook at any time. When Gong Yu wakes up, hand it over immediately."

"Yes, sir."

Lan Yu trotted all the way to the kitchen. As for the ingredients, the family had already prepared them.

Zhou Chen took the child from Aunt Ji's arms. Compared with the previous son, this younger son was obviously a little smaller, probably only about five pounds. His eyes were narrowed, and his little hands were swinging gently with nowhere to rest.

Aunt Ji said with a smile: "Sir, the two young masters are very healthy and cry very loudly. The master and his wife are really blessed people. The sect master will be very happy if he knows about it."

Zhou Chen handed the child to Aunt Ji: "Aunt Ji, please take care of the two children first. I'll go in and see Gong Yu."

"Okay, sir, leave the young master to me, don't worry."

Aunt Ji and Ziyu each held one in their arms and walked into the room, ready to clean the child a little.

Zhou Chen walked into the room and came to the bed. The place had obviously been cleaned up by Ziyu and the others. Although there was still some smell, it was already very clean.

Gong Yu looked really tired. He didn't react at all to Zhou Chen's arrival. He fell into a deep sleep, his breathing became heavier, his hair was even more messy, and he could see tears on his face.

, or traces of sweat.

Zhou Chen sat down by the bed and stroked Gong Yu's hair distressedly. At this time, Lan Yu happened to walk in with a basin of hot water.

"I'll wipe it, Madam."

Lan Yu stood next to him with a basin in his hand, while Zhou Chen wiped Gong Yu with a towel, from his forehead to his cheeks, gently and carefully, bit by bit.

Seeing Zhou Chen serving Gong Yu wholeheartedly, Lan Yu couldn't hide the envy in her eyes. In this era where men are kings, it is rare to see the master serving his wife.

Especially in this kind of delivery room, in the eyes of many people, this kind of place is very unlucky, and almost no men come in.

But Zhou Chen didn't care at all. He didn't even care about his two sons and went straight in to take care of Gong Yu. Such a man is really rare.

After Gong Yu gave birth to two sons, those who had been waiting for news soon received the news.

Xiao Zhihan, Princess of Pingyang, could not calm down for more than an hour. She kept praying to God and praying to Buddha. Her legs were numb from her knees and she had no intention of standing up and moving.

She suddenly stopped and glanced at the sky outside.

"It's been so long and there's still no news?"

She is a woman herself and has given birth to children, so she knows very well that the longer it takes to give birth, the greater the risk.

This is her daughter-in-law and grandson, and she is more worried and nervous than anyone else.

He kept looking at the door, waiting for Jin Yu to come over. He didn't know how many times he looked at it, but finally there was a sound of rapid footsteps.

"Princess, Princess, gave birth, gave birth."

Jin Yu completely forgot how old she was, so she flew into the air and ran in excitedly. She stumbled and fell towards Xiao Zhihan. Fortunately, Xiao Zhihan helped her in time.

"Jin Yu, has Gong Yu given birth? Is it a boy or a girl? How is Gong Yu?"

Although her leg fell, Jin Yu felt no pain at all at this time and hurriedly replied: "It's okay. Miss Gong Yu gave birth to two boys, both are boys. Mother and son are safe. Princess, you have a grandson. The Zhou family

There is a queen."

Xiao Zhihan was stunned by the huge good news. She had a grandson, two grandsons. At this moment, she didn't know how to describe her feelings.

"That's great."

After a thousand words, she finally said these few words, and then she seemed to have lost her strength and collapsed on the futon.

Su Zhai!

Li Gang quickly walked into the room, faced the gazes of Mei Changsu and others, and said quickly: "Sect Master, there is news from the young master. Miss Gong Yu gave birth to two young masters. Mother and son are safe."

Mei Changsu breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed completely. While Xia Dong breathed a sigh of relief, she also looked at Mu Nihuang. She clearly saw that Mu Nihuang's expression changed, but it soon returned to normal.

"Xiaochen is lucky, twins are not common."

Xia Dong smiled and said, "Who can say otherwise? This kid couldn't see it when he was a child, but he didn't expect to be so lucky. Among us, apart from Commander Meng, he is the only one who has children now."

If it hadn't been for the Battle of Meiling more than ten years ago, she and Nie Feng would have had children of their own, but now, she had given up. It would be enough for Nie Feng to come back. As for the children, she didn't care anymore.

"Ah, ah!"

Nie Feng kept nodding his head, agreeing with his wife's statement.

Mu Nihuang said: "Brother, since Miss Gong Yu and her son are safe, I have to leave."

She offered to guard the mausoleum for the Empress Dowager. Normally she couldn't leave easily. This time she found an excuse to go out, but she couldn't stay long.

Mei Changsu nodded and said, "Okay, then be careful when you go back."

"Well, brother, Sister Dong, Brother Nie, I'll leave first."

After Mu Nihuang said goodbye to the three of them, she immediately stood up and left without any hesitation.

After Mu Nihuang left, the three of them chatted a few more words about Zhou Chen's children, and then talked about the New Year.

Speaking of which, New Year is coming soon, and this is already the second Spring Festival they have spent together. Unfortunately, Nie Feng still cannot show up openly.

"Brother Nie, it's almost time. According to our plan, as long as Jingyan's position as crown prince is secure, the day will not be far before we fall out. By then, you and Sister Dong can be together openly and openly.

No need to hide your head and show your tail."

Mei Changsu knew Nie Feng's pain during this year. He could only stay in Su's house and could not go anywhere. Day after day, it was really painful.

Nie Feng said a few words, indicating that he was already satisfied. With his current expressions, both Mei Changsu and Xia Dong could basically understand the simple meaning.

Xia Dong also looked at Nie Feng affectionately. In this year, she was actually very happy and satisfied. Even if she couldn't be together openly and honestly with her lost husband, it was still much better than the torturous life of more than ten years ago.

too much.

"Xiao Shu, do you really think that Prince Jing will be willing to confront His Majesty for the injustice of Chi Yan back then without knowing your identity?"

Xia Dong still had some concerns. After all, Mei Changsu wanted to overthrow the throne while His Majesty was still in office. Even if Prince Jing became the crown prince, he would still be at a disadvantage facing the emperor.

Although she also recognized Prince Jing's character, if it involved the supreme position, even she was not sure whether Prince Jing would be willing to make such a decision.

Mei Changsu said confidently: "Jingyan will not change. I believe in him. If it really comes to that point, my identity will not be so important."

His biggest goal in life is to help the former Red Flame, so no matter what he has to do for it, he will do it.

Xia Dong still believed in Mei Changsu: "As long as you have this confidence, what about Xia Jiang? It has been almost a month since he was imprisoned in the sky prison, but His Majesty has not convicted him yet."

Mei Changsu sneered: "Our Majesty, when he is ruthless, he is more ruthless than anyone else, but when he has doubts in his heart, he is full of suspicion. Although there are witnesses and physical evidence in Xia Jiang's case, he has not been convicted for a long time.

Still have doubts.”

"Will there be any problems in the meantime?" Xia Dong asked worriedly.

Mei Changsu said with a smile: "On this point, Xiaochen and I have already made preparations. If we want to kill Xia Jiang, we need your help, Sister Dong."

Xia Dong said: "What do you want to do?"

"There's no rush, Sister Dong, let's spend this new year with peace of mind first."

Seeing that Mei Changsu refused to talk now, Xia Dong was anxious, but had no choice but to pray that Mei Changsu could find a complete solution.

Gong Yu slept for two full hours before waking up. During this process, Zhou Chen did not leave even a step. As for the two children, Aunt Ji and Ziyu helped feed them some water, and they had not yet started breastfeeding.

As soon as Gong Yu opened his eyes, he saw Zhou Chen sitting beside the bed.


"Gong Yu, it's great that you wake up. Are you a little hungry? Lan Yu, go to the kitchen quickly."

"Yes, sir."

Seeing Zhou Chen's concerned look, Gong Yu unconsciously smiled.

"Master, where is the child? Where is our child?"

She knew that she had given birth to two sons, but she was too tired at the time. She only glanced at them twice before she couldn't resist the sleepiness and fell into a deep sleep without taking a closer look.

"I will ask Aunt Ji to send the child here now."

Soon, Aunt Ji and Ziyu came in with their children in their arms, and then placed the two children on the bed next to Gong Yu.

Gong Yu looked at these two children who were wrinkled and looked like little monkeys, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously showed maternal love.

"They are so beautiful, and the clothes my mother made are also beautiful."

Zhou Chen laughed out loud. Sure enough, his own child was the most beautiful. In fact, the word "beautiful" has nothing to do with a newborn child.

Especially for children who are born normally, their heads are basically long and irregular in shape, and will gradually grow back to normal.

Apart from the shape of his head, the little guy is skinny, small, and hairy, and really not good-looking.

While Gong Yu praised his son, he also remembered that the child was wearing clothes made by his grandma, which was really thoughtful.

After watching for a long time, Gong Yu came back to his senses and asked Zhou Chen softly: "Master, these are two sons, what should we name them?"

Zhou Chen said: "Don't worry about the names. I have a plan. For the time being, I will call them by their nicknames. Let's call them Dabao and Xiaobao."

Gong Yu naturally had no objection and shouted to the two children with a smile: "Did you hear that? Daddy said that from now on you will be called Dabao and Xiaobao."

After teasing for only two times, Xiaobao suddenly started crying loudly, and then it seemed as if it was contagious. Dabao also started crying loudly, which shocked Gong Yu and immediately wanted to hug him and comfort him.

However, Zhou Chen stopped him and asked Aunt Ji and Ziyu to pick him up and coax him, so that Gong Yu could lie down and have a good rest.


Two mysterious people came to Zhou Chen's mansion. They were brought in directly by Butler Lu. They were not discovered by anyone else and were brought directly to Zhou Chen.

When Zhou Chen saw these two people, he was also a little confused and completely unprepared.

"Mom, Mom, why are you here?"

That's right, the people who appeared in front of Zhou Chen were his mother and wet nurse in this life, Princess Pingyang Xiao Zhihan and his maid Jin Yu.

When Xiao Zhihan saw Zhou Chen, he burst into tears of excitement and hugged Zhou Chen tightly with both hands.

"My child, my mother's child, you are finally back. My mother really misses you so much."

It was a touching scene of mother and son recognizing each other. Butler Lu had already left and evacuated everyone around the yard, leaving only Zhou Chen and the others.

Zhou Chen let his mother hold him, and a long time passed before Xiao Zhihan let go of his hands and stared at Zhou Chen.

"I heard Gong Yu say that you were poisoned by fire and cold. In order to detoxify, you became like this. It's all my mother's fault for not recognizing you at first sight."

Zhou Chen shook his head and said: "I don't care about you, I am completely different from the past. It would be strange if you could recognize it. I'm sorry, mother. It's been more than a year since I returned to the capital and I haven't taken the initiative to see you. I'm sorry.


Xiao Zhihan caressed Zhou Chen's cheek and said softly: "It doesn't matter. Mom understands that you have no choice but to do this. Mom knows that you are still alive, which is enough."


Zhou Chen actually doesn't have much affection for the mother in front of him, but he can feel her love for him. He knows that his son who has been away for many years is here, but he can resist not taking a look for more than a year. This is not ordinary.

Mother can do it.

"Mom, don't worry. Soon, Xiao Shu and I's plan will be completed soon. It won't be long before I can restore my identity and reorganize the Wucheng Houfu in an upright and fair manner. Then we won't be separated.


With tears in her eyes, Xiao Zhihan nodded vigorously and said, "Well, Mom has been waiting for that day, and I believe you can do it."

Zhou Chen didn't say much on this topic, but changed the topic and said: "Mom, you and grandma are here, not only to see me, but also to see the big and little babies, right?"

"Big baby and little baby?"

Zhou Chen explained: "Dabao and Xiaobao are the nicknames I gave my two sons. Due to special circumstances, I haven't given them names yet, so I gave them nicknames first. Dabao and Xiaobao are affectionately called."

Xiao Zhihan murmured a few times and said happily: "Yes, Dabao and Xiaobao are so kind. Are they all okay? Is Gong Yu okay too?"

"Everything is fine. Gong Yu and the child are still in the backyard. Mom, grandma, I will take you over to have a look."


Xiao Zhihan was extremely excited, almost the same as when she had just met Zhou Chen. Jin Yu was also very happy. She no longer had any offspring and would be with her master in this life, so Zhou Chen's child was of great significance to her.


Zhou Chen led the two of them to the backyard and walked into Gong Yu's room. In addition to Gong Yu, there were Aunt Ji and Zi Yu waiting in the room.

Zhou Chen came in with someone and immediately sent Zi Yu away, asking her to leave to rest first, and then let Lan Yu come over after a few hours.

After Ziyu left, Gong Yu struggled to get up and salute.

"Mother, aunt."

The mother's name is Xiao Zhihan, and the aunt's name is Jin Yu. Originally, she should be called mama like Zhou Chen, but mama Jin Yu likes Gong Yu very much, so she is called aunt, which is more affectionate.

Xiao Zhihan walked over and said softly: "Sit down quickly. You have just given birth and your body has not recovered yet. You cannot move around. Lie down."

Although she was born into a noble family, compared with her, Gong Yu, who was born in a brothel, had a much different status than her, but she did not dislike Gong Yu at all, she talked softly and was very enthusiastic.

"Gong Yu, you are now a great hero of our Zhou family, you must take good care of your health."

Gong Yu responded with some embarrassment: "Thank you, mother, this is what I should do."

This chapter has been completed!
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