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Chapter 925: Long season, frustrating plot

 Zhou Chen has traveled through many film and television worlds, and has been with many women, but the system issued a task asking him to be a warm man for a woman, and he has never met one before.

But since she can be pulled out by the system to release the task alone, it means that this woman named Shen Mo must be a key figure in the plot, and she must have really suffered unimaginable torture, otherwise the system will not release the task of Nuan Nan.


Now that the system tasks have been released, Zhou Chen can also use plot cards to understand which world he has traveled to.

Anyway, there were still three plot cards, so he didn't feel bad, so he lay on the bed and communicated with the system.

"System, use plot card."

The efficiency of the system was very high. The next moment, a science fiction version of the screen appeared in Zhou Chen's sight, and then the film and television series started to be played, and then he saw the introduction of the TV series.

He finally knew what world he had traveled to. A TV series called "The Long Season" was actually a suspense film.

However, it is not a TV series with a long series, but a short series with only twelve episodes. Although the series is short, each episode is quite long.

Zhou Chen started watching the first episode. After watching it for a while, he realized that it was not simple. It was said to be a suspense drama, but it was more about life and family. At least the first part was about ordinary people's lives.


As he watched, Zhou Chen became fascinated. He even forgot to eat dinner and watched the fifth episode at twelve o'clock at night.

Because it was a TV plot that he had never seen before, he watched it at a normal speed. Each episode was not short, and he only watched five episodes in a few hours.

The impression of these five episodes is still good. He has gradually sorted out the clues. The three lines and three times are moving forward in parallel.

Although he hasn't watched the end yet, he has already made some guesses about the general plot. This suspense drama has more of a life flavor.

And after watching five episodes, he also roughly understood the timeline. The very beginning was when Shen Mo enrolled in Hua Medicine, which was after the summer of 1997.

It is now June 1997, the summer has not yet reached the end of the year, and there are still more than two months before Hua Medical School starts, so there is still enough time.

At the same time, he also understood the reasons for the three tasks issued to him by the system. Judging from these few episodes, there are really many good and bad characters in this drama.

The Lao Wang family across from his house, to be honest, they are all good people.

Wang Xiang is a nagging, incompetent and face-loving person who loves success and likes to brag, but it is undeniable that he is definitely kind-hearted and a truly good person.

Not to mention Wang Xiang's wife Luo Meisu, she is a truly loving mother and a kind and good person.

Wang Yang's performance in the TV series may not be satisfactory, and Zhou Chen hasn't watched the subsequent plot yet, but from what he has seen so far, it can be seen that Wang Yang may be rebellious and disobedient, but he is also kind-hearted in nature.

As for Shen Mo, Zhou Chen didn't know what to say. He hadn't seen the end, so it wasn't easy to comment, but he already had a guess in his mind.

Although it was already twelve o'clock, Zhou Chen did not feel sleepy. He would not go to school until tomorrow afternoon, so he continued to read.

Watching one episode after another without fast forwarding or skipping, Zhou Chen didn't finish reading the entire plot until around six o'clock the next morning.

At the end, he uttered one word out of a thousand words.


Yes, it is really messed up, and the drama is good, but the plot is really frustrating and uncomfortable.

This drama has the feeling of "good people don't live long, but disasters will last for thousands of years".

The three protagonists, Wang Xiang, Gong Biao and Ma Desheng, are all definitely good people, but their endings are worse than the last.

Wang Xiang and Ma Desheng were okay, at least they finally achieved their wish, but Gong Biao was really miserable, so miserable that even Zhou Chen felt some empathy.

Looking back on the ordinary life before I got the system, it may not be as miserable as Gong Biao's, but it is definitely very frustrating. I believe that 70% to 80% of ordinary people in the country will feel the same emotion.

Needless to say about the three old guys, the fate of several protagonists from the younger generation was not much better either.

Zhou Chen finally understood why the system asked him to be a warm man to Shen Mo. Even though he had traveled through so many worlds and seen so many miserable lives, he still couldn't help but see what Shen Mo had experienced since childhood.

The export becomes dirty.

Shen Mo in the TV plot is definitely not a good person, and can even be said to be ruthless, selfish and cold-hearted, but her becoming like that is really directly related to her childhood experiences and subsequent encounters.

Some bad people are vicious to their core, but some bad people are forced to do nothing. If no one can protect them, they have no choice but to protect themselves.

It is undeniable that what Shen Mo did in the play really violated the law, and it was very serious. In this era, he should be severely punished.

But to put it bluntly, if Shen Mo's behavior was placed in the context of the martial arts world or even the fantasy world, then everyone's view of her might be at the other extreme.

She is decisive in killing, ruthless, and scheming. In the world of martial arts, she might be called a heroine, or she might become a devil; in a fantasy world of the jungle, she might be the successor of the ruthless empress.

,'The Little Ruthless Emperor'.

It is not an exaggeration to say that if Shen Mo's experience were to happen to him, he would probably do more ruthless and cruel things than Shen Mo.

It's not that easy to be a warm boy to a girl like Shen Mo. After all, Shen Mo has a psychological problem due to his childhood experiences. To say that he is psychologically distorted may be an exaggeration, but it can still be considered as a state of mind.

Being healthy, it is not easy to get into her heart.

"Punishing evil and promoting good is a good mission..."

Thinking about these problems, Zhou Chen slowly fell asleep. He slept until noon, then got up, brushed his teeth and washed his face. Then he had a simple meal at the snack bar outside the dormitory area, and then went to Hualin Medical University.

Because Zhou Chen is studying clinical medicine in a seven-year undergraduate and master's program, and the seventh year is a one-year internship, he will start his internship starting from the summer vacation.

Zhou Chen and his classmates don't have many classmates this year. Where they will go for internship will be decided before the summer vacation. He came to school today just to meet his mentor.

Zhou Chen's mentor is a professor in the school. He is in his early fifties, but he has also worked at Huayi for more than 20 years and has very deep qualifications.

When he arrived at the school, Professor Chen happened to be free and was in the office, so he saw Professor Chen as soon as he arrived.


"Zhou Chen, you're here, come on, come and sit."

Professor Chen put down the book in his hand and waved to Zhou Chen. After Zhou Chen sat down, he said kindly: "Zhou Chen, where is your application? I have already submitted it to the school, but can you stay in school as an intern and...

It’s not my decision, it needs the consent of the school leaders. After all, the number of places to stay in school is limited, and the school needs strict inspection, so you have to be mentally prepared.”

Zhou Chen said: "Thank you, teacher. I have been mentally prepared for a long time. I believe I will be able to stay in school."

He has no doubt about this. With his ability, if he cannot stay in school, it will definitely not be a problem of his ability, but a problem of relationship.

Professor Chen said: "It is a good thing to have confidence. I also know your grades. However, staying in school for internship is not only about good grades, but also about other aspects. The school needs to conduct a comprehensive inspection."

"I see."

"Zhou Chen, you are actually very capable. Why don't you want to intern in a hospital? I know that you are from Huagang. With this status, you can easily go to Huagang Affiliated Hospital for internship and stay in Huagang in the future.

There will be no problem in the affiliated hospital, which is much more certain than staying in school."

Although people who study medicine may not necessarily become doctors, Professor Chen knows Zhou Chen's family situation. He feels that there is a certain shortcut for Zhou Chen to go to the hospital. At least it is easier than other students.

Zhou Chen explained: "Teacher, I still want to learn more than being a doctor. As a doctor, I may be able to treat many people, but if I become a teacher, I can teach many students, and they will be able to treat more people in the future.

I think this is very meaningful.”

Professor Chen also smiled: "You, I didn't realize that you still have such great ambitions. You have already thought so far before you can stay in school."

As a teacher, of course he hopes to see his disciples achieve success, so he also feels the same way as Zhou Chen said.

"But if you can stay in school for an internship, you should start as a counselor guiding freshmen."

"Teacher, I know."

Seeing that Zhou Chen had made up his mind, Professor Chen said nothing more. He just whispered a few words to Zhou Chen and said that he would try his best to help him.

It was already evening when he got home from school. Not long after he got home, there was a knock on the door.

"Uncle Wang."

"I just said that I just heard the sound of you closing the door. Your aunt said that I heard it wrong. Xiaochen, remember what I told you yesterday. Come here quickly. Your aunt has already prepared the food. Yang'er

He’s back too.”

"Well, okay, I happen to have nothing to do tomorrow. I'll have a drink with you later, Uncle Wang."

When Wang Xiang heard this, he immediately became happy: "That must be no problem. Your kid has grown up and can drink."

Zhou Chen brought a bottle of wine he bought when he came back. When he entered the house, Wang Xiang complained a few words.

After entering the house, Zhou Chen also saw Wang Xiang's wife, Aunt Luo Meisuluo, and their son Wang Yang.

"Xiaochen is here, come and sit down."

"Zhou Chen."

As soon as Wang Yang shouted, he was slapped on the back of the head by Wang Xiang.

"What's your name? Brother."

Wang Yang glared at his father depressedly, but still obediently shouted to Zhou Chen again: "Brother Chen."

Zhou Chen smiled slightly: "Wang Yang, it will be July soon, and you are about to take the college entrance examination. How are you doing? Are you sure?"

Wang Yang shrugged and said with an indifferent expression: "My grades are just like that. I am not sure whether I will pass the exam or not. It will depend on my luck."

As soon as he said this, Wang Xiang reprimanded: "You kid, does the exam still depend on luck? The exam is about real ability, okay? I told you to study more seriously before you know how to fool around with others. Now you have to take the college entrance examination.

, if you tell me that you are not sure, you will make me angry to death."

Not to be outdone, Wang Yang retorted: "Dad, it's not like I haven't worked hard. I've studied hard, but what I've learned is not as good as others. What can I do?"

"You still have the nerve to say..."

Seeing that Wang Xiang was getting angry again, Zhou Chen quickly tried to dissuade him: "Uncle Wang, don't be anxious. What you and Wang Yang said are both right. Exams depend on real ability, but sometimes they also depend on luck. If you are lucky,

If you bet on the right questions, you can get good grades."

"Is he the only one who can have such luck?" Wang Xiang had a look of disdain on his face, which made Wang Yang very unhappy.

Luo Meisu came over from the kitchen with the dishes: "Okay, Xiaochen came to have a meal, and I heard you scolding your son here. He can't talk properly."

Normally, Wang Xiang would have said a few words about a loving mother but a failed son, but since Zhou Chen was here, he didn't say anything.

"Come, Xiaochen, have a drink with uncle."

After saying that, he couldn't help but pour a glass for Zhou Chen.

Zhou Chen was not polite and clinked glasses with Wang Xiang.

"Xiao Chen, tell Yang'er about the exam. Yang'er, listen carefully to Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen is a top student of Hua Medical University. After graduation, he will be better than college students. So, what..."

Wang Yang added angrily: "Master."

"Yes, it's a master's degree. I've heard people say that it's much more powerful than an ordinary college student. Yang'er, you have to study hard."

"I got it, Dad."

Although Wang Yang was not happy with his father's attitude, he still admired Zhou Chen. He was a student about to take the college entrance examination and knew the value of a master's degree better than his parents.

Zhou Chen didn't hide anything. While drinking with Wang Xiang, he taught Wang Yang some college entrance examination skills, such as how to solve questions, how to adjust his mentality, how to solve problems when encountering them, etc.

The meal lasted for more than two hours. If Wang Xiang hadn't drunk himself in the end, he would have had to drag Zhou Chen to continue talking.

Wang Yang looked at his father who was lying drunk on the table and felt embarrassed for him.

"With such a drinking capacity, it's too shameful to drink with Brother Chen."

But he and his mother still sent his father to his room to rest.

Zhou Chen had a meal with Wang Xiang's family and got to know a lot about the family of three.

How should I put it? Lao Wang's family is a very ordinary family in China. There are really too many families like them across the country.

Their family of three represents goodness, so Zhou Chen naturally decided to complete the second side task.

At this point in time, Gong Biao, one of the elderly trio in the TV series, should also be working in Huagang. As for the other Ma Desheng, he must still be the criminal police captain in the Hualin City Bureau.

However, he has decided to change the future of Shen Mo and the Wang family. I wonder if the elderly trio will get to know each other in the future.

In the blink of an eye, it was the end of June, and Zhou Chen passed the school's review, and he was finally allowed to stay in school for an internship and become a counselor for freshmen in the new semester.

Zhou Chen was naturally very satisfied with this result. The next step was to find a way to get close to Shen Mo, and the best way was to become a counselor in Shen Mo's class.

This chapter has been completed!
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