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Chapter 933: Murder!

 Doctor Hua has started school for a few months, and the winter vacation is not far away. However, Zhou Chen has already learned from Shen Mo that she will not go back during the Chinese New Year, but will choose to stay in Hualin.

Zhou Chen knew why she didn't want to go back. After finally escaping, how could she want to go back to that devil's cave again.

In a few months, Zhou Chen's relationship with Shen Mo progressed very quickly. Although he did not show any love for Shen Mo, he saw something strange in Shen Mo's eyes.

Shen Mo seemed to be attracted to him, but she was very cautious and did not dare to reveal her thoughts at all, as if she was afraid of damaging the existing relationship between them.

Shen Mo's reaction was the most perfect result for Zhou Chen.

His mission is to be a warm man, not a licking dog. A warm man and a licking dog feel similar in many aspects, but in his case, they are actually very different.

The warm man task is a side mission, so being a warm man is based on his will, but licking a dog is different. Licking a dog is based on the woman's will.

One is active and the other is passive, the expression forms are naturally very different.

In a few months, he has done a lot of things. Using Xu Zhiyun, he has already gained considerable wealth.

No matter what world you are in, if you want to complete tasks better, money is essential.

Although he now has a wealth conversion card, this precious item cannot be used casually and must be used on the edge.

In addition to making money, he is also collecting intelligence. In order to better complete the main mission, he must do research in advance.

And for such a long time, he has done a lot of good people and good deeds. As for punishing evil, he only dealt with some gangsters.

But until now, he still doesn't know whether the main mission of punishing evil and promoting good is aimed at everyone in the world, or just the characters who appear in the TV plot.

Because he had done a lot of things, but there was no response at all from the main mission, he had to be suspicious.

Unknowingly, Zhou Chen fell into sleep.

In fact, his mental attributes are now very high. High mental attributes mean that he has good energy. He can maintain strong energy by sleeping four or five hours a day.

But he will still get used to sleeping a few more hours, and he can maintain about eight hours a day.

He didn't sleep for long. At around two o'clock in the morning, a loud phone ringing suddenly woke him up from his sleep.

He has been in this world for a few months, so he has installed a phone at home to facilitate contact. However, the phone in his home may not ring once in a few days. Unexpectedly, it would ring in the middle of the night today.

But what he was more confused about was who would call him at this time.

He walked to the phone and answered the call, but after just ten seconds, his expression changed.

"Okay, I understand, I'll go there now."

After hanging up the phone, his face became extremely gloomy, and without saying anything, he went back to the room, got dressed, and hurried out the door.

Now I still don't want to be like that when there are street lights on the road and most of the roads are dark. When Zhou Chen came to the school, the school was also dark, with only sporadic lights on.

Zhou Chen parked his car and went straight to the teaching office. When he arrived, he found that a group of people had gathered around the office, including many school leaders and some policemen in police uniforms.

As soon as he came in, the director of the teaching department came over immediately and introduced him to someone in the room.

"Captain Ma, this is Guan Qing's counselor, Zhou Chen, Teacher Zhou."

Then he said to Zhou Chen: "Zhou Chen, this is Captain Ma of the Municipal Criminal Police Team."

Captain Ma politely extended his hand to shake Zhou Chen's hand: "Teacher Zhou, hello, Ma Desheng."

"Hello, Cavalry."

Captain Ma nodded and said: "You already know about Guan Qing, because you are her counselor, so I have to know some things from you. If it is convenient for you, you can tell me about Guan Qing."

Zhou Chen's face turned even darker when he heard the horse team mentioning Guan Qing continuously.

It turned out that the reason why he called him over was that something happened to a female classmate in his class, but he didn't know the specific situation yet.

"Ma team, how is Guan Qing doing now? Is her life in danger?"

The cavalry team coughed and said, "We are still rescuing him. We don't know yet whether his life is in danger."

Zhou Chen didn't ask any more questions, just nodded to Ma Desheng, and then followed Ma Desheng to the office next to him to ask questions.

Soon, he found out what was going on. It turned out that Guan Qing was attacked by gangsters on his way back to school at night. Guan Qing resisted desperately and was stabbed more than a dozen times by the gangsters. If there were no passers-by passing by at that time, Guan Qing would probably have died.

Guan Qing would be killed on the spot by the gangsters.

"Tell me what you think of Guan Qing, and why is she still outside the school so late? Is there anything wrong with her recently?"

"In my impression, Guan Qing is a very lively girl with a very straightforward personality. I haven't heard anything wrong with her. As for why she is still outside school so late, I have never understood this matter. I really don't know anything about her.

I don’t know when Guan Qing was attacked?”

"It's past nine o'clock."

"The school dormitories normally close at 10:30 and turn off the lights..."


Ma Desheng asked Zhou Chen many questions, and Zhou Chen was very cooperative and answered truthfully without any concealment.

He is really angry and worried now. Although these students have only been together for a few months, they are his students after all. Now that something happened to Guan Qing suddenly, he feels very uncomfortable, and he is full of murderous thoughts towards the murderer.


Who is such a young girl in her prime, who can do such cruel things?

He also knew that this kind of thing happened all over the country, but when it happened to him, he still couldn't bear it.

"Ma team, how is Guan Qing doing now? Where was she attacked? Did any witnesses see the murderer's face?"

The fat man who was questioning with Ma Desheng asked in surprise: "Why, do you still want to help us solve the case?"

Ma Desheng glared at him, and then said to Zhou Chen kindly: "Teacher Zhou, I can understand your current mood, but catching the murderer can be left to our criminal police. All you have to do now is to go and take a look.

Your student's situation may not be very good over there."

Zhou Chen also realized that he had gone too far, so he responded: "I understand, but Cavalry, you must catch the murderer. If you need my help, don't be polite and be there when you call."

"Of course, we will come to you if necessary."

After Ma Desheng said a few words to Zhou Chen, he took the people away.

Zhou Chen stayed in the office and did not leave. A teacher who was also called for questioning came over to comfort him.

"Zhou Chen, you are also unlucky. This is your first time as a counselor and you have encountered something like this. I hope Guan Qing is safe. Otherwise, you will definitely be implicated."

Zhou Chen didn't say anything. He was not afraid of being implicated. What he was afraid of was that something would happen to Guan Qing. This cost his life, and he was still his student.

He stood up suddenly: "Which hospital is Guan Qing in for treatment now?"


Zhou Chen left quickly without saying a word and rushed towards the hospital.

After he arrived at the hospital, he asked many questions and found out that Guan Qing had lost his life due to failed rescue efforts.


After kicking over the hospital's trash can, Zhou Chen roared angrily.

He is also a person with rich experience, but he still can't help but get angry at this moment. Yesterday he was still a living person, but today he has lost his life. It's so stupid...

After dawn, the news about Guan Qing spread throughout the school. The students in the anesthesia class were especially shocked. The police also interviewed every student in the class one by one.

In the next few days, the whole Hualin Hospital was not very peaceful. The murder of a college student caused quite a stir in Hualin City. Everyone was paying attention to this matter, and the police went all out to search for the murderer.

However, a few days passed and the murderer was still not found. The incident became more and more mysterious, causing panic in the school, and the female students did not dare to go out at night.

Guan Qing's parents and relatives also came to the school to make a fuss. Zhou Chen was ordered by the school not to come forward, and the school had full authority to handle the matter.

This incident also directly affected Zhou Chen. The school wanted to find responsibility. As Guan Qing's direct counselor, Zhou Chen naturally had a great responsibility. He was questioned by several school leaders and was finally suspended from work.

Although he was a little unfair, Zhou Chen did not resist. It was just a job as a counselor. At first, he only tried to get it in order to get close to Shen Mo. Now he has become very familiar with Shen Mo, even if he can no longer be a counselor.

Member, he had no objection either.

But because of such a thing, he really couldn't accept it. Guan Qing was his student, and her death happened right next to him. He couldn't just treat it like nothing happened.


"Why are you here again? Didn't I tell you that we are responsible for this matter, so please don't cause any trouble."

Cui Guodong pulled Zhou Chen and wanted to drive Zhou Chen away, but Zhou Chen broke free with a slight effort.

"Officer Cui, this happened under my nose, and the victims were my students. If the murderer cannot be caught, I really won't be able to sleep at night."

"Then you can't interfere with our work. What's the use of staying near the scene like this? Do you think the murderer will come back here?"

"That's not certain."

"Hey, you are still working hard. We haven't caught the murderer yet. Do you think you are smarter than our entire criminal police team?"

Cui Guodong also felt a headache. This Zhou Chen was really very stubborn. For several days, he either went to their team to ask about the situation or came here alone to investigate. If Zhou Chen didn't have good intentions, he would have to be anxious.

Ma Desheng came over at this time. He was also very troubled by Zhou Chen's behavior. He felt that Zhou Chen's behavior would affect their investigation. Several warnings were useless. He couldn't really do anything to Zhou Chen, so

That would be very helpless.

"Zhou Chen, you have to believe us. I promise you that I will definitely find that bastard. Just stop causing trouble for us, okay?"

He is an upright criminal police captain. There have been no fatalities in his jurisdiction for a long time, so he is very concerned about it. He has not slept well these days. He opens and closes his eyes all because of this incident.

Zhou Chen remained silent. If he had a choice, he didn't want to do these things. He also wanted to complete the task well and enjoy life.

But what happened was his student, and he really couldn't do anything. As he said, he couldn't sleep well if he couldn't catch the murderer.

And he doesn't think he is adding to the trouble. After all, he is also a person who has watched countless movies and TV series, and has lived for hundreds of years. Although he has no professional study or experience, his awareness is definitely enough.

What's more, he already has a plan in mind, but it's hard to say it out loud. He can only rely on his own investigation and analysis.

These days, he has been using the ability of his left eye to observe people he thinks are suspicious.

Because he got information about the murderer from Cui Guodong, when Guan Qing was attacked, he scratched the murderer, grabbed the murderer's clothes and tore off a button.

In this day and age, it is impossible to catch the murderer through DNA technology, so the best evidence is that button.

The function of the Appraisal Boy is to identify the information of the item. If a piece of clothing has lost a button, even if it has to be re-patched, as long as the Appraisal Boy is used, it can be determined.

It's a pity that the appraisal boy can only be used once a day, and if the murderer is cautious, he may burn his clothes directly.

So even though Zhou Chen knew that there was little hope and he was looking for a needle in a haystack, he still wanted to do his part to find the murderer.

"Captain Ma, I know you are a good detective, but I still want to do my best."

"Whatever you can do, it's all about your ability. I heard you haven't graduated yet, so go back to school to study."

Ma Desheng waved his hand impatiently. He had a good impression of Zhou Chen, because apart from Guan Qing's parents, Zhou Chen was the one who cared most about this case, and he was even more active than their criminal police team.

But he didn't want to see Zhou Chen wasting himself because of this matter, so he had a very bad attitude and wanted Zhou Chen to retreat when faced with difficulties.

Zhou Chen didn't argue. Of course he knew Ma Desheng's abilities. If it hadn't been for this incident and met Ma Desheng, the elderly dance king, he would have really wanted to have a good chat with Ma Desheng. Maybe they could dance together if there was a chance in the future.

What about square dancing?

but now……

The number of times the appraisal boy had been used today, and it was useless to stay, so Zhou Chen left.

Watching Zhou Chen leave, Ma Desheng sighed. After being the captain of the criminal police for so many years, he really didn't see many people like Zhou Chen.

Cui Guodong complained on the side: "Captain, this guy is quite good. There is no one like him in catching criminals. This is not just a waste of time."

Ma Desheng gave him a cold look and said, "Look at what your kid can do. He can't, but you can? If you can, can you find the murderer for me?"

"Captain, I just said casually, why are you shouting at me? I can't do it, but you can, so why are you arresting them?"

"Hey, Xiao Cui, I think you're listening too well now. How about I, the captain, do it for you?"

"It's not impossible. Hey, cavalry, don't hit anyone."


This chapter has been completed!
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