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Chapter 976: Pan'er shows off his power, Ouyang Xu flees in fear

 The chamber official looked at the token in his hand, which was as heavy as a thousand catties, and he was so frightened that he was sweating.

Since Taizu established his capital in Tokyo, the Zhongyonghou Mansion has existed and has stood tall in the city of Tokyo for decades.

Some outsiders, or people who have just arrived in Tokyo, may not know about Zhongyonghou Mansion, but most people who have lived in the inner city for many years have heard of Zhongyonghou Mansion.

Especially for a minister like him who works for the imperial court, he must be discerning, otherwise he will easily bump into nobles.

He was not very clear about what kind of existence the Zhongyong Marquis Mansion was, but he knew that neither he nor his superiors, nor even his superiors, could offend a noble person.

Not to mention, a few years ago, the former Zhongyong Hou Crown Prince, today's Zhongyong Hou, was famous all over the world. Even the officials praised him as the Young General of the Song Dynasty, which pushed the prestige of the Zhongyong Hou Mansion to a higher level.


He is just a servant who is not even a formal official. How can he come into contact with such a behemoth as the Zhongyong Marquis Mansion?

Seeing that his reinforcements had not moved for a long time, Uncle De couldn't help but ask: "Sir, what's wrong with you? What is this?"

He was about to take a look, but the officer directly held the token in his hand and refused to show it to him. He didn't even look at Uncle De, and turned to angrily yell at his men.

"What are you doing? Get out of here and don't disturb these young ladies."

The government officials all looked confused and didn't understand why their superiors became so fast. However, they were also discerning and quickly let go of the women and stepped away from them.

Zhao Pan'er and the others helped each other to stand up. Song Yinzhang and Sun Sanniang also looked at Zhao Pan'er in confusion.

They all saw clearly that Zhao Pan'er had just thrown something to the other party, and then the officer's expression changed.

The carriage official hunched over and cautiously approached Zhao Pan'er, holding the token in both hands.

"Madam, what is your token?"

Zhao Pan'er replied coldly: "The owner of the token gave it to me. He told me that with it, I would have less trouble in Tokyo. What? Shangguan doesn't believe it. Do you want me to take you to find the token?"

Check with the owner?"

"Don't dare, don't dare."

The chamber official was so frightened that he trembled. He really wanted to have the opportunity to curry favor with this big shot, but he couldn't do it in this way. He was just looking for death.

"My dear lady, I have misunderstood. I never meant this. I never meant this."

He is not afraid of Zhao Pan'er, he is afraid of this token. Regardless of how Zhao Pan'er obtained the token, in short, he can only provide it if it is in her hands.

"Please, madam, please don't alert this gentleman. The villain was also deceived by others, and that's why he made a big mistake. As long as he doesn't alert this gentleman, the villain will accept the punishment."

As he spoke, he held the token in both hands, lowered his head and raised it in front of Zhao Pan'er.

If he were a high-ranking official, he wouldn't be so groveling to Zhao Pan'er, but the problem is that he is just an official and not considered a formal official at all.

What's more, Marquis Zhongyong is a big shot in a purple robe. Even a token is enough for him to serve carefully.

Zhao Pan'er naturally took back the token and put it away next to her.

"Now, can I continue to collect debts?"

"Of course, of course, repaying debts is a matter of course."

The chamber officials were all smiles and pleased.

This made Uncle De next to him very anxious: "Sir, they are just a group of lowly bitches, why do you..."

Zhao Pan'er retorted angrily: "We are from a good family."

The chamber officials repeatedly echoed: "Yes, these young ladies are all good people. Who told you to talk nonsense?"

He doesn't care whether Zhao Pan'er or his daughters are from good families, as long as Zhao Pan'er doesn't hold a grudge against him, he will listen to Zhao Pan'er in everything.

"grown ups……"

"Shut up."

Seeing that Uncle De wanted to talk more, the minister immediately scolded him angrily.

He knew that Uncle De was Ouyang Xu's servant, but so what?

It's true that Ouyang Xu is a new talent scout, but now he doesn't even have an official position. Even if he is granted an official position in the future, he will be a ninth-grade official. How can he be compared with the loyal and brave Marquis who has been honored for generations?

Even if Ouyang Xu is going to get married to Gao Observer's daughter, they haven't gotten married yet. Even if they get married, will Zhongyong Hou be afraid of Gao Observer? Gao Observer might confront Marquis Zhongyong for him?

He didn't understand the big shot's thoughts. Anyway, in his opinion, Ouyang Xu was nothing compared to Zhongyong Hou.

Now that everyone has taken out their tokens, if I don’t turn to them, why should I turn to you?

"Madam, this is a private debt between you. It is not convenient for us to participate. We have to go to work, so we will go back first."

"Thank you, sir. However, today's events should not disturb your noble lord and trouble you..."

"I understand, I understand. Nothing happened today. We haven't been here before, and we don't know any noble people."

After saying that, the cabin official ignored Uncle De's eagerness, threw away his hand, and left quickly with his men. He didn't want to get involved in the things here at all. His body was too small and he couldn't bear it.

The two extreme reversal scenes made the surrounding people and neighbors who were watching all shocked.

The token just now was only seen clearly by the chamber official himself, and the others did not see it at all.

Zhao Pan'er just said a few words and made him grovel and run away. Little did everyone know that these young ladies from out of town were definitely not ordinary people.

When Zhao Paner's eyes swept over him, Uncle De was startled and hurriedly ran into the house, holding on to the door.

He was a Hu Tu, but he was not stupid. How could he not have realized it at this time? Madam Zhao must have been dating someone, which was why the officials were so afraid.

Zhao Paner looked at the door of Ouyang Xu's house. So far, Ouyang Xu had not shown up, just like a shrunken turtle, which made her look down upon him even more.

"Sanniang, go and call He Si and the others back, and keep shouting."

"Okay, let's make this Ouyang Xu lose face and see how long he can shrink."

Sun Sanniang left in a hurry to call someone.

Song Yinzhang curiously asked Zhao Pan'er: "Sister Pan'er, what token did you just show that person? I think he seemed very scared."

Zhao Pan'er whispered: "This is the token given by Lord Zhou. He said that we women are not safe in Tokyo, so he gave us a token. I didn't expect it to be really useful."

"Ah, it's the token of Lord Zhou. No wonder it scared the officials away."

Song Yinzhang had a smile on his face. He had really scared her just now. If it weren't for Lord Zhou's token, they would have been humiliated to death today.

As a result, she felt even more gratitude and admiration for Zhou Chen in her heart. Just a token could scare people away. If she were there, wouldn't she be able to scare people to death?

This feeling of security is really good. If Lord Zhou is by her side, she won't have to be afraid of bad people.

"Sister Pan'er, can you show me the Marquis's token?"

Zhao Pan'er said: "We'll talk about it when we get back, it's not convenient here."

"All right."

While they were talking, Uncle De saw that the situation did not develop as he imagined, but instead turned out like this. He was suddenly shocked and hurriedly ran into the courtyard while Zhao Paner and the others were not paying attention.

As soon as Uncle De ran into the house, Ouyang Xu, who was impatient, rushed over and grabbed him.

"How's it going? How's it going outside? Have people been driven away?"

He originally wanted to go out, but he was worried that he would cause unnecessary trouble by showing up. In addition, there was not much movement outside, so he kept hiding in the house and did not go out.

Now that there was no sound outside, Uncle De walked in again, thinking that the matter had been resolved.

Uncle De said anxiously: "No, master, Zhao Pan'er took out a token. When the clerk saw it, he was so frightened that he ran away without saying a few words. Now those bitches are still at the door.


"how come?"

Ouyang Xu looked in disbelief: "How is this possible?"

"The old slave also found it incredible, but judging from the reaction of the officials there, it must be that Zhao Pan'er was associated with some noble person, so he scared those government servants away."

Ouyang Xu still didn't believe it: "This is even more impossible. Pan'er is deported and has never been to Tokyo. How can she possibly know any noble people in Tokyo? Although the officials there are of no rank, not everyone can.

It scared him."

Uncle De also found it incredible: "Yes, the old slave also thinks that Zhao Pan'er cannot know any noble people, but the clerk was indeed scared away. Master, what should we do next? What if those bitches have been here all this time?"

Making a fuss at the door will have a great impact on you, the master."

"What to do? You will ask what to do. Now that the matter has come to this, what else can I do? I can't go to Gao Kuan, right? If he knows about Pan'er's existence, I will only be in a worse situation. This is absolutely not okay."

Ouyang Xu is even more anxious than Uncle De, because this is related to his future. He wants Zhao Paner and his daughters to leave more than anyone else, but now he can't do anything.

"What should we do, Master?"

"Can you, can you stop talking and let me be quiet for a while, okay?"

Ouyang Xu angrily yelled at Uncle De. He was already upset, but Uncle De was still chattering in his ear, which was of no use at all. He talked so much, which really annoyed him.


"Go away, go away."

Ouyang Xu roared with a ferocious face, scaring Uncle De so much that he ran out of the room with urine flowing from his buttocks.

Ouyang Xu was still venting in the room: "Why, why is this happening? Pan'er, why are you doing this to me? I have already said that I will marry you. You are a lowly person. What's wrong with being a concubine? Why are you so forced?


In his original plan, he was to get married to Gao Hui as soon as possible, and then comfort Zhao Pan'er properly after the rice was cooked, and then enjoy the blessings of everyone.

But Zhao Pan'er suddenly came to Tokyo, disrupting all his plans. What's more, Zhao Pan'er forced him so hard that it was going to ruin his future.

"No, I can't sit still and wait for death. I have studied hard for so many years in a poor life, and my future must not be ruined. I can't stay in Tokyo, I absolutely can't stay."

After discovering that Zhao Pan'er was not something he could easily knead, his heart became even more confused, especially since Zhao Pan'er still held his Tongxin pendant in his hand. He was very afraid that Zhao Pan'er would risk everything and die with him.

For now, the best choice is to leave Tokyo. As long as he leaves Tokyo, Zhao Pan'er won't be able to find him and won't be able to cause trouble if he wants to.

He felt that Zhao Pan'er could not stay in Tokyo forever and she could not afford it. It would be much more convenient for him to come back when Zhao Pan'er had to leave Tokyo.

Thinking of this, he began to think about what method he should use to leave Tokyo legitimately.

Zhou Chen also learned about what happened from his subordinates. When he learned that Zhao Paner and the others were fine, he did not ask.

As long as he is not suppressed by strong power, he is relatively confident in doing things for Zhao Pan'er.

In the next three days, Zhao Pan'er and the others continued to make a fuss in front of Ouyang Xu's house, and they were even louder than before.

Because when He Si and others saw that Zhao Pan'er was not even afraid of the servants, they all admired Zhao Pan'er very much and worked even harder.

The opportunity that Ouyang Xu had been waiting for finally came. The official announced that the three first-class Jinshis would enter the palace to meet the saints.

Although Ouyang Xu was scheming, he was indeed somewhat intelligent and had good adaptability to temporary changes. When he entered the palace to meet the emperor, he accurately seized the opportunity and was given the opportunity to be transferred out of the capital to serve as an official.

It's just that his approach, although it allowed him to obtain the official status of the eighth rank, almost ruined all his future.

Looking at the civil and military ministers of the imperial court, there are few who would like a minister who relies on ghosts and gods to rise to power. The possibility of him wanting to be promoted in the future is extremely slim.

After getting an official title, Ouyang Xu was afraid of long nights and many dreams, so he hurriedly left Beijing within a few days.

In the stillness of the night, Zhongyong Hou Mansion.

There were only a few candles lit in Zhou Chen's room, and the lights were dim.

Zhou Chen sat in front of the eucalyptus. In front of him, a man in black stood.

"Master, Ouyang Xu has left Tokyo in a carriage. I have arranged for someone to follow. I will follow you immediately after seeing you."

"Have you already left? It's good to leave. Now that you've left, don't come back again."

There was a cold light in Zhou Chen's eyes: "Follow him to Xijing and find a suitable opportunity to take action. Remember, let him die in a natural accident without leaving any trace."

"Yes, Master, my subordinates will definitely take care of it."

"Well, after finishing this matter, the others can let them go back to their hometowns first, and live a peaceful life while you come back to recover."

"I obey my orders."

Zhou Chen pointed to the luggage on the table: "You take all the money here with you. Let the brothers share it when the time comes, so that everyone can live a good life. I will still need you in the future."

"Yes, Master." The man in black agreed without hesitation, and then quickly disappeared into Zhou Chen's house.

Zhou Chen in the darkness had a cold face. He was not prepared to give Ouyang Xu another chance to return to Beijing.

The men in black just now are the subordinates he trained when he was at the border. However, unlike Qin Yi and others, these people are hidden in the darkness. He is the only one who knows about them and only obeys his orders.

If Qin Yi and the others are overt personal guards, then these people are secret guards, soldiers who have retired from the army. Many of them even retired with injuries, so that some of the secret guards were injured.

With a disability.

But even if they are disabled, their abilities cannot be underestimated. These people can often unleash stronger combat effectiveness than many elite soldiers.

And Zhou Chen used abundant money and land to gather them together and became his most loyal secret guards, the kind of confidants who could work for him anytime and anywhere.

Like Qin Yi and others, they can do things on the surface, but Zhou Chen will basically leave the dirty work behind the scenes to the secret guards.

It's just that the secret guards have not experienced a few missions in total in the few years since they were established. When there are no missions, they live a normal life. Because of Zhou Chen's care, the lives of these secret guards are relatively simple.

Wealthy, this is one of the reasons why they are willing to work hard.

This chapter has been completed!
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