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Chapter 212

Chapter 212 Worry

Author: Monkey to G

Chapter 212 Worry

Chen Xuan stood up and left the table without saying a word. Before Guo Jing, Huang Rong and others noticed, Guo Fu, who was sitting at another table, had already spotted him.

"So that beggar is Yang Guo?!"

Guo Fu suddenly remembered the beggar she saw in the ruined temple yesterday. At that time, she thought it was strange that the beggar asked her to eat meat soup, but she did not expect that it was Yang Guo, Chen Xuan.

I remember that when he fought with Li Mochou in a small town restaurant, Chen Xuan was still in high spirits and was joking about her.

I didn’t expect that after not seeing him for several months, he would be described as being so depressed.

In fact, ever since Chen Xuan called her "Fu sister" a few times before, Guo Fu has often thought of him, and incidentally she also thought of the two of them as companions on Peach Blossom Island when they were children.

Chen Xuan inherited Yang Guo's strong charm, so much so that Guo Fu couldn't help but feel her heart pounding when she thought of him. She often recalled the fights and quarrels on Peach Blossom Island, wondering if he still remembered the hatred of the past?

Guo Fu is now nearly twenty-eight years old and can be considered a big girl. She naturally feels guilty when she recalls how she used Da Wu and Xiao Wu to bully Yang Guo in Peach Blossom Island when she was a child.

Now at the Heroes' Banquet, seeing his down and out look, which was so different from the Wu brother Feng Shen's magnanimous demeanor, I couldn't help but feel a faint sense of pity.

Seeing Chen Xuan leaving the table sadly, she bit her chopsticks unconsciously. She wanted to mention his name directly, but she couldn't express her concern when the words came to her lips, so she could only make an excuse to Wu Dunru in a low voice.

"Speaking of which, dad sent him to the Quanzhen sect to practice martial arts. How does his martial arts compare to ours?"

Before Wu Dunru could answer, Wu Xiuwen spoke up.

"Master's martial arts skills are unmatched in the world, how can that kid compare with us?"

Guo Fu nodded and said: "His foundation was not good before, so it is difficult for him to make any progress. But why did he end up in such a mess again?"

Wu Xiuwen sneered and said, "Those old men stared at him as if they were going to devour him. That boy has been stubborn since he was a child and has a bad mind. He must have gotten into some big trouble again."

When Guo Fu heard this, her heart trembled. She ate a few more bites of the food but found it tasted like nothing. She thought about how uneasy Chen Xuan and Yang Guo would be at this moment if they really got into a big disaster.

She was about to get up and chase him out, but then she thought that she was too embarrassed to chase him out alone in a girl's house, so she pushed Wu Dunru and said.

"Come on, let's go ask that kid what trouble he got into."

Wu Dunru was afraid of Guo Jing's scolding and did not dare to agree.

But Wu Xiuwen agreed repeatedly and stood up to leave.

Guo Fu summoned these two little licking dogs, and she was naturally very good at it. She lightly stamped her foot, with a slightly angry look on her face, and looked at Wu Dunrudao.

"Did you disobey me?"

When Wu Dunru saw her pretty face and charming smile, his heart beat loudly and he could no longer resist. He immediately got up and sneaked out with her.

At this time, Chen Xuan had just walked not far, and happened to walk into a courtyard along the corridor.

He is a master of guarding against the Black Horn Society, so he seems to be walking casually, but in fact he is secretly paying attention to the sounds around him.

Guo Fu chased after Da Wu and Xiao Wu without deliberately concealing the sound of her footsteps. Chen Xuan turned his ears slightly and immediately heard the movement. He calmly picked up a pot of orchids by the corridor.

Da Wu and Xiao Wu were originally not interested in him as a poor relative and hidden love rival, but now that they couldn't eat this nice hero's banquet, they naturally felt resentful.

The two of them didn't want to complain to Guo Fu. Seeing Chen Xuan right in front, the two brothers looked at each other and suddenly stepped forward quickly to catch him.



By coincidence, Chen Xuan's heart was tense. When he heard someone coming from behind, without saying a word, he picked up the flower pot and smashed it over their heads.

Da Wu and Xiao Wu originally came over to teach him a lesson, but they didn't want Chen Xuan to hit the flowerpot on the head. The two brothers knocked it out and fainted on the spot with just two "bang bang" sounds.

"Da Wu! Xiao Wu!"

Guo Fu ran over in a hurry, looked at the Wu brothers who fell on the ground, and then looked at Chen Xuan with disheveled hair. She clenched her little hands as if she wanted to say something to Chen Xuan but didn't know what to say. She was so anxious for a moment

Stomp your feet.

Just when she was secretly upset because of these two little followers, Chen Xuan put the flowerpot away and said lazily.

"Who did I think she was? It turned out to be Fumei."

"You...how did you beat them?"

"It's just a skin injury. I wasn't beaten by them on Peach Blossom Island when I was a child."

Guo Fu's face turned red when he heard him mention what happened on Peach Blossom Island when she was a child. She probably felt that she was a little naughty when she was a child.

She glanced at Chen Xuan guiltily. At this time, the night was getting darker, and the bright moon in the night sky was bright and cold.

Although Chen Xuan was dressed in rags and looked a bit slovenly, his disheveled hair accentuated his profile, which was cold and indifferent, giving him a sense of aloofness, coolness and elegance.

When Guo Fu saw this, her heart skipped a beat. She immediately forgot all about Da Wu and Xiao Wu and just said hesitantly.

"When I saw you not long ago, weren't you fine? Why are you so depressed now?"

Chen Xuan looked at the girl's squirming appearance, raised the corner of his mouth, and said with a ruffian smile.

"Since ancient times, people have been heartbroken by lovesickness. When I saw Fu Mei, I couldn't think about food or tea. I've been traveling thousands of miles and I was confused and didn't know what to say. It was inevitable that I was a little lost."

"..." Guo Fu felt ashamed and annoyed when she heard this.

Although she was already a grown-up girl, she was protected by Guo Jing and Huang Rong, so how could others dare to speak rudely to her.

Even though Da Wu and Xiao Wu had always been her playmates, they always obeyed her words and were extremely polite to her.

Unexpectedly, Chen Xuan would make fun of her as soon as he saw her, acting like a playboy.

Guo Fu had never heard anyone say such a thing before. Her face turned red for a moment and she didn't know how to respond.

She quietly raised her eyes and saw that Chen Xuan was smiling more and more proudly. He was still a little unconvinced, so she looked at Da Wu and Xiao Wu on the ground, trying to help them up.

Chen Xuan saw this and smiled.

"Mei Fu, you care so much about Dawu and Xiaowu. Could it be that you like them?"

"You! Why do you say such things!" Guo Fu was immediately annoyed. After all, she was also a lady, how could an innocent girl be so direct.

Thinking back to the time when Chen Xuan got Wanyan Ping to commit himself to him with just a few words and three moves of martial arts, these words were naturally something he couldn't say easily.

Guo Fu's face was red, her brows were slightly furrowed, she was ashamed and annoyed, but in Chen Xuan's eyes she was really the most austere person in the world, even more beautiful than Lu Wushuang, Wanyanping, and Yeluyan.

Seeing that he still dared to look at her blankly, Guo Fu said in annoyance.

"What nonsense were you talking about just now?"

"Nonsense?" Chen Xuan said with a smile, "Both brothers from the Wu family like you, doesn't Sister Fu know their feelings?"

As soon as these words came out, Guo Fu was speechless.

(End of chapter)

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