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Chapter 226 A small test of skill

Chapter 226 A little test of skills

Author: Monkey to G

Chapter 226 A little test of skills

Chen Xuan kept talking non-stop when he mentioned the ancient tomb, just for fear that Huang Rong would ask about other things, but he finally finished his words.

After he finally regained his breath, Huang Rong said coldly.

"Are you done?"

"Aunt Guo..."

When Huang Rong heard what he said, she frowned, as if she was a little annoyed.

Chen Xuan didn't even dare to look up at her, for fear of reminding her of her previous stupid things.

Huang Rong simply didn't ask any more questions, she just put her hand on her forehead and rested for a while before saying.

"I see. No wonder you have improved your martial arts so much that you have such an unexpected encounter. I never expected that there is such a place hidden in the back mountain of the Quanzhen Sect."

After that, she looked around the ancient tomb and said with emotion, but quickly changed the topic.

"What are you going to do now?"

Chen Xuan didn't seem to mention what happened before when he heard her words. It was expected that Huang Rong hadn't noticed the bad things he had done before, so he stopped worrying about it and just said in a deep voice.

"Aunt Guo, this time Mongolia goes south, the situation is like fire and water. I intend to go to investigate in order to come up with a countermeasure."

"Okay, then you go."

"???" Chen Xuan raised his eyebrows, he didn't expect Huang Rong to come like this.

He originally thought that Huang Rong would follow him because he behaved so righteously, but he didn't expect that she would just let him go by himself.

Chen Xuan hesitated for a moment and then tentatively said.

"Then Aunt Guo, you..."

"You are you, I am me, what do you care about me?" Huang Rong's pretty face was filled with frost, and her tone became colder.

Chen Xuan was suddenly startled. He seemed to have realized something, but he dared to ask more questions. He quickly said a few perfunctory words, turned around and slipped out.

Although neither party made it clear, Huang Rong must have sensed something when she drove him away at this time, otherwise how could she show such a face when the country was ruined and the family was in ruins.

Chen Xuan did not dare to think carefully and quickly escaped from the ancient tomb, fearing that Huang Rong would regret it and chase him and chop him twice.

After all, the two of them were poisoned before. Chen Xuan didn't feel sorry for Huang Rong at all. He tossed her over and over again and tormented her very much. If she recalled what happened before and suddenly became angry, she might not really chase her out and kill her.

Got him.

Chen Xuan hurriedly escaped from the ancient tomb and went down the mountain until he reached the village near the foot of the mountain. Then he remembered that he was now helpless and had no idea what to do.

According to his original plan, after getting rid of the poison, he would first find Guo Jing, and then rely on his reputation as Uncle Guo to summon martial arts masters from the Central Plains, which might be able to stop Mongolia from moving south.

But now that Huang Rong suddenly regained her memory and recalled exactly what happened, Chen Xuan was not sure, so naturally he did not dare to wander around in front of her eyes.

"Without Huang Rong's help, what should I do now?"

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little confused.

At this moment, I suddenly heard the sound of horse hoofbeats in the distance like thunder, and with the sound of "woo hoo" horns, a large group of Mongolian soldiers and horses rushed over.

Chen Xuan's face darkened. He didn't expect to find Mongolian soldiers and horses near Zhongnan Mountain. He didn't know if there were any masters among these Mongolian soldiers and horses, so he didn't dare to take action easily.

He had no clue when he left the ancient tomb in a hurry. Now that he saw these Mongolian soldiers and horses, he subconsciously followed them all the way.

Tracking all the way to a hill, Chen Xuan paused and watched from a distance as the Mongolian soldiers and horses circled into the valley. He faintly heard the noise of the people and horses in the valley, which was very loud. He expected that there must be a large army stationed in front.

He deliberately slowed down his pace and carefully climbed up to a high place to take a look. Sure enough, he saw countless camps in the valley in the distance, with soldiers and horses passing by without hesitation.

The Mongols have lived in tents for generations. Now that they are conquering all directions, they are still not used to palaces, so they still live in tents.

Chen Xuan noticed that among the tents, there was one tent that was more than twice the size of the ordinary Mongolian tents. It should be the location of the Mongolian commander, so he quietly sneaked towards that tent.

Although there are many Mongolian soldiers and horses, most of them have low martial arts skills. In addition, Chen Xuan has learned the Qinggong movement of the Ancient Tomb Sect. In the past, Xiao Longnu could walk like flying and graceful as an immortal with only two silk ribbons. Naturally, his current Qinggong skills are not as good.


He easily dodged the surrounding eyes, went straight outside the tent, and subconsciously took a look inside.

The furnishings in the tent were very simple. A young man in his mid-twenties was sitting and reading a book.

At this moment, a Tibetan monk with a bearded tiger face and a yellow-red robe suddenly walked in outside the camp. He was none other than the Jinlun Dharma King who had attended the Heroes' Banquet with Huo Du in Lujiazhuang.

This time Jinlun Dharma King did not bring his eldest disciple Huo Dou with him. He was accompanied by a short and fat man, Dalba.

When the young man in the tent saw the two people entering the tent, he hurriedly stood up to greet them and said with a smile.

"I haven't seen the Imperial Master for many days, and I miss him very much."

King Jinlun said, "Your Majesty, you are too polite."

Listening to the conversation between these two people, Chen Xuan suddenly guessed in his mind that since the powerful Tibetan monk was regarded as the national master, he must be the Jinlun Dharma King.

As for this prince, Chen Xuan couldn't remember his name at the moment. He thought about it carefully for a long time before he remembered that the plots of the Condor and the Divine Condor were not very different.

Back then, Guo Jing had competed in archery with Genghis Khan in the desert. Presumably, this prince and Genghis Khan were not far apart in age, and were either his son or grandson.

As soon as he thought about this, Chen Xuan suddenly thought of someone and thought to himself.

"Isn't this Kublai Khan?"

He had never seen Kublai Khan before, and thought that Kublai Khan was the grandson of Genghis Khan. Although he looked dignified and arrogant, he was naturally powerful and fierce. Unexpectedly, he was such a humble and amiable young man who could speak Chinese.

I couldn't help but feel a little surprised for a moment.

In fact, it is not surprising that Chen Xuan felt strange. After all, the Central Plains often said that there were barbarians everywhere. Whether it was Mongolia or South Vietnam, in the eyes of most people in the martial arts world of the Central Plains, they were barbarians who did not want to be educated.

In fact, Mongolia has long admired the Central Plains and has been learning its culture. When Guo Jing was still in the desert, Qiu Chuji of the Quanzhen Sect went to Mongolia to preach and was received by Genghis Khan and treated as an honored guest.

For a long time, Mongolia was actually quite cautious towards the Song Dynasty and never went south easily.

Now Kublai Khan was ordered to go south to conquer the Song Dynasty, but he also dealt with it cautiously. He kept company with Confucian scholars every day, read scriptures and studied books, and planned matters to go south to attack the Song Dynasty.

In addition, he also spent a lot of money to recruit many martial arts masters to help him.

After Chen Xuan hid outside the camp and watched for a while, Kublai Khan and King Jinlun reunited after a long separation. Overjoyed, he ordered his subordinates to hold a feast.

Not long after, the banquet was served and the table was filled with wine and food, with Mongolian and Chinese dishes each occupying half.

Kublai Khan stretched out his hand to signal Jinlun Dharma King to sit down, and at the same time, he did not forget to say to the guards on the left and right.

"Go and invite some of the heroes from the Talent Recruitment Hall to join us for the banquet."

After the guards came out of the tent, Kublai Khan explained.

"Xiao Wang has recruited several martial arts masters in the recruitment hall these days, but they are not as good as the national master."

Jin Lun Dharma King laughed it off and didn't care.

While the two were talking, the guards had already brought the person over.

Outside the camp, four people walked in.

There was a man who was tall and thin, with a bloodless face, and looked like a zombie. Kublai Khan introduced him to Jinlun Dharma King, saying he was Xiaoxiangzi, a famous figure in western Hunan.

The second person is short and dark, but he is a master from Tianzhu, Nimoxing.

The next two people were eight feet tall, with thick hands and feet, a silly smile on their face, and dull eyes. The other had a high nose and deep eyes, curly yellow hair, and was a Hu man. He was wearing Hanfu, with a pearl hanging around his neck and a jade bracelet on his wrist.

Bracelet, jewels.

Kublai Khan introduced separately that the big man was from Huijiang and his name was Ma Guangzuo. The Nahu man was a big Persian businessman. His ancestors and grandsons had been selling jewelry in Bianliang, Chang'an and other places for three generations. They gave him the Central Plains name Yin Kexi.

After all four people in the group were introduced, Chen Xuan secretly looked at the four people outside the camp.

Although these four people are all characters in the plot, and neither Xiao Xiangzi nor Yin Kexi is surprising, Chen Xuan just feels that something is wrong.

"No, these four people are so powerful that they are not weaker than Guo Jing at all. If they are really martial arts masters recruited by the recruitment hall, their strength should not be able to match Guo Jing and top masters like Jinlun Dharma King. But look at these few

The person's figure and demeanor are even more arrogant than Jinlun Dharma King. Are these people all fake Black Horn Masters?"

Chen Xuan's face darkened, and he was thinking about it secretly.

At the same time, inside the camp, Nimoxing and Xiaoxiangzi glanced at Jinlun Dharma King arrogantly, with contempt on their faces.

These people all worked under Kublai Khan, so naturally they were the ones with the most ability. If they wanted to gain a greater say, they naturally needed to show greater strength.

Provoking Jin Lun Dharma King is undoubtedly the simplest and most effective way to show your strength.

After three rounds of drinking, Nimoxing couldn't help but test it out.

"Your Majesty, Mongolia has a vast land and rich resources. This Jinlun Dharma King is the national master of Mongolia, so his martial arts skills must be good."

Kublai Khan smiled and said nothing, making no comment.

Xiaoxiangzi said, "This dear friend is from Tianzhu, and Tantric martial arts is transmitted from Tianzhu. Is it true that there is such a thing as a young man outperforming others? Brother, I don't really believe it."

Jinlun Dharma King saw that Nimoxing's eyes were shining brightly and Xiaoxiangzi's face had a faint aura of greenness, so he knew that these two people had extremely deep internal skills.

Yin Kexi was laughing and joking, trying his best to pretend to be a very vulgar philistine. The more incompetent this person appears, the more confident he is, which should not be underestimated.

The big man Ma Guangzuo seems to be powerful, but in fact his internal breathing is mediocre, so don't worry about it.

He smiled slightly at that moment and said, "I am granted the title of Imperial Master because of the grace of the Great Khan and His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince. I am not worthy of it."

These words were meant to be modest, but Xiao Xiangzi sneered instead.

"Since you don't dare to take the position, then you should avoid your position and make way for others."

As he spoke, he glanced at Nimoxing and sneered slightly at the corner of his mouth.

Jin Lun Dharma King did not answer, he just stretched out his chopsticks, took a large piece of beef from the banquet dishes on the table, and said with a smile.

"This piece of beef is fat and big. I didn't want to eat it at first. I just happened to reach out with my chopsticks and picked it up. It's called Yuanfa in Buddhism. Any layman who is interested can take it."

As he spoke, he raised his chopsticks and placed them on the plate, waiting for everyone to grab them.

Ma Guangzuo didn't understand that Jinlun Dharma King's sharp words were about a piece of beef, but what he meant was the high position of the Mongolian National Guard. When he saw him holding the beef between his hands to let guests go, he immediately stretched out his chopsticks to pick it up.

When the head of his chopsticks was about to touch the beef, one of the chopsticks in Karmapa's hand suddenly came out and lightly touched his chopsticks. Ma Guangzuo felt his arm shake violently. For a moment, he couldn't hold the chopsticks. A pair of chopsticks made a "snap" sound.

fell on the table.

However, the chopsticks of the Karmapa had already been retracted in an instant, and the beef on the chopsticks did not move at all. Such neat skills were indeed worthy of the name of the Mongolian National Master.

Everyone looked at each other in astonishment, secretly shocked.

Ma Guangzuo didn't understand what kind of move Jinlun Dharma King used, but he picked up the chopsticks again unconvinced, held the chopsticks firmly, and thought to himself.

"This time, let me see how you knock down my chopsticks."

After thinking about it, he stretched out his chopsticks again.

The Karmapa thrust out his chopsticks again. This time, Ma Guangzuo was prepared and luckily caught the chopsticks.

As expected, Jinlun Dharma King's knock failed to knock the chopsticks down. There was only a soft "click" sound, and the chopsticks in Ma Guangzuo's hands were broken into four pieces, like a knife, and the two halves fell on the table.

Ma Guangzuo felt that he had lost face, so he became furious and shouted, slamming the table and getting up to fight with Jin Lun Dharma King.

Kublai Khan, who was sitting at the head of the seat, smiled slightly at this moment.

"There is no need for a strong horseman to get angry. If you want to compete with each other, it is not too late to compete after the meal is over."

After all, Ma Guangzuo was a martial arts master recruited by Kublai Khan. Since Kublai Khan had spoken, he naturally did not dare to be arrogant. He could only glare at Jinlun Dharma King with hatred and sit down angrily, but he still pointed at Jinlun Dharma King unwillingly.

, asked.

"What magic did you use to break my penis?"

Jin Lun Dharma King smiled slightly but did not answer. The chopsticks in his hands were still holding beef, which was quite provocative.

The competition between these two people fell into the eyes of the other three people, and the good show was about to go to waste.

All four of them knew that if they could not defeat Jinlun Dharma King this time, it would be impossible to gain Kublai Khan's attention in the future.

Nimoxing hesitated for a moment. He didn't take Jinlun Dharma King seriously at first, but when he saw him knocking off the chopsticks just now, he felt that he had deep inner strength and no longer dared to underestimate him.

He is from Tianzhu, and he doesn't use chopsticks to eat, but only grabs it with his hands, so he stretched out his hand and said.

"That big man can't grab this beef, so I'll grab it!"

As he spoke, he suddenly stretched out his five fingers like iron claws and clawed at the meat.

Jin Lun Dharma King smiled indifferently, and the chopsticks in his hands changed. A chopstick appeared horizontally, and it connected points as fast as lightning, tapping the acupuncture points on his palm, wrist, back of hand, tiger's mouth and other acupuncture points.

Nimoxing had sharp eyes and quick hands. He turned his claws into palms with his backhand, and with a "whoop" sound, he slashed at his wrist.

The chopsticks in the hands of Jinlun Dharma King remain unchanged, and there is a hint of strong wind under the blessing of inner energy!

Nimoxing felt that the tip of the chopstick was carrying the wind, and it was about to hit the back of his hand. He didn't dare to reach out anymore, so he could only take his hand back.

Upon seeing this, King Jinlun turned the chopstick back and still held the beef.

Although there were only a few moves in this fight between lightning and flint, Jin Lun Dharma King used his chopsticks to hit the acupuncture points very quickly. Even after several strikes, the beef did not fall, which shows how fast he struck.

Nimoxing tried several moves but was still defeated. His martial arts skills were already inferior.

(End of chapter)

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