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Chapter 251 Little Taoist Nun

Chapter 251 Little Taoist Nun

Author: Monkey to G

Chapter 251 Little Taoist Nun

Chen Xuan suddenly said this deliberately, which made Yeluyan a little confused for a moment.

She thought Chen Xuan came to her tonight just to ask her to help Yelu Chucai, but she didn't expect that he said he didn't need her help.

Yeluyan said doubtfully.

"Brother Yang, what do you mean? There is no need to hide anything between you and me now, just say it directly."

Chen Xuan didn't hesitate and said directly.

"Good girl, I would like to submit a petition to express my determination to your father."

"Certificate of Voting?"

"That's right, in the world of martial arts, if you fall into a trap and become bandits, brothers who are sworn brothers will vote together, which is considered a vote. Now I want to help your father get rid of a former enemy to show my determination."

"Enemies?" Yeluyan only reacted at this moment, but she frowned and thought for a while before shaking her head, "My father is kind to others and has never had any enemies."

"Not one?"

"Indeed there is not one."

Yeluyan shook her head, but Chen Xuan didn't believe it.

"Good girl, I really don't believe what you say. People can't help themselves in the world, so how can they not have an enemy? Even if your father treats others with kindness, if he doesn't provoke others, others may not provoke him."

Hearing this, Yeluyan frowned and thought for a moment before reacting and frowning.

"What Brother Yang said is true. To be honest, my father did have several sworn enemies in the court. Among them, Dorondo, the Minister of Household Affairs, was a Mongolian. He and my father had always been at odds with each other and had quarreled with each other several times.


"Okay, Duolondo, I've written it down."

After Chen Xuan finished speaking, he stood up.

Seeing his crisp and neat look, Yeluyan couldn't help but frown.

"Brother Yang, are you leaving now?"

"The conflict between Song and Meng has devastated all lives. I am determined to quell this war, so naturally I cannot stop for a moment."

Although Yeluyan didn't try to persuade her, she still let out a low "hum", obviously seeing that Chen Xuan didn't pay attention to her at all, and now he deliberately approached her, but it was just for the sake of making excuses.

Chen Xuan was really planning to leave, but he didn't expect that the girl suddenly snorted, which made his heart move.

He really didn't think much about Yeluyan. After all, although the girl was not bad looking, Chen Xuan had already been entertained by Guo Fu and the other girls for half the night, and now he really had no intention of getting tired of Yeluyan.

But Yelu Yan now made it clear that she was not happy, so Chen Xuan hesitated for a moment and decided to persuade her. After all, this girl was Yelu Chucai's third daughter, and she would be useful in the future.

When Chen Xuan thought of this, he simply turned around and pinched her, and chuckled.

"Prime Minister Yelu is a veteran of three dynasties, with first-class literary skills and military skills. Why are you, a good girl, so greedy?"

"You!" Yeluyan was greatly annoyed, but Chen Xuan smiled angrily and said, "Glutty cat~"

Yeluyan frowned for a moment, and wanted to say something to him, but Chen Xuan didn't do anything, so he started to move his hands directly. Yeluyan said that she was delicate and annoyed, but there was nothing she could do about it, and she started to agree after a while.

After a few hours passed, it was already the fourth watch.

Chen Xuan then walked out holding on to the wall. He felt that after a whole night of tossing, almost everyone was gone.

It was already dawning at this time. As soon as Chen Xuang walked out of the corridor, he planned to go back and find a place to rest for a while. He didn't want to walk through the corridor and saw Huang Rong, dressed in a goose-yellow silk shirt, walking into the courtyard and stretching lazily.


Looking at her gentle, plump figure and carefree appearance, Chen Xuan raised his eyebrows. He originally planned to go back and take it easy, but now he wanted to punish this good wife immediately.

He walked straight up and pretended to be surprised.

"Huang Nuxia, why is it such a coincidence?"

"Hmph~" Huang Rong snorted softly, how could she not know his tricks.

When Chen Xuan saw that Huang Rong didn't answer anything, he didn't joke anymore and just said:

"I have made it clear that Yelu Chucai has a mortal enemy named Dolondo. I plan to go to Mongolia immediately to assassinate this Dolondo."

Seeing that he was in such a hurry, Huang Rong didn't think much about it for a moment, she just hesitated and said.

"Okay, I'll go and explain to Fu'er."

"It doesn't matter, if Aunt Guo doesn't want to, we can choose another candidate, as long as she is articulate, eloquent, and smart enough to deal with the situation in the Mongolian court."

As soon as Chen Xuan said these words, Huang Rong couldn't help but glance at him. If others didn't know what he meant, how could she know?

Chen Xuan seemed to be thinking deeply, but in fact, wasn't she the only one who could meet these conditions?

However, Huang Rong also knew very well that this trip to Mongolia was not only to show determination to get rid of Yelu Chucai's mortal enemy, but also to find other opportunities.

Inciting rebellion against Yelu Chucai is certainly their mission, but if Yelu Chucai is unwilling to come out, then they must look for other candidates, or even directly choose a high-ranking minister in the Mongolian court and find a way

Let this person help mediate and finally get Mongolia to withdraw its troops.

Except for Huang Rong herself, those young girls who can do this right now simply don't have such a character and ambition.

Thinking of this, Huang Rong snorted and walked away angrily.

Chen Xuan raised the corner of his mouth and revealed a sneer.

Huang Rong walked quickly to the east courtyard. She thought Guo Fu was in her wing, but she didn't expect that no one answered the door when she knocked on the door.

Chen Xuan smiled lazily and said.

"Fumei went to see Miss Cheng Ying half of last night. I'm afraid she's in the west wing now."

Huang Rong snorted coldly, "You know it quite well."

"That's natural." Chen Xuan smiled miserably, "Mei Fu is infatuated with me, so naturally I care about her too."

"..." Upon hearing this, Huang Rong's face darkened, as if she had thought of something, and she walked towards the west wing without saying a word.

It's still morning.

Guo Fu, Xiao Longnu and other girls entertained Chen Xuan yesterday, but they are still awake now.

Huang Rong walked outside and knocked on the door, but Gongsun Lu'e got up and opened the door.

"Mrs. Guo?"

"Is Ful in there?"

"Here I am."

Gongsun Lv'e responded, and when she saw Huang Rong preparing to enter the house, she came back to her senses and said hurriedly.

"Sister Fu, she's not awake yet, I'll call her."

"No need, I don't know her character yet, she doesn't look like a girl."

Huang Rong didn't care about this either. She had always known that her eldest girl was a delicate young lady, and she wouldn't even be able to comb her hair without the help of a maid and a mother-in-law.

But this time the situation seems to be different.

She walked straight into the room and saw that Guo Fu had not gotten up yet, but it was not just her, but also Lu Wushuang, Cheng Ying, Wanyanping, Xiao Longnv and other women.

There is still a faint smell left in the room, and several people are unkempt, lying horizontally and vertically, all in white, and completely out of shape.

Huang Rong immediately turned pale and wanted to get angry, but Chen Xuan smiled angrily instead.

"This is just a pastime for Sister Fu and I. Why does Huang Nuxia need to get angry?"

When Huang Rong heard this, she said she was very angry, but when the words came to her lips, she just snorted coldly.

She knew that Chen Xuan was an evil and arrogant person, and he was not a gentleman at all. Now she just hated Guo Fu for being willing to be teased by him like this, but she didn't know what to say.

First of all, this is indeed Chen Xuan, Yang Guo and Guo Fu's own business. Since Guo Fu has promised Chen Xuan and Chen Xuan has attracted so many romantic relationships, it is also his own business. How can Huang Rong speak against him?

Furthermore, when she was in Lujiazhuang outside Dasheng Pass, she also had a hard time with Chen Xuan because of the poisoning by the Mongolian master.

Nowadays, there are so many unknown girls in this room, and Huang Rong also knows that Chen Xuan is a shameless libertine. If she really talks to him, she will be embarrassed in the end.

Thinking of this, she simply put all these things aside for the time being, just waiting to settle the accounts again in the future.

She was a little angry for a moment, and she even said something to Guo Fu, turned around and left. However, Chen Xuan walked over, patted the cheeks of the girls to wake them up, and explained the situation one by one.

However, he did not mention that he would check out the situation in Mongolia. He only said that he was going to Mongolia to assassinate Dolondo and would be back soon.

Although Xiao Longnu and others were reluctant to leave, they knew that he was going to do business, so they didn't say anything more.

In this way, Chen Xuan left the girls in Bianliang City for the time being, while he and Huang Rong rode quickly and lightly to Mongolia.

Although she is said to be a fast horse and a light rider, Huang Rong is pregnant after all. In addition, she is petite and suffered some internal injuries from wandering in the world in her early years, so her health is not in good shape now.

Chen Xuan saw this and naturally did not want to offend the beauty. After thinking about it, although Huang Rong didn't mention it, he still found a carriage and went north.


At this time, the Mongolian dynasty had successively destroyed the Western Xia, Jin, Liao and other northern countries. It was at the height of its power and its territory stretched thousands of miles. However, the royal court still remained in the grassland and desert.

Chen Xuan and Huang Rong went all the way north and walked for several days, but the road ahead was still far away.

Seeing the days passing by, Chen Xuan couldn't help but become anxious. He had nothing to do but follow the carriage and stroll around twice.

Unexpectedly, during this stroll, he actually noticed something unusual.

Glancing out of the corner of his eye, he saw someone who seemed to be following behind him from a distance.

It didn't seem obvious when they were inside the pass before, but now that he and Huang Rong were out of the pass, surrounded by vastness, it seemed a bit sudden to have a person following behind them.

Chen Xuan's heart moved, but he didn't say anything. He just got into the carriage and whispered.

"Huang Nuxia, someone seems to be following us."

"Following?" Huang Rong frowned slightly. She was tired from traveling all the way and really had no energy. Now when she heard Chen Xuan say this, she seemed to have thought of something and said in a deep voice.

"The people who will be following us now are none other than Yelu Chucai's men or the Mongolian Queen's people. The Mongolian Queen forced Yelu Chucai away and led a group of relatives to control the Mongolian court. I'm afraid there will be no

She would let Yelu Chucai go easily. Now we are afraid that she is targeting her."

"Then I get rid of him now?"

"No need. As we go to Mongolia this time, we will inevitably have to deal with the queen. Besides, there is no need to hide our itinerary. There is no point in getting rid of the spy."

Huang Rong was open-minded about this, but Chen Xuan felt very uncomfortable with it.

He understands the current situation better than Huang Rong and knows that in addition to ordinary martial arts masters, there are masters from the Black Horn Society in Mongolia. The people following him this time are most likely related to the Black Horn Society.

After Chen Xuan and Huang Rong had a brief discussion, they secretly made up their minds to wait until dark at night before finding a way to meet that person.

It was still early now, and there was endless grassland outside the pass. If he rashly turned around to pursue him, he was afraid that the man would be able to see his movements from hundreds of steps away and run away.

Thinking of this, Chen Xuan put aside the matter of the mysterious spy for the time being, turned to look at Huang Rong, and couldn't help but take a look.

When Huang Rong saw something strange in his eyes, she immediately glared at him and pretended to be cold.

"You can go out."

"Go out?" Chen Xuan originally just glanced at him casually. When he heard that Huang Rong was so indifferent to him, he smiled angrily and said, "Huang Nuxia, I don't want to go out now, but I want to go in."

"Come and try." Huang Rong's pretty face was frosty, with a cold attitude.

Although Chen Xuan knew that she was just pretending now, Chen Xuan still pretended to be a gentleman and smiled.

"Huang Nuxia, what do you mean? I don't quite understand. Now I only want to go to the Mongolian royal court to quell the war between Song and Mongolia. Aren't you making things difficult for me?"

"Humph!" Huang Rong snorted coldly, her pretty face tilted, and she looked out the window but ignored him.

Chen Xuan smiled proudly, but there was a bit of coldness in his eyes. He had actually been lusting after Huang Rong for a long time, but as he said, going to the Mongolian Royal Court was the most important thing right now.

When the time comes, when he goes to the Mongolian Royal Court, whether he directly assassinates Dorondo or looks for other opportunities, he needs someone who can negotiate.

If Huang Rong is made anxious now, it will undoubtedly delay the business.

Chen Xuan was thinking about this in his mind, but before he could think about it for a while, there was a sudden knocking sound outside the window.

I just heard a girl shouting.

"People inside come out!"

Chen Xuan and Huang Rong looked at each other, and Chen Xuan got out straight away. When he looked up, he didn't expect a little Taoist nun riding a donkey to be following the carriage.

This little girl was dressed in a blue and purple Taoist robe, her hair was in a bun, her face was as white as jade, and she looked very delicate.

She originally wanted to check the people in the carriage aggressively, but she was surprised when Chen Xuangang came out.

"It's... you're such a villain?!"

"Little Taoist nun?"

Chen Xuan raised his eyebrows, was stunned for a moment, and then said with a bad smile.

"Isn't this a coincidence? I've been looking forward to you for a long time."

This girl is none other than Hong Lingbo, Li Mochou's disciple.

She and Li Mochou had chased Lu Wushuang earlier, and when they arrived at Bianliang City, it was only Lu Wushuang, Cheng Ying, and Wanyanping who actually fell in love with Yeluqi.

Li Mochou knew that Yelu Chucai was a big shot in Mongolia and that Yelu Jin was also the manager of Bianliang City, so she did not dare to break into their mansion to ask for people.

So these days I took Hong Lingbo and watched outside Yelu Chucai's residence until I saw a carriage leaving the residence a few days ago and heading outside the pass.

She asked Hong Lingbo to go and investigate the situation. Unexpectedly, the carriage was not slow enough, and the donkey Hong Lingbo was riding was so slow that he could not catch up for a while.

Now that she finally caught up, she unexpectedly met her nemesis again.

(End of chapter)

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