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Chapter 110 Life and death are only a moment

Chapter 110 Life and death only happen in a moment

The mission to slay the demons in Fraser did not go well.

It has been three days since Muchenxing Kazuhiko arrived on this planet. He rescued Steve, the leader of the Northern Tribe Alliance. Under his guidance, he visited many settlements. He only encountered some degenerate demons.

There is no trace of the devil.

Those demons who were infected with the virus and caused genetic mutation could not stop even Mu Chenxing's thoughts. As long as they entered his mind force field, their brains would be shattered the next moment.

But there is no point in killing these little guys no matter how much they do. If the source of the virus is not eliminated, the degenerate demons will appear one after another until the planet is no longer inhabited.

"We are following ordinary people and moving slowly. When can we find the devil?" He wanted to return to Earth as soon as possible.

Yan didn't mean to be anxious at all, or in other words, she didn't show any anxiety at all. She was still in the mood to tease Mu Chenxing: "The mortal in your mouth is your most loyal believer. Is it really okay to dislike him so much?"

"It's a believer from the Super Seminary, not mine." Mu Chenxing distinguished.

The northern region of Fraser has believed in the Time God system since ancient times, that is, the Time God Space, the dean of the Super Seminary, and the various super genetic warriors in the college.

Although the power of the Galaxy has only recently come to fruition, it is a project that began 17,000 years ago and has long been legendary in Steve's tribe.

Coupled with Mu Chenxing's performance in the past few days, the "divine power" of killing demons instantly while strolling in the courtyard, the barbarian leader was completely stunned.

But even though he was able to fight, he still found the wrong person and became angry.

Steve gave the order, and the Tianhe command center was raided. Kesha and the low-level guarding angels were besieged. The demon Carl also appeared in the sight of Angel Yan and Yi Shunxue.

"Things like souls, thought entanglements, dark information templates, etc., demons can be resurrected by implanting thoughts and dark information. If you want to try taking that away, we can still survive."

"Fuck..." You were afraid that Atuo's rambling about what would happen in the future, with his innocent and girlish demeanor, would make you feel sick.

How could Yi Shunxue spot the enemy's obvious seduction tactics? But I don't have the confidence to break through the enemy's trap.

As long as I get close to a certain range, I can kill my opponent in a few ways, and I still have a trump card hidden outside my dark plane.

"It's just a few big kids, how can he be so entangled? The support you gave him is enough to calm us down."

"Okay, okay, let him stop talking about friendship with you, stop talking about ultimate fear, just brainwash you and make you afraid of him." Steve quickly hung up the communication.

The eight-handled god-killing weapon outside the storage space suddenly appeared in the material world.

"Yan, help me burn it." I would use vibration energy to light a fire, but this method is troublesome and powerful. It is as convenient as an angel's flaming sword.

That child is only seventy years old and his potential is too small.

"What is it?" Yan was very curious about the energy group wrapped with dark information.

Yan waved his hand casually, and two balls of flame fell under Karl and Muto. The low-temperature flames of tens of thousands of degrees burned the bodies to ashes in a matter of seconds.

Then explode the supernova.

"Come up!" The anti-void module, which could be activated with a sound, was actually activated because it was so angry that it panicked when it was suppressed.

An 80,000-year-old boy still looks like an innocent virgin. Just thinking about it gives me goosebumps.

"Oh~" You sighed, everything was ready, and you finally reached that step.

I have participated in eight wars in which angels judged demons, which is a big deal. I am determined to hide in a dark corner now, waiting for you to reveal your flaws. The more times like that, the more calm I can be."

"The communication has been blocked, and the contact with the United States has gone to the earth." Yan was very worried. There was only one demon appearing in front of him. So, if our target is King Kesha who leads a large group of guards.

In addition to the main battlefield on the earth, Atuo needs to block the gate of Lieyang. After all, if he wants to move his main god, once he is blocked, the entire civilization will have to rush over and fight for his life.

Steve watched Morgana grow up, and it must be said that she grew up too slowly. No one can catch the devil except myself. These crooked melons and dates in Styx,

It's up to me to deal with it.

"Small clocks must be used." Steve downplayed this issue for the first time during his phone call with Ato.

I instantly teleported to the enemy's sky, and the enemy slashed upwards, trying to take the opportunity to kill Karl.

And post-war deployment is also very complicated.

Just as you think, the devil is indeed planning a conspiracy, and it is a conspiracy that is about to close.

It flies really slow, but it takes a while to really catch up.

It’s not that it’s very difficult to implement.

Morgana used her telekinesis to retract eight god-killing weapons, mobilized the micro-wormhole template, and retracted the lightning halberd that had rushed into space. She had just taken two steps when she suddenly remembered something.

"You haven't scanned the entire planet to track the demon's dark message. According to Yi Shunxue's description, the person who released the virus on Muchen Star should be Steve's adjutant, the demon Carl.

"Daxin, the enemy has no trap." Angel Yan reminded slowly. You actually wanted to stop him and let him chase you, but your energy was exhausted. Instead of chasing him, he was flashing and teleporting.

Obedient boy.

Suddenly, a dark energy attack mixed with electric light struck directly, and space fluctuations appeared in the air in front of him.

At this time, the ugly angel was sitting next to me, calming my anxious mood with a gentle tone:

"Bad." Atuo was naturally vague about that.

"Kill me and go back to support." Morgana didn't show any firmness at all. She continued to teleport with Shukuchi, preparing to rush to the enemy and quickly resolve the battle. I was not prepared for Kesha being sniped.

Waste time to be surprised.

It was me who used their trap to kill them!

Within a minute, I teleported more than a hundred times in succession, covering a thousand kilometers, and finally caught up with Karl.

Angels can lag behind humans in every aspect.

While restraining Keisha, seizing control of the Sun's Light, and having to deal with an eighth-generation god, two eighth-generation super warriors, and four seventh-generation warriors are too difficult.

The meeting was very successful. The devil's meetings are occasionally very efficient, and what the male king said didn't mean anything.

Two Yashiro gods and one Yashiro warrior were killed instantly by the seventy-year-old boy behind them! The people who were instantly killed were such beautiful people, one was the Yatsushiro god Nusa from the Styx, and the other was the demonic Yashiro god Karl.

, and none of them is Muto, the unknown bounty hunter in the universe.

Even with the use of a small clock, there is no way to suppress Kesha.

Both sides must attack at the same time to give the enemy time to react.

I rolled over and landed on the ground without any care. The warrior a few kilometers behind me was stabbed to death in the wasteland with two swords and a spear piercing his chest and abdomen.

I really don't think it's difficult to kill Yi Shun, so I want to delay solving the matter with Mu Chenxing and rush back to China as soon as possible.

The earth is a trap.

"Not yet. You refused to blow up the Tianhe first. It's too risky. What if you die?"

"Be patient, he will fall into the enemy's trap as soon as he slows down." Yan held Morgana's shoulders and sat next to me. The bonfire at night reflected your face, which was so bright.

"Hold your hand." Yan dragged Yi Shunxue and flew back to the aircraft on standby in synchronous orbit, and the two of them returned to the earth with ease and excitement.

Belief in the power of the galaxy and the god of time has become more and more devout.

When Angel Yan flapped his wings and flew to the battlefield, the battle began beautifully.


"Invite the Demon King to attend the war meeting." The notification from the smart program reached your ears.

The enemy carried in front of him using space had just appeared, and before the long knife in his hand could land, he was pierced by the lightning halberd accelerated to sub-light speed.

Morgana tried to use her hands on Carl's ashes, and the energy field entangled down, and a white group of spiritual energy formed instantly and gathered under my hand.

Yi Shun always said the same thing, which made Steve angry: "Who said you will die? Kesha's silver wings are not less sharp. You have experienced this many times. What do you want to do most?"

Do you know that I will cut you into four pieces and put them in a bottle?"

Yi Shun's body was in disarray, and it was difficult to maintain his flying posture. He could only follow the inertia backwards, and his speed dropped a little, giving Morgana the opportunity to retreat to within ten kilometers away.

"You want this eldest child's genes, it's worthless for research." A'tuo has done in-depth research on space, and has explored a route in micro-wormhole technology, which is very important to Yi Shunxue's ability to mobilize space at the macro level.

, very interested.

"You will find the devil, stay patient." You are impatient. You have searched for Steve all over the universe for a thousand years. The devil is always hiding in corners and plotting evil tricks. You are not used to it yet.


The demon army divided its troops into two groups, and used wormhole sniper tactics to pretend to attack the Tianhe, creating chaos, assisting Bai Feng in hijacking the light of the sun, and transferred it to the Emerald Star for standby.

The older kid later said he could beat himself. Maybe, maybe, I was serious.

After walking together for eight days, Yan's shadow was deeply engraved in my heart. Facing that beautiful angel with almost zero flaws, I couldn't resist at all.

And the support I'm talking about is to support Kesha. The King of Angels wants to live, and it's other people's turn to worry about it. The support I'm talking about is to go back and support China.

The other way is to weakly attack the angels, which will involve Kesha's computing power and create opportunities for Yi Shun to move Kesha to the Emerald Star.

The electric field of 200 million volts formed a blue ion light beam, blasting the enemy into carbon powder. The release of energy did not stop, and it rushed directly into space.

"The sacred wings are so beautiful. You can handle the left wing by yourself. The right wing... there is no troublesome big bastard by your side. That damn kid is a bad guy to deal with. He sent someone to entangle me." Steve deduced the sniper kill.

Keisha's plan strives to make mistakes every step of the way.

"Liang Bing, you have known each other for eleven thousand years, and we have been together..."

Can it only be teleported over short distances? Is the control capability sufficient or the computing power sufficient? It is so boring to be able to change the spatial structure at a macro level. I really want to catch it and study it.

Morgana had no intention of evading. Po Jun's upward slashing movement failed to stop. Instead, he activated a gravitational field, instantly increasing his weight to a thousand tons.

"Go back to Earth." Yi Shunxue urged.

Mu Chenxing also had to hold back the right-wing guard. If the Earth side delayed in finding an opportunity and the war was delayed, it would be a big trouble for Angel Yan, a big Bichi, to come back in time to join the war.

Po Jun's chops were driven more slowly by the weight of the sword. In the blink of an eye, he broke through Karl's armor, cut into the skin and flesh, severed the bones, slashed along the left neck to the right armpit, and split the head and arms into pieces.

Two paragraphs.

Is that okay? I’m fine with that.

That was the last combat meeting after the war.

"Oh." Yan agreed, but he flapped his wings and moved. You were stunned by the 1V3 battle just now, with an instant kill.

What I care about is the instant kill. In my opinion, these people are just like that. What I care about is the effect of spatial ability.

Yan feels that he should re-evaluate Morgana. Not only do I have no potential, but my current combat power is also strong.

But Karl had suffered a lot from Yi Shunxue and had no intention of fighting. He appeared in the air dozens of kilometers away. When he saw me approaching, he turned around and flew away.

The power of the electromagnetic acceleration force field outside the dark plane reached its lower limit, and the weapons in the force field were accelerated into a beam of lightning.

Are they setting an ambush to kill you?

Yashiro gods are rare. They are figures at the level of the main god of civilization. In the known universe, there are only eight seventh-generation gods who can surpass the eighth-generation god body. Counting Steve, who is suspected of being a seventh-generation god body, there are only seven people.

The person who launched the attack was a man wearing a hood, a mask on his face, and dressed as a warrior. His stealth skills were very weak. He could be detected in time by his own detection methods if he was several kilometers away in the direction of Karl's flight.

The power of the Galaxy has just been activated for a few months, but it hasn't grown to the point where it can defeat the Yashiro Kami? Hiko is very impressed with me.

Po Jun has the ability to defeat the super gene, but Carl is still dead. He just wants to return to Earth quickly and forgets to do the last hit.

The person carrying it in front of the back must have come from a longer distance, which makes it even more clear who it is.

"Please be careful. Don't die in such a difficult situation. The male king has so few resources to resurrect them. Take action!"

They are all difficult to deal with.

"You encountered demons in Yunshan and fought against Karl. If Yi Shunxue had rescued me in time, I wouldn't have been killed by you. As long as you can find me, how difficult is it to destroy the demons?"

Morgana's answer made Yan frown. Angels don't have any technology related to thinking and consciousness. Now it seems that they are obviously lagging behind in that area. That's okay, but they need to invest a little more in scientific research to catch up with that technology.


The fight of life and death is just a matter of seconds.

"Of course you have to struggle." Steve thought for a moment: "Yes, yes, kill Kesha first, and then help him deal with the Xiongbing Company. To be honest, Atuo, he is definitely going to kill you, that time too

His worst chance."

"Let's go and return to Earth quickly. If something happens here," Morgana urged again.

It was not until then that the sneak energy attack hit Morgana, knocking me flying a hundred meters. The dark alloy armor under me glowed with a small white-purple halo, providing energy for the energy supply system.

A small wave of energy.

"He will die."

At this time, A'tuo was sitting opposite Pan Zhen, ignoring the angry eyes of the Lieyang Regent, but repeatedly watching the scene of Morgana's battle with Yi Shunxue.

"Let his people go and destroy it, be careful not to be hacked to death by me."

(End of chapter)

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