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Chapter 126 The real lipstick line and future war

Chapter 126 The real demographic red line and future war

The ending in Los Angeles is very simple. Mu Chenxing and others just slap their butts and leave, leaving the rest of the matter to Stark Industries' legal department and the police department.

The Australian side is much more complicated.

More than 1,400 damaged combat units needed to be recovered.

The 500-meter-long Tama, which is shaped like an equilateral triangle, was almost split in half by the frigate's main gun. It required the establishment of a maintenance and research site on the spot.

Tony also needs to attend a United Nations inquiry meeting on the matter and respond to "reasonable requests" from various countries to participate in the study of alien spacecraft.

Mu Chenxing felt that these were not a big deal. He had something really important to tell several members of the council, especially the four directors of Marvel.

The first is the issue of population red lines.

"I learned something about the Celestials from Tiamat. The Celestials are not born naturally. They are a race called the Celestials.

Every billion years, the Celestials will select a group of planets with life and plant the seeds of the Celestials into the star core. The seeds will continue to absorb the energy of the planet and wait for the birth of intelligent life. Their final maturity needs to absorb

The unique life energy of intelligent life.

The Celestial Gods call this step the Divine Appearance. I don’t know about other Celestial Gods, but Tiamat’s Divine Appearance requires seven billion people.

In Ajak's millions of years of memory, someone once gathered six gems and did incredible things. It is said that even if he wants to kill all life in the universe or resurrect all life in the universe, he can do it


"I don't mean to control the population, let alone do things that reduce lives in order to maintain the population red line. This is inconsistent with the purpose of the council.

Of course this is nonsense, he is just using the Eternals as an excuse to reveal some plot information that he knows.

Ethan's words were recognized by Tony and Banner.

In other words, once the population of the earth reaches 7 billion, the emergence of gods will begin immediately and be irreversible. This is a population red line." Mu Chenxing knocked on the conference table and emphasized to the six directors present:

The current date for Marvel is late September 2011.

I don’t know who these people are, but the people at the bottom will definitely suffer the most, and they will not be those who stand up and appeal anyway.

Therefore, it is necessary to understand whether the time left for Marvel Earth is six years or twelve years.

He took out the space gem and said: "At the beginning of the birth of the universe, there were six singularities, which formed six such gems, called infinity gems. I got some information from the Eternals.

What we need to do now is to build a population growth model. We need to understand the time it takes to break through the population red line. This time is the time limit to save the earth."

"We should build a strong safe and prepare some anti-theft measures."

Once the demographic red line is exposed, there will definitely be people who stand on the moral high ground and use various means to sacrifice a small number of people under the banner of safeguarding the majority.

This method is the safest, but Tiamat will lose the last step of growth and its abilities will be reduced by at least one level.

"We have to do it ourselves." Dr. Banner nodded in agreement with Tony's opinion.

Therefore, Mu Chenxing prefers the second method in his heart.

"Since we know that someone is collecting infinite stones, we should keep them carefully."

It would also be nice to have Thanos be the captain of the transportation team.

Mu Chenxing vowed: "There are at most four, and there is another one on the earth, controlled by the mage who protects the earth. Don't worry, I have a chance of winning.

That should be 2018.

Those Eternals have been on earth for seven thousand years, but they are not seven thousand years old. I read some very interesting things from the memory of their captain Ajak.

Therefore, I decided to kill this person, take the opportunity to collect the gems, and use the power of the six infinite gems to separate Tiamat from the earth and ensure that both of them are safe."

However, it has been almost three months since Thor returned to Asgard. Loki is probably wandering deep in the universe and may have been captured by Thanos. Mu Chenxing is eyeing the Mind Stone.

"We will complete this as soon as possible." Ethan's brows knitted together. The real population statistics were not easy to complete. He suspected that the world's population now exceeds seven billion.

With just a snap of his fingers, Galaxy Force's invincible body will definitely be able to survive. Even if he is seriously injured, with the Void Controller around, he can rewrite the injury and recover again.

"The second thing is about this issue." He considered his words and continued: "I have at least two ways to solve the problem of Tiamat leaving the earth safely.

Thanos is very strong, but Mu Chenxing does not feel that he is weaker than him, not to mention that he still has six years to grow.

Find the star core, stabilize the crust with a force field, and then replace Tiamat."

The first way is to find a star core suitable for the earth. Finding it in the deep space of the universe is of course very slim, but it is not that difficult to solve in the multiverse.

Faced with the star core that is not known to be found, the credibility of the Infinity Stones that actually appears in front of them is higher. Tony, Banner, Ethan and Daisy are all willing to believe in the Chairman's credibility.

"We cannot let the governments of various countries know about this matter. Those politicians can do any evil things." Everyone could understand Tony's words.

"But you only have one gem. That person may have collected five when they came. Will we be unable to defeat them?" Daisy expressed her worries.

"Don't put too much pressure on me." Mu Chenxing comforted him: "Since I invited Tiamat to join the council, I have a way to solve this matter, so don't worry."

Of course he doesn't want to fight a battle to defend New York, he just wants to lure people over.

"The model of population growth needs to be established as soon as possible. I want to know how much time there is." Mu Chenxing remembered that the timeline of the Eternals is about 2024, but it seems to have said that when Thanos snaps his fingers, the population will have reached the divine level.


"There is an Eternal tribesman from Titan who is collecting gems and has achieved quite a lot. I think he will definitely come to Earth." Mu Chenxing nodded at the space gem placed on the conference table and continued: "You can't avoid it.

, he will definitely come.

Of course, leaving it to Tony and others to guard it would not be more concealed and safer than putting it in a separate space.

They are creations of the gods, equivalent to biochemical robots. They have existed for millions of years and have witnessed dozens of divine appearances.

But now there is a problem. The Infinity Stones cannot leave your universe. After I leave, I need you to protect the Space Stones to prevent them from being stolen."

"Should we sink it to the bottom of the sea or bury it in some hidden place?"

The two of them expressed their own opinions and expressed what they believed to be solid views.

"I think there is no safer place than this battleship. We should take more anti-theft measures to protect the gems."

Mu Chenxing finally made his decision and decided to set a trap in the space battleship and wait for the arrival of the little prince of Asgard.

(End of chapter)

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