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Chapter 128 Finding the Crown Prince Has Become a Trend

Chapter 128 Finding a heir has become a trend

The environmental simulation of Tianren 7 is particularly detailed. Although it is in synchronous orbit, the gravity and air are almost the same as those on the ground.

The blue sky, white clouds, and sunlight projected by the hologram blend with the blue planet behind, like a real hanging garden.

There are even some beautiful butterflies released, making this place more like a manor than a battleship floating in space.

Mu Chenxing walked on the green carpet-like lawn, wanting to go to Zhi Xin's laboratory to see the research progress of the gravitonium and Ulu metals that had been sent to him before.

Looking up, he saw Ji An running and exercising on the edge of the island in the sky.

"Hey, long time no see, Uncle Ji An." He greeted loudly.

"We chat in the group every day, how come we haven't seen each other for a long time? Also, do you need to shout the word uncle so loudly? You did it on purpose, right?" Ji An stopped running and his face was not red.

Not panting, not a trace of sweat.

Mu Chenxing chuckled and teleported to him: "It's useless for you to exercise like this. Your heartbeat doesn't even speed up."

"I just ran two steps when I had nothing to do. You were only a few hundred meters away from me just now. Do you need to teleport here? Young man, take two more steps and don't be so lazy."

Ji An secretly sighed inwardly. The impact of his leg injury still hadn't subsided. He liked running after he recovered, and would feel panicked if he didn't run a few steps every day.

"Sister Qilin refused. There are so many things going on right now, and I don't have time to think about that." He didn't want to continue talking about this, so he snapped his fingers and turned off the holographic image Ji An received.

Mu Chenxing did not hate Ge Xiaolun, but Ducao's manipulation made him decide to support his own people.

"If I'm not fighting rebellions in the rear, I'm working as a coolie. Alas! I haven't killed any aliens."

"Uncle Ji'an, I'm afraid you will be reduced to a coolie." He said with a smile: "I will implant the gene of Galaxy Power into you and load it with a void controller. This will give you the ability to create things out of thin air to build the earth.

External defense line.”

So, Void Controller, you should study it yourself.

Mu Chenxing likes to sit on the outside of the sky island, or on the wings of the sky blade, with his back to the earth, facing the darkness of the deep space.

I hate this kind of politics the most.

There was a problem with Lieyang's main star core. They inspected many planets and found several suitable ones, but the Earth was the closest to them. For technical reasons, they finally chose the Earth.

I feel very good.

There is Tianren No. 7 in synchronized orbit, but this one is having a great time at the Super Seminary.

Building a defense line naturally requires the highest authority of the entire defense line, otherwise it will be difficult to construct normally. If you put a small person in an important position, he will naturally no longer be a small person.

"Don't worry about whether it's outdated or not, just make it work." Ji An felt that there was nothing wrong with what he said. This was life experience and had been verified in actual combat.

This is not how you chase girls.

Mu Chenxing had no intention of chasing girls, and he didn't crash the car just to strike up a conversation. He was not Ge Xiaolun, he was only thinking about love.

Tianhe and six frigates were divided into squadrons. Qilin was promoted from flagship captain to squadron commander, and then sent to Mars to explore for minerals. He Weilan went with her.

So cool!

"I won't disturb your plan to train the heir apparent, nor will I stop you from taking her away. That's enough, right? Don't scold me as soon as we meet. Won't your conscience hurt?" He was now concerned about Qiangwei joining the devil camp.

Decided to sit back and watch.

In two or three months, the gene will be produced, and you will be busy then. No more chatting, I have to go to Zhixin's laboratory, see you later."

"Don't think about killing people all day long, it's so boring." Mu Chenxing made a tablet in the dark plane, took it out and handed it to him and said: "I passed some information on it, the atomic structure of various elements.

You should take a good look at it, you may need it later.

You also have to win over your allies.

The moon’s minerals are not enough for you, right? Go to Mars to explore for minerals. Can the minerals on Mars be mined? Or can they be transported back?

"If you don't open the pot, don't lift it!"

Speaking of this, he suddenly remembered something and turned around and asked: "What's going on between you and Qilin? If I hadn't heard Wei Lan mention it, I wouldn't have known you were crashing a car and chatting up people. You're so brave.

Yes, aren't you afraid that you will be shot on the spot?"

Walking on the tree-lined road of Super Seminary, he decided to learn from his enemy's strengths.

Mu Chenxing disagreed with these little people's remarks. Many historical changes were driven by small people. Throughout ancient and modern times, many heroes started out of ignorance, but he did not refute it.

"The earth needs a defense line to resist foreign enemies. This is a big project. With the current technical means, the coalition government cannot do it." Mu Chenxing looked back at Ji An and said: "After much thought, the only way to do this is to have the Galaxy with the void controller loaded on it."

It takes a lot of effort to complete this project.”

Now that the injury is healed, all the unpleasantness is gone. Your sister Wei Lan is straight-tempered and has a bad temper, but she is a good girl. I am lucky enough to meet her in this life. I dare not have other thoughts.


The representative of civilization finally chosen by the coalition government is Ge Xiaolun, the force of the Galaxy.

"I still have you, so I can just follow you."

After saying that, without waiting for an answer, he disappeared instantly.

The reason why we come here is because the third phase of Xiongbing Company has been recruited, and Reina, Ge Xiaolun and Du Qiangwei are training them.

As for his brother, he walks very slowly. When he needs to speed up, he either flies or teleports, but he has never been seen running.

The great man said it well, if we have to make our friends more numerous and our enemies fewer, victory will not be far away.

Brother, look back at that blue planet, don’t you want to leave a little mark of your own on its long river of time?”

Seeing Morgana taking the initiative to show up and running towards him, he had a new understanding of the gold content of the third phase.

Mu Chenxing had no objection to this choice. The Galaxy Power gene did have the most potential, but Dukao's methods disgusted him.

At that time, he didn't think carefully about the consequences when his brain got hot. He was really immature, but he didn't regret it. If it happened again, he would stop it, but he would just change to a safer method.

"I think you're jealous of me because you can't learn the earth-shrinking technique." Mu Chenxing joked with a smile.

He is going to find Lena.

Looking up at the sky from the atmosphere, you will see blue sky and white clouds during the day, and stars all over the sky at night, but it is different in space. Without the air to refract light, the universe you see is an extremely deep darkness, like an endless abyss.

Ji An walked to Mu Chenxing and sat down, sighed, and said in a complicated tone: "At first, Weilan's family didn't agree. She once wanted to take me to a different place to live, saying that she could afford to support me.

"That's it. I'll inform Zhi Xin of the defense line drawings. Once I create the gene for Galaxy Power, I'll implant it in you immediately. This important task will be left to you."

No, Mu Chenxing felt that he spoke a little too early.

"I suddenly discovered that you are closely related to the word "blue". Your home is blue, and you have found a wife named "blue". Have you ever thought about doing something for this blue planet?"

"Which era's theory is this? It's outdated a long time ago, okay!" Mu Chenxing couldn't help but complain. What the hell is a good girl afraid of stalking a man? Isn't it a word from the last century?

It was me who initiated the breakup.

The war is coming, and all forces that can be united must be united.

This was actually an overt promotion and covert demotion, the purpose of which was to transfer Qilin, who had a high reputation, to make way for others.

When I first joined the army, I did so with the intention of dying.

It will evoke the deepest fear in the heart, which is the instinctive fear of the unknown in human beings.

After a pause, he turned to look at the Earth Defense flagship in the distance. What was parked there was no longer the Tianhe, but the newly launched Mangdangshan.

"Prince? Qiangwei is not the prince, she is the love of my life." Liang Bing looked at Mu Chenxing meaningfully: "The devil's prince, I am more optimistic about you."

The star core parameters of these planets must be very close to those of the Earth. There is a high probability that the star core problem in the Marvel Universe can be solved on these planets.

"I am Liang Bing, the superpower discovered by Qiangwei. I came here to be trained openly. What are you doing here, you little bastard?" Liang Bing has been having a lot of fun recently. Her sister was sent away by her, and angels have no time to fill the universe.

Chasing the devil, he discovered the "blood daughter" of Time and Space Rose.

That old pervert Hua Ye knows how to win over super warriors from beast bodies, triangular bodies and other civilizations.

Those are all outstanding people, but I dare not compare them. If it weren’t for your help, I would still be a cripple. You can eat as much food as you want. You need to be self-aware as a person. Being too big-hearted is not a good thing."

"Ah, I couldn't think of any other way." Mu Chenxing recalled what happened to stop Qilin from going to the airport. Although it had only been more than a year, it felt like a lifetime ago.

He enthusiastically pointed out: "You have to keep working hard. A good girl is afraid of stalking a man. As long as she takes up all her free time, it will happen naturally. A one-time deal will not work. This is not the way to chase."

He asked very seriously, and Ji An answered very seriously.

"Hey, hey, open up the holographic image for me. Don't panic in the dark space." Just as Ji An finished shouting, the blue sky and white clouds instantly appeared in front of him.

He just said lightly: "The war is not over. The enemy will come again, and it will be much more powerful than the gluttons and demons before."

Do you like the power of the galaxy? Okay, I will create another one for you. If you are capable, Ducao will marginalize him again.

His theory is almost complete, and he is ready to start preaching, hoping to create a new world with no worries about food and clothing. I made a promise with him that if one thousand years is not enough, I will help him increase his life span to ten thousand years.

For the Earth's star core.

"I used to be a small policeman. I cared about petty parents and caught the gangsters who were sneaking around. I didn't have any big ambitions." Ji An lay on his back on the grass, staring at the deep space of the universe that came into his eyes, and sighed with emotion.


"I am just an insignificant little person. My biggest dream is to get a promotion and a salary increase, and then retire and live in retirement. You ask me to have the same influence as those big figures in history, but I can't do it.

Mu Chenxing shook his head: "I don't want to classify myself into any world. You know that we are different from others. If you have such an opportunity, don't you want to do something?

"Have you reconciled with Sister Wei Lan?"

"Stop talking nonsense, let your sister Qi Lan know, be careful of her beating someone up."

"Are you going to stop saying that you are a nobody?"

Use this to train your mind.

Mu Chenxing wants to know the coordinates of those planets.

"Alas! The free days are gone soon." He stood up, patted his butt, and continued running.

Ji An knows Shukchi Jutsu and has practiced it very seriously, but he just can't use it, so he has no choice but to admit that he has no talent in this area.

"I'm going to go. I'm so cautious when you come here so suddenly." Ji An leaned back and was startled.

He didn't want to continue this topic and asked: "Now that you are back, can I be transferred back to the original unit?"

Moreover, he has the equipment to obtain star cores. If he can help Lieyang solve the problem of the main star, the main conflict between the earth and Lieyang will disappear.

He doesn't know the people in the third phase, and he doesn't care who they are. Anyway, the batch with the most potential were activated in the first two phases, and the rest are all useless and require a long period of cultivation to be useful.

Tony wants to use multinational corporations to lead the world, Ma Xianhong wants to use individual evolution to promote civilization, Yue Buqun has recently been studying Ma Zhe, and often laments that this is the same story as the gift of luck, but the same destination by different roads, and yearns for a world where the world is unified.

Ji An sighed depressedly. He would not refuse this mission. He knew how important the defense line was, but what he wanted to do most was to fight the enemy on the frontal battlefield.

"Are you a third-term student? Is a certain queen so idle? Isn't it fun to pretend to be a rookie?"

The mark of pain is too deep and its influence is difficult to wash away.

Mu Chenxing walked around Zhi Xin, looked at several research projects, talked about the outer defense line, and then teleported to the Super Seminary.

Ji An didn't know the inside story of this. He only knew that Mu Chenxing made no move after "struck up a conversation" with her.

"Aliens will come again? There's no end for these little red guys, so let's continue to fight them. This time I don't want to stay in the rear to suppress the rebellion. Is there a way for me to go to the front battlefield?" Ji An was not serious.

Bajing has fought against aliens before, but that doesn't mean he doesn't dare to fight tooth and nail.

"A little guy can fuck an alien!"

"I'm looking for someone, don't worry, I'm not looking for you." Mu Chenxing truly admired the Demon Queen's hiding ability. When she didn't appear in front of her, he couldn't find her even when he scanned the earth.

"Leng thinks you are incapable of protecting yourself and need the protection of angels." Mu Chenxing walked to the edge of the sky island, sat down and joked: "I have been on the Sky Blade for a while, and there are several angels who care about you.

Good impression, do you have any ideas?"

"No, the devil is too ugly, so I won't go." Mu Chenxing waved her hand and refused, changing the subject: "I heard that the Heavenly Scum King Hua Ye has jumped out again and wants to take back the Angel Nebula and restore order in the Celestial Palace.

May I ask Ms. Tianqi Wang Liangbing, what do you think about this? The results that you have worked hard for for thousands of years are now being lost. Can I ask how you feel?"

"You know a lot." Liang Bing was a little surprised. The new generation of angels may not know these things.

Surprised, she didn't want to pursue the matter, but turned around and walked away, saying as she walked: "I don't want to tell you, the queen. Don't disturb me. You will be fine."

(End of chapter)

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