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Chapter 135 The Window Period of Peace

Chapter 135 Window Period of Peace

Ge Xiaolun has been very depressed recently.

Rose is gone.

He left behind a sentence of "to complete the genes" and then disappeared without a trace.

Also disappearing with her were half of the third-term students.

Now there are only six students left in the third phase, and the atmosphere in the academy is extremely low. Out of sight and out of mind, Lena went to extraterrestrial defense to provide energy for building the solar system's defense line.

In fact, Ge Xiaolun didn't know that Reina would have left even if nothing happened about Qiangwei. Lieyang was taking sides, which one should Mu Chenxing or Dukao choose? The answer is so simple that one person can figure it out.

Especially after he bombed two planets in a row and led the angels to destroy the mottled blue civilization.

Anyone who knows this knows what it means.

A new god was born.

Angels' investment returns are so fast. Even Yan did not expect this return cycle. Her original plan was to spend a thousand years cultivating Mu Chenxing, but it only took more than a year to reach the harvest season.

Liang Bing chose to take Qiangwei away at this point in time because of the influence of Mu Chenxing. If he waited any longer, he could not use the devil to give up invading the earth as a condition to trick Qiangwei into leaving with him.

The child grew up too fast, and the cost of the devil's attack on the earth was too high. It was indeed time to re-evaluate the strength of the earth. By single-handedly bringing the planet he was born into into the ranks of advanced civilization, he did everything that a civilized god should do.


To this day, no advanced civilization will provoke the earth before it is sure to kill Mu Chenxing.

It is the consensus of the known universe that civilization cannot be destroyed without overthrowing the main god of civilization.

And the most terrifying enemy is the god who has lost his civilization and has no cares or scruples.

That is the nightmare of all civilizations.

"That's what Karl is like." Liang Bing looked at the newly resurrected Atuo and Artest and warned: "Don't provoke the earth. This queen doesn't want to face a madman. One madman is enough in this universe."

The devil's wings gave up hiding, swaggered out of the Milky Way, and disappeared into the vast deep space of the universe.

Tianren No. 7 naturally detected all this, and Keira asked: "Galaxy Force Mu Chenxing, are we pursuing it?"

Give chase!

Mu Chenxing didn't think he could defeat Liang Bing now. Even if he could catch up, the best outcome would be for both sides to suffer losses. The angels would inevitably suffer heavy casualties, and there would even be a risk of the entire army being annihilated.

Why bother?

Why bother?

Why are you looking for discomfort?

So I used the triangle as a cover: "I think the physical war is more important than the trial of the devil. Let's prioritize the matter and let the devil go for now."

Keira has no problem with that.

Meanwhile, Zhi Xin was busy in the laboratory, studying the newly obtained Eternals genes, and Leng was searching for the remaining troops of Mottled Blue in the Magellanic Clouds, and had no time to pay attention to anything else.

Therefore, Tianren 7 is still safely parked in the earth's synchronous orbit.

The Taotie expedition fleet has been destroyed long ago, leaving only the remnants of the Triangle. Now the demons hiding in the darkness have withdrawn and the blazing sun no longer covets the earth, and is focusing on repairing the core of the mother star.

Before the fall of Merlot Heaven, the earth no longer had to worry about the invasion of foreign enemies and had a rare period of peace.

During this window of time, the most important task is to establish a galaxy defense line.

The scientific and technological seminar on this matter was finally held after seven days of preparation.

The Blue Star coalition government convened thousands of scientists, military strategists, and politicians to gather at the Northern Star Assembly Hall, waiting for Ji An to take the stage to explain, preparing the conception and actual construction process of the two lines of defense in the solar system, as well as the defense after completion.

Arrange, conduct discussions and evaluate.

"Brother, can you tell me this?" Looking at the speech Ji An handed over, Mu Chenxing really wanted to roll his eyes.

A super soldier with a genetic system actually needs to use manuscript paper to record information?

"This uncle who has not kept up with the times, you even choose the most inefficient way to cheat. Isn't it so outdated?" He did not take the speech script and there was no need to read it.

"Don't I look formal?" Ji An concealed his nervousness, but his drooped shoulders and slightly rickety body completely betrayed him.

He Weilan slapped him hard: "Look at your potential! Stand up your chest and look like a man. Don't embarrass me!"

The slap was a bit too strong and made Ji An stagger.

Qilin almost burst into laughter and comforted her: "Just think that the people sitting down there are all watermelons, don't be nervous."

"Alas!" Mu Chenxing sighed, took Ji An's arm, came to the backstage curtain, pointed at the people inside the venue through the gap and said:

"They can only sit below and listen to you, and they are only qualified to sit below. No matter what you say, even if you go up and tell a dirty joke, they must listen.

Brother, you have to know one thing, they have no right to refute you! Do you understand?"

"Aren't you being too overbearing? We are here to give a report and then discuss it." The more Ji An studied knowledge these days, the more he felt that he was ignorant and had a little respect for scientists.

If there were a bunch of special forces and other combatants sitting in the auditorium, even super soldiers from the Xiongbing Company, if he had the slightest hint of fear, he would immediately write his name upside down.

Although he has not been on a frontal battlefield, he has fought hard and endured bullets, grenades, and rocket launchers. He is not afraid of death.

"What a waste of time to discuss. The galactic defense lines at the heliosphere have already begun to install accelerators. Do we still need to discuss whether to build them or not? To put it bluntly, this seminar is just to study how to cooperate with your problem.

What's there to be nervous about? Go up there and brag about your skills, boost your morale, and you're done!" Mu Chenxing's concluding remarks were particularly simple and rude.

The effect is really good.

Ji An was completely relieved: "I told you earlier. I stayed up for three nights to write the speech. I was very nervous. If you had said this earlier, why would I be so nervous? Who can't brag?


After saying that, he went to the stage to give a speech in a high-spirited manner.

"Morning Star, thank you, your friend, Lao Ji is really not in vain." He Weilan, who came backstage to cheer Ji An, said with special emotion.

"Sister Weilan, are you thanking me for bringing you back, or are you thanking my brother for extending his lifespan? Will you be able to live longer?" Mu Chenxing teased with a smile.

"Thanks all."

He Weilan originally thought that she would stay on Mars for a long time, and she was mentally prepared to never see her boyfriend again. After all, this was the first voyage to an alien planet in human history, and everyone was prepared to go there.

The awareness of no return.

After receiving the order to return, she was particularly happy when the fleet returned to Earth through the space gate opened by Mu Chenxing. Knowing that Ji An had also been implanted with a super gene made her even happier.

All the worries that were weighing down her heart were swept away. These days, she could wake up from her dreams with a smile.

"There's no need to say these kind words. I'm helping Brother Ji An, that's what I should do. If Sister Wei Lan really wants to thank you, just toast me with a few more glasses when you get married."

"I don't know how long we have to wait." Wei Lan muttered softly, obviously hating getting married.

Qilin held her arm in a funny way, trying to persuade her best friend, and she seemed to be trying to persuade herself: "The days are long, we can live for at least a thousand years, don't worry."

Although the words were addressed to He Weilan, her eyes glanced at Mu Chenxing from time to time. She felt helpless. Some little bastard flirted with her and then didn't follow up. It was really annoying.

Where is the energy to strike up a conversation after a car crash?

"You have to catch it as soon as possible, or else you'll run away." Wei Lan replied to her best friend with a pun.

Mu Chenxing did not hear the deep meaning of the two people's words. The incident between Wei Lan and Ji An aroused his thoughts on the genetic technology of Deno civilization.

Wei Lan was worried that Ji An's lifespan was too short before, but she didn't know that now her own lifespan is not even a fraction of Ji An's.

The genetic technology of the Deno civilization is divided into civilian types, special types, and super warriors.

They do not have the resources to fully popularize super genes, so ordinary citizens can only enjoy genetic optimization, which only solves genetic diseases, makes the body healthier, and can live for one or two hundred years.

Only outstanding talents can get the opportunity to gain genetic enhancement, slightly improve their physical fitness, and have a life span of one thousand years.

This is civilian genetic technology and does not involve dark matter computers.

Some special talents will enjoy special genetic enhancement, and their physical fitness will not improve much, but their life span will be measured in ten thousand years.

Specialized genes are extremely rare, even more valuable than super genes, and are exclusively supplied to top talents who cannot carry a miniature dark matter computer.

Both Lianfeng and Dukao are of this type.

Super gene warriors are exclusively used by the military. Ordinary soldiers are basically the first generation of mass-produced super genes. Micro dark matter computers are embedded in the gene chain. Compared with civilian types, their physical fitness has been greatly improved.

Some functions are also roughly divided, such as snipers, firepower, assaulters, blasters, etc. Without special modules loaded, the lifespan cannot exceed a thousand years.

Just cannon fodder.

The second-generation super genetic warriors are their main force and are very rare in number. He Weilan, Rui Mengmeng, and Zhao Xin are all second-generation models, loaded with different combat modules, each with their own special abilities.

But the lifespan has not been greatly improved, only one or two thousand years at most. If there are too many injuries, and the original genes or gene engines are too damaged, they may not be able to live for a thousand years.

The third-generation Nuoxing War God and Galaxy Power were not developed by Deno. These two models were originally designed for the third-generation divine body. In theory, they have unlimited lifespan.

The most special thing is Space-Time Rose. When this super gene was designed, it was also a divine body and was considered a third-generation gene. However, its degree of completion was too low. Many functions did not meet the design requirements, and its combat power was equivalent to that of a second-generation warrior.

Liang Bing really needs to continue to complete it. Mu Chenxing estimates that it will be some problems with the divine body and space algorithm. He himself is also doing simulation experiments in this area and wants to complete the space-time gene.

I have to say that the technical gap between Deno and Angel is really huge, and the gap in underlying genes is even greater.

Although Chaoshen Universe has taken the route of micro-machines, it does not mean that they have stopped evolving. Instead, they have embarked on a path of mechanical-assisted genetic evolution.

The micro dark matter computer not only provides computing power and combat capabilities, the gene chain has indeed been enhanced and evolved in the process of adapting to and carrying these machines, and can pass on excellent genes to the next generation.

This is one of the reasons why super warriors need high-energy nutrients.

Angels have evolved for a hundred thousand years, and their brain development has reached 45%. They can live for a thousand years without genetic enhancement. There is no civilization in the known universe that can surpass them. It is not unreasonable for them to be called the highest level of intelligent life.


The first generation of angels no longer have the problem of lifespan. They are loaded with high-speed space-time wings, have the ability to fly in a single curvature, and are also loaded with basic functions such as high temperature resistance and radiation resistance. They can survive in space with only their physical body.


It is also equipped with the top three god-killing weapons in the known universe - the Flame Sword, which can extract stellar energy and release flame bombardment, as well as the top-notch defensive equipment Sui Silver Armor.

Their combat power cannot be underestimated. They are fundamentally different from the first-generation warriors of other civilizations. At least they are not cannon fodder.

Coupled with the celestial-level computer linked to the treasure house of knowledge, the computing power and energy drive efficiency are additionally enhanced.

Many second-generation warriors from civilization may not be able to defeat first-generation angels.

This is called equipment crushing!

Highlight the inhumanity of a trench.

Not to mention other second- and third-generation Angels. For scientific research models of the same level, the Angels’ combat power is much stronger.

The Deno legacy inherited by the earth is really incomparable to that of angels. There are too many areas that need to be strengthened.

Except for individual weapons and equipment, it is lagging behind in all aspects.

The original genes of people on Earth are even more incomparable to those of angels, with a gap of 100,000 years of evolution.

What's more, angels have already popularized super genes, with a bunch of second-generation and third-generation gods, several third-generation gods, and two fourth-generation gods.

Such a powerful civilization was defeated steadily by the agents pushed out by Karl. Mu Chenxing was under great pressure.

Even if he knew that the culprit was in the Styx galaxy, he would not dare to come looking for him.

He had no idea what the phantom body was, and he had no idea how awesome the big clock was.

But he knows one thing.


Meanwhile, Hua Ye, the scum king, is gathering his old troops, and his whereabouts can't be found at all. In a few years, the Melo Heavenly Court will be in danger of falling.

Time waits for no one.

"Sister Qilin, Sister Weilan, it's time for me to leave. There is an important experiment that is about to be completed and I need to go over and keep an eye on it." Mu Chenxing said goodbye.

He was not going to participate in the seminar. Everyone knew how much time it would take to hold the conference. He came here just to cheer Ji An up and had no intention of staying long.

"You're really busy." Wei Lan complained for her best friend. She knew Qilin wouldn't say such things.

As she expected, Qilin had no intention of retaining her and only said, "Pay more attention to your health."

The three of them were saying goodbye, and Reina hurried to the backstage. When she saw Mu Chenxing, her face was filled with joy, and she greeted from a distance: "Morning Xing is here too, that's great, so I don't need to go out to find you."


"Sister Na, is there something wrong?"

"Who designed the star ring? This is a great idea! Do you want to exchange technologies?"

The information on the extraterrestrial defense line briefly explains the functions of the two star rings. The function of running away with the mother star is very consistent with Lieyang's character.

They were stubborn enough to live on the broken planet for more than 10,000 years, but they just couldn't bear to leave their homeland.

As soon as she saw this design, Reina immediately ran over to Ji An, ready to ask for specific details.

(End of chapter)

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