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Chapter 150 Everyone Needs to Shoulder Responsibility

Chapter 150 Everyone needs to shoulder responsibility

Author: Prisoner in the Cauldron

Chapter 150 Everyone needs to shoulder responsibility

"Every time you touch the cane, it is a test of courage; every time you give up, it is a test of wisdom. So, Edmund, when are you going to pick up the cane and give me a shot?"

Mu Chenxing knew that Edmund's cane had an ulterior purpose. It was not because he needed a cane to assist him in walking because he was old, nor was it just a custom among British gentlemen. It was a deformable firearm.

It applies Cybertronian technology, is loaded with six rounds of live ammunition, and can fire continuously. It is a stealthy weapon that is as powerful as a heavy firearm.

"Everyone needs to shoulder responsibilities." Edmund put away the smile on his face, and his plain expression revealed a sense of belief that he was ready to die.

The elder who was preparing refreshments in the side hall ran up to him, put on a fighting stance, and asked excitedly: "Are we going to start a war? My master!"

This small robot, less than 1.5 meters tall, is obviously a militant, and every gear on its body tells of his eagerness to try.

Mu Chenxing sat leisurely on his chair, wanting to see how much power this robot transformed from just its head could exert.

"Stop, don't be impulsive! Kegelman, you need to control your emotions." Edmund quickly stopped him. He was just expressing his position and had no intention of seeking death, and the conversation between the two parties did not reach the point of starting a fight.

"Okay, I need to divert my impulse." The elder muttered, and walked to the side hall in disappointment, muttering as he walked: "I'm going to make tea and desserts. Maybe I should have some chocolate."

The living room finally became quiet.

Edmund smiled bitterly, raised his finger and pointed at his temple, and said helplessly: "Sometimes he can't control his impulsive emotions. When people get old, they always have problems of this kind and they are inevitable."

While he was talking, the window on the outer wall of the living room was suddenly pushed open, and a giant gun shining with blue and white light was stretched out.

"I'm covering, run!" Repo's strange voice came from outside the window.

"Hey! I'm receiving guests! Guests! Do you understand?" Edmund was so angry that he almost had a heart attack. He didn't have to be in such a hurry to seek death. The man in front of him was not an ordinary person. He was chopping Transformers like he was chopping wooden stakes.

Just don’t worry about it!

Hot Rod retracted his weapon, poked his head out of the window, and gave an old-fashioned military salute to Mu Chenxing: "My name is Hot Rod. I'm very sorry. Please forgive me."

"The gun is good." The energy gun that was stretched out just now is a weapon that can delay time. Mu Chenxing opened his exploratory eyes and scanned the interesting firearm with interest.

"Thank you for the compliment. I think so too. That's a good gun." By the time Hot Rod replied, Mu Chenxing had already figured out the principle of the gun's operation.

To be precise, the gun cannot affect the timeline. It is a force field emitter that emits high-energy particles and builds a small force field in the explosion area.

Most of the particles in the force field will be constrained and their movement speed will be reduced. At the macro level, it will appear as if time has been slowed down.

When the energy of the force field is exhausted, everything will return to normal. It has basically no lethality, but it is very powerful.

It's a very interesting technology. Mu Chenxing entered the detailed information scanned into Qiyuan's database. When he went back to study it carefully, he had several inspirations. This technology is very promising.

But now is not the time to delve into technology. Judging from the reactions of the elders and Hot Rod, several Transformers in the manor are habitually wary, and Edmund's behavior is similar.

"I know some things about the Witwicky family, guarding the secrets of the Transformers and protecting the descendants of Merlin." Mu Chenxing looked into Edmund's eyes and said seriously: "I came here this time not to take advantage of you.

What are you asking for here?"

He frowned slightly and continued: "How can I dispel your concerns? No matter how much I talk, it doesn't seem to have any effect."

After pondering for a moment, he turned on the space controller, located the coordinates, stretched out his right hand, and grasped it out of thin air, and a wooden staff appeared in his hand.

He carried this from Merlin's coffin.

The Guardian Knight's spaceship sank at the bottom of the sea around London, and Merlin's body was buried in the spaceship. He just wanted to take the scepter and transport it directly into space. There was no need to drive a submarine and drill a spaceship at the same time like in the original plot.

"This is Merlin's staff and Quintessa's staff."

Mu Chenxing knew that a broken wooden stick was not convincing at all, so he mobilized Qiyuan to scan Vivian who was teaching at Oxford University, obtained her genetic information, and then imported the scepter's authentication system.

Using human genetics as a key is a very safe measure in the eyes of the Transformers, but in the face of the dark matter computer that pursues computing speed in the super-god universe, this encryption method is simply child's play.

The certification process was successfully completed, and the earth-gray wooden staff shed its disguise, revealing its true appearance, a silver-grey metal staff with a blazing white energy center on the top.

"I came to you not to force you to help me get the scepter, nor to force Vivian to help me control this thing. I said, I want to get the scepter, and no one can stop me.

It's not because of how strong my power is, but because it's so easy for me to get. I don't need to force anyone, and I don't need to hurt anyone." Mu Chenxing casually threw the scepter to Edmund and said in a deep voice:

"Edmund, now you need to make a choice.

The scepter was taken from the guardian knights. They have awakened and will be looking for it everywhere. Either they are killed by nervous humans, or they find me and try to take back the scepter, only to be killed by me.

It’s better for you to appease them and get them to agree that I will use the scepter to seal the Emperor of the Universe and continue to protect the sealed place. It’s time to make a decision.”

The scepter was quite heavy, and it was a bit difficult for Old Edmund to pick it up. After all, it was a metal rod that was one meter and three meters long, as thick as a wrist, and weighed more than twenty kilograms.

He held the scepter in both hands, sat on the chair, took a deep breath, and asked doubtfully: "Why? Why me?"

"Loyalty. Loyalty that spans 1,600 years and forty generations. Such quality is rare in the world. Sealing the Emperor of the Universe this time requires continuous extraction of energy. I will not stay in this world forever. Someone must guard me.

I think you are a good candidate.

For the earth, the character of the twelve guardian knights is worthy of praise, and I don't want to conflict with them. Killing the knights who once protected mankind because they want to protect mankind is ridiculous, and I feel like a fool.


He didn't say the last sentence. If those knights really hindered him, there would be only death.

The words were not stated clearly, but Edmund could hear it and sighed: "In life, you must make some choices at a certain period. But I am not King Arthur's knight. I have no amulet or holy sword. Those guardian knights do not

You will swear an oath to me."

He was not confident that he could persuade the guardian knight, and he was not sure why the angel in front of him wanted to extract the energy of the earth.

He didn't know how to choose.

"That's your business. It's you who owe me a favor. It's your choice whether you want to save those knights. Or it's your choice to lead those knights to defeat me. I don't care."

Mu Chenxing really didn't care, he just wanted to see the old man's choice.

If you want to extract the energy of Unicron, you still need a lot of preparation work.

For example, the receiving end of the scepter extracting energy, how to use the extracted energy, as well as the device to stabilize the earth's magnetic field, and the device to monitor the energy fluctuations of Unicron.

All require preparation in advance.

Extracting hastily will only fragment the earth.

This scepter is the same as the Cybertronians' technology for extracting star energy. It is a partial and violent extraction without considering the overall force field balance. It is completely destructive.

Muchenxing must be modified with Liyang's stellar energy driving technology, otherwise it will only cause bad things.

Whether star extraction or planet extraction, the balance of the star's gravitational field and energy field needs to be considered.

Take the extraction of star energy as an example. During the extraction process of Super Universe's technology, the star's nuclear fusion energy field and its own gravitational field are always in a state of balance.

Even if the energy of an entire star is consumed, what is left will be a complete carbonaceous black dwarf star that will not explode and quietly extinguish.

The Cybertronians are different. They don't think about anything. They build a device on the planet and violently extract it from the star. The extracted position is either a point or a cross section, and they do not calculate the whole.

Their computing power is not enough, and they have not thought about developing high-computing power computer technology.

Maybe in a few months, maybe in a few years, the star's nuclear fusion energy field and the consumed mass will inevitably become out of balance, and either a helium flash will break out or the core will collapse, and before that happens, they will have run away.

Mu Chenxing couldn't stand this method, and he didn't dare to use it on Earth.

Therefore, he needs to make a complete set of auxiliary devices. The magnetic pole stabilizing devices for the north and south poles have almost been made in the dark plane. This is to prevent geological disasters caused by the earth's magnetic pole switching.

In addition, his next step is to build twelve force field stabilizers around the equator, one to help sort out the magnetic field, and the other to stabilize the earth's angular momentum balance.

The speed of the earth's revolution and rotation is very high. The mass of 60 trillion tons brings a lot of kinetic energy. Once the balance is out of balance, large-scale earthquakes are expected.

Without a peaceful way to kill Unicron, we can only choose the method of stabilizing the sphere. Although it is troublesome, it must be done.

It would be great if the material composition of Unicron could be analyzed, directly redefined, and converted into other substances, so that this hidden danger could be killed silently.

"Alas!" Mu Chenxing sighed. Looking at Edmund, whose brows were furrowed into the character "Chuan" and whose face was full of bitterness, he felt that it was a bit disgraceful that he was forcing an old man in his sixties.

She said something from her heart: "The choice is difficult. Quintessa made the scepter a long time ago. Now that Cybertronians have begun to land on the earth in large numbers, sooner or later she will know that the Guardian Knight is hiding here, and she will definitely follow her.


I can't kill the life in the core of the earth now, I can only weaken it and use his energy to create powerful warriors to protect the earth, because I am not sure whether I can kill Quintessa. After all, she is known as the God of Life. I don't know her, no


He really wasn't sure about killing Quintessa, and he didn't want to stay in this universe for a long time to defend himself against the enemy.

Extracting the energy of the Unicron to create one or a group of powerful warriors is currently the best choice.

"Extracting energy must be done, but I hope you can do something for the knights who once protected you. I don't want to kill them, nor do I want to endure their endless harassment in the future. That's it, no matter you

No matter what I choose, I will do what I should do."

Mu Chenxing stood up, walked to Edmund, patted his shoulder, and persuaded him: "Okay, don't look so sad, you can think about this matter slowly. Now, we can start

Another topic.

I want to turn Stonehenge into a private property. You know what I want to do. Is there any good way? A way without subsequent trouble."

"It takes a lot of money, a lot of money."

Edmund's answer is very capitalist. Indeed, in a capitalist country, there is nothing that money cannot do.

"I can turn all your castles into gold, is that enough?" Mu Chenxing has no money, but no rich man on earth can compare with his wealth.

"If you can accept the canonization, there is no need to spend money." Edmund quickly changed his approach. A large amount of gold rushed into the market, which would cause an economic crisis.

Stonehenge is a famous scenic spot, and it costs a lot of money to buy it. This person is obviously not making money within the earth's financial system, but investing from the outside. This nature is similar to the consequences of printing a large amount of money, which is not a good thing anyway.

"Do you want your queen to make me king? I have no interest in the Commonwealth." Mu Chenxing joked.

Is the Queen of England worthy of accepting a shitty canonization?

"I will buy that piece of land. How much do you need?" Edmund did not suggest asking the government for the land. He knew that once the authorities intervened, those politicians would cause endless trouble.

"Building a strong castle is enough." Mu Chenxing actually doesn't use much land. He has space extension technology. There is not much difference between one square meter and ten thousand square meters.

He only wanted Stonehenge as a place for energy extraction.

Edmund calculated, added more, and said, "Three hundred acres are enough."

Three hundred acres? Mu Chenxing calculated it, and found that 1.2 square kilometers is ten times the area occupied by Stonehenge. It is indeed enough.

"What do you need?" He didn't have the habit of asking for things from others.

"Please give us a little patience."


Mu Chenxing took out a communicator that could contact him and placed it on the table in the living room. Then he waved and walked out the door. Both things were done and he had no intention of staying for dinner.

He hasn't eaten for a long time and has long been accustomed to the way of survival of absorbing energy instead of matter.

"You are so confident in handing over the scepter to me?" Edmund was a little confused. Can such an important thing be given to others casually?

"I said, the scepter is within easy reach for me." Mu Chenxing didn't even look back. The thing that had been marked with a space mark could be taken away by him unless it was thrown into a black hole.

Besides, the data has been entered into Qiyuan, and he can create a new one at any time.

(End of chapter)

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