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Chapter 152 Vacuum Zero Point Energy and Dimension Ascension Experiment

Chapter 152 Vacuum Zero Point Energy and Dimension Ascending Experiment

Author: Prisoner in the Cauldron

Chapter 152 Vacuum Zero Point Energy and Dimension Ascending Experiment

Each Eternal warrior has different abilities, but their underlying genes are a template. They just have different gene expressions, and the similarity exceeds 99.99%.

But because of different gene expressions, their abilities are incompatible, just like a person cannot walk left and right at the same time.

But the Mana creatures in the spirit cage world provided good inspiration to Mu Chenxing. The spirit seeds in these parasitic forms of life not only have independent energy systems, but also have independent genetic structures.

Since one set of genes cannot express different abilities, then it would be enough to create more sets.

Simulation experiments have been done many times, and the feasibility of this idea is very high.

The genetic comparison of different individuals has been completed, and the digital model to infer the original genes of the Eternals has also been produced.

Using the original gene as a template, a body with no specific abilities and only the function of absorbing dark energy was created.

Then different gene expression methods were made into different spiritual breath seeds, and a total of four were made: Superboy, material conversion, energy shaping, and healing.

Each spiritual breath seed is an energy storage device, and four times the energy has reached the upper limit of the body's carrying capacity.

The reason why I chose these four abilities is because Mu Chenxing believes that the other abilities are useless. The Eternals' illusions and mind control can only deal with weak targets. Their strength, super-speed movement and energy bomb shooting are all inferior to those of Ikari.

Si's gene expression is somewhat repetitive and of low value.

It has four times the energy and four abilities, including long-range, melee, combat, resistance, and healing, and it can also change the battlefield environment. It is enough.

After implanting the spiritual breath seeds into his body, Mu Chenxing suddenly felt that the biochemical robot he had made looked a bit like a character in an anime.

After using the thought coding technology to complete the writing of artificial intelligence, he happily learned from it: "Your name is Kakuzu, and you are the garrison and commander of this castle. Well... the name of the castle will be Baicheng.


Anyway, it’s just a place to extract energy, just pick a name casually, it doesn’t require much attention.

"As you command, Chairman."

After activating Kakudu, equipping it with dark alloy armor and weapons, and adding it to the observer sequence, Mu Chenxing held the scepter, inserted it into the stabilizing device in the center of the hall, and began to extract the energy of the Unicron.

A blue-white energy beam shot straight into the dome and submerged into the specially created dark plane. The energy that escaped was absorbed by the energy circuits covering the dome and walls, and was used to supply the consumption of the castle and guards.

The extraction process went smoothly. Detectors and stabilizers all over the world found no abnormalities, and Unicron showed no sign of resistance.

But Mu Chenxing frowned.

The extracted energy has wrong properties.

He still knew the photon energy emitted by stellar nuclear fusion, but the energy fluctuations were too large and did not comply with the principle of optical radiation.

During the initial extraction, the power was turned on very low, and the energy extracted was not strong, but the transmission process caused strong fluctuations in external energy, which was a bit weird.

It's like there is very little water coming out of the faucet, but it stirs up the water molecules in the air, which is very unreasonable.

Why does such low light energy cause such strong quantum fluctuations?


Quantum fluctuations are also called quantum vacuum fluctuations, which means that even in vacuum, there will be the generation and annihilation of pairs of virtual particles, as well as the phenomenon of transformation.

Quantum field theory reveals that vacuum does not have zero energy. Even under absolute zero conditions, it still contains a certain amount of energy, which is the so-called "vacuum zero point energy".

The associated energy field of quantum fluctuations is the vacuum zero point energy.

Gravitons and high-energy photons can indeed cause quantum fluctuations, but they are definitely not such strong energy fluctuations.

Because a pair of virtual particles, one positive and one negative, is produced at the same time, and the annihilation reaction is extremely fast, so fast that it takes almost no time, as if they had never been produced, leaving only a little fuzzy trace.

Because the reaction is too fast, the energy of annihilation of a single pair of particles has no time to accumulate, and it is difficult to cause macroscopic energy fluctuations, so it is named a virtual particle pair.

When Mu Chenxing was reading "The Divine River Sequence", he saw that the Divine River civilization was in the transition period from the aerospace level to the god-making level. Before giving up antimatter energy, there were records of studying vacuum zero-point energy and dark energy. After all, these two

It's all energy that pervades the universe.

The Kamigawa civilization called vacuum zero-point energy space energy or free energy, but vacuum energy was not as convenient as dark energy, so it was abandoned.

The same is true for most other god-making civilizations. Whether it is extraction, research or application of dark energy in the macro world, it is indeed much more convenient than the vacuum energy in the micro world, and the energy level is not inferior.

If Mu Chenxing had not seen traces of the high-dimensional world in the Marvel universe, he would not have paid attention to quantum fluctuations at all.

But he watched for seven days and seven nights and collected a lot of information. So far, he only understood that gravity can penetrate different dimensions and that the underlying energy supporting the high-dimensional world is vacuum zero-point energy.

Whether it is high-dimensional space or low-dimensional space, the structure of space is an energy field that can be distorted and manipulated, and the underlying energy supporting this energy field is vacuum zero-point energy. Other energies, such as dark energy,

For example, gravity can only interfere indirectly.

Mu Chenxing has no more in-depth information. All the civilizations he has come into contact with have not conducted in-depth research on this aspect. Now his understanding of space and vacuum energy can be regarded as the cutting-edge technology of the super-god universe.

Looking at the energy extracted from Unicron and the quantum fluctuations caused by this energy, he suddenly felt that the civilization that created this planet-level life was probably not manufacturing war weapons.

It was more like a research device and a failed product. Therefore, that civilization abandoned Unicron and only took Cybertron to explode stars all over the universe.

The Cybertronians' stellar energy collection device is probably not for collecting energy. The machine is more like part of some kind of instrument. It is very likely to be used to study the macroscopic effects of quantum fluctuations in order to find high-dimensional objects.

Traces of the world.

The gravitational imbalance of the star and the high-energy photons during the explosion can interfere with the vacuum zero point energy in a wide range.

Otherwise, how could an advanced civilization that created Cybertron and Unicron use stellar energy so crudely?

They may be conducting experiments to increase the dimensionality, an experiment that lasts for billions of years.

This behavior of exploding stars is really like Carl gathering the energy of stars to explode black holes, both of which are looking for traces of certain worlds.

It's just that one is looking for higher dimensions and the other is looking for void.

Of course, this is just Mu Chenxing's guess.

After all, a long time had passed, and the Transformers did not inherit the technology of that civilization. There were only a few leftover pieces of equipment, which were used by these robots as some kind of unique artifact.

For example, the fire source, the original energy matrix, the scepter in front of you, and the space bridge placed in the storage space.

These devices are definitely not technological creations developed by the Cybertronians themselves.

Technology products cannot be manufactured again just because the prototype is lost.

This can be seen from the performance of the Cybertronians.

The original energy matrix was sealed 17,000 years ago, the source of fire was lost 8,000 years ago, the scepter was stolen by Knight King Kong more than 1,600 years ago, and the space bridge was lost in the deep space of the universe along with the natural enemies a thousand years ago.

Whether it is the Fallen King Kong, one of the Seven Great Gods, or Quintasha, known as the God of Life, or the new generation of Decepticons and Autobots, they have not chosen to re-create or research alternative technologies.

I'm afraid it's not that I don't want to, but that there is no relevant scientific theory at all.

This group of large robots has a body strength of dozens or hundreds of tons and is equipped with powerful weapons. Unfortunately, they have not learned any truly awesome technology. In tens of millions of years, civilization has not made much progress.

It really fits the saying, we should give civilization to time, rather than giving time to civilization.

The brilliance of civilization is really not measured by time.

The top civilization in the super-god universe is only a hundred thousand years old, but every god-making civilization can defeat Cybertron. Whether it is combat power or technological system, it far exceeds this civilization that is at least 65 million years old. Even though

Even the Transformers may not be able to defeat an aerospace-level civilization like Taotie.

"It's a pity that the treasure is right in front of me, but I can't grab it. The technological routes are too different, and I can't get the relevant basic scientific theories from Cybertron." Mu Chenxing looked at the energy extracted by the scepter.

, let out a long sigh.

There is no data on dimensionality enhancement experiments, but vacuum zero-point energy still needs to be studied.

He does not want to use this energy to replace dark energy. There is no need. Each of his cells has been redefined by the void controller and can convert energy at will. Any energy he has studied and understood can be directly absorbed and used.

Besides, dark energy is not bad in terms of energy level or universality. Dark energy exists in the three-dimensional world and also in higher dimensions.

The most abundant thing in the universe is dark energy.

The purpose of studying vacuum energy is to find a high-dimensional world.

He has already grasped part of the power of the high-dimensional world. The void controller, which combines the power of the void and the anti-void, is the technology of high-dimensional rewriting of the three-dimensional world. This, he can basically confirm.

It can be said that he has stepped at the door of the high-dimensional world. If he doesn't go in and take a look, he will feel itchy.

The energy of Unicron's body is unremarkable, except that the energy level is relatively high, and the frequency of light radiation is rather strange, like a device specially built to set off quantum fluctuations.

There are actual energy samples, and it is not difficult to analyze them.

Using this as a springboard, obtaining vacuum energy only requires the establishment of a set of driving algorithms. Just like the original algorithm for driving dark energy, it is only a matter of time before Qiyuan, a celestial-level computer, is available.

But having vacuum energy does not mean that information about the high-dimensional world can be found. Otherwise, the civilization that created Cybertron would not have searched for billions of years.

"The more I know, the more ignorant I feel." Mu Chenxing sighed, and then tried to create some virtual particles. Before he had time to observe, the pile of gadgets disappeared silently.

Apart from less energy and some traces of electron transitions, he gained nothing.

Fuck you, uncle!

Even a fart makes a pop, right?

How is this possible? Creation and annihilation happen at the same time! It does nothing but eat energy.

He did not create virtual particles in pairs, but just tried to create some negative virtual particles, thinking that they could exist for a period of time without corresponding positive particles.

The results show that this is wasted effort.

Theoretically speaking, negative virtual particles carry negative energy. If they are thrown into a black hole, they will inevitably offset the energy of the black hole. The consumption of energy represents the consumption of mass, which may evaporate the black hole.

This is a method for dealing with black hole engines that he came up with while observing quantum fluctuations.

In actual operation, there is no problem in offsetting energy. Energy is consumed during production, and energy is consumed again during the annihilation reaction of negative virtual particles.

So, the question is, how to throw this thing into a black hole?

Creation and annihilation occur at the same time, and it can do nothing except consume two of its own energies.

Mu Chenxing scratched his head. The idea was good, but the practical implementation was very difficult.

He created some more positive particles, and the same thing happened. They disappeared as soon as they appeared, but the annihilation reaction brought him a large wave of energy, which was much higher than the energy consumed during creation, which was very cost-effective.

Have you mastered vacuum zero point energy?

It probably didn't count. He shook his head. This method was too different and not a regular way to set off quantum fluctuations and then absorb energy. However, the simulation experiment had already obtained good data, and the completion of the driving algorithm was just around the corner.

"Jiaodu, guard the castle, pay attention to the energy detectors and force field stabilizers. If there is any abnormality, shut down the extraction equipment and notify me in time." Mu Chenxing carefully explained to the defense officer of Baicheng.

In fact, there is no need to bother so much. There is a set of dark matter computers in the castle to monitor the status of Unicron at all times. This large computer is the computing group he built for himself by imitating the Deno III.

However, later with the Sky Blade, and later Qiyuan upgraded to a celestial level computer, this equipment has been kept in the dark plane as auxiliary equipment, and is basically retired.

However, in the world of Transformers, computing power still lags behind the world. Anyway, it is no problem to monitor the external energy fluctuations of Unicron. Forget about the internal structure, Qi Yuan has nothing to do.

The reason why he was so anxious to explain to Kakuzu was because he had to leave for a while.

Something happened to Marvel.

Mr. Thor, the hammer god, fought fiercely with Tony and the others.

Because the little princess of Asgard, Mr. Loki, carrying a scepter, descended into the cabin of the Stark Industries No. 1 ship, and received very warm hospitality, anesthetic gas, and high-voltage electric shocks.

It's a gravity cage again, and he only has half his life left anyway.

How could the good brother Thor endure this? He came to the atrium again to avenge his dear brother.

According to Ethan, a space battleship can be smashed with several holes by a hammer, which is something he would never have imagined. However, Banner's demolition force was even more ferocious than the enemy's.

Yue Buqun, Ma Xianhong, and Bi Yuan, who had come to support, all lay down. Tony, Daisy, and Ethan also fell together. There was no way, both the enemy and ourselves attacked together, and the council was almost destroyed.

Now it's up to Ji An, a third-generation god, to hold up the scene.

(End of chapter)

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