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Chapter 157 Looks Like Magic vs Looks Like Technology

Chapter 157 Looks like magic and looks like technology

Author: Prisoner in the Cauldron

Chapter 157 Looks like magic and looks like technology

"Mu, your control of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is so superb. With you stabilizing the turbulence in space, the work of connecting the nine realms has become extremely smooth. It's really a big help!"

Heimdall's golden eyes were full of admiration: "If I were alone, it would take at least two to three years. With you here, I can complete it in half a month. Thank you so much."

"I wish I could help." Mu Chenxing smiled politely, but in his heart he was very disapproving.

The transmitter of the Rainbow Bridge contains data on the spatial coordinates of various places in the nine realms. Heimdall just re-checked it to see if the current spatial turbulence would affect subsequent transmissions.

If you leave this kind of proofreading of existing data to yourself, it won't take more than an hour.

It has to be said that the dark matter computer technology of Supergod Universe is better at calculating data than magical civilization.

80% of Qiyuan's computing power was used to analyze the Mind Stone, only 10% of its computing power was used to manipulate the Space Stone and coordinate with Heimdall to calibrate the space coordinates, and the remaining 10% was used to scan the Rainbow Bridge.

He is actually not very interested in the Rainbow Bridge. With the Space Stone in hand, there is no need to settle for second best.

What is really interesting is the reaction of the rune array at the break under space fluctuation and energy impact.

Practical comparisons while flipping through the book can speed up his understanding of rune magic.

As the days passed, he read books one after another. During this period, Queen Frigga taught him several times, then patted his arm and comforted him:

"My son, don't be discouraged. My son Thor is not good at magic, but he can still become an excellent warrior. There are many people in Asgard who don't know magic. This does not prevent them from becoming famous warriors in the nine realms."

To be honest, Asgard advocates force more. Most people in Asgard are warriors holding magic weapons, and not many use pure magic to fight.

But this comfort greatly dampened Mu Chenxing's enthusiasm for learning magic.

It's not that he can't read those magic books, it's just that his thinking is not right.

Being accustomed to rigorous scientific logic, there are always obstacles in understanding the concept of idealistic magic.

For example, 1+1=2, if interpreted using scientific thinking and logic, it means that one stable factor plus the same stabilizing factor must equal two equal stabilizing factors. There is no need to question this.

But it’s not necessarily the case in magic. For 1+1, it equals whatever you want. What’s important is not the sum of two factors, but the power of your thinking.

Consuming the same magic power, different mages will have different spell expressions.

The power, form, target, etc. are all different.

In the theory of magic system, the same magic power can create endless types of spells. It all depends on how your thinking power uses this magic power.

This is magic.

Mu Chenxing was scratching his head.

He tried to bring the data of thought fluctuations into the digital model depicting the rune array for calculation, but the results obtained were completely inconsistent with the actual magic effect.

"One variable is missing, maybe more than one. The data brought in is incomplete, and it is impossible to establish an accurate model and make it difficult to derive." He thinks this is the biggest problem.

Science lies in derivation. Whether it is using a process to deduce results or using results to infer the process, whether it is right or wrong, it can all be verified.

Magic is difficult to verify.

Some aspects of data are missing.

He stretched out his index finger, and a fist-sized fireball appeared on his fingertip. This was not driven by a genetic engine, but by using his own thoughts to mobilize Asgard's free energy, aggregate, vibrate, and transform it.

"Have you learned magic? Smart people learn everything quickly." Heimdall was envious. He only knew the magic he was born with and the magic given by Odin. When he learned it the day after tomorrow, he didn't learn a single spell.

He can learn magic in a few days. For him, it is like a top student crushing a bad student.

"Energy shaping can barely be considered magic." Mu Chenxing was not sure whether the fireball he released was considered real magic. After all, this thing was created through the natural laws discovered by science and then driven by thoughts to drive free energy.

If classified, it should fall into the category of technology, right?

If it is counted as magic, it is also the most scientific magic, or it can be defined as a plastic energy spell, because it can not only control fireballs, but also use similar methods to control temperature, electricity, air, soil and other natural substances and energy.


In addition to the runes learned, some energy circuits can also be constructed to carve out magic circles like circuit boards.

We can only study Asgard's magic to this point. If we go deeper, it will be difficult to understand and a waste of time. All the effects that can be caused by evocation spells can be achieved by the genetic engine.

The only advantage of the spell is that it can be used when the soul is out of the body.

For such an advantage, there is really no need to waste too much energy. That would be to sacrifice the good for the last.

The most important thing is to analyze the Infinity Stones and build a new controller to explore and control the laws of the universe. The imitation work of the Mind Stone has already begun, which he named the Thought Controller and placed it in a large framework with the Space Controller.

He wants to create an infinite controller that covers the abilities of the six gems.

"Heimdall, do you know the coordinates of Gomora, Vormir, Kree and Xandar?" Mu Chenxing extinguished the fireball suspended on his finger and asked Heimdall.

As a Rainbow Bridge guard who can see anywhere in the Nine Realms, his knowledge must be extremely extensive.

The reason why I asked about the coordinates of these planets is because at this time, the Power Stone is still in the Cosmic Spirit Ball, placed in the temple on Gomora, and the Soul Stone is still on Vormir.

As for Kerry and Shandar, they were just asking questions in passing as a cover.

Two of the six gems are in his hand, three of them know their exact locations, and only the reality gem is unknown where it is hidden.

Five thousand years ago, Odin's father Baur led Asgard to fight the dark elves and almost wiped out the other party. Only the leader of the dark elves, Malekith, hid with a warship and hundreds of guards.

Their artifact, the ether particle, was sealed by Baoer to a secret place in the Nine Realms. The ether particle was made by the dark elves using reality gems.

The location of this gem cannot be asked, but under the natural movement of the nine star fields, there will be a grand gathering of wormholes again. At that time, the nine realms will be connected, and the reality gem will appear.

No matter whether he goes to get it himself or Sol's girlfriend brings it out, Mu Chenxing has a chance to get it.

Gathering six Infinity Stones can solve many problems. Once the Infinity Controller is successful, its power will surely achieve another leap, and perhaps the life form will also achieve another leap.

Therefore, he was looking forward to Heimdall's answer, which would save him a lot of time in going to various galaxies in deep space to inquire for information.

"I know that Kree and Xandar, Gomora and Vormir have not heard of it.

Maybe you can go to Xandar to inquire about it. It is a good place for civilization exchange. Within the control of the Nova Corps, you can see many diverse life forms. You can visit it when you have time.

It's best not to go to Kerry.

The Kree Empire advocates hegemony and conquest, and has always been unfriendly to foreign civilized people. Their highest wisdom is on the planet Kree, and no one is allowed to get close to it. Try not to provoke those crazy people, it will be very troublesome."

Heimdall's answer perfectly missed the key information. Mu Chenxing sighed secretly, he still needed to find out the information himself.

You won't be able to leave recently. The Reality Stone will appear soon. Let's get this first.

In the next few days, he was still reading books and cooperating in repairing the Rainbow Bridge. It was not until Thor was taken back to Asgard with a stinky face that the pace of life fluctuated a bit.

"The flame giant Surtur has revived, and he has returned to rule Muspelheim. Heimdall, when will the Rainbow Bridge be repaired? We need to send troops."

What he was worried about was not Muspelheim, but Surtur. He had also seen the prophecy of Ragnarok.

"Just the past few days."

Heimdall's answer made Thor's expression improve a little. He nodded and said, "I'm going to ask God King Odin to agree to send troops. Heimdall, speed up."

After saying that, I didn’t forget to thank Mu Chenxing: “Thank you, Mu, for your hard work.”

He knew why it was so fast.

"I have read in the book that God King Odin defeated the Fire Giant and stripped away the eternal fire. Do you really think that prophecy was Surtur?"

Mu Chenxing couldn't clearly say that the biggest reason for the destruction of Asgard was your sister Hela, because all the records about this eldest princess had been erased, and he had no way to know her.

He shouldn't know him, and neither Thor nor the new generation of Asgardians know him.

"Have you read the prophecy book? Many aspects have been confirmed. Recently, the Rainbow Bridge has been broken, and the nine realms have begun to be chaotic. Surtur is the only one left. I will defeat him again, kill him or imprison him.


Thor wants to imitate his father and fuck the Fire Giant again.

"I'm very interested in this kind of pure elemental life. Call me when the time comes. I haven't seen a life that can't be killed. I'll go with you to gain some knowledge." Mu Chenxing said that Surtur is a person who has risen into the dimension.

Demon-god-level and indestructible elemental beings are full of research interest.

"Okay! Let's go together then." Thor agreed without hesitation, laughed heartily twice, and then rode the horse sent by the guard, riding the Rainbow Bridge straight to the Golden Palace.

"By the way, you have airships and can build spaceships, so why does Thor have to ride a horse? He can't fly faster than he can pull a hammer."

Mu Chenxing really didn't understand that this kind of society with advanced technology, no, advanced magic, was still using primitive animal power.

The horse Thor rides is an ordinary animal, not the Pegasus of the Valkyrie, nor a magical creature like Odin's eight-legged horse. There is no shortage of magical creatures in the mountains and forests of Asgard, so why do you need to ride an ordinary horse?

"Don't you think he's handsome?" Heimdall asked.

Without waiting for an answer, he recited softly in a deep voice: "Driving the horse forward, crossing the plains and hills, facing the cold wind and the sharp sword, beheading the enemy's head, and taking away the glory of the warrior, this is As

Hymn of the Gard Warriors.”

Well, this belongs to traditional culture, and we must respect other people's customs. Mu Chenxing put away his slander and continued to read with his head down. Heimdall also devoted himself to the work of proofreading the coordinates.

After nearly half a month of hard work by the two men and other mages who repaired the bridge deck, the Rainbow Bridge was finally successfully repaired.

But the first launch was not to Muspelheim, but to Nidaville.

Nidalville is where the dwarf king Eitri and his tribe live, and it is also the arsenal of Asgard.

It is a Dyson sphere-like device built around a neutron star. It is composed of multiple star rings. It looks full of technology, but Mu Chenxing can confirm the moment he sets foot here that it is a magical creation.

There is no anti-gravity system, no gravitational field stabilization system, no radiation protection system, no anti-high temperature and anti-high pressure system, only various magic arrays engraved on the star ring to achieve the same effect.

"That's awesome!" he exclaimed.

"Haha, are you surprised? I was surprised for a long time when I first came here." Sol said with a smile: "There will be something that surprises you later."

Mu Chenxing knew what this meant. He was just a dwarf more than three meters tall. The tall dwarf walking towards the people of Asgard did not arouse his surprise.

"Asgard's Rainbow Bridge has been repaired? This is good news!" The tall dwarf king Aitri opened his arms thicker than a human waist and gave Thor a hug like a kindergarten child.

He was really happy. There were only more than 300 dwarves living here. They were all craftsmen who did not like war and were more willing to devote their energy to forging crafts.

Once the Rainbow Bridge is repaired, Asgard can continue to protect the peace of the Nine Realms, and they don't have to worry about being disturbed by outsiders.

"There is some chaos in the Nine Realms. We have to put down the rebellion and replenish the weapons arsenal. This is Odin's order." Thor handed over a roll of parchment.

Coming here to transport or build weapons is just an excuse. Asgard has not yet fallen to the point of decay when it comes to sending out troops. Now it is time to build weapons. After repairing the Rainbow Bridge, the first place to visit was Nidaville.

The fastest time to stabilize this place.

Even if there is chaos, it can calm people's hearts even if there is no chaos. Thor can now understand a little bit of Odin's intentions.

The king really cannot only think about fighting.

"There is a lot of inventory in the warehouse. The requirements of the God King must be met. Do you need to customize some special weapons?"

Eitri's answer and attitude showed that Nidaville was stable. The greatest goal of this trip had been achieved. Thor happily shook Mjolnir in his hand: "I am satisfied with it. Thank you for your masterpiece."

.But my friend may have some needs."

After speaking, he turned to Mu Chenxing and winked. His intention to take advantage of the situation was very clear.

The eldest prince took the initiative to poach his own family, and of course he couldn't miss this opportunity. Although Mu Chenxing had no need for weapons, he was very interested in the dwarf's forging craftsmanship.

For example, mind control and automatic flight, as well as a gravitational field that is as light as a piece of wood in the owner's hands but as heavy as a mountain when hit by the enemy. How is this dual-standard gravitational field achieved?

"Can I use some novel materials and ask King Ai Cui to build equipment for me?" Mu Chenxing did not want to consume too much of Sol's favor, but took this opportunity to propose new trading options.

The attraction of new materials to craftsmen is like the attraction of an old beauty to a peerless beauty.

(End of chapter)

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