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Chapter 172 All beings in the world are trapped in prison

Chapter 172 All living beings in heaven and earth are trapped in a cage

Author: Prisoner in the Cauldron

Chapter 172 All living beings in heaven and earth are trapped in a cage

The earth is the real earth.

It has a diameter of 12,742 kilometers, an equatorial circumference of 40,000 kilometers, a total area of ​​about 500 million square kilometers, 29% of land, 71% of water, and a mass of about 60 trillion tons.

But this earth is not a normal earth. Gods, immortals, humans, demons, spirits, monsters, ghosts, and ghosts coexist in the world.

There are countless different dimensional spaces such as caves, heavens, and underworlds. He can detect them, but he can't enter them and doesn't know what they are like inside.

The most outrageous thing is that the moon is not the moon, the sun is not the star he knows, and the Milky Way is not the Milky Way. All the stars are revolving around the earth.

This universe cannot be explored because he dare not enter the chaos in deep space.

He was willing to call the place that should have been called space chaos. The energy there was extremely chaotic, and the physical constants were so chaotic that they were completely unrecognizable. Whenever he had the thought of getting closer, he felt chills stand on end, and the instinct in his subconscious was desperately trying.

Warn him.

Will die!

Will definitely die!

One hundred percent will die!

The earth is like a lonely giant locked in a cage.

But all the creatures here are accustomed to it, and this is how they understand the universe.

The sun and moon rise and fall, wind, frost, rain and snow are all controlled by gods, and even reincarnation is controlled by ghosts and gods. The Three Realms and Six Paths have long been clearly planned, and many people's lives are already doomed before they are born.

People only know the four continents and the four seas, and the places outside are all called the Outer Territories. They are barren and dangerous places where even monsters are unwilling to go. It seems that they have experienced very unusual things and have become a forbidden area in life.

The dark information is completely deleted, making Mu Chenxing unable to understand the long past.

The energy in the four major continents is very active, but the source of the energy seems to be in those extra-dimensional spaces, which may also be called dimensional spaces.

He really wanted to go in and have a look. The eighteen levels of hell and the thirty-third level of heaven were both very attractive.

From this perspective, the human world is really small.

After flying around the earth several times, he landed on the Two Worlds Mountain.

Liangjie Mountain is also called Wuzhi Mountain. It is said that Wang Mang of the Han Dynasty fell from the sky when he usurped power.

Needless to say, the purpose of coming here, regardless of whether this world is a normal Journey to the West, Monkey King definitely wants to see it.

For those who grew up watching Journey to the West, who can resist the charm of Sun Dasheng?

Flying to the foot of the mountain, there is a rift like an open box. A monkey's head is exposed between the stone boxes, and two hands are stretched out, but they are like a turtle that cannot stretch its legs.

Can't reach my head.

Now Sun Wukong is really in a mess, with moss growing on his head, vines hanging from his ears, grass growing on his chin and neck, his face covered with dirt, and the original color of his monkey hair has long since disappeared.

The earthly monkeys can no longer be earthy monkeys.

"Bold monster, retreat quickly!"

Before Mu Chenxing could get close, a loud shout suddenly came from the air, but only the sound was heard and no one could be seen. It should be the guardian god or something like that who was responsible for the custody.

"I'm just curious to take a look, there's no need to curse, right?" Mu Chenxing flapped his wings and hovered in mid-air, looking up at the top of the mountain, where there were two invisible gods in golden armor.

He didn't know if it was Liu Ding Liu Jia or Dharma Protector Jialan or something like that, he didn't bother to distinguish it carefully.

It's a pity that his politeness was not treated equally. The other party's words were not polite at all: "You little old bird, get out of here!"

Go to hell! You’re such an old man!

Mu Chenxing stretched out his palm and waved it down, and the two unlucky things were instantly dragged down the mountain. In the blink of an eye, they fell thousands of meters and hit the ground heavily at the foot of the mountain.

The dust flew up, gravel flew everywhere, and two big craters were created. His skin and flesh were torn apart after the fall, his helmet was crooked, he screamed in pain, and he couldn't get up for a while.

If they didn't want to form a deadly feud with the local gods and Buddhas, these two Mao gods would be dead by now. We haven't figured out the local people's combat power system yet, so we naturally need to be a little more measured in our actions.

"I'm not going to kill you because I don't want to kill any living beings. Go away, you sluts." Mu Chenxing landed on the ground and ignored the two men who had low energy levels, low physical strength, and low combat power.

The so-called god to the second generation warrior.

He came here just to see Sun Wukong, but he really didn't want to cause trouble.

Based on the time when the Dragon King of Jinghe was beheaded, it can be inferred that Guanyin Bodhisattva should have arrived in Chang'an, and Sun Houhou also knew that he was not far from being released after serving his sentence. At this time, whoever saves him from prison will be the big bad guy.

People will definitely not be happy.

Evil people cannot do this.

"My name is Mu Chenxing. I have heard the name of the Great Sage Qitian for a long time. I came here specifically to pay a visit today. I have no other intention." Mu Chenxing stated his intention and first dispelled the other party's alertness, and then used his mind power to pull out the vines and remove the moss.

, picked up the weeds and cleaned up the monkey’s face.

Finally I can watch it.

He just has a pointed mouth and slumped cheeks, golden eyes, and a pair of fangs, plus the gray monkey hair covered with dust. He is not as good-looking as the monkey played by Teacher Six, nor is he as handsome as the monkey brother from the super god universe. Where can I find it?

A hint of the Monkey King? Not as beautiful as a wild golden monkey.

Damn, ruin your childhood.

"Thank you." Sun Wukong thanked him politely, completely dispelling Mu Chenxing's enthusiasm. Once the freshness wore off, he felt it was boring again.

After feeding the monkey some wine and fruit, he was ready to leave.

"I have heard that the great sage has superb martial arts and profound magic power. After you are out of trouble, we will have a good discussion and learn from each other. Today I have fulfilled my wish, so I will say goodbye."

"Thank you for the hospitality. Thank you very much. When I come out of the mountain, I will definitely have a drink with you." After drinking wine and eating some peaches, plums, apricots and pears, Sun Wukong became obviously more enthusiastic.

What a pity! After five hundred years of swallowing iron pills and swallowing copper juice, today I finally have something that tastes good.

"My old grandson is true to his word. I will prepare a banquet when I go out and invite my brother back to repay today's kindness."

Let's wait until you come out. I don't even know where I will wander to in the future. Where can you find me? Mu Chenxing cupped his hands and said loudly: "Great Sage, the mountains are high and the rivers are long. Let's see you someday and say goodbye."

After saying this, he fluttered his wings and soared into the sky amidst Sun Wukong's farewell voice of "See you tomorrow."

Journey to the West is a script that Mantian gods and Buddhas have planned for a long time. He doesn’t want to cause trouble, and there’s no benefit to it, so why would he want to mess with other people’s affairs?

Although he never understood the significance of Tang Monk going to the West to obtain Buddhist scriptures.

If Buddhism spreads eastwards and Taoism competes for believers, there are many Taoists who help out during the journey.

It can be said that Lingshan is trying to expand its power, but Heavenly Court has also helped out many times.

It feels like the whole process of seeking scriptures is like playing a large-scale reality show with the gods of the three realms. Many of the Eighty-One Difficulties were directed and acted by them.

In every turn of this great drama, there are various gods and goddesses, and they are having a great time.

Probably only the local monsters on this route are unlucky.

Tang Monk's journey to seek Buddhist scriptures was said to be one hundred and eighty thousand miles long, but he was not walking in a straight line, but in zigzags and detours. At one stop after another, he was all heading towards the monster's lair.

Is it the monster that wants to eat Tang Monk’s flesh?

Or does Tang Monk deliver the meat himself?

If you think about it carefully, there is some secret here.

Perhaps, learning from the experience is just a fishing trip to enforce the law.

In the name of obtaining scriptures, the Heavenly Court and the Buddhist and Taoist families either directly took action and sent people to destroy the original demon king in the name of gathering together the Eighty-one Difficulties; or through rescuing Tang Monk, they cleared the area.

The king of monsters.

Anyway, it is because the teacher has a good reputation that he cannot arouse the hatred of the demons and ghosts in the world, and it is convenient to eradicate them one by one.

Mu Chenxing didn't know whether his idea was right or not, and he would not sympathize with those monsters.

He is a human being, not a monster. From a human perspective, there is nothing wrong with the death of those man-eating monsters.

Besides, he was just bored and wanted to find a new world to see something new. He had no intention of killing anyone or saving anyone. He also had no ability to save this world that was locked in a cage.

As for the local creatures, they may not need him to save them. They are having a lot of fun behind closed doors.

So, where should we go next to watch the excitement?

He wanted to try the ginseng fruit, but the Wuzhuang Temple in Wanshou Mountain was hidden in a different space and could not be found.

He also wanted to taste the flat peaches, but it was not easy to break in directly in Heaven. He didn't know the strength of the enemy. Going there rashly would be the same as seeking death.

As for the other magic weapons, martial arts and Taoism, they are not very consistent with his power system, so there is no need to bother fighting for them. Just take a look when you encounter them. It doesn't matter if you don't have a chance.

Flying in the air of Liangjie Mountain, Mu Chenxing suddenly felt that there was no place that particularly attracted him. After pondering for a moment, he prepared to return to Chang'an to see the main protagonist of Journey to the West: Chen Xuanzang, the great monk reincarnated by Golden Chanzi.

There is also Yuan Shoucheng, who is very accurate in fortune-telling. He wants to know what kind of divination he is in the eyes of the warlocks in this world.

From northwest to southeast, fluttering his wings and flying among the blue sky and sea of ​​clouds, he slowed down and browsed the landscapes and landscapes that were different from those of China on Earth, as well as the elves and monsters born in the mountains and wilds.

There is an energy in this world that seems to be very beneficial to the nurturing of the soul.

Not only does it allow humans with high intelligence to practice Taoism and enlightenment, it also allows ignorant animals and plants to develop spiritual intelligence and embark on the path of practicing Qi and cultivating immortals. Even some inanimate stones and utensils have the opportunity to give birth to spirituality and become spiritual beings.

An alternative life.

Local creatures call this energy Lingqi. Mu Chenxing is analyzing the energy spectrum to find out the reason.

There are also those incense and wish power, and Qiyuan is also used to analyze their principles.

Science is like this, discovering new things, exploring new things, summarizing new laws, expanding new disciplines, constant exploration and research, creating the accumulation and iteration of knowledge. Only in this way can we make continuous progress.

"Fellow Taoist, please stay."

A shout came from the distant sky, interrupting Mu Chenxing's thoughts and observations, and scaring him out of his skin.

This sentence is a weapon of the law of cause and effect, so damn powerful!

He did not look back because the person who called him was in front of him.

He was an old monk with leprous, and he was accompanied by a young novice monk.

"I've seen Master Guanyin." Mu Chenxing stopped and deliberately imitated the Taoist priest's appearance. He clasped his hands in fists, crossed each other's mouth, and put his left hand on his right hand, like a yin and yang diagram, and bowed in salute.

It's just a blinding method, which can only be used by ordinary people. How can it be hidden from his detection? The purpose of revealing his identity and pretending to be a Taoist priest is to test whether the other party can see through his origins.

Guanyin Bodhisattva showed his true form, clasped his hands and returned the salute, and said warmly: "Where Dharma protector Jialan collided with fellow Taoist before, the poor monk apologized on my behalf. Thank you for your mercy."

It turns out that I came here because of the matter of Liangjie Mountain.

Naturally, Mu Chenxing would not think that Guanyin stopped him specifically because of the two protectors. It must have been to test his intention of meeting Sun Wukong. After all, it was related to the overall situation of Journey to the West, and Sun Monkey's affairs were sensitive.

"It's just a quiet time, just traveling around. I don't want to get involved in your affairs." He explained, taking the opportunity to induce the other party's thinking, and moved his identity closer to that of a Qing cultivator who had just left the customs.

Regardless of whether it was possible or not, he certainly could not take the initiative to admit that he was a time traveler.

Travelers are likely to be classified as heretics such as extraterrestrial demons by the gods and Buddhas of this world.

That thing is absolutely unpopular.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva's face showed no signs of wavering, and he invited: "Guan Taoist friends are traveling to Chang'an, and the poor monk also plans to go to Chang'an. Why not go together together, and we can talk about mysteries and Taoism along the way? Isn't that beautiful?"

Mu Chenxing understood what he was saying. He was just talking nonsense. He wanted to keep an eye on himself to ensure that the overall situation of Journey to the West would not be disrupted.

But he did not get angry, and still kept a smile and said: "Master Guanyin doesn't know that what I practice is the way of fighting. I can't argue. If you talk about it, there will be casualties. It's better to go your own way."

The tone of the words was good, but the meaning was not friendly anyway.

Guanyin's combat prowess is among the top in Journey to the West, but he is not among the top ones. He is an excellent candidate for a test, and he does have the idea of ​​​​sparring with each other.

These words irritated Mu Cha, who was accompanying Guanyin, and angrily shouted: "How dare you be so bold as a madman! How dare you be rude to the Bodhisattva?"

Mu Chenxing ignored him, looked at Guanyin Bodhisattva and asked: "Master Guanyin's approach is not appropriate. You and I are talking, how dare I interrupt? Could it be that you look down on me?"

Guanyin still didn't say anything. Mucha became furious, raised his head, came closer, took out an iron rod, and hit him on the head.

This person is not an ordinary person, but a disciple of Guanyin, with the Buddhist name Hui'an Xingzhe, his common name is Muzha, the son of King Tota Li Tian, ​​and a well-known immortal in the three realms.

How can you not be angry when you are so looked down upon?

Today, as the teacher stopped a suspicious person who couldn't figure out what to do, it was meant to be a test.

This stick, with enough strength, will break even boulders and break fine steel. No matter how powerful you are, even if you hit it, your bones will be broken and your tendons will be broken.

Unfortunately, he picked the wrong opponent.

Mu Chenxing pulled out a horse-killing sword from the void, swept the sword across, and swatted the opponent with his stick from the clouds like a fly.

The wooden fork's jaw cracked, both arms went numb, and the weapon flew away from his hand, spinning like a house sparrow with broken wings and falling to the ground.

The golden cudgel in Sun Wukong's ear only weighs 13,500 kilograms, which is equivalent to seven tons. The iron rod of the wooden fork is lighter and less powerful. It is normal for it to be knocked away.

Po Jun has now been strengthened to 10 million tons by Mu Chenxing. If he really wants to kill someone, he can cut his opponent into two pieces with one sword.

"Master Guanyin, please." He wanted to test the fighting power of this worldly Yin Bodhisattva.

(End of chapter)

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