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Chapter 188 It turns out that the innate magic weapon is a male and female pair

Chapter 188 It turns out that the innate magic weapon is a male and female pair

Author: Prisoner in the Cauldron

Chapter 188 It turns out that the innate magic weapon is a male and female pair

Yan now has a headache. Mu Chenxing has gone offline again and gone to another universe.

It's okay for the little boy to go to another universe to play. She is also a member of the council and can be contacted in the internal chat group.

But this sudden departure was a big problem.

She was not worried about the failure of the fifth-generation divine body technology, but the child's sensitivity broke her previous understanding.

She knew that Mu Chenxing was lonely and sensitive at heart, but she didn't expect that he was so sensitive.

When he left the laboratory, he originally wanted to create a chance for him and Zhi Xin to be alone.

As the previous Holy Right Wing, a disciple of Tianji King, and the chief technology officer of Future Angel, Zhixin is very suitable for the growth of Galaxy Force.

As a result, the little straight man didn't know what was going on in his mind. He was on alert for more than an hour after he left.

How could an angel hurt him?

How could I be willing to hurt him?

He didn't have enough trust. His departure from He Xi caused him to misunderstand, and Zhi Xin failed to resolve the misunderstanding.

From his question, we can clearly guess the source of the misunderstanding, which is that the space-based computing group and the sky-blade computing group have disconnected from this experiment.


The space-based computing group must support the eight lines of defense of the Angel Nebula and the defense measures of the Celestial City. The sky-based computing group must support the battle system of the front-line angels. It was originally an experimental project to temporarily mobilize computing power to support the fifth-generation divine body.

The project has achieved preliminary results, and of course it must be withdrawn and returned to its original responsibilities. The two celestial-level computers of the Sacred Knowledge Treasure House and Qiyuan are not enough for you, right?

Why are you so sensitive?

In terms of emotions, he is as slow as a piece of wood, but in this aspect, he is so sensitive that it gives people a headache.

Yan sighed again. If this misunderstanding cannot be completely resolved, the power of the galaxy will fly away from the angels. Just like the other joined universes in the council, they will provide certain support and then let it go.

You are really free and easy as the chairman.

This can also reveal something about your inner self.

"How does this huge sense of loneliness, separated from the world, come about?" Yan Bai couldn't figure it out.

She looked over Mu Chenxing's growth experience over and over again, but she still couldn't find out how this feeling of loneliness that placed her outside the world came about.

It's like he doesn't belong to this world originally, alienated, strange, and lonely.

"My little handsome boy who makes people feel both distressed and troubled, what on earth are you thinking about?"

Yan was helpless.

That girl Zhi Xin provoked the incident, but ended up panicking like a child who made a mistake, admitting her mistake, and then hid back in her teacher's hole like a little rabbit.

Things still have to fall on you.

How to redeem it?


"Where are you?" She asked Mu Chenxing, who was in the outer universe, in the internal chat group of the council.

"Hey, post check? Have you registered? Have you been to the Civil Affairs Bureau? In our earth, post check requires identity authentication." Qilin said to the King of Angels in a joking tone.

First come, first served, do you understand, my sister is little Chenxing’s first love!

"Little girl, you'll lose impression points if you talk like this." Yan's head hurt even more. He didn't know why that little piece of wood was so attractive. He was so slow that he didn't feel any love, but he was so cared for.

In the heart.

Really, I don’t know what to say.

As soon as these two spoke up, the other directors did not dare to speak.

One is the queen of the top civilization, and the other is the commander of the space fleet. People in the group are a little scared of the two of them, mainly because the war between the two for the chairmanship is about to come to light.

It's not easy for others to get involved.

Of course Ji An supports Qilin. Although the angel is beautiful, our Qilin is not bad either. When it comes to marrying a daughter-in-law, a girl from Earth is better.

If the Morning Star brothers choose the Angel Queen, will they be regarded as a bride-in-law? She has a bad reputation.

In the eyes of Lieyang people, Cheng Yaowen was regarded as the future king's husband, and his treatment was not very good. I heard that he was quite distressed.

Ji An didn't want his brother to be in trouble like that.

Tony thought angels were good, they were angels, and it was exciting to think about it. But he didn't dare to say it in the group. He heard that angels were arrogant. He didn't want to cause trouble for his own planet, so he could only talk a few words in private.

Ethan criticized Tony, a playboy, for his blasphemy every day, "That's an angel, how dare you? The Lord will send down thunder and strike you down."

Dr. Banner, Ma Xianhong and others have no bias and are just spectators.

Mark and Bai Yuekui are the two most cheerful people. People born in the apocalypse like to see beautiful things like love. It doesn’t matter who loves whom, just love.

The only one who was sad was Daisy. Compared with the other two, she felt a little ashamed of herself.

Unfortunately, the fun that the directors wanted to see did not last because Mu Chenxing interrupted Qilin and Yan's verbal exchange.

"You two have nothing to do, right? Don't worry about the angels anymore? Don't worry about the fleet anymore? Why don't you get down to business when you have time to gossip."

There is no one who can speak like this from a straight man. Both Ji An and Tony are worried that their chairman will die alone. He will definitely not find a girlfriend if he talks like this.

But it's obvious that they don't need to worry about this.

Yan didn't care at all what the straight man said and asked: "Where are you?"

"Let's hang out in other universes. If you are free, you can come over and play."

As soon as she said this, Qilin retreated first. The fleet was cruising in outer space. As the commander, she could not leave her post without permission.

"Sister, I'm too busy to get away. The earth is in a critical period. We are about to officially enter a space-grade civilization. The newly opened interstellar mines, space transfer stations, and the outer defense lines of the solar system all require fleets.

I'm so busy doing patrols, how can I have time to go out and play?"

She sighed helplessly: "I haven't been back to the ground for a vacation for a long time."

"You have pledged your body to the country, and you will not let women down. Sister Qilin, well done." Mu Chenxing's compliment made Qilin just want to roll her eyes. What's the use of just saying nice things? Come back and accompany me!

Sister, do you need this compliment from you? There are so many people praising me.


Little scumbag!

Qiangwei really saw through your true nature at a glance, you were just a little scumbag.

Qilin was still complaining angrily in her heart, but Angel Yan's answer shocked her.

"Invite me and I'll go over now."

Does this Queen of Angels not even want her own civilization? As a fleet commander, Qilin is already so busy that she has no free time. As the main god of a civilization, she probably won’t have much time to spare. She will replace Mu Chenxing as the main god of the earth.

Ji An is so busy that he is almost bald.

She also has a certain understanding of angels. Once the Queen of Angels goes offline, it will cause a huge blow to all angels.

She had also seen those angels look languid after Kesha went offline.

This is because we love beauty and don’t want to be civilized. No, it’s because we don’t want to be civilized for the sake of men.

Are you working so hard?

What should I do? She really can't leave.

Qilin was shocked, and Mu Chenxing was also shocked. He just said casually that both of them were busy people and had no time to spend time with him.

"Are you serious?" He couldn't help but confirm again.

"Invite me." The power of the Galaxy is the future of Angel. With the previous misunderstanding, Yan is not sure whether he will come back. Therefore, she must go through it if she wants to.

He Xi has been invited back to take charge of Tiancheng by her, and the Knowledge Treasure House and Tianbian Computing Group have also made corresponding arrangements. She is going to the outer universe to bring the little male god back to her.

I won't let go again!

After this incident, she became more clear about her feelings, and some concerns were completely unnecessary.

"Invite me, I want to see you now." She couldn't wait.

"Okay." Mu Chenxing also felt that he needed to reorganize his relationship with angels. He didn't want to go to Tiancheng in the short term. It would be nice to meet the Queen of Angels somewhere else.

Not long after the invitation was sent out, Yan appeared in the world of Journey to the West.

"Is this what it feels like to travel through the universe? It's amazing and uncomfortable."

Wonderful talks about the process of dimensionality reduction and dimensionality increase when traveling, while Uncomfortable talks about traveling to a new universe, and her genetic engine will shut down at any time.

Because after time travel, the energy supply system cannot find an energy source for the time being. Before the energy in the dark plane is used up, if she cannot find a replacement energy source, she will become an ordinary female angel who has lost her super gene and is extremely fragile.

The world of Journey to the West is too small to have stars, and dark energy is extremely scarce, so it cannot support the consumption of the fourth generation of divine bodies.

"Now is my most vulnerable time. You can do whatever you want to me. I know it will be like this, but I'm still here."

Mu Chenxing knew that what she was talking about was not that the gene engine would lose energy and fall into a shutdown state. Yan did not bring a treasure trove of knowledge or a sky-blade computing group when traveling through the universe this time, only a personal arsenal in the dark plane.

She lost her king-level fighting ability.

In fact, no matter whether she wants it or not, she can't bring her the treasure house of knowledge and the Sky Blade Computing Group.

The full name of the knowledge treasure house is Holy Kesha's knowledge treasure house, which is located in the dark plane of Queen Kesha. She only has the right to use it, but has no ownership, and cannot be installed in her own dark plane.

Her dark plane is too small.

The Tianren computing cluster also has the same problem, it cannot fit in. Guang Tianren No. 7 is only 20 kilometers high and 15 kilometers wide. There are other Tianren battleships and corresponding supporting facilities. Yan's dark plane has not been specially designed.

Expansion, none of them can fit.

The super warriors of the super god universe are not very big in the dark plane. They can only house their own arsenal and some auxiliary equipment. The large computing cluster and celestial level computer are placed outside.

This includes He Xi, Liang Bing, and Karl.

Keisha is a special case.

He specifically expanded his dark plane for the treasure trove of knowledge.

It is difficult to expand the dark plane. The resources to maintain the dark energy field and wormhole corridor are not low. The larger the dark plane, the higher the demand, which increases exponentially.

Except for angels, no civilization can sustain it.

If Mu Chenxing hadn't found the space gem in the Marvel Universe, his dark plane wouldn't be that big, a few kilometers at most.

"Don't talk nonsense, I can still make you lose your power here." He understood what Yan wanted to express, but he didn't want to continue the conversation.

I sent Qiyuan's link application, shared the world's data, computing power, energy, and intelligence, and solved it all at once.

Yan happily accepted the "support". While checking the data, he pretended to ask casually: "Why are you so sensitive?"

Sensitive? Or should it be called insecure? When the topic was brought back, Mu Chenxing smiled and said: "I don't know who I can rely on. As time goes by, I lose the ability to believe. So, I instinctively

will doubt everything."

This was what he was saying. Even though he wanted to repay Ji An and Qilin for their kindness, he also invited many people to join the council, but he never completely trusted anyone in his heart.

He is wary of everyone.

He only believes in his own strength.

Therefore, he instinctively desires power, and desires it to the point of greed.

A lonely soul travels to a strange world, and strength becomes the most effective way to fill the hole in the heart and the lack of security.

Maybe when he becomes stronger to a certain extent, he will regain the ability to trust others?

At that time, was it because he was so overwhelmed by power that he became wary of weak beings, or was he really able to trust other individuals?

Who knows.

Anyway, the stronger the strength, the more at ease he feels. This is true.

When he was weak, he was trembling all day long, as if he were facing an abyss, and his heart was never at peace for a moment. Now, he stands openly and openly, allowing the Jade Emperor, Sanqing and other local powers to peep at him without a trace of fear.

This is the sense of security that power brings him.

With great power at his disposal, he felt that this path was quite good.

"You are only twenty-one years old. This feeling is too negative. Loneliness will make your life very difficult. You can try to trust others. Just like I trust you, you can also trust me."

Yan was close to Mu Chenxing, stretched out his hand to caress his cheek, and said softly: "I have put myself in your hands. You can do whatever you want to me. You can do whatever you want. I will not refuse, and I will not refuse."


The sweet aroma lingered on the tip of his nose, and the slightly cool fingers stroked his cheek, getting closer and closer. Mu Chenxing's mouth felt a little dry.

"Many people's consciousness is spying on this place."

"I know, there's no need to pay attention to those people who don't matter."

Mu Chenxing put his arms around Yan, hugged him into his arms, and kissed him gently.

Soft, warm, sweet, angel hormones are so wonderful.

He is a little obsessed.

But it is limited to kissing. This is the top of Huaguo Mountain. Although it is inaccessible, there are too many peeping gods. It is still a public place, and some things cannot be done.

He could turn a blind eye to normal prying eyes, but just listen to them.

Ksitigarbha's mount Ti Ting noticed something abnormal in Mu Chenxing's body and concluded that he had attained enlightenment through an innate magic weapon. This information had already spread throughout the powerful circles of the three realms.

There were several powerful people who used their spiritual senses and magic weapons to peer into the scene. They all watched a kiss scene live and were all very surprised.

It turns out that the innate magic weapons come in male and female pairs.

"Which legendary ancient treasure is this? I originally thought it was the one born in the Sun Star, but now it seems that the inference is wrong. Laojun, what do you think? Are there male and female pairs of ancient treasures?"

(End of chapter)

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