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Chapter 202 Your light illuminates the dark world

Chapter 202 Your light illuminates the dim world

Author: Prisoner in the Cauldron

Chapter 202 Your light illuminates the dim world

Do you want the soul gem?

Nonsense, of course I want it!

But Thanos knows that everything has a price, and the young man opposite must have a plan.

He said in a deep voice: "Tell me your conditions."

"Leave the land of nothingness." Mu Chenxing added with a smile: "I don't like war. If you leave and promise not to attack my territory again, I will tell you the location of the soul gem."

Of course this is an excuse, he just wants to make Thanos his tool.

"Give me the Soul Stone, and I can promise not to attack the Void." Thanos is actually still thinking about the Power Stone, but he can't ask for too much at one time, as it will push people into a corner.


The counterattack of a trapped beast is always fierce.

Just take it step by step. The guy on the other side will eventually succumb to you, so don't worry.

"I don't like war either." He sighed with emotion: "You don't understand that the universe is out of balance."

He knows he is right and never expects others to understand.

The population of all advanced intelligent civilizations grows exponentially, but the resources of the universe are limited, and population explosion will inevitably lead to starvation, war and destruction.

This is how his home planet Titan perished.

He's doing the right thing, he's saving the universe.

How should I put it, Mu Chenxing can understand part of Thanos' emotion, killing half of the population, maintaining the balance of the universe, and using extreme violence to save the world.

This is a great villain with conviction.

Of course, Thanos thinks he is the savior.

If we put aside the means of doing things and only look at personal character, it is not an exaggeration to say that the character is noble.

In the original plot, he killed half of the population of the entire universe with a snap of his fingers. After achieving his goal of saving the world, he dragged his body back to his hometown and lived a poor life of self-sufficiency. He had no intention of ruling the universe, nor was he indulgent.

own selfish desires.

He has the ability to rule, enslave, and enjoy, but he did not choose that kind of life. His personal morality is really good.

Unfortunately, the concept is too crooked and the approach is too cruel.

Mu Chenxing can understand, but will never agree.

"Life always finds a way out. Killing is never a means of salvation." He was not refuting anything, he was simply expressing his opinion.

"Huh?" After hearing this, Thanos, who had always looked dull, finally had an expression, and a slight smile appeared on his old face like a big purple potato.

Although the Dark Legion slaughtered several civilizations, large-scale cleansing has not begun. Except for his own confidants, others do not know his true thoughts and only think that the Dark Legion is cruel.

Unexpectedly, before explaining his ideas, someone actually saw his thoughts in his actions.


So interesting!

There was even a hint of relief in his heart.

"Give me the soul gem, I won't embarrass you." He showed some rare kindness.

"If I could get the soul gem, why would I tell you?" Mu Chenxing smiled.

He smiled and said: "Either I tell you the location of the soul gem and you leave; or we have a fight and I send you away."

"Arrogant!" General Deathblade couldn't help it anymore and scolded loudly.

What do you mean by sending us away? Just you? You still want to kill us? He hasn't seen such an arrogant person in a long time.

Wherever the Dark Legion passes, the enemy can only tremble!

"Father, let me kill him!" Deathblade's wife, Proxima Centauri, was as angry as her husband. She looked at Thanos, expecting her adoptive father's order.

Thanos raised his hand to stop the two of them. He didn't want to fight now, and the Power Stone made him a little afraid.

"Tell me the location." He decided to get the soul gem first.

He has studied it for a long time and clearly knows the power of the Power Stone.

Since there is a chance to obtain weapons of the same level, there is no need to use the corpses of his men to pave the way for victory.

"M05 star field, outside the fourth cantilever, edge of the Silver Crown, Vormir star." Mu Chenxing answered simply, this was a conspiracy, he knew Thanos would definitely go.

"Next time we meet, I will explain my philosophy to you in detail." Thanos nodded. As for whether to explain it with words or actions, it depends on his mood.

"I'm looking forward to it." Mu Chenxing reached out and smoothed the space door, ending the call. He opened his exploratory eyes and stared at the movements of the Dark Legion's flagship Temple No. 2.

It was not until he saw that the other party kept his promise and retreated into the deep space of the universe, and then jumped to other star fields, that he stopped exploring.

After pondering for a moment, he said: "Tiwan, thank you for your hospitality these days. You can continue your collection journey."

After saying that, he took back Qu Tong's spirit body, touched Comos's dog head, and asked: "Do you want to return to Earth?"

After all, he is a dog of the earth, so it is better to go home than to be locked up in a glass showcase every day.

Comos shouted, clearly expressing what he meant: "I want to."

"OK, I found you a long-term meal ticket." Mu Chenxing contacted Tony and told him about Komos' situation, and then sent the golden retriever back to Earth through the council's storage space.

Tiwan's lips trembled. One of his collections was gone. He was distressed, but he had no objection.

Although Qu Tong was released from possession, his mind was still under control. Mu Chenxing believed that Tiwan would break free from control in the future.

Therefore, he was too lazy to take action to bring the other party's cognition back to normal.

The person in the Land of Nothingness failed to get the soul gem, which made him very disappointed. It was considered a small punishment.

"See you later." He waved his hand and teleported to Vormir.

Vormir is an Earth-like planet with air, water and good oxygen content. It orbits a red dwarf star, but its satellites are always blocking it from the star, so Vormir is in a solar eclipse all year round.


The entire sunny side is dark, gray and cold.

It seemed cold and withered.

No life was born here either.

Legend has it that Vormir is the realm of death at the center of the universe.

Whether it is the kingdom of death, Mu Chenxing feels that further exploration is needed, but the center of the universe is pure nonsense, because the center of the universe must be a super-large black hole, or a giant attractor composed of a group of black holes. How could it be a planet?


Can a planet also make trillions of galaxies revolve around it?


Anyone who knows a little bit about astrophysics will not believe such unreliable legends.

He turned around and looked at the desolate surroundings, found a cave in the valley, hid inside, and blocked his own information.

Now is not the time to go to the place of sacrifice. Thanos has not arrived yet, and the cliff is also very strange. There are many people sleeping in the pool on the cliff.

Those people were all sent here by Tivan.

They are not dead yet, they seem to have lost their souls, their thoughts fluctuate extremely weakly, as if their souls have gone to another world, leaving only their bodies in the water waiting to die.

There are some abnormalities in the space structure there. Mu Chenxing guessed that it should be the reason why the entrance to the soul world is entangled with the real space.

The Red Skull, who was sent to Vormir by the Space Stone, was not seen. He was probably pulled into the other side of the space by the Soul Stone, and his body was probably already rotting.

It is estimated that this guide only has his soul left.

Mu Chenxing didn't want to go there for the time being. It would be useless if he went there. Could he still sacrifice himself? It would be better to wait for Thanos to go to Lei.

Thanos didn't let him wait long. He was a good man, and he would not disappoint when he came back. The day after he hid, he took the giant ship Temple II and rushed to the synchronized orbit of Vormir.

There were not many people who landed, only a few dozen. They went to the cliff where the sacrifice was made without stopping, talking to themselves as they walked. From the looks of it, they seemed to be talking to some existence.

Mu Chenxing guessed it was Smit the Red Skull.

A group of people climbed to the top of the mountain and stepped into the pool. Thanos pulled one of his adopted daughters to the edge of the cliff, and sadly threw her down.

Then, the spatial overlap phenomenon disappears.

The soul gem appeared in the hands of this purple sweet potato spirit.

The people lying in the void in the water have lost their vitality, their souls have disappeared, and their lives have come to an end.

"It's really simple. It's not difficult for those who know it, but it's difficult for those who don't know it." Mu Chenxing muttered, walked out of the invisible place, and flew towards Thanos.

"Thanos, you really didn't disappoint me." He suspended in mid-air and greeted happily.

"As expected, you are here." Thanos was not surprised at all. He raised his head and said, "I don't really want to kill you. It is a very happy thing to be understood by others."

He sighed, raised his fingers and wiped the remaining tears in the corners of his eyes. His sadness had not subsided yet, and he said firmly: "No one can stop me, this universe is about to become unbalanced."

Mu Chenxing shook his head: "The improvement of technology cannot keep up with the reproduction of the population. Killing a group of people is not a good way to resolve this contradiction.

I've heard about what you did in those civilizations. Halving the population seems to have helped them get rid of the problem of overpopulation, and it has indeed promoted the development of science and technology.

However, their technological acceleration is not due to a smaller population, but because their fear of you forces them to enter the rhythm of war preparation competition.

It was the pressure of war that promoted technology, not the decrease in population. You don't seem to see this."

Thanos was not angry because of his rebuttal, but felt very happy: "You really understand me. Unfortunately, I have to kill someone who understands me today. This is a sad thing. Today is destined to be a sad day."


The declaration of action has been issued. General Deathblade, Proxima Centauri, and Black Dwarf are all about to make a move, but they are stopped by Ebony Maw: "Let him vent, he is... very sad today."

As soon as these words came out, all Thanos' men put away their attacking postures, waiting for their leader to enjoy the battle.

Their leader did take action, but instead of enjoying the battle, he frowned in extreme shock.

The soul gem has no effect at all.

It's not that it has no effect at all, at least it alerted Mu Chenxing's smart assistant Xiaofan.

[Warning! The soul is locked]

[Soul pulling blocked]

[Soul transfer interrupted]

Mu Chenxing actually didn't feel anything, but after Xiao Fan's prompts, he understood Thanos' attack method. The other party wanted to use the soul gem to peel off his soul and send him to a world of souls.

This attack method is very subtle and very powerful.

Unfortunately, the existence of the Council makes him extremely resistant to soul attacks. The soul gems that transcend the universe cannot shake his soul.

Now that the war has begun, there is no need to grind and moan. In order to show respect, Mu Chenxing used four infinite gems.

The Mind Stone suppresses thinking;

Space gems lock space and imprison actions;

The Reality Stone reduces the strength of Thanos' body cells;

The Power Stone completely destroys the opponent's material composition at the atomic level.

Thanos had no extra resistance and exploded into a huge mushroom cloud in the dazzling white light.

The explosion yield exceeded 55 million tons of TNT.

Optical radiation, thermal radiation, nuclear radiation, nuclear electromagnetic pulses, and explosion shock waves instantly swept through all matter within a diameter of twenty kilometers, and continued to spread outward at extremely high speeds.

Mu Chenxing used the Infinity Stones to help Thanos complete a nuclear fission.

The mushroom cloud formed by the explosion of purple sweet potato essence shot straight into the stratosphere, bringing huge amounts of light, heat, noise, and dust clouds full of radiation to this lonely world.

The battle was not over yet, at least Mu Chenxing thought it was not over yet. He waved his hand, and the power of the two gems of reality and space was called upon again.

Overhead, tens of thousands of Dark Legion members in Temple 2 were all teleported into the central area of ​​the nuclear explosion. Like General Deathblade, Ebony Maw and others, they were baptized by nuclear bombs made of Thanos.

They will turn into dust together without distinction.

"Being integrated with your leader is the highest honor." Mu Chenxing pinched the blood-red soul gem and sighed, "I am such a good person."

Patting the dark alloy armor that was not stained with dust, he was teleported to the edge of the atmosphere right after the explosion, and he had no interest in trying the nuclear bomb on his face.

After taking the giant space battleship Temple II, which was dozens of kilometers long, into the void world, he stretched out two fingers to make gestures on his temples, and saluted the ground with a less than standard American military salute.

"Mr. Thanos, your light illuminates this dim world. It's easy to leave, but don't give it away."

After saying his farewell words, he left Vormir and teleported back to Earth.

Whether it's Thanos or the Army of Darkness, facing the attack of the four Infinity Stones, there's no room to fight back. This is not a level of power.

Of course, without Mu Chenxing's physical strength and the huge amount of energy he mobilized, he wouldn't be able to carry out such an attack.

"Are you hurt? I'm curious who can hurt you?"

Tony has never given up on the Anti-Shepherd Morning Star Armor project. Although the difficulty has increased exponentially over time, he regards it as a daily pastime.

Who can’t have a dream, right?

"I was careless. I didn't take extra protection. I misestimated the energy backlash of the four infinite gems." Mu Chenxing smiled bitterly and shook his head. He was not seriously injured. There were a few skin cracks, just like some scratches after falling.


It's not a big problem. He doesn't bother to take the initiative to treat it. The body's own recovery ability will be cured soon.

"I'll give you a gift, and we'll witness the birth of a god together later."

"You can witness it now."

A circular space door glowing with sparks appeared at the base of Tony and others, and the Supreme Mage in yellow stepped over from the opposite side.

(End of chapter)

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