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Chapter 209 I Finally Followed Brother Di's Path

Chapter 209 I finally took the path of Brother Di

Author: Prisoner in the Cauldron

Chapter 209 I finally took the path of Brother Di

Only after Mu Chenxing became a dimension lord himself did he understand why those dimension demons lent their power to mages.

What they value is not the magic power returned by the mage at all.

It is the personal will of the mage contained in the magic power, in order to enrich the will attribute in the dimensional energy, that is, the magical attribute.

The mage's personal will is naturally incomparable to that of the dimensional demon, and what comes back is sourceless water, which will eventually return to the demon himself, making the dimensional energy more magical and its influence on matter more efficient.

The little things add up to the big things, slowly promoting the growth of the soul of the dimensional demon god.

Some greedy guys will raise the loan repayment ratio so high that the mage can't afford it, and in the end he can only repay it with his soul.

There are even some evil gods who are not satisfied with the gentle loan game and want to directly devour the souls of advanced intelligent beings.

For example, Dormammu has always wanted to devour the souls of the seven billion people on earth.

Anyway, no matter which method is chosen, as long as the Demon God occupies the high-end position of magic, the wizards walking behind can only become the bottom of the food chain, constantly charging them with energy, and they will never be able to surpass them.

Unless, like Mu Chenxing, you directly kill the dimension lord and take that position yourself.

"I don't know magic, and I don't understand those sacrificial rituals, so I have to trouble the Supreme Mage to help me perfect these. In return, I don't need to charge interest from the Karma Taj family of mages."

It is impossible to give something for free, and giving one for one is already the most generous of all demons.

He took out a pale golden holy light crystal and showed Gu Yi his magical properties. All the physical properties of light were included, and it was considered the most scientific magic.

It is estimated that in the future, Kama Taj's mage will need to master certain knowledge of physics in order to truly make good use of the magic power and spells borrowed from him.

Many of Marvel's magics are actually a set of rituals to communicate with dimensional demons and borrow power. But after borrowing, at least the mage himself needs to understand the nature of magic and spells.

The deeper the understanding, the more powerful the spells released naturally.

This is an important indicator to distinguish the level of a mage.

"Ah! The next Supreme Mage can be a scientist." Ancient One took the crystal and joked.

Just after being exposed to the Holy Light, she was able to come up with a set of spells that relied on its essence.

For example, adjusting the brightness of lighting, blinding, adjusting the burning of heat, adjusting the invisibility of light reflection, and imaging.

In addition, according to the magical nature of the Holy Light, spells such as protection, blessing, treatment, physical enhancement, expulsion of alien energy, etc. can be developed.

Although the properties of holy light include many optical principles, there are also aspects that modern science cannot explain clearly.

That is, magical properties.

Those are additional attributes given by Mu Chenxing's personal will. They are his understanding of light energy and his expectations for the Holy Light. These magical attributes will grow with the growth of his soul, and will also continue to grow with the magicians who use the Holy Light.

The magic grows with feedback.

After all, the method of mobilizing energy by personal will to change the material world is the essence of magic.

The will is very important.

For example, Mu Chenxing firmly believes that the holy light can protect against spiritual attacks, and he himself is indeed not afraid of soul and mental interference. The holy light that blends with his soul naturally has the property of protecting the soul.

For example, light particles can neutralize reactions with many energies. He firmly believes that holy light can expel other energies based on this principle, so holy light has the property of expeling foreign energy.

There are many properties of the Holy Light that Mu Chenxing can achieve, but the light particles have no relevant physical properties, but are forcibly endowed with magical properties by his will with the help of the power of six infinite gems.

"Bright, warm, hopeful, and scorching." Ancient One sighed at the magic power emanating from the holy light: "Every demon god will create a genre, and I am honored to contribute some modest effort to this."

Of course, she didn't say that the Holy Light also had the power of destruction, nor would she develop such a spell.

"Finding such a generous minister for Kamal Taj is perhaps my greatest achievement as the Supreme Mage."

These words come from the sincerity of the ancient one. Karma Taj belongs to the lineage of mystics. They use magic runes to absorb free energy and strengthen the body. However, the human body has its limits, and mages cannot store too much magic power.

Basically they are passers-by, like water channels, just part of the energy cycle of the universe.

Therefore, Kama Taj's mages can solve problems in close combat without using spells, for fear of wasting their limited magic power. The cost of borrowing power to release certain spells is too high, and ordinary mages cannot afford it.

Things are different now. Most mages can afford to repay one for one with light spells. They just need to practice more every day and absorb a little more free magic power to repay the debt.

Who wants to fight in close combat if you can defeat the enemy from a distance?

Therefore, Gu Yi is very enthusiastic about developing spells, which will be used by his descendants to protect the earth in the future.

It only took her seven days to complete the ritual of communicating with the Lord of Holy Light, borrowing power, and creating several series of spells for Holy Light magic.

A spiritual protection system named the Light of the Heart.

The healing system of Healing Light.

The energy shield of the blessed light, as well as the series of enhancements that strengthen the power of the body and weapons.

Judgment Light's long-range strike-type evocation series.

The purification series of light of purification that drives away alien energy.

The invisibility, blinding, and magical imaging interference series of the light of illusion.

There are even life-based magics such as lighting, heating, and ignition.

This damn thing is one light with multiple functions, to the point of being omnipotent, right?

Karma Taj Full Light Banquet?

Seeing Mu Chenxing was stunned, no wonder he was revered as the Supreme Mage, Gu Yi's magical cultivation was really awesome!

Finally, I compiled a "Magic Book of the Lord of Holy Light" that is as thick as a dictionary.

Every word in it is the love of the ancient pair of descendants of the mage.

It is estimated that in the future, all the magicians of Kama Taj will be small light people, and they will "biubiubiu" shine lasers all day long.

The funniest thing is that Mu Chenxing, as the Lord of Holy Light, also has to learn the magic in this book.

This is called doujinshi forcing originality!

There is no way, the mage does not have the attribute of holy light. If you want to use these spells, you must borrow magic power from him. If he does not know these spells, it will be difficult for his own magic power to synchronize with the corresponding spells.

The consequences are that either the spell fails or the power cannot be exerted, which is not ideal anyway.

And if he learns these spells, he can more easily incorporate the mage's will in the debt repayment magic into the holy light, which can not only enhance the magical effect of the holy light, but also provide material for his own soul growth.

It's a win-win.

"Then let's learn it." It's not that Mu Chenxing doesn't like magic. He didn't learn it before because he didn't want to take on loan sharks.

Now that he is a moneylender himself, what worries does he have?

He really learned these magics easily. He only needed to adjust the magic attributes a little, and he didn't need to pay attention to the part of the spell model that communicated with himself.

These runes drawn by mental power are the difficulty for the mage to release spells, because they include a contract to borrow magic power, and every time it is used, it is a loan.

"It will be very annoying if there are too many in the future." Mu Chenxing has a plan in his mind. The council now has seventeen universes, and there will be more in the future. So many people are his potential growth resources.

There needs to be someone specifically responsible for this, otherwise he will be exhausted.

The Holy Light Dimension records good choices for lending. The original Qu Tong and now Wang Shu can be responsible for this matter.

There is still a shortage of candidates to preach on earth.

Of course, he doesn't need those superstitious believers. What he needs is a mage who can use magic, preferably a fighting maniac with strong martial virtues who is either practicing or fighting.

This kind of person is a high-quality customer and is suitable for your loan business. Those who have never used magic a few times in their lives, or are old people like Gu Yi, then I would like to thank you.

Therefore, Mu Chenxing stayed at Kama Taj for a few more days.

Combining the mystic training system here and the Qi training method of the Chinese system that he had mastered before, he figured out a set of techniques that can absorb free energy, combine it with his own will, and combine it into attributeless magic power, which was incorporated into the magic

In the book.

This set of exercises has no other advantages, except that it lowers some requirements for talent and absorbs free energy relatively quickly.

It is convenient for him to expand his customer base, reduce customers' debt repayment pressure, and promote the flow of magic loan business.

Thinking about the bright prospects in the future, he couldn't help but feel elated. Dozens of billions of mages provided magic power for the Holy Light Dimension. His power was rising like a rocket, and he was just around the corner to become a multiverse-level dimensional demon.

He will not make loan sharks because he does not lack energy, but what he lacks is the mage's will that is in line with the Holy Light.

He doesn't need to be afraid of too much personal will interfering with his soul, because the World Controller has some of the functions of the soul gem and the mind gem, and it is not a problem at all to refine the personal will in the mage's debt repayment magic.

Therefore, the interest rate he set was not high. It was enough for Karma Taj and the directors of the council to pay one for one, and for the other mages to pay one for two.

According to Gu Yi, this ratio is the lowest among all the dimensional demons she knows, and it can be called generous.

Borrow one and return ten, borrow one and return one's soul.

Once he starts to spread faith, it will definitely be the gospel of the Master.

"If you are willing, Kama Taj can help you spread your faith. But it is best not to spread it on a large scale. The free magic power is not abundant, at least not enough to be used by all mankind.

And the rapid growth of extraordinary power will also have an impact on society. Not to mention..." Gu Yi considered his words for a moment, and then said softly: "The large-scale spread of faith will cause dissatisfaction among some beings."

These are indeed problems. Mu Chenxing calmed down in an instant. He is not afraid of those dimensional demons making trouble. The worst thing is that he can just stop spreading his name in Marvel. He has the universe to go to.

However, the issue of the proliferation of extraordinary powers and their impact on social order does need to be considered.

He does not want to become the legendary devil of chaos. His reputation for causing chaos once he comes will affect the long-term operation of the loan business.

Just grab a vote and run away is not the way to make money.

He is not a short-lived ghost who lives and dies. The growth plan of the Holy Light Dimension must be planned in units of thousands of years.

"I will consider the impact of this." Mu Chenxing nodded seriously.

I figured out the key to spreading faith.

Propagating faith must be done in an organized and planned manner. Only by giving the lending mages a sense of mission and establishing a core moral system can they be restrained. Only then can the lending business continue to operate for a long time from generation to generation.

He blinked, suddenly feeling familiar.

Isn't this what Emperor Weishan did?

Isn’t this the system of Karma Taj?

There are countless parallel universes in Marvel, and Karma Taj seems to be established in every parallel universe.

Still awesome as an old timer!

Mu Chenxing was really convinced. Emperor Weishan had gained a good reputation without losing his magic power.

Even though Gu Yi helped him establish a complete holy light magic system, space spells such as space gates and mirror spaces are something that Kama Taj's mage cannot give up.

Does the water flow slowly?


It’s all wisdom!

Don’t be blinded by short-term interests and plan for eternity. This is great wisdom, enlightened by Mu Chenxing.

The original anxious idea of ​​going to the multiverse to spread faith faded away.

You must think carefully and grasp the key points. Spellcasters originally require talent, and there are even fewer excellent mages. It is these high-level mages who draw the bulk of the power.

The amount of energy Gu Yi needed to fight once was more than a low-level mage's lifetime of lighting.

No matter how you lower the requirements for spells, it is still a technical job, and many people may not be able to reach the standard of spell casting even after working hard for a lifetime.

"Thanks to Master Gu Yi for reminding me, I understand." He understood the key points of magic communication, but he would not establish his own communication system based on Kama Taj's model.

Emperor Weishan thinks like Emperor Weishan. There are too many demons in the Marvel universe, and there are also creation gods above them. Naturally, they don’t dare to take too big actions.

But he is different. Many of the universes he has traveled through are not that complicated. Unlike Marvel, where many parallel universes are crowded together like a hive.

He doesn't have so many worries.

The seventeen universes of the Council, Marvel and Westward Journey cannot make any big moves for the time being. Super God is now considered its own base camp, and it will be fine to go back to the official route.

Xiaoao, one person, Lingcong has directors, just leave it to them to promote it.

For the remaining eleven universes, he ordered the observers sent there to look for people with strong thinking fluctuations, which in terms of the magic system means high mental power.

Examine their character, and then guide those with good character to obtain magic books, believe in the Lord of Holy Light, establish the Church of Holy Light, and fight to protect the world.

In modern society, the timeline should be hidden and the mages should be cultivated silently.

If the timeline is in ancient times, the action can be bigger. Anyway, ancient times were chaotic to begin with. It doesn't matter if it is a little more chaotic. Maybe it would be better to unify the world as early as possible.

"Chairman, do ancient apes also need to be inspected?" the observer from Universe 12 asked.

Mu Chenxing was stunned for a moment, forgetting that there was another universe whose timeline was six million years before the emergence of modern humans. He thought for a moment and said, "Train them into terrifying upright apes who master the Holy Light!"

There is no need to worry about Universe 12. There is no social structure at all.

As for whether it can be done, it doesn't matter. Anyway, the observer is only a weak artificial intelligence and will not be bored. Just take your time.

Mu Chenxing finally decided to refer to Emperor Weishan's methods, but follow the path of Emperor Weishan.

(End of chapter)

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