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Chapter 58 Reserve Immortal Body

Chapter 58 Reserve Immortal Human Body

There are many mysteries surrounding Feng Baobao's life experience, but Mu Chenxing doesn't care about them.

What he values ​​​​is this silly girl's body.

Almost endless energy and stamina, the ability to quickly recover from damage to bones and internal organs without deterioration, an old body, and sensitive perception.

This is obviously not something that ordinary aliens can achieve. She has broken through the limits of human beings in many aspects. She may have actually completed part of her emergence and reached the doorstep of life transition.

Feng Baobao is the most valuable existence in this world, much more powerful than those magical powers.

He has always wanted to find an opportunity to get this power with the help of the self-cultivation furnace.

Now, the opportunity has come.

Mu Chenxing took Qu Tong's spirit into the acupuncture points in his body. This is the method of nourishing the spirit of the general among the generals. He uses his own Qi or a weak spirit to support the strong spirit so that it can maintain its spirituality, and even

A further approach.

At this step, the spirit body's original qi will be completely replaced with its own qi, so that the detained spirit body loses its ability and will to resist.

And using Qi as a link, it gradually synchronizes with the subjugated spirit to form a new life combination, and finally completes sublimation. This is how Ju Lingqian will make a leap in life.

He did not participate in the indistinguishable battlefields on the road. He carefully activated the ability of the Earthly Immortal to bypass them underground.

Looking at the rifles, machine guns, and RPGs carried by those people, it’s all thanks to Ma Xianhong’s work. The bite bag is perfect for smuggling weapons.

I don’t know if it’s possible because no one has gone that far, but the idea is really good.

Putting aside the study of the exercises, there was no time to waste now. Qi moved his whole body, used both hands to change his appearance and body shape, changed his clothes, and ran towards where Feng Baobao was.

The meridians damaged due to forced re-engraving are recovering quickly even without using both hands to treat them.

Many of the flower dolls made by Lao Ma are equipped with modified firearms, and they are probably smuggled in this way.

When he opened the furnace door, he felt that the whole world was different. It was clearer and more cordial. Even without using his mind to scan, he could vaguely detect the Qi field around him - the Qi field that all living things possess.


"My head hurts a little." Feng Baobao was sitting under the tree, feeling an inexplicable headache.

The timing is really good.

More than that, his innate Qi seemed to have been sublimated, and seemed to resonate with the world. He instinctively realized that his body was eagerly absorbing higher-level energy. This energy was gentle yet majestic, and was

Help yourself move towards a higher life form.

Mu Chenxing quickly walked around the edge of the forest. Within a few breaths, more than twenty mercenaries had their brains shattered by the power of telepathy.

The severe headache made her a little distracted, and her instinctive energy burst out, breaking away from the shackles of her mind. She slashed Mu Chenxing's body with a swing of her hand, knocking him out more than ten meters away.

What's more, there are dozens of villagers wearing protective magic weapons, which is a powerful fighting force.

"Someone is coming." Feng Baobao noticed the telekinesis field shrouded in the woods.

With a flash of thought, he put the person into the storage space again. Mu Chenxing rubbed his chest and flew to the Self-cultivation Hall.

This re-enactment has yielded much greater gains than before. Physical fitness has nearly doubled, the spiritual energy in the body has increased more than three times, and the recovery speed has increased tenfold. The cultivation of various skills has been improved due to the increase in energy.

, have experienced substantial growth.

The only pity is that Feng Baobao did not practice the Qi Ti Origin Style taught by Zhang Huaiyi, and he was not able to complete the reproduction. As for releasing Zhang Chulan for reproduction, he never thought about it.

The source of Qi Ti is not worth the risk, and there is not enough time.

Once you hide it in this small ball, which is not much bigger than a peanut, you can take the weapons and equipment wherever you want, and no one can detect them. The capacity of the capsule is larger than a container, let alone these individual weapons.

It can be installed on infantry fighting vehicles.

No matter how fast they were, they couldn't keep up with the bullets. The aliens were not strong enough to physically carry bullets, so the two parties reached a balance in this small forest.

There was a fierce fight outside the village, with hundreds of people fighting in the hills and jungles. Due to the disparity in weapons, Biyou Village was suppressed.

There is something that is suspected to be a "Nascent Soul" in that guy's body. Who knows if anything will happen if he controls it with both hands?

It’s better not to mess with this kind of “Old Monster of Nascent Soul”.

They quietly arrived at a small grove at the east end of the village. When they were looking for Qu Tong, Feng Baobao and Zhang Chulan were suppressed here by the mercenaries of the Yaoxing Society.

"Sure enough, this silly girl is at her most powerful when she loses her mind. Fortunately, she was on guard, otherwise she would have been hacked to death."

He was not interested in the secrets of the Jiashen Rebellion, nor did he want to do anything to Baobao Feng. He took a tube of blood and kept it for testing, deleted the memory of the past ten minutes, and then returned to the grove at the east end of the village.

"Sister Bao'er, don't be anxious. We have held back more than 20 armed gangsters. We are worthy of Biyou Village and can deal with the superiors. There are so many temporary workers and top-notch workers in the village, so there is no need for us to work hard."

Perhaps my own state is the prelude to emergence?

No one can tell him the answer.

Zhang Chulan felt confident about fishing, but he did not want to hit the enemy's crossfire net.

"What did Sister Baoer find?" Zhang Chulan turned around and asked.

Before Zhang Chulan could answer the call, the two of them suddenly disappeared.

His abundant energy made him radiant.

He was able to be so leisurely because his goal was achieved. The moment Feng Baobao was disturbed by both hands, Qu Tong's spirit had completed its possession, and now the silly girl was standing still in a daze.

We went to Qu Tong first because his hand skills were not high enough and he was not confident that he could control Feng Baobao.

It's time to get down to business.

It became much simpler after that. Taking advantage of the chaos outside the village, I controlled Feng Baobao to hold the stove and completed the re-engraving.

The improvement of perception ability is like a leap, making telekinesis scanning more precise, and maybe it can be advanced to the molecular level, which will be another leap.

The reason Qu Tong dared to attack Biyou Village at this time was because he relied on hundreds of well-equipped mercenaries. Otherwise, those strangers from the Yaoxing Society would not be enough temporary workers and high-level equipment to fight.

Looking at the broken protective magic weapon and the huge scratches on the black armor under the tattered skirt, Mu Chenxing murmured to himself while lying on the ground.

Now, the situation of the two of them has not improved. More than 20 experienced veterans suppressed them with firearms from a distance and did not get close at all. The intention of siege was obvious.

The two work together to make sure nothing goes wrong.

"Brother Bilian, Feng Baobao, are you okay? I have dealt with all the enemies outside, thank you for your help." Mu Chenxing walked out from a distance, smiling happily and sincerely.

There was no answer in Feng Baobao's mind. Her body was also in this state. She was just decades ahead of her and much stronger in every aspect, but there was no difference in essence.

People inside can't break out, and people outside can't get in.

He collected several heavy weapons and released Feng Baobao from the storage space. When she was not prepared, his blue hand covered her head.

He didn't use his telekinesis to fly, for fear of exposing any flaws.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. It's a real pleasure. It's not adulterated at all and has a very high sugar content.

"What kind of thing did your village get into? It was a gun and a cannon."

"Just when we were about to negotiate with the company, such a group of people came. We were also very confused."

Mu Chenxing wanted to muddy the water.

(End of chapter)

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