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Chapter 73 Please Call My Name

Chapter 73 Please call me by my name

Mu Chenxing looked at Ajie with a half-smile but not a smile. What kind of tactical theory class is nonsense! Juebi brought himself here on purpose.

The people at the Super Seminary were very unhappy that this meeting could only be attended by the main god of the Lieyang. Do you want to cause trouble with the power of the galaxy?

Dukao is very good at playing tricks!

"Two conditions, give me the exclusive equipment as soon as possible, and help me find someone."

"Morning Star, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand?" Ajie was obviously pretending to be stupid.

"Then I can leave? You can't stop me."

"No, look at you, young man, why are you in such a hurry? The equipment is already being built with all our strength. Don't worry, every soldier has it, and you are indispensable. There is no need to worry about the safety of relatives and friends. The academy has it.

The arrangements will solve your worries."

Ajie didn't say anything, but his promise was clearly expressed.

"Okay, I want to take a leave recently and resolve my life regrets before going to the battlefield." What Mu Chenxing meant was that he wanted to avoid the limelight.

I can help you with things, but you have to wipe your own ass.

It was in this atmosphere that Mu Chenxing knocked on the door of the conference room.

In fact, they were also aware of the prying eyes of the mind scan.

After hearing this, Angel Yan stopped his probing eyes, and then really rolled his eyes, little kid, you are allowed to look at me, but I am not allowed to look at you? Angel Chai and Angel Mo Yihen, who were standing on both sides behind her,

He glared at Mu Chenxing fiercely.

Mu Chenxing has no ill feelings towards her.

His mission had been accomplished from the moment he appeared in this small conference room. In the rest of the time, he could do anything but talk about business.

She wants to arrange a proper place for the people on earth to go and then retrieve the star core. The entire plan is estimated to take ten thousand years. Although the specific plan has not been made yet, she is satisfied.

The face of an angel was flawless and perfect. Mu Chenxing couldn't stand it, so he habitually made jokes to prevent himself from showing his cowardice.

Neither the Super Seminary nor the Earth can overturn this decision, and today's meeting will not have a good outcome from the beginning.

At this time, she was leaning on the leather seat, with her white wings on both sides of the backrest. Her long, smooth golden hair was scattered like a waterfall on the silver armor. The red lining in the style of a short skirt set off the mountains.

, curvy figure.

"Malicious implantation!"

After three "dang, dang, dang," sounds, he pushed the door open and entered without waiting for an answer.

But there is no way. Without the support of the blazing sun, the earth cannot muster the strength to resist.

No matter how young he is, he is still the main god of a 60,000-year-old civilization.

"Mu Chenxing? What are you doing here?" Reina was surprised. Didn't she agree that she would come to negotiate by herself? Why did another one come?

"I have something to do with the angels. You talk about yours, and then we talk about mine." Mu Chenxing found a chair, not close to the negotiation table, but leaning against the bookshelf on the wall and sitting in the middle of the negotiating table.

For more than a thousand years, Lieyang has regarded the earth as its own territory and has publicized it widely, hoping to create an established fact and allow other advanced civilizations, especially angels, to recognize their ownership of the earth.

The allies are too strong and have stepped on the bottom line. If they don't say anything, they will be eaten.

"It's so rude of you to roll your eyes when we meet someone."

Lena knows this.

As for overthrowing Lieyang's will, I am not qualified now and can only express the attitude of the earth.

The two parties upstairs have already begun negotiations, with unfriendly tones and tit-for-tat attitudes, calling the little girl and talking about the old goblin.

I can only endure it.

In the original plot, Brother Monkey rushed directly to the Lieyang Star and had a fight afterwards, just to express his dissatisfaction, but in the end he could only bow his head in the bad situation.

The Probing Eye will project a white light screen on the outside of the eyeball to display the probing results.

Angel Yan's explanation was interrupted by Reina. She took a deep breath irritably and turned her head away, not wanting to look at this rude little girl.

He was willing to mess with this matter.

Reina didn't want him to stay here, so she urged: "Angels like brainwashing. If you can't resist, leave first."

The small conference room, which is less than 100 square meters, is now separated by three parties. The situation looks like an angel negotiating with the burning sun to compete for his ownership rights.

"My name is Mu Chenxing. Now, there are two Galactic Powers. In the future, there may be one thousand or ten thousand, but I only have one, so please call me by my name." Mu Chenxing was playing time very seriously.


It’s not just Sun Wukong who is aggrieved, the entire Super Seminary and the senior Chinese officials who know about this are also aggrieved.

It really looks like rolling your eyes, the whole eye is white.

Because there is something wrong with the core of the Sun Star, I want to use the core of the Earth to repair it.

"Don't speak so harshly. We can indeed read some of your information and pass it directly to your brain..."

"Galaxy Power, what do you want from us?" She decided to talk about something else first.

"Those who think wrong should get out."

Killing seven billion people would be intolerable to any intelligent life with some conscience, right?

Knocking on the door is a sign of politeness, and pushing the door open directly is a sign of attitude.

The main reason for coming to Earth is this. Do you really think she was attracted by the so-called fashion on Earth? That would be superficial.

She has a different attitude when it comes to the problems of the earth, because she is a kind person and does not want to ignore the seven billion intelligent life on earth and roughly take away the energy of the star core.

When you see the real owner appearing, your exploratory eyes are opened, and you need to take a good look at this child who is peeping at you.

But they actually don't know Lieyang's true purpose.

"Okay, then I'm leaving."

Mu Chenxing can understand the attitude of Super Seminary because he knows more things than the people in the academy.

But other Sun people are not included in this.

But Ajie's understanding was a little crooked, and he smiled obscenely and said, "Regrets in life? Do you and Qilin both ask for leave?"

Ajie made a cool move, this move was just a casual move to express his dissatisfaction. No one expected to overturn Lieyang's will, but the weakness without any expression would only make the opponent push further.

The heroism is in a mess.

"Oh, finally here, the power of the Galaxy." Angel Yan had long noticed a fluctuation in his mind and was paying attention to this negotiation.

Anyway, the blazing sun will definitely refuse the angels to help the earth, and they will not agree to give up their prey to others.

She slapped her forehead and forgot to ask this guy to fight Sun Wukong.

"Haha, kid, do you care so much about your name?" Angel Yan looked at this newly emerged galactic power curiously. He didn't notice it last time he came to Earth.

The Super Seminary has activated two galactic powers. Can they afford it?

"Of course, the name is a trace of my existence." Mu Chenxing nodded seriously and asked with a smile: "I have already introduced myself, so, beautiful angel sister, aren't you going to tell me who you are?


"Hehehe, you are so sweet." Angel Yan smiled very happily.

"My name is Yan, Angel Yan."

"Hey! I said, is it appropriate for you to hold a blind date conference here?!" Reina was already extremely angry.

(End of chapter)

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