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Chapter 83 One step away

Chapter 83 One step away

The charging of the gene engine is the fastest, and it only needs to import the fluctuation frequency of the dark energy field to complete the call.

As far as the energy needed for the power of the galaxy was concerned, the space gem didn't even bother to pay attention. The outer cube containing the gem emitted a burst of blue light, and then returned to calm.

The genetic engine in Mu Chenxing's body is running at full power, and its performance has been greatly improved.

Computing power, physical strength, recovery ability, and battery life are all enhanced. To give the most intuitive example, when he punches out now, he has at least a hundred tons of power. This is his worst aspect.

Speaking of its strong point of defense, at least it shouldn't be a problem if it receives a nuclear bomb in the face.

Before, he had always been in an energy-saving state.

In fact, this is the case for the soldiers of the Xiongbing Company. The earth cannot support them. The Super Seminary agreed to some of Lieyang's conditions and obtained the activated energy and materials for manufacturing equipment.

Every super soldier is in a state of energy shortage and lacks support from external computing groups.

The combat system of the Kamigawa Civilization is a super dark matter computer and corresponding energy system to assist genetic warriors in combat.

Although he studied every day, the time was too short, and he probably didn't even finish reading the catalog of the vast knowledge.

This step cannot be taken for the time being.

The intensity of the dark energy field has increased visibly to the naked eye, not only expanding the space larger and larger, but the high-intensity energy field also makes it more difficult to invade the dark plane, and the backup energy has also increased hundreds of times.

If you never die of thirst or hunger, and have enough energy, you can infinitely repair your body, brain, heart and other fatal parts, and you can completely repair them and no longer become weaknesses.

Don't care at all.

The computing cloud integrated in the dark alloy armor is still a small one opened by Lian Feng, and it can only be compared with the supercomputer of the earth, because it is incomparable with the large dark matter computer.

The real solution is of course to simulate the operating mechanism of the space gem and create a super engine that covers the energy system and the space system.

After careful consideration, I found that relying on the board of directors is the most reliable.

The bad news is that no matter how full of energy he is, he is still a third-generation super soldier and has no idea how to upgrade his third-generation divine body.

But just a little bit.

Not only would it be useless to take it out, it would also cause irreversible damage to the Marvel Universe.

It seems that there is no need to fight, and there is no need to explain that I really have no intention of taking him away. There is no need to do something that completely harms others and does not benefit oneself.

It’s time for the world to see what space-time genes are!

It's good to be at peace with each other.

Do what you can do first.

Although they are all three generations, the essence of life is vastly different.

The council's operation of absorbing space elements and condensing them into storage space was completely silent, with no trace of energy fluctuations or information disturbance. If he hadn't known that the storage space was expanding hundreds of times, he would have thought nothing had happened.


The third generation super warriors are like people driving mechas. The mechas perform very well, but they are still fragile.

Mu Chenxing can't do it for the time being. He can only sink the cube containing the gems into the dark plane. While analyzing the information, he can also use the energy contained in the gems to enhance the energy field of the dark plane.

Although the increase in combat power will not be too high, it is a life leap.

Putting aside the issues of knowledge accumulation and combat experience, in terms of hardware alone, the super soldiers of Xiongbing Company simply cannot meet the combat power standards at the time of design.

After becoming a third-generation divine body, one can get rid of dependence on matter and survive by absorbing energy.

"It's business."

Since the binding, he has traveled through nine universes and obtained a total of twenty-three cubes. But now, only a few minutes have passed, and the storage space has been expanded by millions of cubes.

Looking at the blue cube in his hand, Mu Chenxing frowned slightly. This energy source is really awesome, but it cannot bring out Marvel.

This is good news.

Karl's Big Clock, Angel's Sacred Kesha's Treasure House of Knowledge, Demon's Demonic Wings, Lieyang's Tiandao Tower, and Tianzha's Tiangong No. are all configured in this way.

Gu Yi probably didn't know that he was a person from the outer universe, but in her eyes, he was at least at the level of dimensional invasion, so he just came over to take a look and then left?

If you want to kill the third generation god, you either have to use a high-level god-killing weapon to destroy the gene engine. Or you have to chop off the head and take advantage of the opportunity of paralysis to completely burn it to ashes.

Another good news is that in the past three days, the volume of storage space has increased to six cubic kilometers and continues to grow at a rate of two cubic kilometers per day. It will not be long before it becomes a miniature world.

What was the near miss? He didn't know.

It is a real resurrection, not a copy.

It's a pity that he is a pauper. Let alone a celestial level computer, he doesn't even have an external computing group.

After waiting for three days, there was no movement. Looking at the current situation, I can safely play with it.

"Tony, I discovered something interesting, do you want to hear it?" He walked to the laboratory underground in the villa, preparing to talk about new elements.

You know, one cubic kilometer is one billion cubic meters, which can accommodate an entire aircraft carrier battle group, with room for dozens of football fields.

But what is there on Earth? Deno-3? That thing is really weak.

If the gems leave the Marvel Universe, it will cause the collapse of this universe. Ancient Yi didn't come to snatch it. This was something he didn't expect.

The six Infinity Stones are closely connected to the local universe. Rather than saying that the gems have powerful power, it is better to say that they are the controllers of certain rules in the Marvel Universe. If they leave the exclusive universe, they will immediately become ordinary gems.

As for Odin, Mu Chenxing is not worried about him coming to snatch him.

The board of directors is not only expanding the storage space, but also truly enhancing his confidence and confidence.

At this rate, it will rise several cubic kilometers a day.

The person he was waiting for didn't come.

Mu Chenxing did not dare to think about that kind of life form for the time being. He just wanted to become a third-generation god first.

To solve the energy problem in other universes, we have to find another way to solve it.

With such a large space, new fighting ideas appeared in his mind.

The space gem was thrown to the earth by the king of Asgard. It has been thrown for more than a thousand years. During this period, the gem fell into the hands of various people, even if it was taken away by people outside the Nine Realms.

, he didn’t even pay attention to it.

This is a path that harms others but does not benefit oneself.

Do you not care, or did you use the time stone to cheat and read the answer?

It is really difficult to grasp what the boss who has lived for hundreds of years is thinking.

Really good.

But there is a big difference between the universe and air conditioning. Without rule controllers like the Infinity Stones, over time, the operation of the universe will become chaotic and eventually collapse.

I waited for three full days.

When Keisha went offline, Angel disconnected from the treasure house of knowledge, and her combat power instantly dropped by several levels because the combat system was destroyed.

The third-generation divine body means that the person who activates the mecha becomes one with the mecha. He is the mecha, and the mecha is him.

This is the super-god universe, the standard of God.

Just like the remote control of an air conditioner is useless without it. The remote control cannot cool or heat.

Tony teased without raising his head: "Have you seen the little beauty? Do you want Uncle Tony to give you some advice on your pick-up skills? I'm not telling you, BOY, you are staying on the private beach and can't see the beautiful scenery.

You have to go to the public beachfront."

Perhaps, only celestial-level computers like the Great Clock and Kesha's Treasure House of Knowledge can reach the level of analyzing this thing.

Of course, there is good news and there is bad news.

And because of the abundant energy, the progress of the analysis has been accelerated a lot, from ten thousand years to five thousand years, but to Mu Chenxing, there is no difference.

He thought of the new element discovered by Tony's father, which was the isotope of the space gem. It had huge energy and was a good transitional method.

It's best not to do anything. Gu Yi has too many tricks, including space, soul, various magics, and the ability to manipulate time. He can't beat him now.

There was no movement at all.

As for the fourth-generation divine body, it is almost indestructible. There is no fatality in merging the body at will, and beheading is useless. The divine body of the angel is even more domineering. It can be reassembled even if it is exploded into atoms.

Have my current physical functions improved tens of thousands of times compared to my original self? Mu Chenxing was surprised by his growth.

But he couldn't take it lightly now. He withdrew most of his computing power to analyze gems, sat on the beach in Marbury, and waited quietly.

This requires a clear analysis of the composition of the space gem first.

Also remember to destroy his dark message, because as long as the dark message remains intact and energy and resources are provided again, resurrection can be completed.

"Okay, our leader wants to talk about business, let's go have a meal first and talk while eating?" Tony greeted Ethan, and the three of them walked upstairs.

Dinner was simple, coffee and burgers. While eating, Mu Chenxing said: "I found out that your father was one of the founders in that bureau with a particularly long name, and I also saw the relics he left for you."

"What's the Homeland Strategic Attack Bureau?" Tony hid his expression by drinking coffee.

"Yes, I think I should tell you."

"I will notify the lawyer to get it back."

(End of chapter)

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