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Chapter 88 Want a base

Chapter 88 Want a base

In the underground ancient city of Old San Juan, Daisy followed Mu Chenxing forward in a daze.

There really is a dungeon!

This kind of adventure experience is completely different from what she imagined. Shouldn't it be like Tomb Raider and Raiders of the Lost Ark, where you have to go through all kinds of difficulties and obstacles, be on tenterhooks the whole time, and narrowly escape death before you can find the treasure?

During the treasure hunt, a love story between the hero and the heroine would be perfect.

How can we be like this time, eating tropical fruits, drinking cold drinks, and buying local snacks to try when we see interesting ones?

One second I was enjoying the sunshine and sea breeze, and the next second I entered the dark and humid underground city and reached my destination directly.

This one-step approach to adventure gave her no sense of adventure at all.

"This should be it."

Mu Chenxing looked at the octagonal stone chamber, the stone platform in the middle, and the lines at his feet that were carved like some kind of matrix and some like circuit boards.

Mu Chenxing took this as a compliment and said with a smile on his face like a joke: "Don't worry, I will lead you to become bigger and stronger and create greater glory."

The most important thing is that he felt that the mind-purifying spell was effective, and the anger suppressed in his heart subsided a lot.

Parents will only pass on unstable recessive alien genes to the next generation, and their abilities are not certain. When most aliens activate their abilities, they will be accompanied by mutations in appearance or body shape.

"That depends on whether you want to give it or not." Ethan replied with a smile.

"Do you want me to build it myself?"

After speaking, without waiting for the other party to answer, he directly put the person into the storage space with his mind. After teleporting to high altitude, he spread his wings and flew back to Marbury.

"Activation completed?" After the teleportation, he pretended not to know anything to avoid embarrassment to the other party.

"After I leave, you can start the activation process by placing the obelisk on the stone platform. It may be petrified, don't panic, that is a normal step. After activation, I will come back to pick you up."

"Tony, I have something to tell you." The ridicule was of course the way to go, he had something serious to do.

In fact, the biggest purpose of coming here is to open the obelisk and take out the crystal inside.

He wrapped the silver-white obelisk with his telekinesis and handed it to Daisy.

Mu Chenxing has no idea of ​​studying alien genes. If he really wants to study Marvel's super genes, there are better choices, such as the popular Bollywood star Ginger and his several kin. These Eternals are comparable to aliens.

People are more fragrant.

"I don't know." Mu Chenxing answered confidently.

It feels like they are opening a blind box when activating the ability.

"Do we need to find a secret room or something to discuss the conspiracy?"

The alien's genes are very unstable. If he hadn't seen the relevant plot in his previous life, Mu Chenxing would not have known what abilities Daisy would inspire.

The obelisk on the stone platform gradually disintegrated and cracked, revealing the translucent white crystal inside.

Daisy's body was gradually wrapped in a layer of limestone, eventually forming a humanoid stone sculpture that maintained a dodging posture. The recessive alien gene in her body was quickly activated.

When the Kree gave up on the alien transformation project, it was because the genes were damaged and unstable, making them a failed product.

"Don't worry, it'll be no problem." He gave a final encouragement and teleported to a remote seaside above the ground.

In fact, it is just a decoration to appease people's hearts. This place is within the scanning range of his telekinesis, so nothing can go wrong.

This is her most beautiful dress, specially worn today.

Therefore, we need to find another candidate.

Tony pretended to feel distressed and said bitterly: "Okay, okay, it seems that Uncle Tony is going to make a loss-making business. Tell me, how much will it cost?"

Of course, those are long-term plans, and I probably can't beat them now.

It is judged that this is the place where Daisy activates her powers in the original plot.

"That's right, after activation, turn on the signal transmitter and I will come back to pick you up immediately." Mu Chenxing knew that she was nervous and assured her again seriously.

"Physical fitness, combat awareness, etc., no matter what you want to do, you must at least master the strength." Mu Chenxing felt that the best candidate to train Daisy was the Black Widow, but he could not give this big killer weapon to SHIELD.

"I don't know, I don't feel any difference anyway." Daisy tugged on the skirt of her clothes that was damaged when the stone skin fell off, feeling a little distressed.

"Sure enough, you can't get too close to the capitalists. This kid has been led astray by you." Dr. Banner joked with a smile. He had been lonely for many years. The feeling of spending the past two days in the laboratory with other scholars,

Pretty good.

About ten minutes later, the stone skin of the statue shook and fell off, and Shockwave Girl Daisy Johnson was born.

I did a little research, but I didn’t understand it clearly. I’ll talk about it later. Anyway, there are a lot of aliens out there.

After retracting his thoughts, he watched in amusement as Daisy put on various poses and tried to send out supernatural powers. In the end, nothing came out. She pressed the switch of the signal transmitter dejectedly.

The electromagnetic interference in this area was very serious and conventional communication equipment could not be used, so he made a simple signal transmitter.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Daisy came into contact with superpowers for the first time and had no idea.

The telekinesis scan sensed that Daisy took a few deep breaths, and then placed the obelisk as if on an execution ground. As soon as she placed it, it felt as if she had been burned by charcoal. She quickly stepped back and stared at the stone carefully.


Without the alien gene, direct contact with this thing will cause it to be petrified, or it may be calcified. The rather awesome anti-counterfeiting method is the ability of the Terrigen crystal contained inside.

"You will come back to pick me up, right?" she confirmed again.

After releasing Daisy, I went to the laboratory to taunt three middle-aged men who used me as their imaginary enemy. I received three pairs of depressed eyes and felt happy.

"You need training."

You don't have to come here to activate your abilities.

The crystal multiplied rapidly, growing from an irregular diamond-shaped column into a beautiful crystal flower in a few seconds, and then disintegrated and exploded instantly. After a shock wave, gray mist filled the entire place.

Octagonal room.

"OK, I understand." Tony complained helplessly: "With your shameless face, you really do look like you are doing something big."

This is the Terrigen Crystal.

"Let's go back first."

Tony pointed at himself and asked uncertainly: "You mean, you want me to build a base for you?"

"Training for what?"

"Ah? Can you accept my investment?" Can you still say that? Tony was a little confused: "Now asking for money is so simple and straightforward? Hey, Ethan, is this the process of attracting investment?"

Daisy took the obelisk and her heart was beating hard. Will she also have super powers? She felt nervous and dreamy.

Mu Chenxing ignored Tony's complaints and said seriously: "I need a base, and I can accept your investment."

Feeling very happy.

"It's a good thing to make money." Ethan casually continued while flipping through the physical constants of various rare alloys.

"You can't imagine the happiness of capitalists." Tony showed off, then turned to ask Mu Chenxing: "What kind of base do you want?"

"It's up to you."

(End of chapter)

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