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0151, legendary woman Xiao Hongye

 October 26th.

The weather is cloudy.

The air index is good.

Under the control of the driver, Uncle Qin, the Hongqi High School bus came to Hongye High School.

As a prestigious school that has emerged in the past ten years, Hongye High School's campus is clean and beautiful, and almost all buildings are new.

It is known as having the most scientifically planned campus in the entire Liuhe base city.

At the same time, Hongye High School also has many of the latest training equipment that may not be seen in old and famous schools. It has the most advanced Hongye laboratory in the city, as well as various luxurious rehabilitation and relaxation facilities.

“Our school’s equipment upgrading is the fastest in the city.”

Principal Xiao Hongye introduced with pride, "Our students will always have access to the most advanced training facilities in the country, including but not limited to optical brain hosts, star power meters, star core absorption meters, muscle strengthening machines and other complete facilities.


As the most famous strong woman in the high school education sector in Liuhe Base City, Xiao Hongye's personal greeting gave Hongqi High School enough respect.

This is in complete contrast to Longteng High School.

The team members and students of Hongqi High School were immediately full of affection for this elegant and charming beauty principal.

Even Li Xiaofei is no exception.

He could clearly feel that the elegant and beautiful lady in front of him was full of love for his school and his students from the bottom of his heart.

In fact, there are many reports about Xiao Hongye on the optical Internet.

Ten years ago, the situation of Hongye High School was worse than that of Hongqi High School.

It belongs to a mess that is about to go bankrupt and be delisted.

At the last moment, Xiao Hongye appeared.

Like the legendary savior, she took over Hongye High School.

In terms of service, Xiao Hongye’s dedication is difficult for others to understand and imagine.

She spent her own money to build a school building for the school, acquire land to expand the campus area, and purchase various exercise facilities.
Yedi pulls in sponsors, purchases training resources, and spares no effort to recruit talented junior high school students...

This strong woman who has always been single has said more than once in interviews that Hongye High School is everything to her.

She married herself to Hongye High School.

So no longer think about personal emotional issues.

The Education Department has commended Xiao Hongye more than once.

Even the top chief executive of the northwest region of the Daxia Republic had met with this legendary female principal.

It was her ten years of hard work that allowed Hongye High School to rise rapidly.

In just ten years, Hongye High School has made a strong comeback from a mess that had no power, no background, and was on the verge of bankruptcy. It has fought its way out of the monopoly of private schools controlled by five major families, and has become a well-recognized high school in Liuhe Base City.

of super prestigious schools.

Xiao Hongye did something that even Principal Chen Bie with peach blossom eyes could not do.

Li Xiaofei admired such people immensely.

"Classmate Li Xiaofei, we finally meet."

Xiao Hongye came to Li Xiaofei, took the initiative to extend his hand and said, "The biggest dark horse in this league, the unique ancient martial arts genius. It is really eye-catching. It would be great if you were a student of our Hongye High School."

Li Xiaofei was startled.

I have long heard that Xiao Hongye has a soft spot for talented students.

In any school, once there is an emerging talent, she will try her best to recruit him to her own school.

Even if they can't dig it out, they will provide various subsidies, which can be regarded as a good relationship.

Sure enough, as soon as he saw me today, he immediately took the initiative to say hello.

Li Xiaofei stretched out his hand, shook hands with neither humility nor condescension, and said respectfully, "Principal Xiao is so complimentary. You are my idol. To receive such a comment from you,

It’s also an honor for me.”

"Idol? Really?"

Xiao Hongye held Li Xiaofei's hand without letting go, blinked and said, "Are you interested in coming to my sister's school? Any conditions are acceptable."

Li Xiaofei "..."

He calmly withdrew his hand and said, "Today we are opponents."

Xiao Hongye's smile is charming and dangerous.

She handed over an electronic name tag and said with a smile, "You can add a contact information first. Even if you are not a student of Hongye High School, you can come to my sister for help with anything. My sister still has some connections in the base city."

Li Xiaofei thought for a while and accepted the business card.

Afterwards, the Hongqi High School team was arranged into the locker room that had been prepared in advance.

The students from the cheering group who came with them, led by several Hongye High School student leaders, continued to visit the campus and later went directly to the stadium stands.

Such an arrangement is warm and thoughtful.

In the locker room.

"Wow, it's so luxurious."

“There is actually an air bath and massage machine.”

"The most advanced strength tester."

"Muscle Soothing Vibration Device."

Bai Longfei, Fang Buyi and others entered the Grand View Garden as if they were Grandma Liu. When they saw the various auxiliary equipment in the spacious dressing room, they suddenly felt that their eyes were almost exhausted.

Many high-tech auxiliary cultivation products have only been seen on optical networks.

Even the cheapest air bath massage machine costs over 10,000 yuan.

It is indeed the newest school in Liuhe Base City.

Every dressing room is so luxuriously decorated.

It can be inferred from this that how fantastic the daily treatment of the students of Hongye High School’s varsity team will be?

Just thinking about it makes me unbearable


The peach-eyed bandit principal was a little worried.

He cleared his throat and said, "Hun Dan, we are facing a powerful enemy. If we don't prepare well for battle, we pay attention to these unimportant details... Could it be that this principal is not good enough to you?"

Li Xiaofei immediately raised his arms and shouted, "Long live the principal."

Bai Longfei reacted very quickly and immediately said, "I will always support Principal Chen."

The other cubs reacted immediately and echoed in unison.

Even Bai Qiqi stammered, "The principal is right, right... he's very... very good to us."

Yan Chiyu watched from the side, dumbfounded.

She was in a very good mood.

She has been recovering well from her injuries recently.

In the next round of the league, you can enter the starting lineup.

This is definitely good news for Hongqi High School.

The evil genius Yan Chiyu is back, and Hongqi High School can get a stable victory in the single-player mode.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, adjust your posture, and prepare to fight."

Uncle Qin spoke in time and said, "Although Hongye High School has not been around for a long time, its overall strength is extremely strong, not inferior to the five famous schools. It is the strongest opponent we have encountered since the beginning of the league. We cannot be careless in the slightest and must go all out."



The team members shouted loudly.

They also know in their hearts that today's battle will be the biggest challenge since the start of Hongqi High School.

It is also a touchstone.

Whether Hongqi High School has the strength to attack the education monopoly of the five prestigious private schools and fight its way through a league filled with powerful enemies is today.

As the team's first main battler and biggest supporter, Li Xiaofei will undoubtedly bear the greatest pressure.

Everyone looked at Li Xiaofei.

This chapter has been completed!
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