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0204, invincible punch

 In the media box.

All major commentators and anchors have already entered the state.

In the arena.

People from the Education Department and the event organizing committee have debugged all the machines.

"Which one of you two will be the first to fight?"

Chen Gao's eyes traveled back and forth between Li Xiaofei and Yan Chiyu.

Li Xiaofei shut his mouth tightly.

He had long seen the bad taste of Principal Dog.

Whoever takes the initiative to ask for a job first will definitely choose another one.

Yan Chiyu also remained silent.

Chen Gao rubbed his nose speechlessly and said, "Classmate Li, you should be the first, Xiao Yanzi is the finale."


Li Xiaofei walked towards the optical brain host cockpit in the center of the venue.

This scene immediately attracted the attention of countless people around him.

Although the Blue Mountain Stadium is built in the middle of a mountain, the surrounding seating area is still enough to accommodate 100,000 people to watch the game.

This round is the focus of the competition, so the seating area has already been full.

There are also VIP private rooms embedded in the inner wall of the mountain.

As the league schedule enters the middle stage, the "martial arts detectives" from major forces and schools appear in focus events more and more frequently, investigating key targets in an all-round way and collecting first-hand data for preparing for war and poaching people.

, for various purposes, etc.

These data will even be stored in a database.

Li Xiaofei's appearance caused a commotion among the audience and the "martial arts detectives".

The one sent by Blue Mountain High School was their ace main battler Zhou Heng.

"The darling of the Blue Mountains Stadium is out."

"Zhou Heng, eighteen years old, 1.9 meters tall, weighing 80 kilograms..."

"In the battle before this round of the league, Zhou Heng showed his strongest strength, the dangerous breaking of the shackles realm, breaking the three shackles. He transplanted the inscribed treasure bones of the second-level star beast axe-headed beast, and mastered the 'Sky Ax Demon Breaking Strike'

'His secret combat skills ranked second in the kill list last season, second only to Xiong Zhigang, the superstar of the Liuhe Base City High School League!"

"Blue Mountain High School is clearly not prepared to make any compromises.

"They sent the strongest main battle because they wanted to defeat Li Xiaofei head-on and maintain the myth of an undefeated team."

Under the attention of countless eyes, the game began.

The system’s random map is ‘Fenghuo Chang’an Street’.

The most classic map scene in single player mode.

The burning streets of Chang'an, the collapsed masonry buildings, and the afterglow of the ancient battlefield have not yet dissipated.

The air is filled with the last rays of light before the collapse of the ancient empire.

Zhou Heng was as tall as an iron tower, wearing heavy armor, carrying a long-handled mountain-climbing ax in his hand, and two short-handled round-edged battle axes on his back. In addition, six small hand axes hung around his waist.

There are axes all over his body.

The ace of Blue Mountain High School is dressed like a peerless warrior from an ancient military battlefield.

On the opposite side, Li Xiaofei still wore the same 'Ming Gentleman' suit that has remained unchanged for a century.

The modern-style clothing with the ancient charm of Daxia makes him look a bit out of place in the environment of Fenghuo Chang'an Street, as if he is a time traveler.

"Take the move!"

Zhou Heng didn't waste any time and started attacking directly.

Light burst out from the wrists of both hands, breaking the two shackles.

The six hand axes on his waist were thrown instantly.

Like six rays of silver lightning, they drew erratic and strange arcs in the air, slashing towards Li Xiaofei.

This is one of Zhou Heng’s special skills, the ‘Gulfstream Flying Ax’.

Because he has transplanted the inscribed bones of the 'Axe Beast', he has natural expert control over weapons such as axes. The flying axes he throws are erratic. Once the opponent blocks with the weapon, he will react with force after receiving the force.

It spins and changes direction, forming a more dangerous strangulation storm.

Many opponents underestimated this move and died in the strangulation storm of the spinning ax before they could fight Zhou Heng.


Teacher Qin has long told how terrifying this move is.

In the preparations before the game, everyone also watched Zhou Heng’s battle video.

Li Xiaofei stood where he was, showing no intention of hiding.

"A battle of this level is meaningless to me."

He shook his head.

Suddenly he punched out.


Powerful Vajra Fist·Vajra Shocking Punch.

The dragon roars, and the vajra glares.

With this punch, dozens of golden dragon shadows gathered together and turned into a dazzling golden divine dragon, which instantly broke through the air and roared out with fangs and claws, destroying everything in the path of the fist.

The six flying axes, which contained the power of breaking the shackles, instantly turned into powder under the impact of the fist.

The punch is as powerful as a dragon, destroying everything in its path.


Zhou Heng's pupils shrank suddenly.

What level of power is this?

Before he could react, he was completely crushed and blasted by the punching wind.

The sky is filled with blood mist, like an autumn waterfall.

The battle came to an end the moment it started.

Li Xiaofei calmly closed his fist and turned to leave.

The ever-changing war beacons on Chang'an Street illuminated the slender and tall figure.

The victory has been decided.

The optical brain sends a beam of light, falls from the sky, and teleports away.

Everything was over in less than three seconds.

There was silence in the entire arena.

Not to mention the audience in the stands, even the professional martial arts detectives, experts, commentators and anchors have not had time to get into the mood.

They were still thinking about what language and wording they would use to describe the fiery battle that was about to break out.

But before they could finish drafting, the battle was already over.

One punch.


In this expectedly even fight, Li Xiaofei completely defeated his opponent with just one punch.

What a terrifying punch that was.

The first question many people think of when their brains come out of the blank period is what realm is this punch?

Then the second question that comes to mind is who can block such a punch?

The third question is, is this really a punch that a high school student can throw?

These three questions tortured their nerves crazily.

In the preparation area of ​​Lanshan High School, Zhou Yan, the head coach of the school team, looked shocked and in disbelief.

Ace player Zhou Yunong and others also looked confused.

Even in the preparation area of ​​Hongqi High School, there were no excited cheers or shouts.

Everyone was shocked by the power of Li Xiaofei's punch... no, they were stunned.

After a long, long time, there was a roar like a rising tide in the arena.

The camera on the big screen swept across and all you could see were faces of disbelief.

Everyone makes sounds subconsciously without knowing what they are expressing.

All the noises combined together were like a honeycomb that had been stabbed hard with a stick.

Zhou Heng walked out of the optical phone, feeling lost and his eyes were a little dull.

Head coach Zhou Yan came over immediately, gave his proud disciple a hug and said, "There is still a chance."

In the live broadcast room of ‘Little White Dragon in the Waves’

Ana Shen woke up from the huge shock and screamed hysterically, "Win, win... Li Xiaofei, who was in the whirlpool of public opinion, won the game cleanly. The league's superstar student could not

I blocked his punch and was crushed from the front... Haha, I want to ask who else is there for him right now?"

This is what Ana Shen wants to ask.

This is also what all other media people want to ask.

Who else?

Who else can compete with such a Li Xiaofei?

This chapter has been completed!
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