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0237,horror legend

 The night is deep.

Luxurious terrace on the roof of Huatong Building.

Under the open umbrella, Ye Guanxuan stood in the wind.

Looking at the flaming city wall in the distance and the chaotic slums, Ye Guanxuan's eyes flashed with a sinister smile.

The city is broken.

Even if it is only lost for an hour, it will be a huge bad deed for the city leader and the garrison commander. ??

The above criticism is inevitable.

Tan Zhenwei, I shouldn't have taken such a risky approach.

But you forced me to do it.

Since you don’t know what is good or bad, you have to stay as a pariah for these consumables...

Hehe, then I will let these people you want to protect oppose you and overthrow you.

Let the official reputation you cherish be crushed into clay.

I want to see what kind of expression you will show when the people you want to protect show their ferocious fangs at you and want to tear you into pieces and drink your blood.

Untouchables are stupid.

They will always be just a bunch of rabble.

As long as you use a little strategy, you can manipulate their emotions at will.

"How are things arranged?"

Ye Guanxuan asked without looking back.

Ye Changlin, who was standing behind him, hurriedly said, "According to your instructions, mercenaries recruited from the dark web of Lanfu Base City in the Northwest Region at sky-high prices have sneaked into the slums. This time we hired a strong man with the Five Spirit Realm."

The veteran team, Haiyuan Shinigami, will definitely be able to kill Li Xiaofei."

"Okay, bring his head so that I can explain to the Gu family."

Ye Guanxuan said with satisfaction.

The genius of the Gu family died here.

As a partner, he must explain something.

At the same time, after investigating the root cause of the failure of the eve operation, Ye Guanxuan realized that plans and strategies must be adjusted.

The culprit of Li Xiaofei needs to be eliminated immediately.

Although Ye Guanxuan thinks highly of himself, he will never be stubborn.

He will not look down upon a young genius who can crush the 'Killing God Squad' head-on.

A quick decision must be made to nip this genius in the bud as soon as possible.

Therefore, even before the Ye family crisis was resolved, Ye Guanxuan made a plan in advance——

Spend a lot of money to hire top experts from the darknet in Lanfu Base City to kill Li Xiaofei.

What I am pursuing is one word——


Soon, whether it is Tan Zhenwei or
It was Li Xiaofei, but he couldn't even react.

After looking at the chaotic slum for a moment, Ye Guanxuan looked at his watch.

According to the plan, the Haiyuan Death Team had successfully sneaked into the slums.

Taking advantage of the invasion of beasts and the chaos of the city wall, Li Xiaofei was quietly eliminated.

Then put the blame on the star beast.

In Ye Guanxuan's view, although this plan had many flaws, it was still okay.

As long as the goal is achieved.

Li Xiaofei is dead.

He took a glass of red wine from the female secretary's hand and drank it leisurely.

In the last round, he lost.

But there are bound to be twists and turns on the way to the top.

And the final winner is still him.

The slums are in chaos.

More than half of Yuntian Society's main force was on the city wall to help defend the city.

So when the first star beast roared, showed its ferocious fangs, and rushed into the slums, many people had not yet reacted.

Death came at this moment.

The herd of beasts is like a tide bursting from a dam, coming in madly.

The fire burns.

Cries kept coming and going.

The garrison personnel of Yuntian Society immediately launched a counterattack to intercept the star beast.

At the same time, the elderly, young, women and children were organized to evacuate.

In the chaos, more than a dozen figures came outside Guang'an Community.

The leader was obviously a man, but his long gray hair was draped behind his shoulders like a waterfall.

He was clearly standing here, but it was as if he didn't exist.

If you look carefully, you can see that his feet are floating in the air, ten centimeters above the ground, and they do not touch the ground.

Five Spirit Realm!

Only a strong person in the Five Spirit Realm can stay in the air like this.

The people behind him were all dressed in black night clothes and wore special gas masks. They were like ghosts walking in the mist, exuding the aura of death.

"The employer requires that the target's entire family be killed, leaving no chickens or dogs behind."

"Boss, rush in directly?"

"No, the target has the ability to kill high-level people in the Tuo Pulse Realm. It should not be underestimated. The old rule is to arrange the poison array first.

Set up an interception mechanism to surround the entire community to prevent the target from escaping."


"Boss, there are some warriors rushing over here."

"They are miscellaneous fish from Yuntian Society. The target is the president of Yuntian Society. They are here to support the target."

"The beast master takes action, controls the star beasts, gets rid of all the miscellaneous fish, and creates a scene where they die from the star beasts."


"The poison array has been set up."

"The traps have been set up."

"Everything is in place."

In the communication channel of the helmet, the members of the Haihara Death God were communicating efficiently and quickly.

Suddenly, one member said in surprise, "Twelve o'clock...what is that?"

The leader of the powerful Five Spirit Realm man felt a chill in his heart for no reason and looked up.

But in the poisonous mist that was filled with dust, a graceful figure floated in the air, like a ghost without a body, floating in quickly.

The next moment, the screams of other members came from the communication channel.

Before this powerful man in the Five Spirit Realm could make any reaction, he only felt his vision spinning and his consciousness beginning to blur.

At the last moment when he completely lost consciousness, he saw the face of a scarred woman.

The face had beautiful contours, and the intact skin was as crystal clear as jade porcelain, but there was a strange scar covering it.

A pair of gray-white pupils without pupils exuded a trace of white ice, as if they were death reapers from hell, peering into this chaotic world.

Fear strikes.

A frightening legend about a scar-faced woman suddenly appeared in the mind of this powerful man in the Five Spirit Realm.

However, he could no longer react.

Darkness comes.

Return to eternal silence.

One minute later.

When Li Xiaofei rushed out of the community, he didn't see anything strange at all.


Li Junjie, covered in blood, rushed over with more than a dozen people.

This number one horse boy is always extremely loyal.

"Protect my aunt and my sister and evacuate to the east."

Li Xiaofei said without hesitation, "I'm going to kill the star beast."

"Boss, I'll go with you."


"Hey, that's good."
Li Junjie led his warriors to protect everyone in the community and retreated from behind.

Li Xiaofei strode towards the attacking herd of beasts.

Boo hoo hoo.

The sword energy is vertical and horizontal.

The Six Meridians Divine Sword is as powerful as any magical weapon.

Wherever the sword energy passed, star beasts fell down howling miserably.

"The boss is here."

"It's the president."

"We are saved."

When the chaotic crowd saw Li Xiaofei's appearance, they immediately found their backbone and gathered towards his position.

"Everyone, get behind me."

Li Xiaofei jumped up.

"Disciples of Yuntian Society, protect everyone and retreat."

He rushed to the front and shouted, "Those with positions above Incense Master, please follow me to kill the star beasts and protect the common people."

With his command and spiritual encouragement, the chaotic scene quickly calmed down.

Li Xiaofei's strength was astonishing. Wherever he passed, the beasts fell down like a sickle cutting wheat.

Yuntianshe faced the beasts and pushed back directly.

Dawn finally arrives.

The battle ended in smoke.

The garrison regained control of the city wall in area b12 and drove away the star beasts outside.

The star beasts that rushed into the city were basically first-level cannon fodder, with occasionally one or two second-level ones. They were quickly annihilated under the combined efforts of the garrison and various forces.

The slums are already a mess.

Most of the new situation that was finally built was destroyed by the impact of this beast wave.

A huge doubt lingered in Li Xiaofei's mind.

How could the city wall be lost?

With this doubt, he came to the city head of area b12.

"There is a traitor among the city defense troops."

Wu Junchang looked angrily and said, "Someone turned off the energy protection system here, killed the soldiers stationed there, and deliberately released the star beast into the city."

When Li Xiaofei heard this, he couldn't believe his ears.

How could someone do such a crazy thing?

You must know that the confrontation with the star beast is not a war between countries, nor a struggle between forces.

It is the battle for survival of mankind.

"Have you found out who it is?"

Li Xiaofei asked.

This chapter has been completed!
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