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0310, Xie Renyu is uncharacteristically

 Xie Renyu suddenly laughed.

"Well played."

He said loudly, "This kind of person, who is neither big nor small, and does not know how to respect fighting heroes, is not worthy of being an official in Liuhe Base City. Come on, drag him down."

Immediately, two samurai guards rushed in and dragged the unconscious middle-aged official out.

Li Xiaofei looked at it lukewarmly and made no comment.

Xie Renyu came over enthusiastically and said with a smile, "Classmate Li is the hero of our base city. Before I came, I heard about your feat of killing the bull demon. You are indeed a role model for our human warriors."


Li Xiaofei sat where he was and had no intention of getting up.

"I'm here to attend the meeting today, and I just want to tell Mr. Xie a few words."

He said calmly, "First of all, let's straighten out the gang world. We won't bother the city chief. We will solve it ourselves."

Xie Renyu was not angry at all and said, "Okay, okay, no problem."

Li Xiaofei added, "Secondly, I don't have any special opinions about you. You'd better not have any thoughts about me. Otherwise, if things get really bad, I'm afraid I won't be able to control myself and do something crazy. If I see blood,

I’m so sorry.”

Xie Renyu chuckled and said, "I have nothing but admiration for Classmate Li. He has done things that I couldn't do at a young age. I have to have ideas. I also hope that Classmate Li can continue to shine for the base city and protect the citizens."

Li Xiaofei's expression remained cold and he said, "Finally, take care of the people under your control. Don't stretch out your dog's paws to cause trouble. I'll take Secretary Song away. Don't let your chief secretary make trouble. I have a violent personality and Yi

You should also know that you are easily angry and impulsive, and do things without regard for the consequences. It is best for us to keep our distance. You manage your base city, and I go to my school and control my people. If anyone does something behind the scenes, I will

I have to light the grass at any time."

After saying that, Li Xiaofei stood up and left.

After walking a few steps, he stopped again, pointed to the name tag on the table, and said, "Don't play house like this in the future, and don't ask me to attend meetings again. I'm very busy."

After saying that, he walked away.

The conference room fell into a deathly silence.

Li Xiaofei's arrogance and domineering surprised everyone.

Before the new city leader could get the new official's attention, he was slapped down by this local snake.

This is considered to be a swollen face, right?

However, there was no anger at all on Xie Renyu's face.

"Haha, I've heard for a long time that Classmate Li has a very temperamental temper. I've seen it today. Maybe only such a person can move forward firmly on the road of martial arts, and can go deep into the wilderness to kill the bull demon alone."

The young new mayor smiled and praised.

There was unconcealable surprise in the eyes of everyone looking at him.

what's the situation?

Did you actually appreciate it?

So before you humiliated Secretary Song and engaged in famous brand incidents, were you just playing with your feelings?

Xie Renyu turned to the Director of Government Affairs next to him and said, "Change me to a new chief secretary later. Yang Changhe is too stupid for doing all these unspeakable tricks."

"Yes, yes, change it now."

Director of Government Affairs Zhang Lianchengdao.

Xie Renyu looked at everyone and said, "I don't know everything that happened before. If there is any misunderstanding, please bear with me. I came to Liuhe not to take advantage of the family's general trend to enjoy the fun, but sincerely

I sincerely want to do a good job in this city and bring benefits to the citizens. Mayor Tan Zhenwei is an example for me to learn from and follow. All the policies he left behind remain unchanged, and I will not make any subversions.

Regarding sexual reform, I hope you can cooperate with me."

This is straight to the point.

Xie Renyu expressed his stance for the first time in such an informal public occasion.

The content of the speech surprised everyone.

Especially Zhao Bufan and Du Longshan, who had a bruised nose and face, originally expected the new city leader to make the decision for themselves and punish Li Xiaofei.

Hearing such words, my heart suddenly sank into the icy lake.

Return to Yuntianshe.

Li Junjie came up to him humbly.

"Boss, what position will Secretary Song arrange for?"

"Hmm? Arrange positions?"

"That's right, didn't you save the person? Tsk tsk, boss, that slap you gave me today was so cool, it relieved my hatred."

"Go away, I was tactical."

"What a tactic?"

"Don't ask. Just keep Secretary Song. Don't let him get involved in things in the club, and don't let him wander around. By the way, send a few brothers to pick up his family and support him well."

"Yes, boss."

When it comes to business matters, Li Junjie is still very reliable.

Li left and turned around and sent someone to do it.

Li Xiaofei had some thoughts in his mind.

He suspected that Secretary Song had betrayed Tan Zhenwei.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to know that Tan Zhenwei would be assassinated.

That text message may have been a moment of conscience discovery.

But there must be a secret hidden in Secretary Song.

And it is very possible that he is connected with the enemy.

Don't worry about using such a person.

Since he is pretending to be crazy, he should be raised first.

I will dig deeper later to see who else decided to attack Tan Zhenwei in the first place.

Li Xiaofei came to the practice room and continued practicing.

Several major backers left one after another, giving him a sense of urgency in his heart.

You must seize the time to enhance your own strength.

What happens next is also very clear.

Continue to participate in the high school God of War League and bring the championship back to Hongqi High School.

Then apply to Xia Jing's university and find the eldest lady.

Participate in Longya Company’s online martial arts competition and meet masters from all areas outside the base city.

Then, seize the time to rush to the Five Spirit Realm to cultivate and fulfill the agreement with your aunt.

Everything else is unimportant.

Time waits not for us.



Soon, a week passed.

After using the Secret Palace of Time twice in a row, Li Xiaofei finally completed Breaking the Ten Shackles.

Entered the Chongqiao realm.

Regarding the Chongqiao Realm exercises, Hongqi High School is no longer able to do so.

Although Chen Pi, the principal with peach blossom eyes, and the director of schizophrenia education have cultivation experience, they do not want to share their experience with Li Xiaofei.

It was because the Aperture Chong Realm exercises they practiced at the beginning were ordinary military exercises that emphasized practicality and calmness, and were not suitable for students like Li Xiaofei.

Moreover, the two of them were a bit unable to grasp Li Xiaofei's talent.

Therefore, they all suggested that he choose to review the past and learn new things for the time being, and hone his energy cultivation and shackle-breaking realms, and then choose better techniques to improve his acupoints after he enters university.

Li Xiaofei expressed his disapproval of this.

But he didn't say it.

Instead, he secretly began to look for a method that suited him.

time flies.

Another month passed in the blink of an eye.

Hongqi High School is still making rapid progress in the league.

Li Xiaofei occasionally played in a few battles and acted very restrained, even giving some tips to his opponents.

In the end, teams from major schools were afraid of meeting Hongqi High School at first, but in the end they were looking forward to playing against Hongqi High School.

If you lose, you lose.

But if you get the guidance of a super master like Li Xiaofei, it will be like pie in the sky.

Because all the student players who have been coached by Li Xiaofei have broken through their bottlenecks and their abilities have greatly increased.

It is already a matter of time before Hongqi High School wins the championship.

On the contrary, Duxing High School and Quanye High School, the former favorites for the championship, each

The situation is getting worse and worse.

Due to the extermination of the Ye family, Duxing High School lost its backer, people were panicked, and its performance dropped sharply.

The two Jie Peng female students from Quanye High School have not played in a battle for a month in a row, which seems very strange.

This chapter has been completed!
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