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0037, your uncle

 Li Xiaofei smiled like a pure white flower and said, "Dear Teacher Qin, I want a pass to go hunting in the wilderness outside the base city. I wonder if you can help me?"

"You want to go outside the city?"

Uncle Qin said doubtfully, "Don't worry about this. The school team has many opportunities to go out of the city for actual combat. Besides, now that you have a super account, through the optical network host, you can completely experience the feeling of star beast fighting in the wilderness environment with 100% realism."

Li Xiaofei's smile became even more pure.

"I want to find a legal way of living for the brothers in the slums."

he explained.

"Ghetto gang members?" ??

Uncle Qin frowned and said, "Let them go out of the city to hunt the star beasts? This matter is more difficult to handle. The government has strict controls on gang members in the slums. There is no such precedent."

"It's difficult to handle."

Li Xiaofei said oh.

He murmured to himself, "I heard that as long as there are respected people from the rule of law who are willing to vouch for it, you can apply for a pass out of the city. It turns out that neither you nor Principal Chen are qualified. Then I will think of a way to find someone else."

A man of prestige."

Upon hearing this, Uncle Qin suddenly felt a sense of crisis in his heart.


The ancient martial arts monster who was finally deceived is the hope for the revitalization of Hongqi High School. What if someone deceives him with such a small profit?

"Wait a minute, I said it's difficult, I didn't say it's impossible."

Thinking of Li Xiaofei's test results just now and his terrifying training speed, Uncle Qin instantly made a decision that went against the school motto.

He patted his chest and promised, "Let's do this. As long as you can use a super account and reach 500 points on the base city high school ladder, I will go out of my way to get you a group pass. How about that?"


"make a deal."

Li Xiaofei smiled like a little fox who had successfully stolen a chicken.

"Teacher, I'm going to score points."

Classmate Li, who achieved his goal, left happily.

Optical brain host room.

The other team members are already in place, immersed in the virtual optical network world like Internet-addicted teenagers.

Li Xiaofei came to plane number 2.

The so-called optical computer host looks like a virtual cockpit.

Insert the key of the super account.

Cockpit according to user
The user's body shape can be tilted back to automatically adjust the size of the cockpit and the curvature of the backrest, allowing the user to sit in the best semi-reclining posture.

Li Xiaofei lay down and stared at the pedal with his feet.


A slight metallic electric current sounded.

Twenty-four tentacle-like star energy nerve harnesses were automatically detected.

At the ends of the light silver star energy nerve bundles, there is a small black suction cup-like 'mouth' on each end.

These 'mouths' are like leeches, clasping the feet, thighs, waist and abdomen, arms, wrists, palms, neck and other places, gently fitting the skin, bringing a cool touch.

at the same time.

A mechanical arm stretched out from the left and right sides of the cockpit and pushed the brain exoskeleton over, like two motorcycle helmets on the left and right, wrapping Li Xiaofei's head.

Very comfortable.

There is no feeling of sweltering and restraint.

"The host is starting to start, please close your eyes."

"Starting...please close your eyes."

"After activating the city, please open your eyes."

"Welcome to the light network world created by the saints of the Starry Sky Council."

Following the instructions of the optical brain and electronic sound, Li Xiaofei slowly opened his eyes.


There was a look of shock on his face.

“Is this the optical network virtual world?”

What appeared in front of him was a lush lawn in the clouds.

The lawn is about one hundred square meters in a round shape, surrounded by a sea of ​​white clouds rolling in, I don't know how high it is. The breeze blows, and the air is extremely fresh, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.


Everything highlights the word truth.

It's like a completely real world.

"What appears in front of you is the initial virtual base."

"Each optical network user will be assigned such an initial virtual base by the system."

The optical brain electronic music was introduced.

The base can be transformed through krypton gold.

The currency system of the optical network world is linked to the real world.

As long as you have enough financial resources, you can not only expand the scope of your initial virtual base,

You can accumulate it and transform it into a palace, an island, a mountain, etc. whatever you want.


Li Xiaofei stood on the initial lawn and looked at himself.

The body shape and appearance are the same as those in the real world.

Under the guidance of the mechanical beep, Li Xiaofei quickly completed the steps of 'shaping face', 'disguising', 'changing clothes', and 'selecting weapons', etc., and completed the creation of his super account. .??.

His account character turned into a tall warrior wearing a black costume and a silver cicada mask.

"Ask the user to name the account role."

The mechanical sound continues to prompt.

Li Xiaofei started thinking.

Identity in the optical network world is still very important.

Therefore, you must think of a good name that is cool enough, connotative, and catchy, so that others will never forget it and remember it forever.

"The Monkey King."

"Sorry, that name is already taken."


Li Xiaofei said again, "Immortal Shura."

"Sorry, that name is already taken."

Nest grass.

"Supreme Demon Emperor."

"Sorry, that name is already taken."

"The God of Vacuum."

"Sorry, that name is already taken."

"The strongest man in the optical network."

"Sorry, that name is already taken."

Li Xiaofei racked his brains and thought of several satisfactory names in succession.

But all of them were already occupied.

He angrily yelled, "Your uncle..."

The words have not yet fallen.

"The name is available and is being registered...Registration completed."

Li Xiaofei said "???"

Mist grass.


"Welcome to the world of optical networks, new user. The Starry Sky Council wishes you a brand new beginning of a legend here."

"It has been detected that your uncle's account belongs to the Liuhe Base City High School God of War League in the Republic of Daxia. Do you want to start the ladder challenge immediately to score points?"


"Would you like to turn on the 'spectate' mode and broadcast the score scoring process live to the outside world?"

Turn on."



A blue oval portal appeared.

Li Xiaofei was beyond love and stepped into it.


In the ice and snow.

Li Xiaofei killed the swooping Snow Winged Eagle with one punch.

Bloody feathers were flying all over the sky.

The huge sculpture with a wingspan of more than two meters turned into powder.

Blood spilled.

"It's really hard to believe that such a real feeling is actually just a virtual scene in the online world."

Li Xiaofei retracted his fist.

The wind is freezing and the snow is white.

Whether it's touch, smell, taste...

They are all exactly the same as the real world.

Li Xiaofei even tried to eat a handful of snow without believing it.

The feeling of the cold snow water melting and flowing down the throat into the stomach is so real and clear, no different from the real world.

As an "ancient" who traveled to this world 500 years ago, Li Xiaofei was really shocked by this virtual technology.

This is the primary trial scene of the ladder ranking, Storm Snow Mountain.

Kill the star beast Snowwing Eagle that lives here to get ladder points.

In less than ten minutes, Li Xiaofei easily killed twenty-one Snow Winged Eagles and gained 21 ladder points.

"The primary trial scene is no longer challenging for me."

He directly contacted Guang Nao and said, "I request to be transferred to the second level trial scene."

"User, your uncle is under evaluation for the primary trial..."

"Congratulations, your primary scene evaluation performance rating is 'Super Limit'."

"Permission to transmit the second-level trial scene."

After a series of optical and electronic sounds, a blue portal appeared in front of Li Xiaofei.

Get into it.

The next moment.

Li Xiaofei came to the second level trial scene, Dark Wind Forest.

In the dark forest, red eyes lit up.

The following plot will gradually enter the real theme of the book.

Thank you brothers for your support, I love you, keep touching me

This chapter has been completed!
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