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0538,The flames of revenge

Liuhe Base City.

At the city gate.

Hanging high under the city wall are corpses.

Both men and women, old and young.

Among them were some students wearing school uniforms.

You are young and have great years.

But he was brutally killed here.

The body had begun to dry up and rot due to the sun, moon and wind.

Xie Renyu was pierced by barbs and hung among these corpses.

He has no arms or legs, and his hair is disheveled.

Sometimes he was unconscious and sometimes awake.

When awake, he will look at the entire Liuhe base city.

This small frontier town, where he had only lived for two years, occupied only one-fifteenth of his life.

But he sacrificed everything for it.

Including lives that are about to disappear.


It's a huge concentration camp.

More than 100,000 Liuhe people were forcibly driven away by the rebels and gathered here.

Being kept in captivity like cattle.

Every day, a team of white slave traders come to select them. Many young and strong people are taken away by force and no one knows where they are sold.

From time to time, cries rose into the sky.

Wife and children separated.

The family was broken up and people died.

This scene goes on and on.

The slightest resistance was met with merciless beatings by the rebels.

Some old people knelt down and begged to let go of their sons or daughters, but they were beaten to the head with an iron rod and died miserably on the spot.

People also noticed it.

The rebels don't treat people as human beings at all, they treat them just like poultry and beasts.

Xie Renyu's eyes were weeping with blood.

Why did such a disaster come to Daxia China and the people of Liuhe?

Is the earth still inevitable from a bloodthirsty doomsday after all?

Humanity collapses.

The rise of evil.

I can't kill these dancing evil spirits.

Death cannot see the way of heaven clarifying the people's happiness.

But he is about to die.

I'm really unwilling.

Tick ​​tock tick.

Drops of blood and tears fell to the ground.

Below are the wails and cries of the Liuhe people.

Xie Renyu forgot about the pain and ignored life and death. He only felt that anger was filling his chest and it was difficult to express it.

He remembered that person.

The boy who once changed Liuhe City.

The five major families were reduced to ashes under his sword.

The demons and monsters disappeared under his sword.

The powerful disintegrated.

Evil people retreat.

The young man's blood boiled in the sky over Liuhe.

As a member of the Dragon Group, Xie Renyu also learned about Li Xiaofei's deeds in Xia Jing City and Ha Jing City.

such a pity.

Such a young man whose dragon roar shocked the world died in Haijing City.

Died by his own sword.

Xie Renyu once suspected that this was because the Dragon Group had changed its direction to protect this astonishing talented young man and preserved the pinnacle of martial arts for Daxia.

But until now, the boy has never appeared again.

Could it be that he was really killed?

If Li Xiaofei was still in Liuhe, the Liuhe people would not have suffered such difficulties.

Countless chaotic thoughts flashed through Xie Renyu's mind.

His vision was blurred.

Vaguely, I saw a person standing independently on the city wall, looking down into the city.

A tall and straight body.

Short black hair.

The outline of the body is so familiar.


he came.

On his deathbed, Li Xiaofei, who has returned to the underworld, came to pick me up?

Xie Renyu sighed in his heart.

But soon, he felt something was wrong.

That figure does not seem to be unreal.

The autumn wind blows.

The clothes are fluttering.

Real person?!

Xie Renyu's consciousness suddenly became clearer.

He cheered up and looked over hard.

But the next moment, the figure was already approaching.

Familiar face.

Familiar eyes.

More than two years have passed, and the passionate young man of the past has lost the greenness between his eyebrows, eyes, lips and nose, and has gained a bit more vicissitudes and maturity.

"Why are you acting like this?"

The young man in front of him spoke.

Familiar tone.

You can feel the warm breath coming to your face when you talk and breathe.

Xie Renyu opened his mouth and let out a whimper.

His tongue has been cut out.

The young man gently stroked his head and said, "It goes without saying, I'm here. I'm sorry, I'm late..."

Xie Renyu's body trembled violently.

The wound bursts.

Blood bursts out.

"Don't worry, leave everything to me."

Li Xiaofei put a hand on Xie Renyu's body, and injected the flame power of the two saints of rolling swords and swords into his body.

It helped his heart and vitality, and the cold force temporarily sealed his wounds.


Cut off the iron hook.

Li Xiaofei carried him behind him.

"This time, we fight side by side."

he said.

Xie Renyu felt that the severe pain in his body subsided, his life energy and blood quickly recovered, and his brain suddenly became clear.

At this time, the guards below were also alerted.


A rebel general shouted, "How dare you rescue criminals privately? Let me take them down."

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.

Six rebel masters in the Tuo Pulse Realm flew up in the air and slashed through the air with the long swords in their hands.

Li Xiaofei's eyes turned cold.

The sword intent bursts out.

In the flash of lightning and stone fire, the six masters of the Pulse Extension Realm turned into blood clots all over the sky and fell from the sky.


The rebel generals were shocked.

The strength of the visitors is terrifying.

Instantly, a piercing siren sounded.

Li Xiaofei had a thought in his mind.

The rusty sword shot out of the air.

Tsk tsk tsk.

Wherever the red stream of light passed, the rebel warriors fell down like grass.

Especially inside and outside the concentration camp, many rebel warriors felt darkness approaching before their eyes and their consciousness being swallowed by the endless abyss before they could react.

"Is there anyone else I can fight?"

Li Xiaofei carried Xie Renyu on his back and floated above the concentration camp.

The rusty sword flashed through the air.

Destroy the power magnetic field devices used to suppress the inner strength of the warriors throughout the concentration camp, and also destroy all the surrounding machine guns, automatic power firearms, self-destruction killing devices and other weapons.

The Liuhe people in the concentration camp watched the whole scene.

The hellish torture and pain for more than five days had already caused them to collapse.

Li Xiaofei was suspended in the air, looking at the people below, and said loudly, "Protect the old, young, women and children, and come with me to take revenge."

In the concentration camp, numb faces appeared.

They all looked at Li Xiaofei blankly, with no excitement or joy in their eyes.

All at a loss.

"No need to be afraid."

"I'm back."

"it's me."

"I am Li Xiaofei."

Li Xiaofei spoke again.

I am Li Xiaofei!

These last five words were like a thunderbolt that exploded on the numb and painless hearts of countless Liuhe people, reactivating the dead hearts again.
Li Xiaofei!

The legend of Liuhe Base City.

The eternal light in the hearts of Liuhe people.

"It's President Li."

"The alliance leader is really Alliance Leader Li."

"It's really that baby."

Among the crowd, I don't know who shouted first.

Immediately, countless people's eyes lit up and they shouted various names.

The chaotic voices and hoarse shouts converged into a sound wave that was indistinguishable but full of the simplest and most passionate emotions of Liuhe people.

Li Xiaofei!

He is back.

In the past, Liuhe City encountered several major disasters. Star beasts besieged the city, and they could not wait for outside help. The city was about to be destroyed several times, but Li Xiaofei showed up to turn the tide.

Now, the son of Liuhe people.

The hero of Liuhe City.

He is finally back.

All of a sudden, the confusion and numbness disappeared.

"Fight out with the president."


"Fight with those rebel scum."

The flames of anger were ignited.

The crowd in the concentration camp instantly changed from a silent Dead Sea to an angry and roaring stormy ocean.

The accumulated hatred and anger are like a volcano that has accumulated power for thousands of years and is about to erupt in an instant.

"Fathers and fellow countrymen."

Li Xiaofei's voice was clear and gentle, surging in the sky, saying, "Protect the old people and children around you, don't let them get hurt again, and then follow me to seek revenge on the rebel commander. Today, let

They paid with blood."

He is flying in the sky.

The angry crowd rushed out of the concentration camp, armed with all kinds of visible weapons, and followed closely behind, rushing towards the central city office building.

The rebel commander Xie Qingzhi now works there.

Under the skill of sword control, the rusty sword flew through the void.

Along the way, no one who rebels, whether they are ordinary warriors, colonial warriors, or high-ranking generals, can hardly withstand the power of a sword.

Before the rebels could react, they turned into frozen corpses and fell in the dust.

far away.

City Head Office.

Xie Qingzhi, who was participating in a video conference, vaguely heard a roaring sound like a spring tide erupting from the distance.

He turned off the video.

Get up and go to the window.

Look outside.

I saw the violent crowd coming from a distance like a tsunami.

It is an ocean of revenge.

This chapter has been completed!
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