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0583, Tower of God

 "Stop talking nonsense."

Li Xiaofei glanced at him, then looked at the large settlement city in the distance that looked like Cloud City, and asked, "How to get in?"

The bearded man said quickly, "We have our own channels. We can sneak in through the supply truck. In fact, sneaking in is much easier than running out. The Holy Light Colony generally strictly controls humans leaving the city, and the inspection is very loose when entering the city."

Li Xiaofei glanced at Liu Earthworld.

The latter nodded slightly.

"Let's arrange it quickly."

Li Xiaofei said.

Big Beard then gave everyone the white uniforms exclusive to the city. After putting them on, they were carried by his motorcade to the moat outside the city.

There are patrols coming and going on the river.

But the bearded man had obviously bribed the patrol team a long time ago, and basically crossed the river and docked without checking.

Then a convoy of twenty amphibious heavy trucks arrived outside the city.

Li Xiaofei and others blended in and entered the city smoothly.

The buildings and streets in the city are all square and straight.

All are white.

There are not many people on the street.

Everyone is wearing a uniform white uniform, white tops, shorts and white casual shoes. At first glance, they seem to be poured out of the same mold.

It is rare to see shops, shopping malls, hotels and other buildings.

There are also almost no sports fields, playgrounds and other sports and entertainment venues.

Even the vehicles passing by are all of the same shape and style.

Although it is a vast city, it suddenly gives people the illusion of being extremely depressing.

"That's the Tower of God."

Liu Tuodi pointed to the center of the city and said, "In this settlement, there are a total of three Eden God warriors. They are clearly the Sun God, the Moon God and the Thunder God, all living in the Tower of God. In addition, there are at least three thousand warriors of different levels.

Archon. In addition, according to the information I heard before, the creation factory here has six major areas and can produce at least 10,000 initialized Archons in batches every day."

"Also, there are about less than 100 people in this city
Twenty thousand ‘original’ inhabitants.”

Liu Tianqiu added.

“What are ‘original’ inhabitants?”

Bai Qiqi asked curiously.

Liu Earthworld explained, "They are ordinary people. In the eyes of the Starry Sky Council and the Garden of Eden, they are like stored seeds. Once needed, the genetic originals will be found immediately, so they are called 'original seeds'."

When everyone heard this, their hearts sank.

"The city adopts military management. In addition to ordinary people, there are also a small number of extraordinary people who are in management positions and cooperate with the consuls to manage the city."

Liu Qidi said, "One bad news, one good news."

Everyone looked at her.

Liu Di said, "The bad news is that every half hour, the consul will conduct a complete inspection of the entire settlement area and scan everyone's identity information. In other words, we gangsters only have half an hour at most.

After being discovered, the whole process of this raid only lasted half an hour."

Li Junjie asked, "Where's the good news?"

Liu Di said, "The good news is that as long as we control the Tower of God and the six major factories within half an hour, we will have completed the mission..."

Having said this, she looked at Li Xiaofei and said, "Take me and my sister to the Tower of God. I have a way to crack it and get the command authority of the stationed archons and make them our own."


Li Xiaofei nodded and said, "Then we will split up."

Liu Tutuo took out confidential maps of the six major factory areas, describing and marking various agencies, defenses, firepower, troops, and the garrison status of strong men in detail.

In addition, there are several disguised electronic identity seals, which can be used to hide from the electronic guards to a certain extent and sneak into the factory area of ​​the Creation Factory.

"Where did you get this?"

Li Xiaofei and others were shocked


What does this girl do?

Naked Thief?

Why do you look so prepared?

Liu Qidu said very calmly, "Isn't it strange? I didn't run away and wander to the Dayehai camp, but I went to seek partners. I was originally planning to cooperate with Zhang Wannian and others, but I didn't expect that these people were actually the lackeys of Eden. Now I see

Come on, you guys seem to be better partners... Anyway, don't let me down, I hope I didn't choose the wrong teammate."

Li Xiaofei was speechless. .??.

He felt more and more that the origin of this girl named Liu Qiujiu was not as simple as it seemed.

Soon, the grouping was completed.

Li Xiaofei took the Liu Earth sisters to the Tower of God alone.

Others are divided into six groups.

Attack each of the six major factory areas.

The plan has been decided.

Everyone immediately separated.

Li Xiaofei led the two sisters towards the Tower of God.

"We need to put on makeup."

Liu Tutu said in a low voice.

"Need not."

Li Xiaofei said, "As long as you have an electronic identity seal, you can sneak into the Tower of God first, and I will have a plan for what happens next."

Liu Earthworld hesitated for a moment and said, "Okay."

After a pause, she hummed again and said, "A man's pitiful winning mentality."

Li Xiaofei was too lazy to pay attention.

Soon, the three of them arrived at the entrance below the Tower of God.

The electronic identity seal made by Liu Tujie worked. It was scanned at least ten times along the way, and was directly intercepted and inspected by the consul, but in the end they were all allowed.

This is the shortcoming of computer intelligence.

As long as the electronic identity seal is correct, even a dog can be put in.


The door to the Tower of God opens.

When you look up from the bottom, this huge tower looks like a dragon spear thrust into the sky. It is completely white.
, about twenty meters in diameter, thick at the bottom and thin at the top. The walls are made of some rare metal. It is difficult to tell how many layers there are from the outside.

It was dark inside the tower.

Standing outside, you can't clearly see the structure inside the tower.

Li Xiaofei and the other two slowly walked in.


The door closes behind you.

The walls became tight again without any trace of a door.

The light inside the tower suddenly became brighter again.

The white light seems to be breathing, changing in intensity.

Along the wall, there is a spiral staircase that winds upward.

Look up towards the top.

The stars are dotted, and the distance is quiet.

It's like standing on the top of a mountain and looking at the stars in the universe, which immediately makes people feel insignificant.

"Climb up the stairs?"

Liu Tianqiu asked.

Li Xiaofei shook his head.

"So what's your plan?"

Liu Earthquake asked again.

"No plan."

Li Xiaofei said.


Liu Tutu was stunned and said seriously, "Don't be joking at this time."

Li Xiaofei said, "I'm not kidding. My plan is to have no plan and just act according to circumstances."

Liu Earthquake "..."

The words have not yet fallen.

Boom, boom, boom.

A sound effect sounded as if a switch had been turned on, and three light beams moved from above and fell, covering the three of them.

"Welcome to the Tower of God."

A slightly joking, cold laugh sounded, "I can't remember how long it has been since no uninvited guests arrived... I hope your next performance can add even a little bit of fun to my boring wait."


was discovered.

Liu Tutuo's hair suddenly stood up.

This chapter has been completed!
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